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We’re committed to delivering high-quality documentation that empowers developers, miners, and users to engage with the BlockDAG ecosystem seamlessly.
Here’s what we’re crafting:
Our documentation aims to bridge technical complexity with user-friendliness, ensuring that everyone in the ecosystem has the resources they need to thrive.
18:T41e,The BlockDAG Explorer and X1 Miner App are undergoing rigorous testing as part of our preparations for an internal demo.
Our testing process also includes edge case evaluations and stress tests to ensure that the ecosystem’s tools remain reliable under the most demanding conditions.
19:T798,With the anticipated growth of our network, we’re prioritizing efforts to ensure that our infrastructure is optimized for scalability, reliability, and speed.
Key Focus Areas:
Advanced Planning for System Performance:
Next Steps:
The BlockDAG Explorer serves as the gateway to our ecosystem, offering critical insights into network activity. We’re conducting comprehensive stress testing and performance evaluations.
Stress Testing Objectives:
Planned Upgrades and Improvements:
Future Explorer Enhancements:
We are excited to announce that Google Authenticator will be introduced to the X1 app—an essential security upgrade that will protect your mining operations from unauthorized access. Security is the foundation of any decentralized application, and this feature will demonstrate our commitment to safeguarding your account and data.
How Will It Work?
Google Authenticator will introduce Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), a widely recognized security measure that provides an extra layer of protection.
Here’s how it will work:
The TOTP refreshes every 30 seconds, ensuring that even if someone obtains your login credentials, they won’t be able to access your account without the unique code.
Benefits of Google Authenticator for X1 App Users
We strongly encourage all users to enable Google Authenticator once it becomes available. This feature will set a new benchmark for security within the BlockDAG ecosystem, and we’ll provide a seamless roll-out process with clear instructions for enabling 2FA.
1c:T864,We are also upgrading the Node Visualizer features, and these enhancements will soon be integrated into the BlockDAG Explorer. These updates aim to provide deeper insights into the health, scale, and decentralization of the network, empowering the community with transparent and meaningful data.
New Features in the BlockDAG Explorer Node Visualizer
Why These Features Will Matter
How to Access These Insights
Once these updates are live, you will be able to explore these data points by navigating to the Node Visualizer section in the BlockDAG Explorer. The enhanced interface will prominently display the total nodes and their geographical distribution, allowing you to engage with the data in a user-friendly manner. Whether you are a miner, developer, or blockchain enthusiast, these insights will enrich your understanding of the BlockDAG network and its global infrastructure.
With this update, we’ve prioritized explicit memory management improvements, ensuring a safer and more stable environment for operations. These enhancements significantly improve the system's handling of resources, prevent common pitfalls, and pave the way for more reliable functionality.
Key advancements include:
1. Addressing Implicit Memory Aliasing in Parsing Functions
2. Enhanced Resource Handling in Network and File Modules
Ensuring robust file security is foundational to maintaining a safe blockchain ecosystem. With this update, we’ve taken concrete steps to reinforce file permissions and minimize unauthorized access risks:
These updates help protect critical files from tampering or exposure, creating a secure environment for both storage and processing.Advanced Error Management Across Modules
Error handling is the cornerstone of a robust software architecture, and our enhancements ensure greater fault tolerance and resilient error recovery mechanisms:
Deferred Close Operations
This enhanced error management framework ensures predictable behavior, even under stress, boosting the platform’s overall dependability.
1f:Tcf5,Hello BlockDAG Community!
We’re back with another exciting update, and this time, we’re diving deep into the most recent stats from our BlockDAG network. Our ecosystem is growing rapidly, and it’s essential to stay informed about the key metrics that reflect this expansion. Today’s snapshot provides valuable insights into the current state of BlockDAG and gives us a glimpse of what’s to come in the near future.
Let’s break down these exciting figures and what they mean for the future of BlockDAG:
BlockDAG Price: $0.0206 BDAG
The current price of BlockDAG price $0.0206 BDAG, representing a steady and promising trajectory for the platform. As we continue to develop and integrate new features into our decentralized ecosystem, this price is a reflection of the strong foundations that have been laid. This growth is also driven by the increasing involvement of the community, the rollout of decentralized applications (dApps), and the enhancement of features that push the boundaries of decentralized technology. Whether you're a seasoned investor, a developer exploring the dApp landscape, or a newcomer, this price signals a rising momentum for the network.
Last Safe Block: 284,989
The Last Safe Block in the BlockDAG network is currently 284,989. In blockchain and decentralized systems, the concept of a safe block is crucial, as it marks the most recent block that can no longer be altered or reversed. This ensures the integrity of the network and secures all previous transactions, making them immutable. Each additional safe block represents the ongoing commitment of the BlockDAG network to provide an unshakable foundation for decentralized finance, contract execution, and data preservation. This milestone enhances the overall security and reliability of the system, which will be critical as the network scales.
Total Block: 285,058
The Total Block Count has reached 285,058, a testament to the network's ongoing progress. Each new block signifies data validation, adding another layer of cryptographic security to the chain. As more transactions are processed and smart contracts are deployed, this block count will only continue to rise. The consistent growth of the block count speaks to the scalability and durability of BlockDAG, positioning it as a robust solution for future decentralized applications and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. Every block added strengthens the network's foundation, ensuring that it can handle the demands of future technologies and use cases.
Total Transactions: 362,599
Today’s snapshot records 362,599 total transactions, showcasing steady activity within the BlockDAG network. This level of transaction volume indicates increasing user engagement as the platform matures and expands its capabilities. As more dApps and decentralized services are developed and deployed on BlockDAG, we anticipate continued growth in transaction volume. The strong network foundation ensures that it can handle this rising activity efficiently, without compromising on performance or security.
As we scale the BlockDAG ecosystem, managing infrastructure manually is no longer a sustainable option. That’s why we’re making the leap to automation with Terraform, a powerful infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool. This shift isn’t just about reducing manual effort; it’s about creating a more efficient, reliable, and scalable foundation for our platform.
Why Terraform?
Terraform allows us to define infrastructure configurations as code, enabling us to deploy, manage, and modify resources consistently and efficiently.
Here’s why this transition is a game-changer for BlockDAG:
What’s Changing?
Our first steps involve automating key components of our deployment process:
Impact on BlockDAG Development
By freeing up our team from repetitive tasks, we can redirect resources toward innovation and feature development. This transition is just the beginning, with more automation initiatives planned as we expand the BlockDAG platform.
Our latest sprint review meeting brought the team together to assess progress, discuss challenges, and plan for upcoming milestones.
Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what we’ve been working on and where we’re headed:
What We Achieved This Sprint
BlockDAG Advances Stability and Performance
BlockDAG has made significant strides toward enhancing platform stability, security, and error management. This update introduces advanced error-handling mechanisms that intercept and address system issues early, fortified by internal audit resolutions and enhanced redundancy to ensure uninterrupted functionality. Timeout support optimizes performance by preventing overloads and improving synchronization, leading to faster block confirmations and reduced latency. Key system components, including the blockchain engine, networking layer, cryptographic operations, and database management, received targeted upgrades to enhance reliability and security. Logging and peer-to-peer communication have also been bolstered for smoother network interactions, while smart contract modules now feature improved checks for safer execution. These advancements solidify BlockDAG’s commitment to creating a robust, scalable, and community-driven ecosystem, with plans for further optimizations, community feedback integration, and scalability enhancements on the horizon.
Enhances Security, and Scalability
BlockDAG's latest update focuses on enhancing stability, security, and user experience with comprehensive error-handling mechanisms across key modules like the blockchain engine, networking, cryptographic operations, and peer-to-peer communication. This robust framework prevents crashes, preserves data integrity, and ensures smooth operations even during high-load scenarios. Key improvements include resolving audit issues, introducing timeout support for better performance, and reinforcing critical components like the RPC and Service modules. These advancements significantly boost reliability for end users, streamline troubleshooting for developers, and strengthen the platform’s defenses against vulnerabilities, marking a major step toward making BlockDAG a production-ready, scalable blockchain ecosystem.
BlockDAG Boosts Security and Miner Efficiency
BlockDAG's latest update reinforces security, stability, and resource management across its ecosystem, reflecting a significant leap in platform reliability. Key advancements include enhanced memory safety in critical modules to prevent vulnerabilities, stricter file permissions to protect sensitive data, and improved resource handling for seamless mining and system operations. Additionally, the OTP issue in the X1 Miner app was resolved, ensuring secure and smooth user authentication. These updates provide enhanced operational security, a more efficient mining experience, and increased resilience against potential threats. Looking ahead, the team is focused on expanding X1 Miner app features, refining mining algorithms, and optimizing energy efficiency to support the network's growing scale and user base.
API, Phase 3, and Community Solutions
BlockDAG’s latest update highlights advancements in API documentation, Phase 3 planning, enhanced token contract listings, and community-driven issue resolution. The newly refined Swagger documentation for the BlockDAG Explorer offers developers an intuitive, interactive interface for API testing and seamless integration, including robust search capabilities for blockchain data. Phase 3 planning focuses on scalability, node synchronization, and new Explorer features to enhance user experience and system performance. Token listings are set to include real-time market data, token-specific analytics, and comprehensive metadata for deeper insights. Additionally, the team is addressing community-reported issues with TK-to-EVM address conversion to ensure accurate mining reward distribution. These updates reflect BlockDAG’s commitment to transparency, user empowerment, and a collaborative development approach.
As a part of the BlockDAG community, you’re at the heart of everything we do.
Here’s how these updates impact you:
Join Us in Building the Future
BlockDAG is evolving rapidly, and we’re thrilled to have you on this journey with us. From automation to feature development, every step we take is a step toward a more robust, community-driven blockchain ecosystem.
Stay tuned for more info!
We’re actively refining the technical documentation for BlockDAG’s API, with our latest focus on the Swagger documentation for the BlockDAG Explorer.
This Swagger interface offers a comprehensive breakdown of API endpoints, enabling developers to interact with BlockDAG’s data and integrate with our Explorer seamlessly.
Here’s a deeper look at what the Swagger doc provides:
This documentation is continuously updated as new functionalities are added, ensuring developers have access to the latest resources and the most robust information for integrating with BlockDAG.
25:T461,As we progress through our current milestones, we are actively planning and discussing the next steps for Phase 3. This phase will be packed with community-focused features, and we are currently finalizing the scope to ensure it aligns with our broader goals.
Here’s a sneak peek at some of the objectives under discussion:
Phase 3 embodies BlockDAG’s commitment to community involvement and transparency. As the roadmap solidifies, we look forward to sharing more specifics and gathering your feedback to help guide development further.
26:T4eb,Our team is actively expanding the depth of market data available within token contract listings on the BlockDAG Explorer.
Here’s what’s in development and what you can look forward to:
These additions will transform the BlockDAG Explorer into an essential tool for token analysis, combining real-time data with in-depth technical insights to serve developers, traders, and analysts alike.
27:T40e,We recently received feedback from our community regarding address conversion issues during node setup.
Resolving these community-driven issues remains our priority, and we’ll continue to provide updates as solutions are implemented. If you're facing similar challenges, please reach out through our support channels for assistance.
28:Tbe1,This week, we implemented several essential security adjustments aimed at tightening controls, preventing unauthorized access, improving resource allocation, and enforcing robust error-handling protocols. These updates solidify BlockDAG’s security framework, adding layers of protection and operational resilience.
Here’s a breakdown of what we tackled:
1. Explicit Memory Management and Safety Enhancements
2. Stricter File Access Permissions
3. Enhanced Resource Management for Reliability
In addition to these core updates, our team swiftly resolved a critical OTP (One-Time Password) issue within the X1 Miner app. This enhancement focused on refining the OTP authentication flow, ensuring that OTPs are generated and validated consistently across different scenarios.
Here’s what the fix brings to the table:
With the OTP authentication issue successfully addressed, we’ve not only improved the app’s functionality but also reinforced user trust in the security of BlockDAG’s mining operations.
2a:T479,These recent enhancements reflect our commitment to secure, reliable, and efficient coding practices. By fortifying memory management, file access security, and resource reliability, and by addressing app-specific issues, we’re preparing BlockDAG’s infrastructure for future scalability and increased user demand. This focus on proactive security practices ensures BlockDAG can continue to provide a stable and optimized environment for users, developers, and miners alike.
For the community, this means:
Today also marked our weekly sync-up with BlockDAG team members, where we discussed current project milestones, development progress, and exciting new feature rollouts on the horizon.
Here’s a look at what’s coming:
X1 Miner App: Upcoming Features in Development
Miner Software Updates
Today, our team implemented a systematic error-handling framework across multiple critical modules within BlockDAG. We’ve fortified core areas like the blockchain engine, command-line tools, networking, core functionality, cryptographic operations, database management, logging, and peer-to-peer (P2P) communication.
Here’s a detailed look at each module and the vital improvements:
With these improvements, BlockDAG can now more effectively handle unexpected conditions across the system, providing a secure, stable experience for all users and developers.
2d:T4ed,At the core of today’s update lies comprehensive error handling—a transformative addition that reinforces stability and reduces the risk of system vulnerabilities. Error handling is a silent protector, operating in the background to prevent potential system issues from escalating.
Here’s what we’ve done:
This update wouldn’t be complete without touching on the meticulous improvements across BlockDAG’s various modules.
Each area below received targeted upgrades to strengthen stability and functionality:
Today’s update represents BlockDAG’s dedication to ongoing improvements. By addressing critical audit findings, implementing thorough error handling, and adding timeout support, we’re ensuring a safer, more efficient environment for developers, users, and stakeholders.
We’re just getting started! Expect more updates as we continue refining BlockDAG, focusing on areas such as:
Stay tuned, and keep exploring the future with BlockDAG!
30:T6be,Today was a big day for coordination and planning. We held multiple strategic meetings with our Explorer Team, Blockchain Team, and X1 Miner App Team to align on our shared vision and address immediate priorities. Each team brought valuable insights and unique perspectives, fueling a productive exchange of ideas that will shape the future of BlockDAG.
Here’s a breakdown of the key topics discussed:
These meetings reinforce our team’s dedication to creating a seamless and impactful experience for everyone in the BlockDAG community. With each team working closely together, we’re excited to deliver a platform that truly reflects our community’s needs and aspirations.
As part of our mission to streamline development and improve quality control, we’ve integrated Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) into our automation testing framework for the BlockDAG Explorer. This is a major milestone that brings significant benefits to our development workflow, ensuring that updates are rolled out faster and with greater stability.
What CI/CD Means for BlockDAG:
By implementing CI/CD, we’re taking proactive steps to ensure that the Explorer is reliable, responsive, and capable of handling future growth. This integration is an investment in BlockDAG’s future, allowing us to scale more efficiently and stay ahead of potential issues.
32:T62b,In addition to today’s meetings, we also held an in-depth sprint planning session to chart our roadmap for the upcoming weeks. This sprint planning was a collaborative effort to prioritize tasks, set clear objectives, and align our focus across all teams.
Here’s what’s on the horizon for BlockDAG:
This sprint planning session solidified our roadmap and gave each team a clear direction, equipping us to achieve our objectives with precision and focus. As we move forward, these plans will form the foundation of the next wave of updates, innovations, and enhancements.
33:T1033,BlockDAG Update Summary: Nodes Module, Community Support, and Enhanced Faucet API
This week at BlockDAG, we achieved major milestones across multiple areas, reinforcing our commitment to transparency, user experience, and platform resilience. We launched the Nodes Module on our internal network, providing real-time insights into node health and network stability, a vital step towards a full public release. Our team also addressed key community queries, improving documentation and offering solutions for issues like Docker Compose setup, node functionality verification, and wallet balance checks, all designed to streamline user onboarding and platform engagement. Additionally, we optimized the faucet API to reduce latency, enhance load balancing, and strengthen security, ensuring a smoother experience for users accessing test tokens. Moving forward, we’re planning even more improvements, including the public release of the Nodes Module, expanded support documentation, and continued backend optimizations to maintain a responsive and user-friendly platform.
BlockDAG Development Update Summary: Visuals, API Optimization, and Automation Testing
The BlockDAG team is excited to share recent advancements aimed at enhancing user experience, platform stability, and efficiency. We’ve launched automation testing on our EVM module to ensure consistent, accurate data across blocks, transactions, and faucet functionalities, accelerating our testing process for reliable updates. In our Node Visualizer, we’re integrating a new globe library that delivers sharper visuals, smooth interactivity, and a responsive design for an immersive experience of our network. Additionally, we’ve optimized the API for the Faucet screen, reducing load times and improving server efficiency for a seamless user interaction. With these improvements, BlockDAG is evolving into a more robust, dynamic, and user-centric platform. Exciting updates like the visual enhancements, a streamlined faucet experience, and stable EVM performance are on the horizon.
Upcoming Enhancements for BlockDAG: Fee Customization, Key Modules, and Automation
The BlockDAG team is thrilled to unveil several major upgrades that will enhance our platform’s functionality, transparency, and user experience. First, we're introducing fee customization, allowing users to adjust transaction fees based on network conditions, improving flexibility and efficiency. We're also developing new modules, including a Contract Listing to access detailed smart contract data, a Token Listing for tracking tokens and market stats, and a Nodes Module for real-time node status monitoring. Additionally, an ERC-20 Contract Verification module will boost security by offering verified trust badges for audited contracts. To improve data reliability, we're automating our EVM explorer for real-time blockchain tracking, along with automated report generation for consistent, insightful analytics. These advancements are tailored to create a user-centric, transparent, and efficient platform as we continue to innovate.
BlockDAG Development Update: ASIC Miner Testing, X1 Miner Real-Time Updates, and New User Guide
The BlockDAG team has exciting updates, including progress on ASIC miner compatibility, enhancements to the X1 Miner app, and an upcoming user guide. We're rigorously testing ASIC Miner hardware for compatibility, focusing on heat management, power efficiency, and performance across various configurations to ensure seamless integration with BlockDAG. Meanwhile, the X1 Miner app now provides real-time balance updates every three seconds, allowing users to track their mining rewards instantly, enhancing transparency and user engagement. Additionally, a new user guide is in the works to support users on Contract Listing and Node Visualizer screens, offering step-by-step instructions, tips, and troubleshooting solutions. These advancements mark another step toward a more robust, user-friendly BlockDAG platform, with more exciting updates to come!
Our team has undertaken a comprehensive testing phase for the ASIC Miner hardware, aimed at ensuring flawless compatibility with the BlockDAG ecosystem.
The process is rigorous: we’re running extensive test cases across multiple mining environments to capture a full spectrum of compatibility metrics. Each setup is being tested under diverse configurations and loads, so we can guarantee stability and performance under real-world conditions once it’s live.
Here’s a sneak peek at what we’re focusing on in our testing:
Stay tuned as we refine compatibility, resolve any edge-case issues, and bring you an advanced, reliable, and rewarding mining experience on BlockDAG. Each stage brings us one step closer to a seamless rollout for the ASIC miner, and we can’t wait to bring you along on this journey!
35:T4ef,We’ve just rolled out a game-changing update to the X1 Miner app—now, your mining balance will refresh every three seconds, keeping you in tune with your earnings like never before. Gone are the days of periodic updates; this new feature ensures you have a real-time, dynamic snapshot of your rewards, helping you track your balance with unprecedented precision.
Why this update matters:
This feature is now live, so hop on the X1 Miner app and watch your earnings grow in real time. The feedback from the community has been fantastic so far, and we’re eager to see how you’ll use this new feature to optimize your mining experience!
36:T5a3,As BlockDAG evolves with an increasing array of tools and features, we’re committed to making sure each member of our community can navigate the platform with confidence and ease. In response to your feedback, we’re developing a detailed user guide tailored to the Contract Listing and Node Visualizer screens. This comprehensive guide is designed to be accessible for both newcomers and experienced users, offering everything you need to make the most of these advanced features.
Here’s what you can expect from the new user guide:
Whether you’re listing contracts or analyzing node data, our guide will serve as your go-to resource, ensuring you can harness the full power of BlockDAG’s features. We want each member of our community to feel empowered and knowledgeable, and we’re confident this guide will help you explore the platform’s potential with confidence.
37:T1167,We’re finalizing the scope for our next release, and we’re excited to announce that the following key modules are set to be included.
Let’s break down each feature and how it will enhance the overall user experience on our platform:
Quality assurance is at the core of delivering a reliable and secure platform, and automation plays a crucial role in making this process efficient and consistent. We’re excited to announce the initiation of automation testing on our EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) module, which is one of the foundational components of BlockDAG. This testing spans essential elements such as blocks, detailed blocks, transactions, and the faucet feature within the Explorer, ensuring each component performs precisely as intended.
Details of EVM Automation Testing:
Automating these essential components allows us to proactively identify and resolve issues before they impact the user. Additionally, automation accelerates the testing process, enabling us to roll out updates quickly and reliably. Every automated test is carefully documented, analyzed, and integrated into our continuous improvement cycle, providing a stable and resilient platform as we introduce new features and enhancements.
39:T710,Creating an engaging visual experience is crucial for our Explorer, especially on the Node Visualizer screen, which serves as a powerful tool for visualizing the BlockDAG network. During R&D, we identified a new and improved globe library that significantly outperforms our previous version in terms of visual sophistication and interactive features. This library will enhance the globe feature, providing an immersive experience for our users.
What to Expect with This New Globe Library:
Our development team is fully committed to integrating this new library, replacing the current globe feature with a version that brings high performance and a visually stunning experience. This integration prioritizes speed, ensuring quick load times and smooth interactions without compromising visualization quality. Once this visual transformation is complete, we’re eager to bring this to you and gather your feedback.
3a:T4dd,In our ongoing effort to streamline backend performance, we’ve optimized the API for the Faucet screen. The faucet is an essential tool for community members exploring or testing the ecosystem, and this optimization ensures that it performs better than ever, especially during peak usage.
Benefits of the API Optimization:
Our QA team is currently testing the optimized faucet API, simulating various scenarios to ensure it remains stable and consistent. Once the testing is complete and passes our quality checks, the optimized faucet will be rolled out, allowing users to enjoy an even faster experience as they engage with the BlockDAG platform.
3b:T6a9,The long-awaited Nodes Module has officially been deployed on our internal network! This module represents a major step forward in network transparency and user engagement, allowing stakeholders to visualize the health and activity of nodes across the BlockDAG network. The Nodes Module serves as a window into the intricate workings of our distributed ecosystem, showcasing node activity, performance, and overall network stability.
Key Features and Capabilities of the Nodes Module:
Supporting our community is a cornerstone of BlockDAG’s mission, and this means addressing any technical challenges users face as they explore the platform. Over the past few weeks, we’ve received a variety of queries regarding node script issues, setup complications, and operational concerns. We’ve diligently reviewed and responded to each query to enhance the user experience and improve our documentation.
Below is a detailed breakdown of some of the top queries we resolved this week:
Key Community Queries and How We Addressed Them-
Each resolved query reflects our ongoing commitment to improving the BlockDAG user experience. By directly addressing user concerns and incorporating their feedback, we’re building a community that’s not only informed but also empowered. We encourage all community members to continue reaching out with any questions or issues—they help us make BlockDAG a better platform for everyone.
3d:T863,The faucet API is an invaluable tool for both new and experienced users, as it provides easy access to test tokens, allowing users to explore the platform without the need for real assets. Due to increased demand, we prioritized optimizing the faucet API, ensuring that it remains responsive, scalable, and secure.
Enhancements to the Faucet API:
Our commitment to a reliable faucet API doesn’t end here. We’ll continue to monitor its performance, seeking additional ways to enhance speed, scalability, and security. We’re dedicated to maintaining the faucet as a resource that provides value to the BlockDAG community, empowering users to explore and engage with the platform.
3e:T4b3,As we look to the future, our development team has outlined several exciting initiatives that will continue to strengthen the BlockDAG ecosystem:
The dashboard summary for this week showcases some impressive activity.
Here’s what stands out:
This growth signals the BlockDAG community’s increasing trust and participation, moving us closer to our vision of a resilient, community-driven blockchain ecosystem.
To keep our community informed and engaged, we’re excited to announce an upcoming feature: admin-managed news and posts will soon be accessible directly through the X1 App! This new addition will deliver the latest updates, developments, and announcements straight to your fingertips.
Here’s what you can expect:
By integrating admin panel news, the X1 App becomes an even more powerful tool for community engagement, transparency, and information sharing. This feature is just one step in our ongoing mission to enhance the user experience on BlockDAG.
41:T626,Recently highlighted in our sprint planning session, BlockDAG’s upcoming Node Visualizer will offer a revolutionary way to interact with our network. This real-time, interactive map will display global node locations, connectivity, and performance metrics in a 3D globe interface. Users will soon be able to explore node distribution, monitor transactions per second (TPS), and view block data, underscoring BlockDAG’s commitment to transparency and decentralization.
Future updates will add even deeper insights and interactivity, making the Node Visualizer a comprehensive, user-friendly tool for understanding BlockDAG’s network structure and performance.
Platform Enhancements: ERC-20 and ERC-721 Contract Screens
As part of our dedication to a seamless and user-friendly experience, BlockDAG is rolling out significant improvements to our ERC-20 and ERC-721 contract screens:
ERC-20 Contracts: Updates include a refined UI, improved transaction visibility, and smoother navigation, making it easier to track token activities. Popular contracts have received proactive bug fixes, ensuring reliability during peak usage.
ERC-721 (NFT) Screen: Enhancements here include faster loading, rich media metadata, and comprehensive event logs, creating a smoother, more immersive NFT exploration experience.
Looking forward, we’re intensifying QA testing, incorporating community feedback, and developing advanced data visualization tools to deliver a more responsive, engaging platform.
One of our primary focuses this sprint has been ensuring that the ERC-20 contract screen is both user-friendly and feature-rich. After extensive user feedback and rigorous internal testing, we’ve identified and resolved several key issues to improve both the design and functionality of these screens.
Here’s what’s new:
These updates will make ERC-20 contract screens more intuitive, responsive, and suited to our community’s needs, ensuring a smoother experience all around.
43:T5ae,With BlockDAG hosting numerous popular contracts regularly accessed by our community, we recognize the importance of maintaining high standards for their performance. To this end, our team has prioritized bug fixes for a selection of highly active ERC-20 and ERC-721 contracts, ensuring they operate flawlessly, even during peak usage.
Here’s a closer look at the improvements:
These improvements are integral to maintaining BlockDAG’s reliability and ensuring a user-friendly experience, especially for our most active contracts.
44:T5d2,ERC-721 contracts hold a significant place in the BlockDAG ecosystem, particularly with the surge in NFT adoption. Our team has focused on bug fixes specific to ERC-721 contracts to elevate performance and enhance user experience.
Here’s how we’re making NFT exploration smoother and more engaging:
With these updates, NFT enthusiasts and collectors can dive deeper into their assets on BlockDAG, exploring collections with enhanced detail and ease.
45:T559,As we continue refining the BlockDAG platform, we’re excited to bring additional features and improvements that will enhance the platform’s functionality and usability.
Here’s a sneak peek at what’s on the horizon:
These updates are a significant step toward delivering a secure, feature-rich, and responsive platform that can meet the evolving needs of our expanding community.Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue to elevate the BlockDAG experience together, one development at a time!
46:T5a0,As part of our sprint goals, we’re making significant improvements to the X1 App’s design, focusing on lazy loading for smoother performance. Lazy loading is a powerful feature that will allow elements to load only when needed, rather than all at once, which can significantly reduce load times and improve the app’s responsiveness.
Here’s what these design improvements mean for you:
These improvements will make the BlockDAG X1 App more efficient, allowing our growing user base to interact with contracts and nodes effortlessly, without any lags or delays.
47:T4ab,Our journey doesn’t stop here! As we continue this sprint, we’re excited to bring even more enhancements and features to the X1 App and beyond.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s on the horizon:
Stay tuned as we complete these exciting updates and roll out new features that make the BlockDAG ecosystem more robust, transparent, and user-friendly. With each milestone we reach, we’re one step closer to building a decentralized future that benefits all.
48:T516,Caching enables faster data retrieval by storing frequently accessed information, which speeds up load times and prevents redundant data requests.
Here’s how this improvement will impact your Node Visualizer experience:
These enhancements align with our commitment to providing a user-friendly, data-rich interface for the BlockDAG community. Through the Node Visualizer, you can gain valuable insights into the network’s decentralized structure and better understand the blockchain’s operational intricacies.
49:T437,By re-testing, we’re identifying and resolving any inconsistencies or performance issues to guarantee that the Explorer’s contract screens meet the highest standards.
Here’s how our efforts will enhance your interaction with the platform:
As we continue refining the ERC-20 and ERC-721 screens, we’re also planning to add some exciting new features based on feedback and testing insights:
These improvements to the contract screens will make the BlockDAG Explorer a more powerful tool for users looking to engage with and analyze digital assets, whether they’re tokens or NFTs.
4b:T610,Our development roadmap is packed with exciting milestones.
Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming:
These next steps underscore our dedication to transparency, functionality, and community engagement. We’re constantly working to improve the BlockDAG experience, making it a powerful, intuitive platform for everyone.
Stay tuned as we continue to push the boundaries of blockchain technology. Together, let’s build a resilient and innovative future with BlockDAG!
The Node Visualizer operates by gathering and processing various data from nodes connected to the BlockDAG network.
This data includes:
Once this data is collected, it’s rendered on a 3D globe interface (as seen in the image above), where each node is represented by a pinpoint on the map. This globe updates in real-time, allowing users to get an accurate and up-to-date view of BlockDAG’s network structure and activity. The Node Visualizer will serve as a bridge between complex backend processes and accessible, engaging visuals, giving our community a unique window into how the BlockDAG network operates.
4d:Tb69,Our Node Visualizer is designed as an interactive, data-rich interface with various features to enhance the BlockDAG Explorer experience:
As we continue developing the Node Visualizer, here’s what to expect in the coming weeks:
The Node Visualizer is shaping up to be an invaluable addition to the BlockDAG Explorer, transforming blockchain data into an interactive, accessible experience for everyone. We’re excited to bring this feature to you, and we’re committed to making it the most advanced, user-friendly network visualization tool in the blockchain space.
Stay tuned for more updates as we move closer to launching the Node Visualizer – a window into the vast, decentralized world of BlockDAG!
if err := mc.bdagpool.init(consensus, &chain.Config().Eth.Miner, chain.Config().Eth.Genesis.Config,
chain.Ether().Engine(), chain.Ether(), chain.Ether().EventMux()); err != nil
return nil, err
2. Error Handling for Block Commitment
In the commitBlocks map, additional error checks ensure that invalid entries are properly managed. The system removes non-compliant blocks while logging any errors that occur, thus preserving block integrity and facilitating improved error visibility.
for k, v := range mc.commitBlocks.GetMap()
opt, ok := v.(bool)
if !ok || !opt {
if err := mc.Remove(k); err != nil
return fmt.Errorf("error removing key %v: %w", k, err)
} else {
if err := mc.Add(k); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error adding key %v: %w", k, err)
3. Retry Logic for Random Byte Generation
A new retry mechanism is implemented for generating random bytes to improve cryptographic operations. In the event of an error, the system retries the operation until successful, ensuring seamless generation of secure random bytes without failing unpredictably.
for {
if _, err := rand.Read(target[:]); err != nil
log.Error("failed to read random bytes for target: %v, retrying...", err)
continue // Retry if an error occurs
break // Exit loop once random bytes are successfully generated
4. Logging and Debugging Enhancements
Enhanced logging across the BlockDAG processing pipeline provides detailed error traces, enabling developers to identify and resolve issues more efficiently. These logging updates ensure that error events are logged clearly, improving traceability for both debugging and operations.
Our work on the BlockDAG Blockchain Explorer is moving full steam ahead! The team is using the best development practices and cutting-edge technology to ensure that our explorer becomes a powerful tool for users, developers, and the broader community.
The explorer will give you full visibility into the blockchain, allowing you to track transactions, explore addresses, and gain deep insights into the network's activity. We’re designing it to be user-friendly and highly informative, so you can get the most out of your interactions with the blockchain.
We’ve successfully tested out support for the EVM Smart Contract Module, a key component of the BlockDAG platform. With this module live, users can now interact with and deploy smart contracts on the BlockDAG network using Ethereum’s Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility. This is a huge step towards enabling decentralized applications (dApps) to flourish on BlockDAG.
With the Smart Contract Module deployed, we’re now turning our attention to the next exciting modules in our development roadmap. Here’s what’s coming next:
Nodes Module – Tracking and Monitoring the Network! Our next major focus is the Nodes Module, which will provide a detailed overview of the nodes that power our BlockDAG network. This module will be an essential tool for developers, miners, and community members alike, offering key insights into how the network is functioning.
Key features of the Nodes Module:
The Nodes Module will play a vital role in helping us maintain and optimize the performance of the entire BlockDAG network.
Contract Verification Module – Bringing Transparency to Smart Contracts! After the Nodes Module, we’ll be introducing the highly anticipated Contract Verification Module. This feature is a crucial step toward making smart contracts on BlockDAG more transparent and secure.
What is Contract Verification? Contract verification is the process of ensuring that the source code of a smart contract matches what’s been deployed on the blockchain. By verifying a contract, users can see the exact code running behind the scenes, which promotes trust and security in the system.
52:T515,1. ERC-721: Elevating Unique NFTs to a New Standard
The ERC-721 standard, which powers unique, non-fungible tokens, is getting an upgrade with IPFS integration on BlockDAG. This enhancement will allow creators to store high-quality content like images and animations, making each NFT not only visually appealing but also resilient in its authenticity.
2. ERC-1155: Powering Multi-Asset and Multi-Utility NFTs
ERC-1155 tokens, known for their ability to represent both fungible and non-fungible assets, offer flexibility for creators managing large collections of NFTs. Integrating IPFS with ERC-1155 means that even in a single contract holding multiple assets—whether in-game items or collectible series—each token's metadata is stored efficiently and remains decentralized and easily retrievable.
This system ensures scalability, so creators minting a variety of assets, each with unique properties and media, can rely on IPFS to manage this information without centralized vulnerabilities. Whether it’s a game where items have various skins or attributes, users will enjoy a richer experience through permanently stored metadata.
BlockDAG is dedicated to creating an IPFS-backed infrastructure tailored specifically to our NFT ecosystem. This integration will involve several key steps:
One of our current priorities is resolving the issue of missing transactions from the UTXO transaction list. We understand how crucial it is to have a seamless and accurate representation of transaction data, especially for users managing unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) in decentralized finance applications.
What We’re Doing:
Another area where we’re focusing our efforts is the issue of Gas Used showing zero in the block list on the last pages. As gas fees are a crucial component in understanding the computational cost of transactions, this metric is important for both developers and users monitoring network activity.
Our Approach:
One of the more intricate challenges we’re tackling this week is the parent gap issue on the blockchain. This issue occurs when a block in the chain is missing a connection to its preceding block, leading to inconsistencies in the block structure.
Addressing the Problem:
We’re also making significant strides in integrating ERC-1155 functionality into the contract listing screens. This feature will enable multi-token contract support, expanding the scope and usability of BlockDAG for developers and users alike. However, we’ve encountered some challenges along the way that are driving us to dig deeper into the ERC-1155 standard.
Key Challenges:
Once these issues are resolved, the ERC-1155 functionality will open up exciting new possibilities for developers to create more complex, multi-token applications on BlockDAG. We’re excited to bring this feature to life and will keep the community updated as we make progress.
58:T434,Here’s what you can look forward to in the coming weeks:
Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Your feedback is invaluable as we work through these technical challenges and strive to make BlockDAG the best it can be. Together, we’re pushing the boundaries of decentralized technology and creating a brighter future for blockchain.
Stay tuned for more exciting developments on the horizon!
This week, we’re diving deep into the development of ERC-1155 support on the BlockDAG Explorer’s contract listing screens. This milestone is a significant step in our mission to enhance the platform’s capabilities and support multi-token standards.
What’s Happening:
Stay tuned for updates as we move through this development phase and get closer to launching ERC-1155 support on the Explorer!
5a:T5bf,Our second major focus this week is the integration of the developer release into the X1 Miner app, a critical step towards enhancing the decentralized mining experience for our users. We aim to provide developers and miners with direct access to the latest updates and features, ensuring they are always at the forefront of innovation.
The X1 Miner app is a central part of our ecosystem, and we’re committed to ensuring its features are optimized and reliable for all users. Your feedback during this phase is invaluable, and we appreciate your patience as we work through these challenges.
5b:T60c,Another exciting update is that we’ve completed the wireframes for the Node Visualizer! This tool will be a groundbreaking addition to our ecosystem, providing an interactive and comprehensive view of the BlockDAG network’s infrastructure.
What’s in the Wireframes:
With the wireframes now complete, we’re excited to move into the next phase—building the interactive prototype. We can’t wait to share more updates and look forward to getting feedback from the community to shape this feature further.
5c:T58e,As we move forward, here’s what you can expect in the near future:
We’re grateful for your continued support and engagement as we work through these exciting phases. Together, we’re building a powerful, scalable, and user-centric platform that will shape the future of decentralized technology. Your feedback is essential, and we’re eager to hear your thoughts as these new features come to life.
Let’s keep pushing the boundaries and building the future of blockchain together!
Greetings, BlockDAG Community!
BlockDAG Update: Developer Releases will be soon available on our X1 Miner App!
We’re thrilled to announce that BlockDAG’s developer releases will soon be available on the X1 Miner app! This milestone allows for easier access to updates and contributions to our ecosystem. Whether managing nodes, mining, or exploring our latest innovations, these real-time updates provide early access to new features and improvements. We encourage you to participate actively—your feedback directly influences the platform’s future!
BlockDAG Ecosystem Update: Latest Stats & Exciting Insights!
Our ecosystem is growing rapidly, with the BDAG price at $0.0206 and a total block count reaching 105,569. We’ve recorded 3,732 transactions, demonstrating the network’s scalability and robustness as we prepare for the rollout of new features like Contract Listing and NFT integration. These enhancements, along with Smart Contract Verification, will significantly boost transparency and security across the network.
BlockDAG Security & Disaster Recovery: Commitment to Resilience and Safety
Our platform is designed with a multi-layered approach to security and a robust disaster recovery plan. From advanced network security measures, including DDoS protection and data integrity checks, to real-time monitoring and automated backups, we ensure the safety and long-term resilience of the BlockDAG network.
BlockDAG Network Update: Restarting with a New Image
We have successfully restarted our network with a fresh image update, optimizing performance, enhancing security, and improving stability. The update provides users with the option to restart their nodes smoothly, with or without data re-sync. The community’s feedback is crucial as we continue innovating and enhancing the platform.
We’ve officially kicked off the Performance and Load Testing phase for our dApp and the Explorer’s contract listing features! This essential step ensures that our platform can handle high transaction volumes, intense network activity, and heavy user loads while maintaining seamless and lightning-fast performance.
What We’re Focusing On:
Stay tuned for deeper insights as we gather results and implement performance improvements!
5f:T6a2,A significant milestone in our roadmap is the development of the Node Visualizer, and we’re excited to announce that we’ve started designing the wireframes!
The Node Visualizer will be a powerful feature, offering users and developers a comprehensive and intuitive visual representation of the BlockDAG network. It will allow users to explore node connections, monitor network health, and gain insights into the architecture through a user-friendly and interactive interface.
Highlights of the Wireframing Stage:
This is just the beginning—our vision for the Node Visualizer extends beyond wireframes. We’re eager to bring this concept to life and can’t wait to share the final design with you!
60:T5d2,No development process is complete without rigorous testing and refinement. Our team is currently addressing issues identified by our QA team during their thorough testing of the contract listing feature.
Our QA team has identified areas that need improvement, ensuring that the contract listing feature on the BlockDAG Explorer is functional and polished to perfection.
How We’re Tackling Bug Fixes:
Once this bug-fixing phase is complete, we will conduct another round of internal demos to ensure everything functions as intended. We’ll also incorporate user feedback to further refine and enhance the contract listing experience.
61:T51e,Our journey doesn’t stop here. We are dedicated to delivering a user-centric, reliable, and high-performance platform for the BlockDAG community.
Here’s what’s on the horizon:
We deeply appreciate your support and enthusiasm as we bring these exciting updates to life. Building a scalable and innovative platform is a journey we’re proud to share with our vibrant community. As always, we welcome your feedback and ideas—after all, BlockDAG thrives because of you.
Let’s keep building the future of blockchain together!
You can restart your BlockDAG node by following the commands suited to your operating system, choosing between restarting with or without a cleanup. Let’s explore both methods:1. Restart Without Cleanup
This option allows you to restart the network while keeping all your data intact. It’s ideal for users who want to continue from where the network last stopped. Here’s how to restart without losing any progress:
For Linux Users:
bash cd linux ./restart.sh
For macOS Users:
cd mac
What this script does:
2. Restart With Cleanup
If you prefer a fresh start or want to re-sync your node from the genesis block, this option is perfect for you. It removes old data while keeping your wallet and balance intact. Here’s how to perform a full cleanup restart:
For Linux Users:
bash cd linux ./restartWithCleanup.sh
For macOS Users:
cd mac
What this script does:
Security at BlockDAG is built on a multi-layered approach that fortifies every component of our network. From architecture to encryption, we ensure a safe environment for all users.
1. Network Security: Fortifying BlockDAG’s Backbone
2. Data Integrity & Encryption: Safeguarding Information:
3. Smart Contract Security: Building Trust Through Code
In case of unforeseen incidents like hardware failures or cyberattacks, our comprehensive disaster recovery plan (DR) ensures the BlockDAG platform remains operational.
1. Backup and Redundancy Systems: Always Ready
2. Incident Response & Recovery Protocols: Quick Action, Minimal Impact
3. Continuous Testing & Improvement: Staying One Step Ahead
As we continue to push the envelope in decentralized technology, we have a number of exciting features and updates in the pipeline that will further enhance the BlockDAG ecosystem:
These features, along with ongoing updates to the platform’s infrastructure, will drive further growth and innovation, solidifying BlockDAG’s place at the forefront of blockchain technology.
66:T5ad,Developer releases are about more than just early access to updates—they’re about building a collaborative future for the BlockDAG ecosystem. Here’s why they’re critical to our vision:
Our QA team has been meticulously testing the new Contract Listing feature, which will soon be live on the BlockDAG Explorer. We’ve listened to their feedback, and our developers have tackled every bug reported, ensuring that the user interface (UI) is seamless and all functionalities are working flawlessly. But the work doesn’t stop here—our QA team is now kicking off the next round of testing to uncover any remaining issues and ensure the feature is absolutely bug-free.
Why is this so exciting?
But that’s not all! Alongside perfecting the Contract Listing feature, we’re taking things to the next level with a full code refactor of the BlockDAG Explorer. This isn’t just a minor update—this is about optimizing the core engine that powers the explorer, making it faster, smoother, and even more responsive.
What’s Changing?
The BlockDAG ERC-721 Smart Contract screens have been designed and approved, focusing on simplicity and usability for all users, ensuring smooth navigation and interaction with tokens. The R&D team is enhancing the platform's scalability, security, and features like batch minting for large NFT collections. Development is in full swing, with rigorous testing and phased rollouts planned to optimize features progressively. The integration of these screens with the BlockDAG Explorer will allow seamless NFT management, trading, and interaction directly on the platform. The ERC-721 integration offers unique and secure NFTs, fast transactions, and interoperability with various blockchain tools. BlockDAG supports both ERC-721 and ERC-20 standards, providing flexibility for different asset types. The platform also supports real-world applications such as tokenized real estate, in-game assets, and intellectual property management, enhancing security and transparency. With ongoing innovation, BlockDAG is positioning itself as the premier platform for deploying ERC-721 contracts. The community is encouraged to stay engaged and explore the exciting potential of these developments.
6a:T470,The BlockDAG Explorer and dApp platform have shown remarkable progress since their launch, with impressive engagement metrics and successful development milestones. The explorer has processed over 82,000 blocks and 91,963 transactions, with strong performance in both EVM and UTXO transaction models. The fully developed dApp platform has successfully completed testing, ensuring a seamless user experience for managing decentralized applications. Comprehensive testing phases covered functionality, security, performance, and user experience, guaranteeing the platform's reliability and security. Simultaneously, the contract listing module has completed development and is now in testing to validate features such as contract listing, integration, and security. The team has overcome data synchronization challenges, improving the explorer’s data accuracy. Upcoming steps include live demos, database optimization, and community feedback collection to refine the platform further. The BlockDAG community's support has been essential, and the team is excited to continue building a user-centric, decentralized future together.
6b:T4c1,The mid-sprint update from BlockDAG highlights significant progress in development and architecture, emphasizing strategic planning sessions, stakeholder discussions, and advancements in the platform. The update delves into the BlockDAG Node Architecture, explaining the integration of the Phantom and GhostDAG protocols, which convert the DAG structure into a linear chain for faster transaction finality and scalability. The architecture supports UTXO and EVM models, enabling versatile transactions and smart contract interactions. The hybrid consensus mechanism combines Proof of Work with GhostDAG and Phantom for parallel block processing, enhancing speed and scalability. The Network Layer integrates P2P connectivity and RPC modules for seamless communication and developer interaction. The Token Contract Module was successfully deployed, and APIs for token transfers are in development. A live demo of the dApp platform received positive feedback, and synchronization improvements are gearing up for testnet deployment. The update reaffirms the team’s dedication to building a scalable, efficient, and secure blockchain ecosystem, inviting the community to stay engaged as they continue innovating.
6c:T519,We’ve already completed the first round of performance testing on our blockchain infrastructure, and the results were promising. Now, we’re preparing for Round 2 of Performance Testing, with even more rigorous standards and benchmarks. Our goal is to push BlockDAG to its limits, ensuring it can handle high transaction loads and stress without compromising performance or security.
In this phase, we’ll focus on three key areas:
As we wrap up development on key features and continue performance testing, here’s what’s coming next for the BlockDAG ecosystem:
We kicked off our session with an extensive, in-depth exploration of the BlockDAG Node Architecture. We went beyond the surface to dissect the inner mechanics of integrating the Phantom and GhostDAG protocols—two cutting-edge technologies that are pivotal in converting our Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure into a linear chain. This transformation isn’t just technical jargon; it’s the heart of BlockDAG’s ability to deliver lightning-fast transaction finality while maintaining unparalleled scalability and security.Here’s how it all comes together:
1. Coin Layer: UTXO and EVM Compatibility
The foundation of the BlockDAG node lies in its dual support for both UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) and EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) models, offering a versatile and powerful structure:
What’s exciting is how our architecture bridges these two models. Our diagram showcases how BDAG Coins operate within the UTXO framework while seamlessly interacting with EVM smart contracts. It’s a perfect blend of traditional and modern blockchain capabilities, setting the stage for diverse use cases like multi-token transactions, NFT minting, and DeFi protocols that can interact in harmony.
2. Consensus Layer: Phantom + GhostDAG Power Duo
The heartbeat of BlockDAG is our hybrid consensus mechanism, ingeniously blending Proof of Work (PoW) with the GhostDAG and Phantom protocols. This architecture is not just about speed; it’s a masterpiece of decentralized engineering:
Together, these protocols form a dynamic duo that propels BlockDAG’s consensus mechanism into a league of its own. By allowing high throughput while preserving decentralization and security, we’ve engineered a solution that not only meets today’s demands but is ready to handle the scaling challenges of tomorrow.
3. Network Layer: P2P Connectivity and RPC Integration
The Network Layer is the backbone that ensures everything runs smoothly, incorporating P2P Network and RPC (Remote Procedure Call) modules to maintain seamless node communication:
First, let’s dive into the latest numbers from our explorer and testnet. The platform has been bustling with activity, and the data shows significant engagement:
On bdagscan.com, we’ve seen strong performance across both EVM and UTXO transaction models. Here are the detailed stats since the testnet launch:EVM Transactions
UTXO Transactions
These figures highlight the flexibility and power of the BlockDAG platform, supporting diverse transaction types and use cases. The dual-model approach ensures a more comprehensive blockchain experience, enabling users to interact with both traditional UTXO models and the more advanced EVM-based smart contracts. We’re excited to see such growth and adoption as the community leverages these features.
70:T6a8,We conducted comprehensive testing across multiple dimensions to guarantee the platform’s quality:
With all these tests successfully completed, the dApp platform is now in top shape. We’re eagerly preparing for the live demo session, where we’ll showcase how users can interact with decentralized applications in a secure, scalable, and efficient manner.
71:T5b0,As we move forward, our focus shifts to the extensive testing of this module. Following the same rigorous methodology used for the dApp platform, our testing plan includes:
Once this testing phase is complete, we’ll move forward with scheduling a demo session. This demo will showcase the module’s features and capabilities, demonstrating how it simplifies smart contract management and enhances user interactions.
72:T46b,Our design team has outdone themselves! We wanted a platform that makes managing ERC-721 contracts as easy as pie, and they delivered in spades. From crisp visuals to a seamless user experience, these screens are designed to work for everyone. Whether you're a complete newbie or a seasoned pro, this new interface will guide you every step of the way.
Why You’ll Love These New Screens:
These improvements represent a huge leap toward making BlockDAG the go-to platform for all things ERC-721. We're talking the most user-friendly experience in the world of NFTs.
73:T5d3,Now that the design has been given the green light, our Research & Development team has shifted into high gear, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with ERC-721 contracts on BlockDAG. This is where the magic happens.
Our R&D team is not just implementing what you expect—they're reinventing how you interact with NFTs.
Here’s What We’re Cooking Up:
Our developers are putting their coding hats on, translating these beautiful designs and groundbreaking R&D innovations into a fully functional reality. This phase is where the rubber meets the road, and believe us, we’re moving full throttle.What’s Happening Right Now:
Now, this part is exciting—we’re integrating these ERC-721 smart contract screens right into the BlockDAG Explorer. That means you’ll be able to not only manage your NFTs but also view and interact with them directly through the Explorer! Talk about taking things to the next level.
What You Can Expect:
Integrating ERC-721 tokens on BlockDAG is a total game changer. This opens the door to countless opportunities for creators, developers, and collectors alike. With BlockDAG’s fast, scalable, and secure infrastructure, interacting with NFTs is going to feel smoother than ever before.What This Means for You:
Think ERC-721 is just for digital art? Think again! BlockDAG’s infrastructure supports a variety of real-world applications:
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
As we wrap up the current sprint, let's take a moment to review the week’s achievements before diving into today’s update.
Sprint Planning: Contract Listing and Detailing Module
We began the week by outlining the development roadmap for the Contract Listing and Detailing Module. This feature is critical as it will allow users to explore deployed contracts on our network with a clear and organized interface.
Standard Contract Module Designs
Simultaneously, our design team has been hard at work on the Standard Contract Modules, including industry-standard contracts like ERC-20 and other token standards. These contracts are the backbone for various decentralized applications (dApps) and tokens, and our goal is to make deploying them on our platform seamless.
Contract Platform: Reflection and Lottery Contracts
We’ve also made significant progress on the Contract Platform. This week, we focused on designing specialized contracts, specifically Reflection Contracts and Lottery Contracts. These contracts represent unique use cases that demonstrate the versatility of our blockchain.
What’s Next?
We’re excited about the strides we’ve made this week and look forward to sharing more updates in the coming days as these new features take shape.
79:T2131,Now let's get into today's update:
Feature Implementation: EVM Smart Contract Verification in BlockDAG Explorer
The implementation of the EVM Smart Contract Verification feature in the BlockDAG Explorer is a multi-phase process that involves several key architectural and design considerations. Below is a detailed breakdown of how this feature will be integrated into our explorer, providing developers with a seamless experience for verifying and interacting with smart contracts on BlockDAG networks.
1. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design
2. Backend Infrastructure and Logic
3. Interaction and Analytics
4. Security Features
5. API Support for Developers
6. Scalability and Performance Optimizations
7. Future Integrations
Our development team has already initiated the R&D process, and Jira tickets will be created to track the progress of individual tasks. The feature will be developed in stages:
Phase 1: Basic Verification Flow
To speed up the process, we are adding more engineers to the BlockDAG Explorer team. The development cycle will be closely monitored and resources will be allocated efficiently to ensure timely delivery of this feature.We are excited to see how this feature empowers developers to build more secure and transparent applications on BlockDAG. Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to enhance the explorer and roll out new functionality!
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
As we approach the end of this sprint, we’re thrilled to report that the team has made significant strides in developing key contract-related modules for the BlockDAG Explorer. The completion of both the Contract Listing and Contract Detail modules brings us closer to full-fledged smart contract tracking and interaction capabilities. In this post, we will delve deeper into the technical details behind our recent updates, explain our plans for Standard Token Contracts, and contrast the architectural differences between the EVM and UTXO models in BlockDAG, highlighting their unique functions and limitations.1. Contract Listing and Detail Modules: Technical Breakdown
The newly developed Contract Listing Module enables users to browse through all deployed contracts on the BlockDAG network. Let’s break down how this module works:
Backend Architecture:
Contract Detail Module:
The Contract Detail Module provides more granular information about each contract, offering the following:
Next on the development agenda is support for Standard Token Contracts. The BlockDAG Explorer will provide detailed listings for ERC-20 and ERC-721 token contracts, each offering specific insights that go beyond basic contract data.
ERC-20 Token Module:
ERC-721 Token Module:
BlockDAG’s unique architecture supports both EVM-based smart contracts and the UTXO model. Here’s a deeper look at the technical differences:
EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine):
UTXO Model:
Our team is start actively developing the Internal Transactions Module, which will give users detailed insights into internal contract calls. Here's a look at what’s under the hood:
At the heart of BlockDAG is its Reflection Contract, an automated system that allows BDAG coin holders to benefit from their BDAG coins through periodic rewards. Here’s how BlockDAG makes interacting with this feature as easy as possible:
Home Screen: Your Portal to Smart Contracts
Connecting your MetaMask wallet is the first step on the BlockDAG platform, where ease of use meets sophisticated blockchain functionality. With your wallet linked and visible in the top-right corner, you can select the Reflection Contract from the dropdown menu, unlocking the ability to engage with the blockchain in just a few clicks.
Dashboard: Stay Informed
Once connected, the Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the contract you’re interacting with:
This clarity ensures users have all the information needed to make informed decisions.
Reflection Screen: Get Rewards
On the Reflection Screen, the system allows you to interact directly with the Reflection Contract by sending coins. Interestingly, the contract sends the BDAG coins back to the sender, functioning as a self-reflection process where your coins are not distributed to other holders but returned to you. This action is useful for testing and verifying contract functionality, as each transaction is executed, logged, and returned, providing a clear and transparent record of interaction with the smart contract.
Transaction Hash: Full Transparency
After completing a transaction, the Transaction Hash Screen displays a unique hash, allowing you to verify every detail on the blockchain. With one click, you can copy this hash for easy reference, ensuring that each transaction is fully traceable and secure.
Transaction History: Monitor Every Interaction
The Transaction History screen provides detailed logs of all your past transactions, with filters that make searching for specific activities effortless. With clear timestamps, transaction hashes, wallet addresses, and transaction statuses, BlockDAG gives users complete control over their blockchain activities.
BlockDAG offers more than just reflection contracts. For users looking for something thrilling and potentially lucrative, the platform also integrates a decentralized Lottery Contract feature. This innovative lottery system is transparent, fair, and fully decentralized, adding an extra layer of excitement to your DeFi experience.
Lottery Participation: Simple and Engaging
From the Home Screen, users can easily switch to the Lottery Contract using the dropdown menu. This flexibility allows you to participate in a decentralized lottery with just a few clicks, using BDAG coins to enter. The Lottery Contract is designed for simplicity and engagement, offering an easy-to-understand process for all users.
Dashboard: Stay Informed on Lottery Progress
Once you've entered the lottery system, the Dashboard keeps you informed on all essential details. Here’s what the Lottery Dashboard includes:
This data provides clarity and assurance, ensuring that all participants have equal opportunities and that every lottery entry is transparently recorded.
Lottery Entry: A Few Clicks to Win
Participating in the lottery is straightforward. From the Lottery Screen, you can enter a selected amount of BDAG coins to participate in the current round. The system automatically updates the Participants List, showing all entries with their respective transaction details.
This transparent approach guarantees that every participant can view and verify their entry, making it easy to engage with confidence.
Transaction Hash and History: Full Transparency
Just like with reflection transactions, each lottery entry is associated with a unique Transaction Hash, providing full transparency and verifiability. You can track this hash to ensure your entry was processed correctly, and view it in the Transaction History section.
The Transaction History Screen also displays detailed breakdowns of each round’s entries and winners, showing crucial details such as:
This transparency ensures fairness and confidence in the lottery system, all while adding a fun and rewarding experience for participants.
81:T41e,At BlockDAG, delivering a stable, secure, and optimized platform is a top priority. Currently, the platform is undergoing extensive testing to ensure every feature works flawlessly. Our QA team is rigorously testing every contract, interface, and function, ensuring that all potential issues are identified and addressed before launch.
The development team is working tirelessly to improve the platform’s performance, resolving bugs, and implementing optimizations that will make BlockDAG one of the smoothest and most reliable blockchain platforms available. This constant feedback loop between QA and development guarantees that when BlockDAG goes live, it will deliver a secure, polished, and highly functional experience to all users.
Our commitment to excellence means that BlockDAG will not only meet but exceed expectations, offering a secure, reliable, and cutting-edge blockchain experience for everyone. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue refining BlockDAG ahead of its full release!
The integration of Contract Listing with our Frontend is officially complete! This means you’ll soon be able to easily browse, explore, and interact with all available smart contracts directly from the BlockDAG platform’s intuitive interface.
With this seamless integration, developers and users alike will have direct access to a growing library of smart contracts at their fingertips. Whether you're launching your own dApp or looking to interact with one, everything will now be fully accessible and user-friendly.
Our team has worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth, efficient, and visually stunning experience. The user interface has been designed with a focus on simplicity, making navigating contracts as easy as possible—whether you're a developer or a first-time user.
But we’re not stopping here! Now that the Contract Listing feature is live, we’re gearing up for the next phase: rolling out more powerful tools and enhancements to elevate the BlockDAG ecosystem even further. The future of decentralized innovation is closer than ever!
One of the key tools at your disposal is our Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This powerful feature enables you to write, test, and debug your smart contracts right from your browser before deploying them on the BlockDAG blockchain. Here’s how it works:
The BlockDAG IDE is not only a development tool—it’s also a full-featured transaction monitoring and debugging platform. Here’s how you can track and analyze transactions for your smart contracts:
With these powerful features, the BlockDAG IDE is not just a development environment, but a comprehensive tool for monitoring and optimizing the performance of your smart contracts.
85:T48a,Finally, our Explorer allows users to search and track transactions on the BlockDAG blockchain:
Whether you're a developer looking to verify contract interactions or a user checking token transfers, the BlockDAG Explorer makes it easy to track and analyze transactions in real time.BlockDAG is continuously evolving, and with each update, we're bringing our community closer to a decentralized future.
Stay tuned for more exciting developments, and thank you for being part of this revolutionary journey!
Our design team has been laser-focused on creating the wireframes for the Contract Listing Interface, and the results are impressive! The new interface will transform the way users navigate and engage with smart contracts on BlockDAG’s EVM.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in store:
While the design team is fine-tuning the visuals, our development team has been sprinting ahead with API development for the Contract Listing feature. We’re happy to announce that the API infrastructure is well underway, which will allow real-time data exchange between the backend and frontend.
Here are the key API endpoints that will power the Contract Listing screen:
These smart contracts provide a unique and rewarding way to engage with BlockDAG. Whether you’re looking for instant satisfaction with the Reflection Contract or aiming for a big win in the Lottery Contract, here’s why you should get excited:
1. Earn BDAG Tokens: The Reflection Contract gives instant returns, while the Lottery Contract offers the chance to multiply your tokens by up to 1,000%.
2. No Risk, Just Fun: The Reflection Contract allows you to interact with BlockDAG’s smart contracts without risking your BDAG.
3. Accessible to Everyone: There are no minimum limits for entry, meaning anyone can participate, no matter how many tokens they hold.
4. Contribute to the Ecosystem: By participating, you’re helping to strengthen and decentralize the BlockDAG network.
5. Community-Driven: These contracts are inspired by your feedback and designed to enhance the experience for every BlockDAG user.
Here are several compelling reasons why joining the BlockDAG network as a miner is a great opportunity:
- Daily Transaction Count: The EVM Explorer now tracks and displays the exact number of transactions processed on the network each day. This feature gives you a clear picture of how much activity is happening on the blockchain and provides insight into periods of high usage.- Historical Transaction Trends: Users can view how transaction activity changes over time with the help of intuitive charts. This historical data is useful for observing network trends, identifying growth patterns, and understanding the impact of new applications or market events on transaction volume.- Gas Fees and Block Details: Each transaction contains additional data, including gas fees and block details, allowing users to dive deeper into the transaction mechanics. This level of insight is valuable for developers optimizing their smart contracts or investors analyzing network performance.With these daily transaction stats at your fingertips, you can easily monitor BlockDAG’s network activity and assess its growth in real time.
8c:T406,- Total Transaction Count: The UTXO Explorer provides users with a view of the total number of transactions that have occurred since the BlockDAG network’s inception. This figure represents the cumulative history of the network, offering a clear indication of the platform’s growth and the trust users have placed in it over time.
- Latest UTXO Blocks and Transactions: The Explorer displays the latest UTXO blocks as they are mined, along with detailed information about the transactions they contain. Users can view each transaction’s input and output details, making it easy to follow how funds move across the network.
- Detailed UTXO Data: For each transaction, users can dive into additional data such as transaction size, fees, and input/output information. This provides a comprehensive view of how the UTXO model is utilized in the network and is particularly useful for developers and technical users who need detailed insights into transaction flow.
The BlockDAG Testnet has crossed a significant threshold, providing a sneak peek into the power and scalability of our future Mainnet. These milestones aren't just numbers; they are markers of progress that show how a secure and decentralized future is being built.1. Total Transactions:
We’ve now processed over "26,199" transactions on the BlockDAG Testnet! This number reflects the vibrancy and activity of our community, demonstrating how users are engaging with our network in various ways. Whether it's developers stress-testing their smart contracts, users exploring dApps, or those making mock transactions, the activity on our Testnet is a clear sign of growing adoption. Each transaction is a vote of confidence in our technology, and as more users join, these numbers are only expected to rise.
Every transaction adds to the validation of our decentralized system, showing how efficient and secure our infrastructure is, even under increasing demand. This is a strong indicator that once we go live with our Mainnet, the network will be ready for real-world adoption.2. Total Blocks Produced:
We have officially produced "30,793" blocks on the Testnet — an incredible feat! Block generation is the backbone of any blockchain, and each new block added to our network is another layer of security and decentralization. More blocks mean more stability and an expanded ledger of transactions, which in turn strengthens the network's integrity.
Every block solidifies our claim that the BlockDAG protocol is scalable and prepared to handle high transaction throughput without compromising security. With block generation continuing smoothly, our decentralized ecosystem remains consistent and dependable, reflecting the resilience of the BlockDAG consensus mechanism.
We’re not just talking about abstract numbers here—let’s break down the latest data as displayed on the BlockDAG Explorer:
- BlockDAG Price:
At "$0.0192", the BlockDAG token price is holding firm, reflecting the market's confidence in our technology and the growing interest in our platform. While we’re still in the Testnet phase, the stability of this price indicates an exciting future as we approach the Mainnet launch. This price serves as an important reference point for early adopters and developers testing dApps, as they can monitor how the value of their token-based transactions evolves over time.
- Last Safe Block:
The Last Safe Block represents the most recent block that has been fully validated and finalized on the network. As of now, the Testnet is safe up to block "30,796", ensuring that all data up to this point is immutable, secure, and part of the verified ledger. The importance of the safe block lies in ensuring that once a block is marked safe, it is permanently written into the blockchain and cannot be altered. This level of security ensures data integrity across the network.
- Total Block Count:
We’ve successfully produced "30,797" blocks. This is a measure of our network’s health and consistency. As more blocks are added, the network becomes increasingly difficult to compromise, showing that the Testnet is operating exactly as intended. BlockDAG’s focus on creating a decentralized, trustless environment means that every new block adds another layer of reliability to the platform, making it scalable and secure for future applications.
- Total Transactions:
Since our last snapshot, the total transactions have continued to increase, now sitting at "26,202". These transactions aren't just numbers—they represent the real interactions happening on our Testnet. Developers and users are actively testing the system, working with tokens, smart contracts, and other decentralized applications. The rising transaction count is a clear signal of community growth and a healthy ecosystem.
- Transaction History Value:
In terms of total transaction value, the Testnet has now processed "$46,870.67" worth of tokens. This value shows the cumulative worth of all transactions that have occurred on the network so far. As we edge closer to the Mainnet, this figure is expected to soar, as more users, developers, and businesses begin to leverage our decentralized applications and services. This dollar value not only reflects activity but also the potential economic impact of our ecosystem.
One of the most exciting features of the BlockDAG Explorer is the transaction history graph, giving users a real-time snapshot of the network’s activity. Here's what we can glean from the latest data:
- The week began on Thursday with relatively low transaction volumes, likely a quiet start after previous developments. However, as the weekend approached, the activity began to pick up, showing that users were taking more action on the Testnet as they tested features or ran dApps.
- By the time we reached Tuesday, the Testnet experienced a noticeable spike in transaction volume, which reached an all-time high on Wednesday. This peak represents the most active day on the network so far, demonstrating how user engagement is increasing as more features are tested and more transactions take place.
This historical trend data is invaluable, not just for network admins but for anyone participating in or observing the Testnet. Knowing when the network is most active allows developers and users to optimize their participation and better plan their smart contract testing or other activities.
Real-Time Insights for Everyone:
The beauty of the BlockDAG Explorer is in its transparency. Whether you’re a developer keen to see how your dApp or smart contract performs, or an investor tracking transaction volumes, having access to real-time data gives you full visibility into the network. You can monitor the health, stability, and growth of the ecosystem openly and honestly.
Expanding Ecosystem:
These numbers are tangible evidence of a rapidly growing community. Every new transaction or block contributes to the decentralization and robustness of BlockDAG. As we move closer to launching the Mainnet, you’ll want to be part of this ever-growing ecosystem that is setting the foundation for next-generation blockchain solutions.
Developer Opportunities:
For developers, these stats provide critical insights into how their projects will perform on the network. Whether you're concerned about transaction times, smart contract performance, or overall network stability, having this data means you can optimize and prepare your project for a smooth Mainnet launch.
In addition to fixing the syncing issue, we’re excited to announce several new features on the BlockDAG Explorer:
1.Real-Time Transaction Count:
The explorer now shows the total number of transactions processed on the BlockDAG network. You can track the network’s growth and monitor the increasing transaction volume.
2. Detailed Blockchain Stats:
Users can now view detailed statistics, including the total number of blocks mined, gas fees used, and overall network performance metrics.
3. Live Transaction Tracking:
Every transaction made on the network is tracked in real-time. Whether sending tokens, deploying smart contracts, or interacting with decentralized apps (dApps), you’ll be able to instantly view the status and details of each transaction.
4. Explorer Usability Enhancements:
We’ve improved the user experience with a faster, more intuitive navigation system. Browsing through transactions, blocks, and smart contracts is now easier than ever!
Contract Listing Development: Progress and Features
We’re excited to provide additional details about our Contract Listing feature, which is actively under development! Based on the reference below, we've made significant strides toward building an intuitive and detailed Contract Listing page on the BlockDAG Explorer. Here’s a sneak peek of the data users will be able to track, along with the latest updates on our API implementation progress.
Contract Listing Details
The contract listing module will display key information about any smart contract deployed on the BlockDAG network. As seen in the screenshot, some of the essential details include:
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
We are thrilled to announce that the BlockDAG Explorer Beta 1 Testnet is now live, marking a significant milestone in our journey toward a powerful and user-centric blockchain explorer. But this is just the beginning! We have an ambitious roadmap ahead, packed with features that will not only make blockchain data more accessible but also provide developers, enthusiasts, and users with a seamless interface for interacting with the BlockDAG network. Starting the week with a enthusiasts sprint planning meeting to discuss the further scope of the explorer and x1 application.
Here’s a glimpse of what’s coming next inside the blockDAG explorer:
1. Smart Contract Support: Powering the Next Generation of dApps
One of the most exciting features coming to the BlockDAG Explorer is smart contract support. This will open up an entirely new range of possibilities for developers and users alike. Once this feature is live, you'll be able to:
Token Tracker: Your Comprehensive Tool for Tracking Digital Assets
We are excited to introduce the Token Tracker (ERC-20) within the explorer, a feature designed to provide users with detailed and actionable insights into tokens deployed on the BlockDAG network. With this tool, you'll be able to:
Hey BlockDAG Community,
The moment we’ve all been waiting for is NOW! After months of relentless effort, sleepless nights, and invaluable input from YOU—our incredible community—BlockDAG Testnet is officially LIVE!
This isn’t just another milestone; it’s a game-changer in the world of decentralized technology!
We’ve been gearing up for this moment, and now it’s time to unlock the full potential of BlockDAG’s groundbreaking technology! We’ve taken every bit of community feedback, refined the system, and now—after raising a whopping $70M in our presale—we are here to bring you the most scalable, user-friendly, and future-proof blockchain platform EVER!
BlockDAG Testnet: The Launch We’ve All Been Waiting For!
From the start, we’ve had one mission: to build the future of blockchain—and today, we’re making that a reality. The BlockDAG Testnet is now live, giving developers, testers, and early adopters a sneak peek into the power of parallel transaction processing. This is your golden ticket to explore, experiment, and experience the future of decentralized technology in real-time.
But this is more than just a launch—it’s YOUR moment to shine! Whether you're a developer looking to push the boundaries of smart contracts, or an early adopter eager to test dApps and stress the network, BlockDAG’s Testnet has it all!
Let’s dive into the features that make this launch truly revolutionary.
1. Full EVM & UTXO Support
The BlockDAG Testnet Explorer seamlessly integrates both Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and UTXO models. This means you can interact with the platform in a way that is versatile, powerful, and future-ready.
2. Integrated Faucet for Testnet BDAG Tokens
Want to get started? We’ve made it easy! Access our integrated Faucet to request testnet BDAG tokens instantly. Play around with transactions, deploy contracts, and go wild testing the network—all at no cost!
3. Real-Time Transactions and Data Precision
We’re not exaggerating when we say real-time! Watch your transactions, smart contracts, and block updates unfold right before your eyes with lightning-fast speed and unmatched accuracy. You’ll never look at blockchain the same way again!
4. MetaMask & Wallet Connect Integration
Connect your MetaMask or BlockDAG Wallet in just a few clicks! Manage your tokens, execute transactions, and explore the testnet with your favorite Web3 wallet. With one-click BlockDAG network setup on MetaMask, you’ll be up and running in no time.
5. BlockDAG IDE for Smart Contract Deployment
We're thrilled to announce the launch of the BlockDAG IDE! This is an all-in-one integrated development environment that allows you to write, test, and deploy smart contracts seamlessly, right from your browser. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or new to smart contracts, our user-friendly IDE will give you the power to deploy decentralized applications in just a few steps!
With the BlockDAG IDE, you can:
This is a game-changer for developers looking to harness the full power of smart contracts on BlockDAG!
6. Epic Partnerships to Power the Future
We’ve got Borussia Dortmund and The International Blockchain Association on our side, partnering with us to create an ecosystem that’s trustworthy, expansive, and incredible. This isn’t just about technology—it’s about creating a global movement, and you’re a part of it!
The BlockDAG Explorer is designed to provide a comprehensive, real-time view of the BlockDAG blockchain, featuring:
1. Dual Transaction Model: EVM & UTXO Support
This release introduces full support for both the EVM and UTXO models, giving users the flexibility to interact with two of the most significant blockchain transaction paradigms. Whether you’re handling smart contracts or UTXO-based transactions, the explorer adapts to your needs.
How It Works:
Technical Note: The EVM mode interfaces directly with smart contracts on the testnet, pulling contract addresses, event logs, and transaction status. Meanwhile, UTXO mode allows for granular analysis of transaction inputs and outputs, which is especially valuable for developers who want to interact with both models in their testing environments.2. Faucet Integration: Get Your Testnet BDAG Tokens
The integrated Faucet allows you to request testnet BDAG tokens directly from the explorer interface. This is a huge boost for developers and testers, making it easy to access tokens for testing without requiring manual distribution.
Faucet Workflow:
Technical Note: The faucet leverages smart contracts to automatically distribute BDAG tokens upon user request, providing immediate access for testing. Each request and transaction is logged in the real-time transaction history, ensuring transparency.3. Real-Time Transaction History
Below the Faucet interface, you’ll find real-time transaction logs that provide a detailed overview of all Faucet requests and other testnet activities. This adds a layer of transparency to token distribution and allows users to monitor testnet activity as it unfolds.
Transaction Log Includes:
Technical Note: Transaction logs are stored in the BlockDAG database and fetched in real time using optimized indexing to ensure the Explorer always displays the latest data without lag.4. Pagination for Efficient Browsing
With so many transactions happening in real time, navigating through them is critical. The pagination feature ensures you can browse transaction history easily, loading 5 transactions at a time, without overwhelming the interface.
Pagination Benefits:
Technical Note: Pagination is powered by backend API queries, fetching data on demand to reduce memory usage and ensure a smooth experience, even during heavy transaction traffic.5. MetaMask Integration: Easy Wallet Access
The MetaMask integration allows users to connect their wallet directly to the BlockDAG Explorer. This means you can view your BDAG token balances, transfer BDAG, and interact with the testnet using your MetaMask wallet in just a few clicks.
Key Features:
Technical Note: This integration uses the Web3.js library to securely connect users’ MetaMask wallets to the BlockDAG network, allowing for real-time interaction between the explorer and the wallet.6. User Interface Overhaul: Clean & Intuitive
We’ve redesigned the Explorer UI to make it not just functional, but also sleek and modern. From the clean sidebar navigation to the dark theme that reduces eye strain, the explorer is now optimized for ease of use.
UI Enhancements Include:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
BlockDAG Explorer Development Release Notes
We are excited to announce the latest updates to the BlockDAG Explorer, now featuring enhanced UTXO and EVM Transactions support for both transaction and address pages. This update brings several improvements and new functionalities to the platform, making it easier for users to monitor, manage, and interact with the BlockDAG network. The following sections outline the key aspects of this release:
1. New Block Page for UTXO and EVM Transactions
The BlockDAG Explorer now provides a detailed Block Page for both the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) and EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) transactions. This page gives users comprehensive insights into individual blocks, making it easier to explore both transaction models and understand the rewards and transactions associated with each block.
Key Features:
2. Address Pages with Comprehensive Balance Information
Users can now explore address pages, which offer a detailed breakdown of the balance and transaction history associated with each account. This feature supports both UTXO and EVM Transactions, providing a unified experience across transaction types.
Key Features:
3. Enhanced User Interface (UI) and Usability
The updated BlockDAG Explorer interface has been designed to improve user experience and navigation:
4. Key Use Cases
Screenshot of blocks detail page:
Greetings, BlockDAG Community!
We’re thrilled to unveil a fresh and powerful update to the BlockDAG Explorer, taking your experience to new heights with a revamped interface, enhanced functionality, and deeper insights into BDAG token transactions. This release is all about making your journey smoother, faster, and more insightful, helping you explore the BlockDAG network with unparalleled ease.
What’s New in the BlockDAG Explorer?
1. Enhanced Transaction Explorer UI
Our interface has been completely reimagined to provide clearer insights and an intuitive experience, no matter your level of familiarity with blockchain technology. We've introduced a sleek and modern design that simplifies navigating complex transactions and ensures that every piece of data is easy to find and understand.
2. Powerful New Search Functionality
Our new search bar provides flexible options to track and retrieve data across the BlockDAG network. You can now search by:
This robust search capability ensures that no matter what you’re trying to find, you'll get results with lightning speed and unmatched accuracy.
3. Upgraded Transaction Table
We’ve redesigned the transaction table to include the most critical metrics you need for thorough exploration. The transaction table now includes:
Key columns now include:
4. Paginated Results for Seamless Browsing
With the new pagination feature, browsing through large amounts of transaction data is now effortless. You can:
This feature is perfect for users who want to track specific transactions or analyze broader patterns across the network without the hassle of long scrolls.
Sidebar Functionalities
The sidebar has been optimized for quick access to key areas of the BlockDAG Explorer, allowing you to navigate easily between different sections:
1. Add BDAG Network to Wallet
We’ve made it even simpler to integrate the BDAG network into your wallet with a single button! Whether you're using Metamask or any other EVM-compatible wallet, this feature streamlines the process of adding the BDAG network, ensuring that your transaction management is smoother than ever.
2. BDAG Token Value Tracker
Stay updated with real-time BDAG token prices right from the explorer! No need to switch between apps or websites—the current token value is always on display:
By keeping an eye on market fluctuations directly within the explorer, you can make more informed decisions during your exploration of BDAG transactions.
3. Updated Footer
We’ve added a detailed disclaimer in the footer section to ensure that users are aware of the risks involved with blockchain transactions. Plus, we’ve included social media links so you can easily follow the latest updates, announcements, and news from the BlockDAG community.
Greetings BlockDAG Community!
We’re thrilled to showcase the latest iteration of the "BlockDAG Explorer". With real-time data tracking and enhanced user experience, the Explorer is your gateway to the BlockDAG network! Whether you’re exploring blocks, transactions, or simply keeping tabs on market stats, this update provides the powerful tools you need. Here’s what’s new: New Features & Updates:1.
1. Real-Time Dashboard:
The Explorer now provides a comprehensive overview of the BlockDAG network, including:
- BlockDAG Price
- Market Cap
- Total Blocks
- Transaction History & Burnt Fees: Get up-to-the-second updates on gas fees and network activity, with dynamic charts to track historical trends.
2. Detailed Transaction Insights:
Dive deep into the latest blocks with precise details on each transaction:
- "Gas Usage and Fee Recipients" are now more accessible than ever, helping users and developers optimize their activities within the network.
- Transaction Speed: Discover how fast transactions are processed with our latest block activity displaying number of TXNS in seconds!
3. Streamlined Interface:
With an intuitive design, navigation has never been easier. You can quickly switch between tabs for:
- Latest Blocks
- Latest Transactions
Everything is organized for smooth browsing, helping you find the exact data you need instantly.
4. New Features added compared to older version:
The old EVM BlockDAG Explorer focused solely on EVM-based data, showing metrics like block numbers, gas usage, and transaction counts, with a minimal interface centered on smart contract and token transactions. The new explorer, supporting both "EVM" and "UTXO" models, introduces additional metrics such as "market cap", "total blocks", and "burnt fees", offering deeper insights into both network types. It also features improved transaction histories, including "UTXO blocks", enhanced data visualization, and a modern UI, making it more versatile and user-friendly with better analytics.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
This week has been a whirlwind of preparations and fine-tuning as we gear up for the BlockDAG Testnet launch in just 6 days! Before getting into today's update let's quickly go through what we've accomplished so far.
Now let's into today's update:
Developer Update: Paving the Way for an Epic Testnet Launch!
The countdown is on, and we’re getting closer to the moment we’ve all been eagerly waiting for — the Testnet Launch! With just 6 days to go, the excitement in the air is palpable. Our development team has been hard at work, tuning, tweaking, and enhancing the platform to deliver a seamless and powerful experience for our users. Every bit of feedback, every bug report, and every piece of insight from our early testers is being used to make this launch our most successful yet!
Here’s a deep dive into the latest technical updates and why they matter for you.
Streamlining Our Database: Speed and Efficiency!
1. Goodbye to Unnecessary Sequelize Operators!
In our relentless pursuit of optimization, we’ve overhauled several of our database queries by removing the use of Sequelize operators. This change is more than just a technical cleanup. By simplifying these queries, we've:
What does this mean for you? A snappier, more responsive experience across the board!
2. Simplifying the Data Architecture: Cutting Out Unnecessary Joins!
In addition to refining our queries, we’ve also taken a scalpel to our database architecture, removing redundant table joins. Why is this important?
By optimizing these aspects, we've laid a strong foundation to handle the Testnet's expected traffic surge while keeping everything running smoothly!
Crushing Bugs for a Flawless Experience!
No great launch is complete without meticulous bug hunting! Our developers have been on the front lines, tracking down and eliminating several pesky bugs that could have affected user experience:
Getting Ready for the Testnet Launch: What to Expect
So, why are we so excited? Because the Testnet launch is a monumental step for BlockDAG! It’s not just a technical milestone; it’s a chance for our community to actively engage, explore, and help shape the future of this decentralized platform. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Developer Update: Technical Deep Dive as We Gear Up for the Testnet Launch! With just a few weeks to go before our highly anticipated testnet launch, our team is laser-focused on fine-tuning every aspect of our platform to deliver a groundbreaking experience. Here’s a deep dive into the latest technical enhancements and optimizations we've made to prepare for this monumental event:
1. Deploying the Cron Service on the Staging Environment:
We have successfully deployed a new, highly efficient cron service on our staging environment, a crucial step towards ensuring that all our periodic and time-based tasks are managed flawlessly. This cron service is built using a distributed job scheduling algorithm to guarantee high availability and fault tolerance..
2. Optimizing Transaction Workers with Advanced Parallel Processing:
We’ve turbocharged our transaction worker module with new optimizations that leverage parallel processing and advanced queuing techniques to handle massive transaction loads with minimal latency. Our goal is to ensure ultra-fast transaction confirmations and an overall frictionless user experience.
3. Accelerated Database Performance with Strategic Indexing:
We’ve implemented strategic indexing across several critical tables in our database to boost performance and ensure fast, efficient data retrieval even under high transaction volumes.
4. Elevating the User Interface with Skeleton Loader and Comprehensive Bug Fixes:
Our frontend team has integrated a skeleton loader to enhance the user experience while content loads, providing a smooth visual flow and reducing perceived wait times.
5. Additional Security Enhancements:
In preparation for the testnet launch, we’ve also made significant strides in bolstering the security of our platform.
Optimizing Data Retrieval with Scheduled Cron Jobs
To handle the increasing volume of transactions and maintain high performance, we’ve developed a more sophisticated approach to data retrieval using scheduled cron jobs. Here’s a breakdown of how this approach works and the benefits it brings:
Granular Time-Based Fetching:
In addition to optimizing data retrieval, we’ve also restructured our synchronization service to enhance performance and prevent bottlenecks. This restructuring involves the separation of block and transaction processing into distinct workers:
Dedicated Workers for Specialized Tasks:
Leveraging Redis for High-Speed Caching and Real-Time Analytics
Redis is more than just a caching layer; it serves as the backbone for many of our performance enhancements:
Real-Time Analytics and Monitoring:
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Developer Update: In-Depth Performance Enhancements for BlockDAG Explorer
During the recent testing phase of the BlockDAG Explorer, we observed a noticeable delay in API response times, which could impact the user experience and real-time data retrieval capabilities. To ensure the platform can handle higher traffic volumes and deliver data efficiently, our development team is implementing a range of technical optimizations across both the backend and frontend layers.
1. Advanced Database Indexing Techniques
Database indexing is a critical aspect of our optimization strategy, aimed at enhancing query performance by reducing the number of scanned rows and improving data retrieval speeds. Our team is applying several sophisticated indexing techniques:
2. Caching with Redis for Sub-Millisecond Latency
To further enhance data retrieval speeds, we are integrating Redis as an in-memory caching layer. Redis is ideal for its high throughput and low latency, making it perfect for caching frequently accessed data.
Our caching strategy includes:
3. Data Migration and Storage Optimization
To leverage the new indexing strategies effectively, we are migrating data to optimized storage structures:
4. Backend Performance Tuning and Scalability
Beyond database optimizations, we are making extensive backend improvements to ensure the explorer remains responsive under all conditions:
5. Frontend Stability and Resilience Enhancements
To complement our backend optimizations, our team has made several critical frontend improvements:
In a recent meeting with our internal stakeholders, we delved into the future scope of the BlockDAG X1 application. The focus was on how we can enhance the user experience, introduce new features, and enable our users to earn more rewards. As the application continues to grow and evolve, our aim is to make it more engaging, rewarding, and innovative for our community.
Key Areas of Focus for the BlockDAG X1 Application
1. Finalizing Swagger Documentation for UTXO APIs
To set the stage for seamless development and integration, we’ve just completed the Swagger documentation for our UTXO APIs! This documentation is a critical piece of the puzzle, enabling developers to understand and interact with our APIs easily. Here’s what’s covered:
This documentation will serve as a comprehensive guide for developers looking to build on our platform, ensuring smooth and effective integration.
a5:T632, 2. Scaling CockroachDB: Optimizing for Performance and Growth
With the testnet launch approaching, we are laser-focused on optimizing our database infrastructure to handle a high volume of transactions. This week, we are diving deep into scaling strategies for CockroachDB, a distributed SQL database designed for scalability and resilience. Our key areas of research and development include:
These optimizations will ensure that our database is robust and ready to scale as the number of transactions grows with the testnet launch.
a6:T501, 3. Comprehensive API Testing for EVM and UTXO
We have also kicked off a rigorous testing phase for our Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and UTXO APIs. Here’s what our testing strategy looks like:
Our goal with this comprehensive testing is to identify and address any issues early on, ensuring a smooth and secure user experience from day one of the testnet launch.
a7:T6db,Overcoming Challenges and Moving Forward!
We’re kicking off this week with a mix of anticipation and determination. Last week, we submitted our appeal to the Apple team, and while we're still waiting for their response, we're not letting this slow us down. Our team remains optimistic and focused on building new features and enhancing your experience on the BlockDAG platform.
Here’s what we’re working on right now: Wallet Connect Functionality: Bridging Your Wallet to Our Ecosystem
While we wait for Apple's update, we’ve turned our attention to an exciting new feature: Wallet Connect! We're in the process of integrating Wallet Connect functionality directly into the BlockDAG official website. Here’s what this means for you:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Developer Update: Enhancements to Transaction and Block APIs for Improved Querying and Performance
In our continuous effort to optimize the BlockDAG X1 platform before the official launch of testnet in coming weeks, we have implemented several key updates to our APIs, focusing on enhancing the efficiency, flexibility, and performance of the application. This post covers the significant changes made to the getAllTransaction and getAllBlocks APIs, detailing new features, improvements, and their impact on overall functionality.
1. Enhanced Filtering Capabilities for getAllTransaction API
We have updated the getAllTransaction API to support more targeted queries, which was achieved by introducing filters for blocknumber and address. These enhancements enable users and applications to perform more refined searches, minimizing data retrieval time and improving the usability of the API.
2. Addition of Total Transacted Amount in getAllBlocks API
To provide more comprehensive information for each block, we have enhanced the getAllBlocks API by adding a totalTransactedAmount field. This new field offers a summary of the transaction volumes per block, making it easier to analyze the total value transferred in any given block.
3. Performance Optimization with ORM Methods
To further improve the performance and maintainability of our codebase, we have replaced raw SQL queries with optimized ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) methods in both the getAllTransaction and getAllBlocks APIs.
By transitioning to ORM methods, we have reduced the complexity of our code, enhanced security, and ensured that our APIs remain robust and performant as we scale.
4. Impact of These Changes
These updates bring several benefits to the BlockDAG X1 platform:
5. Conclusion and Future Steps
These improvements are part of our ongoing commitment to providing a seamless and efficient experience for developers and users interacting with the BlockDAG X1 platform. We will continue to monitor the performance and user feedback to identify further areas for enhancement.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to evolve and refine our platform!
Following our recent development updates for the BlockDAG X1 App, we are excited to share our roadmap for the next steps to further enhance user experience, streamline our build processes, and strengthen our security infrastructure. Here are the key focus areas and actions we will undertake in the upcoming development cycle:
1. Next Steps for User Experience (UX) Improvements
Based on the recent discussions about enhancing the wallet connection experience, we will implement several targeted improvements to simplify the onboarding process and reduce friction for users.
2. Next Steps for Build Release Process Optimization
Following the internal meeting on optimizing the build release process, we have identified key areas for further improvement in our development pipeline.
3. Next Steps for Security and Infrastructure Enhancement
Following the recent security and infrastructure audit, we have identified several areas for strengthening our security posture and optimizing our server infrastructure.
4. Additional Planned Enhancements
Beyond the immediate next steps, we have several other planned enhancements to further improve the BlockDAG X1 App:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
BlockDAG Explorer - Development Release Notes
We are excited to announce the latest development updates for the BlockDAG Explorer. This release focuses on key improvements in data structure, transaction handling, and compatibility enhancements for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) addresses and ERC20 contracts. Below is an overview of the major features and improvements introduced in this release:
1. UTXO Account Schema Design to Maintain Balance
We’ve introduced a new UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) account schema that allows efficient tracking of balance changes across transactions. The schema design has been optimized to handle large volumes of UTXO sets, improving both scalability and transaction validation. This schema enhances the explorer’s ability to accurately reflect the balance for each account by tracking the movement of UTXOs in real-time.
Key Highlights:
2. Algorithm for VIN and VOUT Hash Data
A new hashing algorithm has been implemented for VIN (Input) and VOUT (Output) data in transactions. This algorithm is designed to generate compact, secure, and unique hash data for each transaction's input and output, ensuring that transaction history can be traced and verified with high precision.
Key Features:
3. Worked on Normalising the Data Response
We’ve improved the normalization of data responses throughout the explorer API, ensuring that responses are more consistent and easier to process by external systems. The structured data formats provide seamless integration with third-party services, enhancing the usability of the explorer’s data.
Improvements Include:
4. Faucet for EVM Addresses
We are introducing a faucet service for EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) addresses. This faucet allows users to easily test and interact with the explorer by distributing test tokens to specified EVM-compatible addresses. The faucet is a key feature for developers building and testing smart contracts within the BlockDAG ecosystem.
Faucet Features:
5. Schema Design Meeting for ERC20 Contracts in Explorer
As part of ongoing efforts to fully support ERC20 contracts, a schema design meeting was conducted to define how ERC20 tokens will be tracked and represented within the explorer. This will ensure that token balances, transfers, and contract interactions are accurately displayed in the explorer.
Topics Covered:
We are pleased to share the latest development updates for the BlockDAG X1 App. This release highlights important discussions and advancements in user experience, internal build processes, and security infrastructure. Below are the key details from this development cycle:
1. User Experience (UX) Improvements for Wallet Connection
In a recent meeting, our team focused on enhancing the wallet connection experience within the BlockDAG X1 App. The goal is to make the process more intuitive and familiar for users by adopting industry-standard design patterns commonly seen in other blockchain applications. These improvements will simplify onboarding and reduce friction when connecting a wallet, ensuring a seamless experience for both new and experienced users.
Key Takeaways from the UX Meeting:
2. Internal Meeting on Build Release Process
An internal meeting was held to review and optimize the build release process for the BlockDAG X1 App. This effort aims to ensure that our build and deployment pipelines are robust, efficient, and scalable. The discussions focused on automating repetitive tasks, reducing manual interventions, and minimizing the time taken to push new updates from development to production environments.
Key Discussion Points:
3. Security and Infrastructure Audit
As part of our commitment to maintaining a secure and reliable platform, we conducted a comprehensive security and infrastructure audit of the BlockDAG X1 App. This audit involved reviewing our security protocols, data handling practices, and overall infrastructure resilience. The findings have helped us identify areas for improvement and ensure that the app remains secure against emerging threats.
Audit Highlights:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Enhancements in BlockDAG Explorer's Sync Service and API Development
As we've reached the mid-sprint we are pleased to share our recent progress on optimizing the BlockDAG Explorer's sync service and developing a new API endpoint to fetch faucet transaction history. These enhancements aim to improve performance, reliability, and user experience. Below is a detailed overview of the improvements made and the technical rationale behind them.
1. Review and Optimization of Sync Service
The sync service in BlockDAG Explorer is critical for maintaining real-time data consistency between the blockchain network and our backend database. During the code review process there were cerntain comments for the developers to consider that we believe identified multiple areas for optimization:
To enhance user engagement and transparency, we have developed the getFaucetHistory API. This new endpoint allows users to view their faucet transaction history, providing detailed insights into their interactions with the network. Here are the key features of the new API:
Concurrency Management Enhancements:
These updates reflect our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in the BlockDAG Explorer. We are confident that these enhancements will provide a more seamless, responsive, and efficient user experience. We welcome your feedback and look forward to further advancing our platform to meet the needs of our growing community.
af:T6c6,We have some important updates regarding the BlockDAG X1 application. Our team has been actively working on two crucial fronts: expediting the iOS build review process and researching secure wallet connection strategies. Here's a detailed look at our recent efforts and what users can expect in the near future.
1. Expediting the iOS Build Review Process
To accelerate the release of the latest build of the BlockDAG X1 application on iOS devices, our team initiated direct communication with the Apple review team. This proactive step aimed to clarify any remaining issues and ensure that the build complies with all App Store guidelines.
In parallel with the build review process, our team has commenced an extensive research and development phase focused on integrating secure wallet connection strategies. This step is critical as the application will soon support mainnet funds, and we must ensure the highest level of security for our users.
Our ongoing efforts in both the BlockDAG Explorer and the BlockDAG X1 application reflect our commitment to delivering a robust, secure, and user-friendly ecosystem for all our users.
For the BlockDAG Explorer, the enhancements in the sync service and the development of new APIs are crucial steps towards ensuring a more reliable and efficient platform. These optimizations will enable faster data retrieval, improved performance, and greater transparency, providing users with a seamless experience as they explore blockchain data.
Meanwhile, for the BlockDAG X1 application, we are working diligently to accelerate the iOS build review process and integrate secure wallet connection strategies. Our proactive approach with the Apple review team demonstrates our dedication to delivering timely updates to our users. Simultaneously, our in-depth R&D efforts to secure wallet connectivity will ensure that mainnet funds are protected against potential threats, offering peace of mind to our users.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Today as the development is on verge of completion beforehand the testnet launch the team is working on the restructuring of the code to increase the overall performance of the system.
To elevate the performance, scalability, and responsiveness of our system, we have implemented a comprehensive update to the schema responsible for synchronizing backend queries. This update introduces several technical optimizations, including table restructuring, advanced indexing strategies, and refined data relationships, all aimed at reducing latency and enhancing query efficiency. Below, we delve deeper into the technical details and algorithms that underpin these improvements.
Technical Updates
Current Status
This week, there haven’t been any major updates on the development side apart from few bug fixes in the application for the BlockDAG X1 application. Our team is currently awaiting feedback from Apple. By the end of the day, Apple responded with additional policy considerations to address in the review process.
Next Steps
We have carefully prepared a comprehensive set of answers and clarifications to address Apple's queries and have submitted them for further review. At this point, we are waiting for Apple's response to determine the next steps in our release process.
Important note: For android users the application is completely running on the latest version and they can access the latest changes or features on android platform. While we're still doing our best to get the new experiences onboard on iOS platform.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Our team remains committed to resolving any outstanding issues swiftly and efficiently to ensure that the BlockDAG X1 application meets all necessary requirements and is available to our users as soon as possible. Stay tuned for further updates!
Hello BlockDAG community!
Today, we conducted an essential sprint planning session focusing on the upcoming Testnet launch and took significant steps toward integrating MetaMask with the BlockDAG Explorer. This post will walk you through each task in detail, highlighting our roadmap for the Testnet launch and providing a user guide on how the MetaMask integration will work.
Sprint Planning for Testnet Launch
Our sprint planning for the Testnet launch was divided into three major phases:
Each of these phases is critical for ensuring a smooth Testnet launch and will be covered in detail below.
1. Preparation for the Testnet Environment
In this phase, we focused on defining the Testnet launch requirements and identifying any potential blockers. The key tasks involved:
2. Setting Up Nodes and Network Configuration
To establish a functional Testnet, we are setting up multiple nodes and configuring the network to mimic a live environment. The steps involved in this phase include:
3. Testing and Validation
Before the Testnet goes live, we must thoroughly test and validate all components to ensure they are functioning as expected. The tasks in this phase include:
One of the most exciting developments we worked on today is the integration of MetaMask with the BlockDAG Explorer. MetaMask is a popular wallet extension that allows users to interact with the blockchain directly from their browsers. Here's a step-by-step guide on how this integration will work:
1. Installing MetaMask
2. Connecting MetaMask to BlockDAG Testnet
The above mentioned details will soon be finalized and will be shared among the community members.
3. Using MetaMask with BlockDAG Explorer
4. Interacting with the Testnet
We’re back with another update from our development team! Over the weekend, our team has been actively working on several key areas to enhance the BlockDAG Explorer and the BlockDAG X1 application. This post will provide insights into our latest build submission, our responses to Apple’s queries, and our sprint planning meeting focused on the WalletConnect API integration.
Latest Build Submission and Apple Queries
Over the weekend, our team submitted the latest build of the BlockDAG X1 application to the Apple App Store. This build includes several improvements and bug fixes to enhance user experience, security, and performance. However, before the build can be approved and published, we need to address some queries raised by Apple regarding our earning mechanism for BDAG coins and their further use.
Apple's Queries Related to BDAG Coins
Apple requested additional clarification on two key points:
In parallel, we conducted a short sprint planning meeting focused on the integration of the WalletConnect API. WalletConnect is an open protocol that allows users to connect their mobile wallets to decentralized applications (dApps). This integration will enable users to interact seamlessly with the BlockDAG Explorer through their preferred wallets.
Detailed Tasks for WalletConnect API Integration
To achieve these objectives, our team has identified several key tasks:
Research and Documentation:
Greetings BlockDAG Coummunity,
Let's wrap this week with some exciting news on blockDAG x1 Application and BlockDAG explorer.
Developer Post: Exciting Updates and Future Plans for the BlockDAG X1 Application
We’re thrilled to share that the latest build of the BlockDAG X1 application has been successfully submitted to Apple for review! This update brings significant changes based on feedback and queries from Apple, aimed at enhancing both functionality and user experience.
Key Changes in the Latest Build:
We're not stopping there! As we move forward, we have some exciting plans to elevate the BlockDAG X1 application even further:
We are excited to share the latest developments on the BlockDAG Explorer! Our team has been working diligently to enhance the functionality and provide a more comprehensive view of the blockchain. Here’s an update on what’s currently in progress and what’s coming next.
Current Development: Fetching Transactions by Address
One of our major ongoing tasks is implementing the feature to fetch transactions by address. This enhancement will allow users to search for and view all transactions associated with a specific address directly within the explorer. By providing this functionality, we aim to improve transparency and make it easier for users to track transactions, monitor address activity, and verify balances. This feature is crucial for those who need to follow the flow of funds and for developers building applications that interact with the BlockDAG blockchain.
Next Steps: Testing and Infrastructure Deployment
Once the "Fetch Transactions by Address" feature is completed, our team will move forward with two critical tasks in parallel:
Our goal is to provide a powerful and user-friendly explorer that meets the diverse needs of our community, from individual users to developers and businesses. By running these processes in parallel, we aim to reduce the time to market and ensure a seamless testnet launch. The deployment process will be closely monitored to identify and address any issues immediately, ensuring a stable and reliable experience from day one.
What’s Next?
Following the infrastructure deployment and final testing, we will be moving toward the official testnet launch of the BlockDAG Explorer. This milestone will mark a significant step in our mission to provide a transparent and accessible blockchain experience for everyone. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for your continued support!
We’re excited about the progress we’re making and look forward to sharing more in the coming weeks. As always, your feedback is essential to us, so feel free to reach out with any suggestions or comments.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
In our continuous effort to enhance the functionality and performance of the BlockDAG explorer, this release focuses on establishing a comprehensive system for managing blockchain addresses, retrieving account balances, and calculating the total value of transactions within specific blocks. Below, we provide a detailed overview of the schema design, algorithmic approaches, and technical considerations that underpin these new features.
1. Detailed Schema Design for Handling Accounts
The core objective of this update is to create a robust and scalable schema that efficiently handles the relationship between blockchain addresses and their transactions. This design enables us to maintain accurate account balances and allows easy access to transaction histories.
Schema Components:
Schema Relationships:
2. Algorithm for Showing the Balance of a Particular Address:
To enable users to query the balance of any blockchain address, we implemented an API that interacts with our newly designed Accounts schema. The API fetches the current balance by directly querying the Accounts table, ensuring quick and reliable access to this data.
Algorithm Steps:
Input Validation:
Account Lookup:
Retrieve and Calculate Balance:
Return Data:
Example Workflow:
3. Algorithm for Summing Total Transaction Values in a Particular Block
To provide insights into the financial activity within specific blocks, we have implemented an API that calculates the total value of transactions in a given block. This feature is useful for users wanting to understand the volume and flow of funds in particular blocks.
Algorithm Steps:
Input Validation:
Fetch Transactions:
Calculate Total Value:
Return Data:
Example Workflow:
This update to the BlockDAG explorer introduces a well-structured schema and efficient algorithms for managing blockchain addresses and transactions, significantly enhancing the explorer's functionality and performance. By implementing the Accounts and Transactions tables with clear relationships, we have ensured that the system can efficiently manage large volumes of data while maintaining accuracy and integrity. The API for retrieving account balances provides a fast and reliable way for users to access their current balance information, while the algorithm for summing transaction values in a particular block offers valuable insights into block-level activity.
Upcoming Enhancements:
These enhancements represent our ongoing commitment to delivering a top-tier blockchain explorer that is both reliable and user-friendly. By focusing on scalability, security, and performance, we aim to make the BlockDAG explorer a leading tool in the blockchain space, capable of supporting a wide array of use cases from casual exploration to in-depth blockchain analysis.
bf:T1309,As part of our ongoing commitment to improving the BlockDAG X1 app, we have focused on refining the onboarding experience and addressing critical bugs identified during testing and stakeholder feedback sessions. This update outlines the changes made to the onboarding flow, fixes for app crashes related to OTP input, and other UI enhancements. Additionally, we provide insights into the root cause analysis and the steps taken to resolve key issues affecting the user experience.
Key Updates and Fixes
1. Enhancements to the Onboarding Flow:
The onboarding process is a crucial touchpoint for new users, and ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience is vital for user retention. Based on stakeholder feedback and internal testing, we identified and implemented several improvements:
2. Fixing App Crash When User Enters OTP:
One of the critical bugs identified was the app crashing when users attempted to enter their OTP during the verification step. This issue was not only frustrating for users but also blocked them from completing the onboarding process.
3. Resolving Loader Issues:
During the testing phase, we observed that the loading spinner would sometimes freeze or not display correctly, leading to a confusing user experience where actions seemed unresponsive.
This update marks a significant step forward in enhancing the BlockDAG X1 app's user experience and reliability. By addressing these critical issues promptly, we are setting a strong foundation for future improvements and continued growth. We look forward to your continued support and feedback as we strive to deliver the best possible experience with the BlockDAG X1 app.
c0:T12b2,Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Let's directly jump into the latest updates of blockchain explorer that we've been working from so long:
1. Enhanced Searching Functionality for UTXO Addresses (Vin and Vout)
We are excited to announce the introduction of an advanced searching feature within the BlockDAG explorer. This feature allows users to perform precise searches for Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) addresses in both the input (Vin) and output (Vout) components of transactions.
This new capability provides enhanced transparency and traceability within the BlockDAG explorer, empowering users to gain deeper insights into transaction flows and address interactions.
2. Creation of API to Retrieve Transactions by Address
In response to growing user demand for more flexible and efficient data retrieval, we have developed a new API that allows users to fetch transactions associated with a specific address. This API is designed to be highly performant, providing quick access to transaction histories.
This API is a significant addition for developers and users who require programmatic access to transaction data associated with specific addresses.
3. Deployment of Completed Tasks to QA Environment
The latest round of development has been successfully deployed to the QA environment for testing and validation. This includes the implementation and refinement of features completed as of yesterday, ensuring they meet our rigorous quality standards.
Our QA team will now perform extensive testing to identify any issues and verify that all new features operate as expected before they are released to production.
4. Optimisation of Sync Service Code
We have undertaken a significant optimization of the sync service code, which is responsible for keeping the BlockDAG explorer up-to-date with the latest transactions and block data.
These optimizations ensure that the BlockDAG explorer remains responsive and accurate, even as the network grows in size and complexity.
5. Faucet History API Implementation on Frontend and Backend
We have implemented a new feature that allows users to view the history of faucet transactions directly through the BlockDAG explorer. This feature includes both backend and frontend enhancements:
This feature is particularly useful for users participating in test networks or those utilizing faucets for small amounts of cryptocurrency.
c1:Te46,Today's changes focuses on enhancing the user experience (UX) and strengthening the app’s security features based on stakeholder feedback. The following updates have been made, with key areas highlighted for testing and feedback.
Key Updates:
UX Improvement in Password Field:
Robust Regex Implementation for Password Field:
Error Message Formatting:
UX Improvement for Delete Account Feature:
Final Round of Testing by Third-Party Testing Team:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Developer Release Notes: BlockDAGScan ExplorerRelease Overview
We are excited to announce the latest update to the BlockDAGScan Explorer, introducing powerful new features and enhancements aimed at improving the overall user experience for blockchain data exploration. This release focuses on the introduction of address history and transaction history search functionalities, along with response changes to existing APIs to enhance efficiency and provide more detailed information.
Key Features
1. Address History Search
With this release, BlockDAGScan Explorer now supports comprehensive address history searches. Users can easily trace the activity of a specific address, gaining insights into its entire transactional history. Key capabilities include:
2. Transaction History Search
The transaction history search feature allows users to dive deeper into specific transactions across the blockchain. Features include:
API Enhancements
In addition to the new search functionalities, several existing APIs have been updated to improve response accuracy, consistency, and richness of the data provided.
1. API Response Changes
2. Backward Compatibility
We have maintained backward compatibility for all existing APIs to ensure a smooth transition for developers who rely on the previous versions. However, we recommend updating your integration to take advantage of the new features and improvements.
We are excited to announce that we have successfully resolved a significant issue that impacted the performance and stability of the BlockDAG X1 Mining app—specifically, the Load Balancing Taint Problem. This update ensures a smoother and more efficient distribution of workloads across the application, leading to enhanced performance and reliability.
Understanding the Load Balancing Taint Problem
The Problem: Load Balancing Taint Issue
In the context of the BlockDAG X1 Mining app, the Load Balancing Taint Problem occurred when certain nodes within our Kubernetes cluster were incorrectly tainted. This could happen due to temporary conditions, misconfigurations, or issues within the cluster. The unintended taints caused the Kubernetes scheduler to exclude these nodes from receiving workload requests, leading to an imbalance in how tasks were distributed across the infrastructure.
The key impacts of this problem were:
Our Solution: Effective Mitigation of the Taint Problem
1. Automated Taint Detection and Management
2. Refined Toleration Strategies
3. Enhanced Monitoring and Alerting
Benefits of the Solution
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Today, we’ve made significant progress in our development efforts with a focused sprint planning session for the upcoming release of the BlockDAG blockchain explorer. The team has successfully completed the implementation of UTXO support for both the blocks and transaction modules. With this, the explorer can now effectively track and display unspent transaction outputs, a crucial feature for enhancing blockchain transparency.
Testing Phase: Ensuring Quality and Stability
We have officially entered the testing phase for the UTXO functionality. Our QA team has begun rigorous testing to ensure that the explorer performs smoothly, particularly focusing on data accuracy and seamless redirection within the explorer. During this phase, the development team will address any issues that arise. After the necessary fixes are made, a comprehensive regression test will be conducted to validate that both the EVM and UTXO models are functioning harmoniously.
In parallel with UTXO testing, we are thrilled to announce that our developers have started implementing smart contract support within the BlockDAG explorer. This feature will initially allow users to view smart contract transactions directly through the explorer, offering insight into how these contracts interact with the blockchain.
Publishing Smart Contracts
Users will be able to execute smart contracts using various methods, ensuring flexibility and ease of use:
Future Scope: Expanding Smart Contract Interactions
We have ambitious plans to expand the explorer’s smart contract functionalities by integrating the following APIs:
Technical Insights and Algorithms
To support the new smart contract functionality, we are implementing several technical algorithms. Below are pseudo-codes for these algorithms, providing a glimpse into the underlying processes:
1. Transaction Parsing Algorithm
This algorithm identifies and categorizes smart contract transactions, distinguishing them from regular blockchain transactions.
function parseTransaction(transaction):
if transaction.type == "smart_contract":
if transaction.method == "creation":
categorizeAs("Contract Creation")
categorizeAs("Contract Execution")
categorizeAs("Standard Transaction")
2. Event Indexing Algorithm
This algorithm indexes smart contract events to allow users to search and retrieve logs efficiently.
function indexEvents(transaction):
events = extractEvents(transaction)
for event in events:
eventHash = hashEvent(event)
addToIndex(eventHash, event)
3. Gas Usage Optimization
This algorithm estimates optimal gas usage for smart contract transactions.
function estimateGasUsage(contractCall):
gasLimit = getBaseGasLimit()
if contractCall.isComplex():
gasLimit += calculateAdditionalGas(contractCall)
return gasLimit
4. State Management Algorithm
This algorithm manages the retrieval and display of the current state of smart contracts, ensuring quick and accurate responses.
function getState(contractAddress):
stateTrie = fetchStateTrie(contractAddress)
cachedState = checkCache(contractAddress)
if cachedState:
return cachedState
currentState = queryState(stateTrie)
updateCache(contractAddress, currentState)
return currentState
The development of the BlockDAG explorer continues to progress rapidly. The introduction of smart contract transaction visibility is just the beginning of our efforts to enhance user interaction with the blockchain. The upcoming features will enable deeper engagement with smart contracts, making the BlockDAG explorer a powerful tool for developers and users alike.
Over the weekend, users of the BlockDAG X1 Miner application encountered a significant issue where the app became unresponsive and stuck on the loading screen. We understand the inconvenience this has caused and want to provide an update on what happened and the steps we're taking to resolve it.
Issue Monitoring and Diagnosis
Our team closely monitored the situation as reports came in from users. After thorough investigation, we identified that the problem might be related to the API hits being routed through Cloudflare. It appears that a sudden influx or mismanagement of these API requests could be causing the application to hang, leading to the unresponsiveness that users experienced.
Debugging and Resolution
Once the potential cause was identified, our developers immediately began debugging the issue. We are currently fine-tuning the API management and exploring configurations in Cloudflare that could prevent such issues from recurring. This involves analyzing the traffic patterns, ensuring optimal request handling, and implementing safeguards to manage load spikes more effectively.
Next Steps
The team is working diligently to resolve this issue and restore the application to a stable state. We are confident that the BlockDAG X1 Miner application will be up and running smoothly again very soon. Our priority is to ensure that the application remains reliable for all users, and we are committed to taking any necessary steps to achieve that.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this, and we’ll keep you updated on our progress.
Hello BlockDAG Community,
We’re thrilled to share that the long-awaited release of the BlockDAG Blockchain Explorer Testnet is just around the corner! This marks a significant milestone in our journey toward bringing transparency, speed, and innovation to our blockchain ecosystem. The upcoming testnet launch will allow the community to engage directly with the explorer, providing feedback that will help shape its final form.What’s Coming: The BlockDAG Blockchain Explorer is set to become an essential tool for anyone involved in our ecosystem, from developers to miners and blockchain enthusiasts. Here’s what you can look forward to:
Why It Matters: The launch of the BlockDAG Blockchain Explorer Testnet isn’t just about showcasing a new tool—it’s about enhancing the transparency and accessibility of our blockchain. With this explorer, users will gain deeper insights into the operations of our network, from how transactions are processed to the way blocks are formed and connected. This transparency is a cornerstone of the trust we’re building within our community, as it allows everyone to see exactly how the BlockDAG system functions.
Moreover, the explorer will be a critical resource for developers, offering detailed data that can be used to fine-tune dApps and other blockchain-based projects. Whether you're analyzing transaction patterns, optimizing smart contracts, or simply exploring the network's behavior, the BlockDAG Explorer will be your go-to tool.
Get Ready to Explore: As we approach the launch, we invite everyone in the community to prepare for an exciting new chapter. The testnet release will provide a hands-on opportunity to explore the explorer's capabilities, test its features, and provide valuable feedback. We’re particularly eager to hear from developers who can help us identify areas for improvement and suggest new features that could enhance the explorer's utility.
During the testnet phase, we'll be closely monitoring performance, gathering data, and making adjustments to ensure that the explorer is as efficient and user-friendly as possible when it transitions to the mainnet. Your participation is key to this process, and we can’t wait to see what you discover and how you’ll help us refine this vital tool.
Join Us: We encourage everyone to dive into the testnet, explore the features, and share your thoughts. Whether you’re tracking transactions, analyzing block data, or integrating the explorer’s API into your projects, your insights will be invaluable as we work towards the mainnet launch.
1. Application Availability:
2. Push Notification Crash Issue:
Hey BlockDAG Community,
Today has been an intense and productive day for the team as we rolled out the latest version of the BlockDAG X1 application on TestFlight and other app stores. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the updates and progress made.
1. Resolving the Notification Loader Issue
Issue Overview:
We recently encountered an issue where the application would get stuck on the loader screen when sending notifications. Upon investigation, we discovered that this problem was linked to devices that were not receiving notifications due to their device IDs not being updated.
Fix Implemented:
2. Key Features in Today’s Release
Primary Focus: Password Functionality
Today's release primarily introduces the long-awaited password functionality, which includes several critical scenarios:
3. Deep Linking on Android: Current Challenges
Current Status:
We are experiencing challenges with implementing deep linking on Android due to the complexity of handling multiple redirection scenarios. The domain redirection has been particularly tricky, requiring more in-depth research and development.
Temporary Solution:
4. Store Upload Status
Apple Store:
Huawei and Amazon Stores:
Recent Focus:
Our team has successfully resolved the challenges and research tasks, allowing us to continue development on the UTXO model.
Today's Achievement
Schema Relationships
Optimizing the UTXO Schema
Our team has been working diligently on refining the deep linking functionality. One of the key challenges we faced was integrating a new, smaller domain configuration with our main BlockDAG website. Initially, there were hurdles related to the accessibility of JSON files on the site, but after persistent efforts, the issue has been resolved, and we’re ready to roll out these enhancements.
Here’s how deep linking will work in the referral module:
Referral Link Generation:
These deep linking features are designed to streamline the referral process, making it easier and more intuitive for users to join the BlockDAG network and start earning rewards.
cd:T103b,Switching gears to the BlockDAG Explorer, our team recently conducted extensive load testing to identify potential performance bottlenecks. These tests are crucial as they help us pinpoint areas where improvements are needed to ensure the Explorer is both fast and reliable, even under heavy load.
Here are some of the key areas where performance issues were identified:
Data Fetching Latency:
Our QA team is working closely with the development team to address these issues. We’re optimizing database queries, improving cache management, and enhancing the overall architecture to better handle large volumes of data. These improvements will ensure that the BlockDAG Explorer remains fast and responsive, even as our user base grows.
UTXO Dashboard: Data Representation Challenges
In our ongoing development of the BlockDAG Explorer, one of the most intricate challenges we've encountered involves the representation of data on the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) dashboard. Unlike the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) model, where transactions typically involve a single input and output, the UTXO model can have multiple inputs and outputs within a single transaction. This is because UTXO-based systems, like Bitcoin and BlockDAG, operate by consuming existing outputs as inputs to create new outputs, allowing for more complex transaction structures.
Why UTXO Can Have Multiple Inputs and Outputs:
Input Consolidation: In a UTXO model, a user might have several smaller unspent outputs (like "coins") from previous transactions. To send a larger amount, these smaller outputs are combined as multiple inputs in a single transaction.
Change Outputs: When the total value of the inputs exceeds the amount to be sent, a "change" output is created to return the difference back to the sender. This adds another output to the transaction.
Batch Transactions: UTXO models allow multiple recipients in a single transaction, creating multiple outputs. This is often used to reduce transaction fees and improve efficiency.
Challenges in Data Representation:
Given these complexities, our goal is to design a user interface that makes these multiple inputs and outputs intuitive to understand. Users are accustomed to the more straightforward transaction views of EVM-based systems, where typically only one input and one output are displayed. Translating the more complex UTXO data into a similar, user-friendly format has required us to innovate in how we present and visualize this information on the dashboard.
To address this, we are working on creating a visual and data structure that captures the complexity of UTXO transactions while keeping the interface clean and easy to navigate. This involves summarizing key data points, visually differentiating between inputs and outputs, and ensuring that users can easily grasp the flow of value within a transaction.
Once these challenges are resolved, users will be able to view and interact with UTXO data in a way that is both informative and easy to understand, paving the way for a more powerful and user-friendly BlockDAG Explorer.
We’re targeting to begin testing this module on Devnet by the end of the week.
Dear BlockDAG Community,
It’s with great excitement that we bring you our 100th developer post! This is more than just a number; it’s a testament to the incredible progress we’ve made together, one update at a time. Each post has chronicled our journey from a fledgling project to a thriving ecosystem, and we couldn’t have done it without your support and enthusiasm. As we look back on all we’ve accomplished, we’re even more excited about the future.
A Journey of Growth and Innovation
Reflecting on these 100 posts, we’ve covered a lot of ground. We’ve built and launched the BlockDAG X1 application, implemented countless features, and continually refined the platform to meet the needs of our growing community. From the initial stages of development to the introduction of major functionalities like referral systems, leaderboard enhancements, and security updates, your feedback has been our guiding light. This milestone is not just about looking back; it’s about recognizing how each step has brought us closer to realizing our vision for BlockDAG.
Today marks a significant day in our development cycle as we draw closer to the release of some crucial new features on the X1 application. Our team has successfully completed the development of the password management functionality. This feature is designed with robust security measures, ensuring that users can easily and securely change and reset their passwords.
Challenges and Solutions: During the development phase, we encountered several edge cases, particularly around the “Forgot Password” and “Change Password” functionalities. These cases involved scenarios where users might have outdated links or incorrect tokens, which could disrupt the process. To address this, we implemented additional validation checks and introduced a more intuitive user flow that guides users through the process seamlessly. This involved a comprehensive overhaul of our backend logic, ensuring that even in rare circumstances, the password reset process is fail-safe.
Testing and Refinements: Post-development, our QA team ran extensive tests to identify and fix any lingering bugs. This included both automated and manual testing across multiple devices and operating systems. We’re confident that the password functionality is now polished and ready for deployment.
User experience is at the heart of what we do, and today we’ve made significant strides in improving how notifications are handled within the X1 application. As our user base grows, so does the demand on our infrastructure, especially when sending out global notifications.
The Problem: Previously, when an admin sent out a notification to all users, the sudden spike in activity could lead to delays or even temporary lags in the application. This was particularly noticeable during peak times, affecting the overall user experience.
Our Solution: We’re integrating AWS Lambda functions to optimize this process. Here’s how it works: When the admin clicks the "send" button for a notification, a Lambda function is triggered. This function will assess the current load on our system and automatically scale our application pods to handle the increased traffic. By dynamically allocating resources in real-time, we can ensure that notifications are delivered promptly without compromising the performance of the app.
Technical Details: The Lambda function is configured to monitor specific metrics, such as CPU usage and response time, within our Kubernetes cluster. Based on predefined thresholds, it will scale up or down the number of pods, ensuring optimal load distribution. This automation not only improves user experience but also enhances the efficiency of our infrastructure management, reducing costs while maintaining high availability.
In addition to the X1 updates, we had a pivotal meeting today with our stakeholders to discuss the future direction of the BlockDAG X1 Miner application. As our ecosystem expands, so do the possibilities for new features and integrations.
Non-Custodial Wallets: One of the key topics was the potential integration of non-custodial wallets into the Miner app. This feature would allow users to send/ receive the funds with the option to view and manage their balances directly on the official BlockDAG website. The idea is to provide users with a unified dashboard where they can see all their assets, including those mined through the X1 Miner app.
Security Considerations: Security is paramount in this process. We’re currently exploring various cryptographic approaches to ensure that these wallets are secure and user-friendly. This includes evaluating multi-signature wallets, hardware wallet integration, and secure key management solutions. Our goal is to implement a system that offers top-tier security without sacrificing usability.
Next Steps: Over the coming weeks, we’ll be conducting more in-depth research and prototyping different solutions. We’ll also be engaging with the community to gather feedback and insights on what features and functionalities you’d like to see in this new wallet integration.
On the BlockDAG Explorer front, our team continues to make substantial progress. We’re closing in on the completion of the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) module, a critical component of the explorer.
UTXO Module: This module is designed to provide detailed insights into all unspent transaction outputs, which are essential for understanding the state of the blockchain. It will allow users to track specific transactions, view their status, and understand how they contribute to the overall network.
Testing Phase: Once the development of the UTXO module is finalized, we’ll move into a rigorous testing phase. This will involve stress-testing the module under various conditions to ensure it performs efficiently, even as the network scales.
Smart Contracts UI: Simultaneously, we’ve begun work on the UI for the smart contracts section of the explorer. This feature will enable users to interact with smart contracts directly through the explorer, providing a user-friendly interface for deploying, managing, and monitoring smart contracts on the BlockDAG network.
Devnet Environment: In more exciting news, our Devnet environment is set to go live for community use, likely by tomorrow. This will be a major milestone, as it allows the community to engage with the BlockDAG network’s core functionalities in a controlled, experimental setting. You’ll be able to test transactions, deploy smart contracts, and explore the network’s capabilities firsthand.
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Today's been a great kick start to this week's updates , development and planning processes. As each week passes, we find ourselves edging ever closer to the highly anticipated testnet launch of the BlockDAG Explorer. This launch marks a significant milestone, as the explorer will transition from the devnet phase to a more publicly accessible testnet. The testnet explorer will be equipped with a test faucet, allowing users to thoroughly test the platform's complete functionality. The main difference from the devnet is that the testnet will be more widely available, offering the community an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the user interface and operational capabilities.
Upcoming Features in the Testnet Explorer
The testnet launch of the BlockDAG Explorer will introduce several key modules that are essential for comprehensive blockchain exploration. Below is a detailed overview of these features:
MetaMask Integration:
In today’s sprint planning, we’ve laid the groundwork for one of the most exciting developments yet: Smart Contract Support in the explorer. This development will start by next week once we're done with the UTXO testing and deployment on devnet environment. The major focus of the sprint planning was to discuss the feasibility of this feature in the explorer.
Progress Update: UTXO Support on blockchain explorer and More
Our development team is making significant progress with the UTXO support in both the blocks and transactions modules. We are approaching the final stages of development, after which the explorer will undergo rigorous testing to ensure it meets our high standards for performance and reliability. The devnet environment will serve as the testing ground before these features are deployed on the testnet, allowing us to identify and address any potential issues.
While significant progress is being made on the BlockDAG Explorer, this week’s primary focus is on enhancing the BlockDAG X1 mobile application. As we approach the testnet launch, it’s crucial that our mobile platform is not only feature-rich but also secure, intuitive, and user-friendly. Here’s a deeper dive into the key enhancements we’re implementing this week:
1. Password Functionality: Strengthening User Security
2. Deep Linking: Enhancing Navigation and User Experience
3. UI Bug Fixes: Ensuring a Seamless User Experience
From the infrastructure level to ensure the smooth working of the mobile application we have startign focusing on making the application more strong from this side. Given the growing user base and the anticipated increase in application load, especially during global notifications, we've prioritized Load Balancing and System Scaling as a key area of focus.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Weekly Summary: This week has been an innovative and highly productive period for our team. In addition to ongoing development work on the BlockDAG X1 mobile application and Explorer, we also engaged in detailed sprint planning focused on system optimization and load testing of our platforms. Our primary objective was to enhance the performance and reliability of both the mobile application and the Explorer, ensuring they can handle increased user activity as our community continues to grow.
The week began with a strategic sprint planning session where we identified key areas for optimization. We prioritized tasks that involved the enhancement of the sync service, a critical component that significantly impacts the performance of the BlockDAG Explorer. By improving the efficiency of the sync service, we aim to reduce latency, improve data retrieval times, and ensure the Explorer can manage larger datasets more effectively.
To achieve these goals, we are employing several technical algorithms, including:
Yesterday, our team conducted extensive load testing on both the BlockDAG X1 mobile application and the BlockDAG Explorer. Today, we thoroughly analyzed the results to identify areas for further optimization to enhance the performance and reliability of our systems. These insights are crucial as we aim to continuously improve the user experience and ensure the robustness of our applications.
Through this analysis, we've identified several key areas where optimizations can be made:
1. Database Query Optimization
One of the significant findings from our load testing was the need to optimize database queries. Under heavy load, certain queries were taking longer to execute, resulting in delays in data retrieval and impacting overall system performance.
Planned Enhancements:
These changes will reduce latency and improve the scalability of our database as the user base continues to grow.
2. API Optimization
The API layer, which facilitates communication between the frontend and backend, was identified as a potential bottleneck during load testing. Some API endpoints were slowing down under heavy traffic, leading to delayed responses and occasional timeouts.
Planned Enhancements:
These improvements will make the API more resilient, capable of handling a higher volume of requests without compromising performance.
3. Pagination Enhancement
Our current pagination logic, particularly when dealing with large datasets, was found to be less efficient, leading to slower loading times for pages displaying substantial amounts of data.
Planned Enhancements:
By refining our pagination strategy, we anticipate a significant improvement in the responsiveness of our applications, especially in data-heavy modules.
d9:T81b,Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Developer Update: In-Depth Load Testing and Development Progress
Today, we undertook a significant milestone in our ongoing journey to refine and optimize the BlockDAG X1 mobile application and blockchain explorer. While our development team continues to work diligently on the upcoming release, which includes major enhancements in user experience, security, and backend efficiency, we parallelly conducted a comprehensive load testing session. This critical step ensures that our systems are not only feature-rich but also robust, scalable, and capable of handling the demands of an expanding user base.
Current Development Focus
1. Enhanced User Experience
2. Backend Optimization
3. Blockchain Explorer Development
To validate our development work, a dedicated QA team was aligned to perform rigorous load testing across the entire system. This included both the BlockDAG X1 mobile application and the blockchain explorer. Our goal was to identify performance bottlenecks, establish system thresholds, and ensure that the application can scale effectively as our user base grows.
1. Testing Environment Setup
2. Load Testing Algorithms
Few example algorithms used while testing and it's outcome:
Concurrency Control Algorithm
Queueing Theory Algorithm
3. Load Testing on Crocroh Database
4. Performance Bottlenecks Identified
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Today, the team made significant strides in refining our ongoing projects, particularly the password functionality. We successfully achieved a positive flow, but we're still working on identifying and addressing potential negative scenarios to ensure a robust and secure implementation.
In addition, our focus has shifted towards enhancing the BlockDAG Explorer as we approach the testnet launch. A key component of this phase is improving our Blockchain Sync Service, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity and efficiency of our network.
Introducing the Sync Service for Enhanced Blockchain Data Management
We are excited to announce the release of a new sync service for BlockDAGScan Explorer, designed to significantly enhance data retrieval performance and streamline blockchain data management. This service is engineered to fetch, store, and manage blockchain data more efficiently, ensuring quicker access to block data, transaction histories, and upcoming support for EVM smart contract transactions, including standard ERC-20 tokens.
Key Features
1. Optimized Data Fetching and Storage
2. Comprehensive Block Data Management
3. Transaction History Retrieval
4. Future-Proofing with EVM Support
Database Optimization
API Integration
Security and Reliability
Future Enhancements
Our team has successfully implemented the API for the blocks module, and these APIs are currently undergoing rigorous testing. The key algorithms used in these APIs include:
Once testing is complete, these APIs will be integrated into the frontend, providing users with real-time access to block data.
Additionally, our backend team is preparing to develop the transaction API, which will enable detailed transaction tracking and history within the explorer. This API will utilize:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Developer Update: Enhancing User Experience and Expanding Features
Password Functionality Development
Today, our team made significant progress on the new password functionality, particularly focusing on refining the "Forgot Password" flow. During development, we encountered a few uncertainties regarding how the user experience should be structured for optimal clarity and ease of use. To address this, we held an internal meeting to brainstorm and finalize a flow that prioritizes simplicity and user-friendly design. Our goal is to complete development by the end of this week, allowing us to rigorously test the flows and ensure a seamless user experience once the features go live.
Deep Linking Progress
On the deep linking front, our team achieved an important milestone by getting a few files whitelisted on the smaller domain when users are redirected from a referral link. This step is crucial for ensuring that the deep linking functionality works flawlessly, providing users with a smooth and cohesive experience as they navigate from external links back into the app.
UI Enhancements
In parallel with these developments, we are making several updates to the UI. These include adding a new background, adjusting the input field color, and modifying the user onboarding flow in line with the new password functionality. These changes are aimed at not only improving the visual appeal of the app but also ensuring that the user journey is intuitive and engaging.
Turning to our BlockDAG Explorer, we’re excited to share that the team has successfully completed the dashboard page for UTXO support and is now moving on to the next major module:
UTXO Blocks.
UTXO Blocks Module
In the blocks module, our team has begun implementing the API to effectively fetch and display comprehensive data related to blockchain blocks. This includes retrieving the blocks listing from the database, which will provide users with an organized view of all blocks within the blockchain. Additionally, the blocks detail page is being developed to present in-depth information for each block, such as:
This comprehensive data will empower users to deeply explore and verify the state and history of the blockchain, enhancing transparency and trust in the BlockDAG ecosystem. Our focus is on ensuring that all relevant details are easily accessible, contributing to a robust and user-friendly BlockDAG Explorer.
Sneak Peek
Here’s a sneak peek of the upcoming UTXO Blocks module, showcasing our commitment to transparency and user empowerment in the blockchain space.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance and expand our platform, ensuring that every feature is built with the user in mind.
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Today's Update on the BlockDAG X1 Mobile Application and Explorer
Sprint Planning and Review
Today was a very hectic day as we planned out the complete sprint and reviewed the previous one. With the next release of the mobile application scheduled in the coming two weeks, the team is fully engaged in ensuring a smooth rollout.
Password Functionality Implementation:
One of the key features we are currently working on is the new password functionality. This feature is critical for enhancing security and providing users with more control over their accounts. Implementing password functionality involves several considerations, especially for existing users who previously relied on OTP-based authentication.
Deep Linking:
In parallel, another team member is working on deep linking, a feature that allows users to navigate directly to specific pages or sections within the app from external links. Deep linking enhances the user experience by providing a more seamless interaction with the app, especially when accessed from emails, social media, or other external sources. It helps in driving user engagement and can significantly improve the flow of app usage.
Reward Script Execution:
We also ran the reward script today to remove rewards from users who were using fake numbers or VoIP numbers. This step ensures that the reward system remains fair and that only genuine users benefit from the incentives.
Apple Submission Update:
Additionally, we resubmitted the application to Apple after addressing their query related to the privacy policy. We’re currently awaiting their feedback, as the application remains under review.
The BlockDAG explorer team has made substantial progress on UTXO transactions. The dashboard for the UTXO explorer is almost complete and is currently undergoing testing with the QA team. Here's a sneak peek into the UTXO dashboard:
The data will be changed inside recent blocks and transactions. Similarly will be the case of blocks and transactions page.
Next up, the team will begin working on the UTXO blocks page, which will be a crucial component of the explorer.
Users will be able to drill down into each block to view individual transactions, see the transfer of assets, and explore detailed transaction histories. This page will offer a user-friendly and detailed view of the blockchain's state, making it easier for users to navigate and understand the complexities of the UTXO system.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Weekly Update: Progress and New Developments
This week, we made significant strides across various fronts, aligned with our roadmap. Here's a brief overview of the key activities:
Today’s Update:
Upon submission, we received feedback from Apple’s review team concerning specific aspects of our data privacy policy.
Apple’s queries focused on how we handle, store, and protect user data within the application, reflecting their stringent privacy standards. To address these concerns, our team quickly prepared a detailed response: We outlined our data privacy measures, ensuring transparency in how we safeguard user information. The response was submitted back to Apple, and we are currently awaiting their review process to conclude. This review is critical for ensuring compliance with Apple’s regulations and maintaining the app’s availability on their platform.
Our development team has successfully implemented the "Change Password" functionality in the BlockDAG X1 app:
Users can now securely update their passwords directly from the app, enhancing overall account security.
This feature is part of a broader initiative to strengthen user authentication processes and reduce security vulnerabilities.
The implementation also includes user-friendly prompts and error messages to guide users through the password change process smoothly.
We received a new domain that will be used to implement deep linking within the app:
Deep linking allows users to be directed to specific content or pages within the app via external links, such as from emails, social media, or web pages.
This functionality will enhance user navigation by providing direct access to relevant app content, improving user engagement and satisfaction.
The deep linking feature has been in our backlog for some time, and with the new domain in place, we are ready to begin implementation.
The feature will be particularly useful for marketing campaigns, user onboarding, and content sharing, enabling a more integrated user experience.
UTXO Figma Design Adjustments:
Stay tuned week for more updates!
e5:Tddd,Greetings BlockDAG Community,
BlockDAG X1 Application: Patch Update Release & Upcoming Enhancements
We’re excited to announce that a new patch update is being released on TestFlight today! Before making it available to everyone, we've ensured rigorous testing by both internal and external stakeholders to maintain our commitment to quality.
What’s New in This Update?
We’re also thrilled to share that our next big release is planned for the next two weeks. This upcoming release will bring major enhancements to user experience and security, addressing several user concerns and introducing new features.
Based on feedback and observations from user queries, we’ve made several changes to improve the overall experience. Here’s a rundown of what’s included in today’s patch update:
The reason for this change is that we are gradually transitioning from Devnet to Testnet, marking the successful near-completion of our Devnet phase. The referral rate adjustment reflects the conclusion of an initial promotional phase as we’ve crossed the milestone of 100,000 users. This shift aligns with our original plan, rewarding early adopters and ensuring sustainable growth as we move forward.
Migration Requirements:
This requirement is set to ensure that only those who have committed to the project during its early stages can migrate their coins. If you do not hold the required 7,500 BDAG from the presale at launch, you will not be able to migrate your coins. This measure is designed to maintain the integrity of the migration process and support those who invested in the project's early days. These are the major changes in this patch update. Additionally, as we prepare for the next major release, our team is focused on creating APIs to support password functionality. We're working on five different scenarios to ensure optimized and fast responses.
e6:Ta1f,In addition to the improvements within the BlockDAG X1 application, our team has been diligently working on enhancing the blockchain explorer, a crucial tool for users to interact with and analyze the BlockDAG network. Here’s what’s coming:
Blocks and Transactions Pages:
These updates are designed to enhance the overall functionality and usability of the blockchain explorer, providing users with deeper insights and greater control over their interactions with the BlockDAG network. Whether you’re a developer, a blockchain enthusiast, or a regular user, these improvements will offer you a more intuitive and powerful tool to explore the BlockDAG ecosystem.
e7:T642,Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Development Release Update for BlockDAG X1
We are excited to announce the latest updates to the BlockDAG X1 app, reflecting our continuous commitment to enhancing user experience and functionality.
Key Updates:
Quality Assurance:
The new features are currently undergoing rigorous testing by our Quality Assurance (QA) team. During the initial round of QA, several bugs were identified and promptly addressed by our development team. We are committed to ensuring that the upcoming release is stable and reliable.
Once the QA team has completed their comprehensive testing, we will roll out these exciting updates to all users.
In parallel with the BlockDAG X1 updates, we have made significant progress on BlockDAGScan, specifically focusing on the implementation of the UTXO explorer.
UTXO Explorer Implementation:
The UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) explorer is a critical component that allows users to track and analyze unspent transaction outputs on the blockchain. This feature is crucial for providing transparency and detailed insights into transaction history.
Challenges and Solutions:
Challenge: One of the main challenges we faced was ensuring the real-time synchronization of UTXO data with the blockchain. Given the decentralized nature of the blockchain, maintaining an up-to-date and accurate UTXO set required overcoming latency and data consistency issues.
Solution: To address this challenge, we implemented a hybrid approach combining real-time data streaming and periodic data snapshots. By leveraging blockchain nodes for continuous data updates and periodically validating the UTXO set against full blockchain snapshots, we achieved a balance between real-time accuracy and overall data integrity. We are thrilled about these advancements and remain dedicated to delivering top-tier solutions for our users. Your feedback is invaluable, and we look forward to your continued support as we strive to enhance our products. Thank you for being a part of the BlockDAG community.
Best Regards,
The BlockDAG Development Team
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Figma Design Review Today, we had a productive meeting to review the Figma designs for the new password functionality. We're pleased to announce that we completed this task as per our commitment. The designs are currently under review with our external stakeholders. Once we receive their approvals, we'll hand the Figma designs over to our designer, and the development team will begin working on this exciting new feature, which we believe will be a significant enhancement to our mobile application.
Exploring New Features During today's meeting, we also discussed several potential features to enhance the BlockDAG X1 application. Here are a few key points from our discussion:
Additional Enhancements
Upcoming Maintenance
We have reviewed and conducted a dry run of the script designed to remove BDAG coins associated with fake or VoIP users. This script is scheduled to be executed in production within the next couple of days, ensuring a cleaner and more secure user base.
Additionally, we plan to push the admin panel changes and some backend enhancements by Thursday this week.
We are committed to continuously improving the BlockDAG X1 application to enhance user security and experience. These updates are part of our ongoing efforts to provide a safer and more user-friendly platform. We appreciate your feedback and support as we implement these changes. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, thank you for being a valued member of the BlockDAG community.
The team continued working on support for UTXO transactions. The UTXO explorer will follow the same flow as the EVM transactions, allowing users to seamlessly navigate between different transaction types. This addition will provide a more comprehensive view of the blockchain activity and enhance user experience.
In addition, several improvements are being made to the devnet explorer to enhance usability and functionality:
These changes aim to improve the user interface and provide a more efficient way to explore blockchain data. We are excited about these enhancements and look forward to your feedback.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance the BlockDAG ecosystem!
Hello BlockDAG Community,
X1 Miner Updates:
We had a productive kick start into this week with a product roadmap meeting where we discussed several key features and improvements that we'll be working on this week. Here are the main points we covered:
Password-Based Authentication: We are adding a login and signup system using passwords to enhance security and user experience.
Forgot Password Feature: Users can easily recover their accounts if they forget their passwords.
Password Change Option: Users will have the option to change their passwords within the app for added security.
Mandatory Password Setup for Existing Users: Existing users will be required to set a password the next time they log in to improve overall platform security.
2. KYC (Know Your Customer) Verification:
Removal of Fake Users: We will implement measures to identify and remove fake users who signed up using VoIP numbers.
Enhanced Security: KYC verification will reduce the risk of fraud, ensuring that only legitimate users can access and transfer funds within our app.
Compliance and Trust: KYC helps verify user identities, preventing fraudulent activities and enhancing the trustworthiness of our platform.
Airdrop Migration Process:
Minted Funds Transfer: Users will need to complete KYC verification to transfer funds from the app to their mainnet wallet addresses.
Finalizing the Flow: We are finalizing the process to ensure smooth fund transfers, reducing fraud risks, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
3. Dynamic FAQ Section:
Improved User Support: Introducing a dynamic FAQ section in the app to provide users with up-to-date and relevant information, enhancing their overall experience.
4. Notification Feature:
Active Session Alert: Users will be notified if they try to log out while their session is active, informing them that logging out will destroy the active session.
These updates are crucial steps towards enhancing the functionality and security of our app. We are excited about these developments and will keep you updated as we make progress.
ec:T8f3,BlockDAGScan Updates:
We are excited to share the latest updates on the BlockDAGScan Explorer project. Our development team has been working diligently to enhance the functionality and performance of our explorer, and we have several important updates to share with you.
UTXO Transaction Schema Updates:
These updates are essential steps towards enhancing the capabilities of the BlockDAGScan Explorer. We are committed to delivering a high-performance, user-friendly platform that meets the evolving needs of our users. Our team will continue to work diligently to implement these changes and ensure that the BlockDAGScan Explorer remains a cutting-edge tool for exploring and interacting with the BlockDAG blockchain.
We are committed to continuously improving our user experience and are excited to roll out these enhancements. Stay tuned for more updates!
Hello BlockDAG Community,
As we wrap up another productive week, we want to share a quick recap of our progress and key updates.
Weekly Recap
Application Testing and Production Release
We started our week with comprehensive testing of the BlockDAG X1 application to ensure the latest updates are stable and ready for production. This rigorous testing was crucial to maintaining the quality and reliability of our application.
Addressing User Queries on Phone Number Bans
Several users raised concerns about their phone numbers being banned. Upon investigation, we identified issues with our phone number validation service. We revised our validation logic to allow additional categories of phone numbers, resolving this issue for affected users.
Successful Build Delivery
By mid-week, we successfully delivered the latest build to production. Internal and external stakeholders thoroughly tested this build, and upon receiving their approval, we uploaded it to the Apple, Huawei, and Amazon stores. The latest APK of the application is also available for our users.
Blockchain Explorer Phase 2
For the blockchain explorer, we completed and tested Phase 1, sharing it with stakeholders. We have now embarked on Phase 2, which will include support for UTXO transactions and smart contracts.
Let's jump to the latest update for today:
Enhancing User Authentication
We have received numerous complaints about OTP (One-Time Password) delivery issues. To prioritize user experience, we are implementing additional authentication methods, specifically email verification. Our team has been working diligently on this today, integrating SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) into our Golang codebase and creating email templates for this purpose.
Pseudo Code for Email Verification Implementation
Here's an outline of the algorithm we are using to implement email verification with accompanying pseudo code (Note: that this is just an example implementation and does not reflect the same method names):
function sendConfirmationEmail(userId):
user = getUserById(userId)
emailBody = "Hello,\n\nYour email has been successfully verified.\n\nThank you,\nBlockDAG X1 Team"
smtpSend(user.email, "BlockDAG X1 Email Verification Successful", emailBody, smtpServer, port, username, password)
We are committed to continuously improving our user experience and are excited to roll out these enhancements. Stay tuned for more updates!
Thank you for your continued support!
Greeting blockDAG Community,
Integrating BDAG Posts and Upcoming Features
BDAG Posts Integration
Today, our team has made significant progress on integrating BDAG posts into the BlockDAG X1 mobile application. This feature will allow users to:
This integration aims to enhance user engagement and keep our community informed about the latest happenings in the BlockDAG ecosystem.
Sneak peak into the figma design:
In addition to the BDAG posts integration, our team has been working tirelessly to improve the overall user experience of the BlockDAG X1 application. Our goal is to make the app smoother and more intuitive for our users.
Upcoming Features and Enhancements
We have several exciting features and improvements lined up in our backlog as the next steps for enhancing the BlockDAG X1 application. Here are a few key items:
Google and Apple Sign-In
We are planning to allow users to sign in through their Google and Apple accounts. This will provide a seamless and secure login experience, leveraging the robust authentication mechanisms of these platforms. Users will be able to:
We are enhancing our sign-up and sign-in process by allowing users to create and access their accounts via email. This will:
Mandatory Email Linking
Following the implementation of Google and Apple sign-in, we will make email linking mandatory for all existing users. This step will help:
Backend Enhancements
Our backend team is also working on several critical tasks to improve the performance and functionality of the BlockDAG X1 application:
These tasks are in progress, and their timelines will be discussed and disclosed soon.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Exciting New Features and Enhancements!
Latest Build Update
Yesterday, we uploaded the latest build on TestFlight for iOS. Following this, several testing phases were conducted internally and externally by our stakeholders and QA team. We are thrilled to announce that we have successfully uploaded the latest build on the production environment for both iOS and Android. Here are the new features and improvements you can expect in this latest build:
We are thrilled to share the upcoming enhancements and features that we are planning to integrate into the BlockDAG X1 mobile application. Our next focus areas are aimed at providing a more connected, informative, and engaging experience for our users.
Social Media Integration
One of the major upcoming features is the integration of social media functionalities into the application. Here's what you can expect:
Next Phase Development
As we move forward, our development team is preparing the Figma designs for the next set of features. These designs will guide the development process and ensure that our new features are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Key areas of focus include:
The blockchain explorer is currently under testing with external stakeholders. The user guide is ready and is under review. Once we receive approval from our stakeholders, we will roll out the explorer to the public very soon.
Next Phase for Blockchain Explorer
The next scope for the blockchain explorer includes a module to show transactions that are UTXO model-based.
UTXO-Based Transactions in BlockDAG: UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) is a fundamental model used in many blockchain systems. In the UTXO model, every transaction creates new outputs that can be spent in future transactions. Each UTXO represents a chain of ownership implemented as a chain of digital signatures, where each owner transfers ownership to the next by digitally signing a hash of the previous transaction and the public key of the next owner.
Flow of UTXO-Based Transactions in BlockDAG:
We are excited about these updates and look forward to bringing you more features and enhancements in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates!
Thank you for your continued support.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Key Enhancements and Fixes for BlockDAG X1
Mobile Application
Based on our internal call yesterday, several action items were identified for the development team. Here's a quick update on what team was up to the whole day to cater the action items discussed.
Leaderboard Performance Issues:
These changes are undergoing rigorous testing to ensure they meet our quality standards. Once verified, we will push the latest code to TestFlight, test that then add the updates to the app store enabling users to access the newest fixes and enhancements for a smoother application experience.
Additionally, we have responded to user queries and reinstated accounts of users with legitimate phone numbers who were erroneously banned by our service.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Addressing User Concerns and Enhancements in BlockDAG X1 Application
Today was an incredibly busy and productive day as our team dedicated significant time and effort to address numerous user queries that accumulated over the weekend. One major concern raised by our users was the issue of their phone numbers being banned in the BlockDAG X1 application.
Addressing Phone Number Bans
We use a service to categorize phone numbers into the following types:
Until now, we were only allowing phone numbers that fell under the Mobile and Prepaid categories. However, many users reported that their physical SIMs were being blocked. Upon investigation, we found that the AWS service we use might classify some legitimate numbers as banned due to the following reasons:
Solution and Changes Implemented
After thorough internal discussions, we have decided to expand our allowed categories to include Mobile, Prepaid, and Other types of phone numbers. This change is aimed at resolving the issues users have faced with their physical SIMs being blocked.
Future Enhancements
We are also exploring the possibility of customizing our phone number detection service to whitelist special phone numbers. This would provide more flexibility and prevent legitimate numbers from being incorrectly banned.
Stakeholder Meeting and Bug Fixes
In addition to addressing user concerns, we had a crucial meeting with our stakeholders to discuss the functionality and performance of the leaderboard. We reviewed the current bugs reported by the community and have prioritized their resolution. Here are some key points from our discussion:
Our team is committed to continuously improving the BlockDAG X1 application. Here are some of the ongoing and upcoming enhancements:
We appreciate your patience and support as we work on these improvements. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we are dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our users.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of the BlockDAG community!
We are excited to share that the first scope of our blockchain explorer is now complete! This milestone includes the following essential modules:
In addition to completing these modules, our team has addressed several important aspects today:
With these updates, we are confident that the blockchain explorer is in great shape. We anticipate being able to showcase the explorer to you by tomorrow. Stay tuned for more updates!
f9:T862,Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Weekly Developer Update
As it's the weekend, let's begin with a quick recap of this week's activities and then dive into the latest updates on our mobile application.
Sprint Planning
We kicked off this week with a sprint planning session where we discussed all the tasks and aligned them with the team according to their capacity. The major functionalities tackled this week included the sign-in/sign-up module and deep referral. Additionally, we focused on a few enhancements from a security standpoint, such as hiding the user's balance and showing the dollar equivalent of BDAG coins.
Mid-Week Achievements
By mid-week, we achieved a new user onboarding flow, which was then moved to the testing phase. All the other enhancements and features were also transitioned to testing. Last week, we encountered an issue while trying to upload the latest build on TestFlight due to an error from Apple's team. We had to get in touch with Apple to resolve the issue. Once resolved, we successfully moved the latest build to the Apple Store.
Stakeholder Meeting and Requirement Adjustments
Later in the week, we had a meeting with the stakeholders to discuss the requirements for the PIN lock and mining history page. However, it was concluded that these requirements could be deprioritized for now. Instead, we decided to focus on supporting social media integration, which was added to the current sprint.
Huawei App Store Submission
In parallel, we submitted the application to the Huawei App Store. The application went live in two days, but unfortunately, we are facing challenges going live in India and Indonesia. We are actively working with the Huawei team to resolve these issues.
Blockchain Explorer in this sprint
This sprint also involved several internal and external demos of the blockchain explorer with stakeholders. We identified and need to resolve several design and redirection-related bugs at the development level.
We're excited to share the latest updates on the explorer!
Design Changes and Feedback
The recent design changes are now complete and have been deployed on the explorer. We received feedback from external stakeholders yesterday, which included the following adjustments:
Upcoming Launch
We are on track to make the explorer live at the start of next week, allowing users to embark on this exciting journey with us.
What Users Can Check
As this is the devnet environment, users can explore the following:
Faucet Interaction Limits
We are eager to see users engage with the explorer and provide their valuable feedback. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the official launch!
Have a great weekend!
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
BlockDAG X1 Now Live on Huawei App Gallery!
We are thrilled to announce that our BlockDAG X1 application has successfully passed all requirements and is now live on Huawei App Gallery! This milestone represents our ongoing commitment to expanding our platform’s reach and accessibility across various ecosystems.
While our application has gone live, there are a few policy compliance issues in India and Indonesia that need to be addressed. These issues are currently under review, and we are actively collaborating with the Huawei team to understand and resolve these concerns as quickly as possible.
Technical Highlights
We are confident that these minor setbacks will be resolved soon, allowing users in India and Indonesia to enjoy the full benefits of BlockDAG X1. We appreciate your patience and support as we work towards delivering the best possible experience for our global community. Stay tuned for more updates!
Greetings, BlockDAG X1 community!
Mid-Sprint Progress and Exciting Developments
As we reach the midpoint of our current sprint, we're thrilled to share some exciting updates on the progress and new features we are working on. Here's a detailed look at what has been accomplished so far and what's on the horizon.
Sign-Up/Sign-In Flow Development
We're pleased to announce that the development of the new sign-up/sign-in flow is complete and is currently in the testing phase. This enhanced flow is designed to provide a smoother and more intuitive user experience, ensuring that users can easily access their accounts with minimal friction.
Balance Eye Icon Update
One of the key tasks was to add an eye icon in front of the balance to allow users to toggle the visibility of their balance. After implementing this feature, we realized that the placement of the eye icon was not optimal. Therefore, we've replaced the eye icon with a "" placeholder. Now, when users click on the "", their balance will be displayed. This update is also in the testing phase and will soon be available for all users.
Upcoming Feature:
Deep Linking for Referral Module
Next in line is the deep linking for our referral module. This feature will simplify the referral process significantly. Here's how it will work:
Gathering Requirements for Mining History Module and PIN Lock
As per our sprint planning, we will soon gather requirements for the mining history module and the PIN lock feature to support app privacy. We will convene with all stakeholders to discuss and finalize these requirements. Once we have consensus, we will move to the design phase and prepare the necessary Figma designs.
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
A Hectic but Productive Day
Today has been incredibly hectic for the team as we juggle several tasks simultaneously. Here's a detailed breakdown of our progress:
New Sign-Up/Sign-In Flow
Deep Linking in the Referral Module
Minor Enhancements
TestFlight Issue Resolved
Stay tuned for more live updates around all the open threads!
ff:Taea,Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Developer Update: Sprint Planning and Upcoming Enhancements
Last week, we were set to post updates for the BlockDAG X1 Miner application on the Apple Store. However, we decided to push the build on TestFlight first to test the application thoroughly. Despite our efforts, an error occurred on TestFlight, and we are currently awaiting a response from Apple to resolve this issue.
Sprint Planning
Today, we conducted our sprint planning session, during which we reviewed and prioritized the enhancements in our backlog. Below are the key tasks and new features that we will be focusing on in this sprint:
1. Improve the Login/Sign-Up Flow
Current Situation: Previously, the application displayed separate screens for sign-in and sign-up, leading to confusion among users.
Enhancement: We are merging these two screens into a single, seamless interface. Users will now encounter a unified entry point where the backend logic will determine whether to sign in or sign up based on the input provided. This will simplify the user experience and streamline the onboarding process.
2. Deep Linking in Referral Module
Current Situation: Users often face difficulties navigating to specific sections within the referral module.
Enhancement: We are implementing deep linking functionality in the referral module. This will allow users to directly access specific referral details or actions through a link, improving navigation and user experience. For instance, if a user receives a referral link, clicking it will take them directly to the relevant section within the app, bypassing the need to manually navigate through multiple screens.
3. BDAG to $ Conversion
Current Situation: Users can see their BDAG balance but lack a clear understanding of its value in USD.
Enhancement: We are introducing a feature that converts and displays the user's BDAG balance in USD. This real-time conversion will provide users with a better understanding of the value of their assets, enhancing transparency and trust in the application.
4. Eye Icon for BDAG Balance
Current Situation: Users' BDAG balances are always visible, which may compromise their privacy in certain situations.
Enhancement: We are adding an eye icon next to the BDAG balance, allowing users to hide or reveal their balance with a single click. This will give users greater control over their privacy and the visibility of their financial information.
Today team worked on enhancing the system and writing the test cases for the missing modules here are some examples:
// This example demonstrates how to decode modified base58 encoded data.
func ExampleDecode() {
// Decode example modified base58 encoded data.
encoded := []byte("25JnwSn7XKfNQ")
decoded := base58.Decode(encoded)
// Show the decoded data.
fmt.Println("Decoded Data:", string(decoded))
// Output:
// Decoded Data: Test data
// This example demonstrates how to encode data using the modified base58
// encoding scheme.
func ExampleEncode() {
// Encode example data with the modified base58 encoding scheme.
data := []byte("Test data")
encoded, _ := base58.Encode(data)
// Show the encoded data.
fmt.Printf("Encoded Data: %s\n", encoded)
// Output:
// Encoded Data: 25JnwSn7XKfNQ
// This example demonstrates how to decode Base58Check encoded data.
func ExampleCheckDecodeBtc() {
// Decode an example Base58Check encoded data.
encoded := "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa"
decoded, version, err := base58.BtcCheckDecode(encoded)
if err != nil {
// Show the decoded data.
fmt.Printf("Decoded data: %x\n", decoded)
fmt.Println("Version Byte:", version)
// Output:
// Decoded data: 62e907b15cbf27d5425399ebf6f0fb50ebb88f18
// Version Byte: 0
These enhancements and new features are aimed at improving the overall user experience, security, and functionality of the BlockDAG X1 Miner application. We are excited to implement these changes and look forward to your feedback.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for your continued support!
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
BlockDAG Developer Update
As we reach the end of the week, here's a quick recap of our progress and achievements:
Weekly Highlights
Blockchain Explorer Progress
In parallel with our application updates, we've made significant strides on the blockchain explorer:
Daily Update
Here's what we've been working on today:
Account Setup and Build Uploads
Today was heavily focused on setting up accounts and uploading builds:
Thank you for your continued support and patience as we work to make BlockDAG better and safer for everyone. Stay tuned for more updates next week!
102:Tce5,Today marks the successful closure of our current sprint and the beginning of our next planning phase. Here’s an update on what we’ve accomplished and what’s ahead for the BlockDAG Explorer.
Sprint Closure
Bug Fixes
In the current sprint, our team focused on resolving critical bugs to improve the overall functionality and user experience of the BlockDAG Explorer. The following issues were addressed:
All these tickets have been successfully closed, ensuring a smoother and more reliable experience for our users. Next week we'll be live with the devnet explorer too!
Sprint Planning
In our sprint planning meeting, we discussed the upcoming modules and enhancements that will be included in the next scope of development. Here are some of the exciting features we are considering:
Contracts Module
The Contracts Module will enable users to interact with various smart contracts directly through the explorer. This will include functionalities such as:
NFT Module
The NFT Module will provide comprehensive support for non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Features will include:
Support for All Types of Contracts
Expanding the explorer’s capability to support a wide range of smart contracts, including but not limited to:
What’s Next?
We are excited about the possibilities these new modules will bring to our explorer. The detailed scope of the next development phase will be shared soon. Our goal is to continually enhance the BlockDAG Explorer, making it a comprehensive and user-friendly tool for blockchain interactions.
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Thorough Testing and Exciting Developments: New Features
Pagination in Referral Module
As we have been rigorously testing the BlockDAG X1 Miner application before its official release. During our final round of testing, we identified an issue related to the FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) token.
Details on the FCM Token Issue:
The FCM token is a unique identifier used by Firebase Cloud Messaging to send notifications to a specific device. It is crucial for ensuring that users receive timely notifications related to their mining sessions, referrals, and other updates. The issue we encountered involved the improper registration and update of the FCM token, which could potentially lead to users not receiving critical notifications.
Upon identifying the issue, our team conducted a thorough investigation to understand the root cause and the scenarios in which the problem occurred. We have since implemented a fix to ensure the correct handling of FCM tokens, ensuring that all notifications are reliably delivered to our users.
Current Status:
We are now in the process of extensive testing to verify that the implemented fix resolves the issue without affecting any existing functionality. Our goal is to ensure that the application remains stable, secure, and fully functional for all users.
Next Steps:
As we are done with functionalities and features, so we are about to rollout the new update for our BlockDAG X1 app on Apple store and Amazon Store. Be ready to unlock new features in our BlockDAG X1 app.
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Thorough Testing and Exciting Developments
Today was dedicated to an extensive testing phase, ensuring the upcoming changes to our application are robust and ready for deployment. This meticulous process is crucial to delivering a seamless experience for our users. Once these updates are deployed, we will share comprehensive release notes with the community. Additionally, we will provide a detailed user guide that includes a list of FAQs, making it easier for everyone to navigate and utilize the new features.
Day's Recap
We began our day with a status meeting where we discussed all the recent changes and the current testing status. The team has been diligently resolving an issue related to notifications and making last-minute adjustments to define specific scenarios when users should receive notifications. As notifications are a major functionality, ensuring they work flawlessly is our top priority.
Another significant enhancement we’ve added is related to handling no internet connection. The application will now automatically resume functioning as soon as the connection is stable, without requiring any action from the user. This improvement aims to provide a more seamless user experience, especially in areas with fluctuating internet connectivity.
External Stakeholder Collaboration
We also plan to share the build with external stakeholders for additional testing. Their feedback will be invaluable in identifying any remaining issues before we go live. This collaborative approach ensures that we can make any necessary adjustments and deliver a polished product to our users.
Exciting News for Android Users
We have successfully established an account on the Huawei Store, marking a significant milestone for us. This week, we will push the production build to this store, making our application more accessible to a broader audience. Next on our agenda is to engage with the Samsung team and Google Play to get our accounts and builds up and running on their platforms. This expansion will greatly increase the reach of our application, providing more users with the benefits of our innovative solutions.
Blockchain Explorer Developments
On the blockchain explorer front, we are currently in the testing phase of the application. Our focus remains on implementing design changes and enhancing the explorer's stability. The devnet environment, while not yet stable, serves as a crucial testing ground for these updates. By mid-August, we aim to launch the testnet version of our blockchain and explorer, marking a significant step forward in our project timeline.
In addition to stability improvements, we plan to introduce more functionality to the current blockchain explorer. These enhancements will provide users with a more comprehensive and user-friendly experience, further solidifying our commitment to innovation and excellence in the blockchain space.
Looking Ahead
As we move forward, our primary goal is to ensure that all updates and new features are thoroughly tested and optimized for performance. We appreciate the patience and support of our community as we work diligently to deliver these improvements. Your feedback is crucial to our success, and we encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences with us.
We're also adding features to detect the virtual numbers to make sure we will only allow accounts with actual unique devices and phone phone numbers which are not 1 time use voip solutions etc. It will help us application to be more secure and robust as it will not allow users to game the system
Stay tuned for more updates and detailed release notes, which will be shared soon.
Hey BlockDAG Community!
We had an exciting day filled with discussions and planning for the future of our app. Today, we had a productive meeting with our stakeholders where we brainstormed and discussed the next scope of development. While the exact details are still being finalized, we can't wait to share them with you soon!
What's Happening Now?
We're not just planning for the future; we're actively improving the current version of our application. These enhancements are in the testing phase, and we're thrilled to announce that the latest changes will be deployed to production this week! Stay tuned for a smoother, more efficient experience.
Planning for the Next Sprint
We’re gearing up for our next sprint, and we have some exciting tasks lined up. Here's a sneak peek at what's in consideration. The final priorities will be set in our sprint meeting this Friday, where we'll also have input from our external stakeholders.
1. Mining History Feature
We know how important it is for you to track your progress, so we’re adding a feature that will let you see your entire mining history. This will include:
This detailed log will help you monitor and analyze your mining performance over time, giving you insights into your activity and helping you optimize your efforts.
2. Balance Visibility Toggle
Privacy is paramount. We're introducing a feature that allows you to hide your balance. With a simple click of an eye button, you can toggle the visibility of your balance. Whether you’re in public or just want an extra layer of privacy, this feature gives you control over who can see your financial details.
3. BDAG to USD Conversion
Understanding the value of your BDAG coins is crucial. We’re adding a feature that will show the USD conversion corresponding to your BDAG coins. This real-time conversion will help you understand the worth of your mined coins, making it easier to plan and make decisions.
4. New User Sign-Up/Sign-In Flow
We’re streamlining the process for new users to join our community. The new sign-up and sign-in flow will be more intuitive, making it easier for new users to get started with our app. This improved flow will reduce friction and enhance the overall user experience.
5. Enhanced Security with PIN Lock
Your security is our priority. We’re adding a PIN feature to lock the application, providing an extra layer of security. You’ll be able to set a PIN that will be required to access the app, ensuring that only you can access your account and data.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Hope you all had a great weekend!
BlockDAG X1 Application Development Update
Great Start to the Week: Amazon Appstore Launch
We are excited to announce that today marked a fantastic start to the week for the BlockDAG X1 application. This morning, we submitted our application to the Amazon Appstore, and by the afternoon, we received the wonderful news that our application was approved and is now LIVE on the Amazon store! This is great news for all our Android users, who can now easily access the BlockDAG X1 application through the Amazon Appstore using the following link: Amazon App Store: BlockDAG X1
Next Steps: Samsung Galaxy Store
Our next target is to make the BlockDAG X1 application available on the Samsung Galaxy Store. We are currently in discussions with the Samsung team to set up our account with the specific requirements needed to publish a public application. We anticipate that this process will be completed within the next day or two, after which we will proceed to publish the application on the Samsung Galaxy Store.
Google Play Application Review
We are also actively working on expediting the Google Play application review process. We have been in communication with the Google Play team to ensure that the application meets all necessary criteria and to speed up the approval process.
Development Updates
Several users reported issues related to the timer running in the background. Here are the key updates and enhancements:
Bug Fixes:
New Feature: Phone Number Validation
To further enhance the security and integrity of our application, we have integrated services to validate phone numbers. This feature will ensure that only valid phone numbers are used for account creation and other functionalities within the app.
Benefits of Phone Number Validation:
This major bug fix, feature and the minor enhancements will be included in the new updates being released this week. There will be proper release notes to state what all is achieved and what are still some known bugs. Also, we're planning to cater more enhancement next week related to security and user experience. It will ensure much better and fair mining for all the users.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for your continued support!
Quick Recap
Let's pick up where we left off with our last update on the blockchain explorer. Last time, we had an internal demo scheduled, which was successfully delivered. However, some comments were made regarding design and UI fixes. Our team is currently addressing those comments to enhance the overall user experience.
Current Status and Next Steps
The team is diligently working on the design and UI improvements suggested during the demo. Once these enhancements are implemented, we will conduct thorough testing of the complete application to ensure its reliability and performance before making it available for public release.
We are pleased to announce that the release of the blockchain explorer is scheduled for the next week of July, and we are very much aligned with that schedule. Here are few benefits of blockchain explorer for the users:-
Benefits of the Blockchain Explorer
The blockchain explorer will offer several significant benefits to our users, including:
We are excited to bring these benefits to our users and are committed to delivering a high-quality, user-friendly blockchain explorer. Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the release date.
10a:T883,Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Sprint Highlights and Key Enhancements
Let's start with a quick recap of this week!
This week, we kicked off with a sprint planning meeting where we outlined our goals and tasks in detail. We started by implementing several enhancements aimed at improving the application’s performance and user experience. First, we introduced a caching mechanism to store frequently accessed data, allowing the app to retrieve information more efficiently and provide a smoother user experience. We also optimized the leaderboard functionality to ensure quicker load times and a more responsive interface, making it easier for users to see their rankings in real-time.
Additionally, we added a new status symbol to provide users with more detailed information about their activities within the app, enhancing overall transparency and clarity.In parallel, we began enhancing the Proof of Work (PoW) mechanism to improve its fairness, scalability, decentralization, and security, thereby strengthening the overall consensus process and ensuring a more robust and equitable system. The following day, we worked on adding pagination to the referral module, addressing the issue of users only being able to see 10 referral records at a time.
This new feature allows users to navigate through their referrals more easily. We also implemented pull-to-refresh functionality on the groups and leaderboard pages, enabling users to update data with a simple gesture and improving their overall experience.All these changes were thoroughly tested by our QA team to ensure quality and reliability. Midweek, we conducted a planned demo for the blockchain explorer, which was successful. We are currently addressing feedback and comments received during the presentation. Towards the end of the week, we received fantastic news: Apple has approved our application, making the BlockDAG X1 Miner available globally for users to download and access. Following this approval, we dedicated time to resolving user feedback and queries, ensuring that all concerns were addressed promptly and efficiently.
Today, we addressed several user queries related to the security implementations at the backend of our BlockDAG X1 Miner application. To ensure the integrity and security of our application, we have implemented a series of checks and validations. Here are the details:
Additionally, we have reached out again to the Google support team to inquire about the current status of our application's review. In parallel, our team is diligently working on creating accounts on various other platforms, such as the Samsung Galaxy Store and Amazon Fire Store, to expand our application's reach and user base.
10c:T87c,Clarifying User Queries and Enhancing Functionality:
Hello BlockDAG X1 Community,
Today, our team has been diligently addressing several queries from our end users, particularly those related to the referral system and mining rates. We want this dev release to target the confusions among the end users and give them a confusion free journey to the mining application.
Referral Status Clarifications:
We noticed some confusion regarding the status symbols in the Groups module. Here’s a breakdown of the status symbols and their meanings:
This clarification should help users understand their referral statuses better. Currently, "Active" indicated a user is registered but might not have started mining. But soon in this coming week we'll push the latest build with the above mentioned status symbols. We'll now introduce the "Inactive" status to clearly differentiate between those who are registered but not mining and those who are actively mining.
Mining Rate Explanation:
Another area of confusion was the mining rate. To clarify:
For example, if a user refers 10 people and 5 out of those 10 are active, the mining rate for that user will be: 0.8+(0.2×5)=1.8 BDAG coins per hour0.8 + (0.2 \times 5) = 1.8 \text{ BDAG coins per hour}0.8+(0.2×5)=1.8 BDAG coins per hour
Technical Update:
Last night, we faced an issue with the OTP system, which was quickly resolved as it was due to a third-party service disruption.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these issues. Our goal is to ensure a smooth and transparent experience for all our users.
Today, we conducted our scheduled internal demo for the Blockchain Explorer, and we received some valuable feedback and suggestions from the team. Here’s a summary of the key points and proposed changes:
Design and Responsiveness:
Minor Technical Changes:
Next Steps:
Based on the feedback, we’ll be making the following minor changes to the Blockchain Explorer:
These enhancements aim to deliver a more polished and user-friendly Blockchain Explorer. We appreciate the constructive feedback from our team and are excited to implement these changes.
10e:Te45,Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Exciting News: Our Application is Now Live Globally!
We are beyond thrilled to announce that our application is now officially live on the Apple App Store and available globally! After numerous rounds of revisions and close collaboration with the Apple team, we have finally achieved this significant milestone. This marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for us and our users. However, our journey doesn't end here. The hard work continues as we strive to proactively address feedback and provide the best support possible.
Upcoming Enhancements:
Our commitment to continuous improvement means we are already working on several new features and optimizations to enhance your experience:
Expanding Accessibility:
In our ongoing efforts to make the application accessible to more users, we are also working on making it available for Android users via the Amazon Appstore and Samsung Galaxy Store. While we continue to engage with Google Play for approval, we are committed to ensuring that users on all major platforms can benefit from our application.
In-Depth Discussions and Roadmap Planning:
Recently, we held an extensive internal technical session to delve deeper into the workings of the BlockDAG blockchain. This session provided our team with greater clarity and understanding, which is crucial as we continue to innovate and improve our product. Additionally, we had a comprehensive discussion about our roadmap, outlining where we see our product growing in the coming months. We explored various potential features and enhancements that could further elevate the user experience and solidify our position in the market.
Join Us on This Exciting Journey:
As we celebrate this milestone, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Your feedback and support are invaluable as we continue to innovate and enhance our application. Stay tuned for these upcoming updates and more as we strive to deliver the best possible experience for our users.
As the delivery week for our blockchain explorer approaches, our team is working diligently to address the majority of edge cases and ensure a smooth and seamless experience for our users. We are committed to making this launch as flawless as possible, and our focus remains on providing a robust and user-friendly blockchain explorer.
To ensure we meet our high standards, we are planning an internal demo within the BlockDAG team. This demo will serve as a crucial step in our development process, allowing us to gather valuable feedback and make any necessary adjustments before the official release.
Expected Outcomes of the Internal Demo:
We are excited about the progress we have made and are confident that this internal demo will be instrumental in delivering a high-quality blockchain explorer.
Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the delivery week.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
BlockDAG X1 Updates:
Our team is continuously working on enhancing the BlockDAG X1 experience. Here's a sneak peek into the latest features and improvements we're implementing:
Notification Module:
We've developed a notification module to keep you informed. Initially, it will notify you when your current mining session ends, ensuring you never miss a beat. Future updates will include notifications about your referrals, keeping you updated on their activities.
Referral Module Enhancements:
Network Connectivity Indicator:
A new feature will show you when your device is not connected to the internet. This is crucial to ensure your mining sessions are uninterrupted and you can quickly resolve any connectivity issues.
Pull-to-Refresh Functionality:
We are adding a pull-to-refresh feature to both the leaderboard and referral module. This will allow you to quickly update the displayed information with a simple swipe gesture, ensuring you always have the latest data at your fingertips.
These enhancements will be available by next week as the enhancements are in progress.
Stay tuned for these exciting updates and more as we continue to improve the BlockDAG X1 experience.
As we approach the delivery date for our highly anticipated blockchain explorer, our team is dedicated to enhancing its reliability and performance. We're working tirelessly to ensure the explorer meets the highest standards, providing you with a seamless and efficient user experience.
Comprehensive Testing:
Our focus is now on thorough testing to identify and resolve any major bugs before the final delivery. We want to ensure the explorer is robust, reliable, and ready for widespread use. This involves extensive testing scenarios to cover all potential use cases and edge cases.
Key Enhancements During Testing and Deployment:
We are excited about the upcoming release and confident that these enhancements will significantly improve your experience with the blockchain explorer. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the delivery date!
112:T88c,Hello BlockDAG Community!
We're excited to share some major enhancements and updates we've been working on for the BlockDAG X1 Miner mobile application. This week started on a highly productive note as we focused on optimizing the backend of our application to enhance performance, improve user experience, and introduce new functionalities.
Backend Enhancements and new features:
Upcoming Features
We are also thrilled to announce that soon we will be implementing a real-time notification functionality. This feature will keep our users updated with the latest activities, achievements, and important announcements directly on their mobile devices. Whether it's a mining milestone, a leaderboard update, or a new referral, users will receive timely notifications, keeping them engaged and informed.
These enhancements are part of our continuous efforts to improve the BlockDAG X1 Miner application. We believe that these updates will greatly benefit our users, providing them with a faster, more efficient, and more enjoyable mining experience.Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, thank you for being a part of the BlockDAG community!
Proof of Work (PoW) has been a foundational consensus mechanism in the blockchain world, providing security and decentralization. However, as the blockchain ecosystem evolves, there are opportunities to enhance PoW to make it more efficient and robust. In the context of BlockDAG, we are exploring various enhancements to optimize PoW and address some of its inherent challenges.
Key Enhancements in PoW for BlockDAG
Energy Efficiency
Enhancing Proof of Work in BlockDAG involves addressing its current limitations while leveraging its strengths. By focusing on energy efficiency, decentralization, fairness, scalability, adaptive difficulty, and hybrid consensus models, we can create a more robust and sustainable blockchain ecosystem. These enhancements will not only improve the functionality and security of BlockDAG but also ensure it remains a leading platform in the evolving blockchain landscape.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Let's end this week with a quick recap and the latest updates of today.
We started the week by addressing queries from Apple regarding our latest build. We provided detailed explanations to clarify their doubts and submitted the latest build for review. Currently, we are waiting for their response as the application remains in the review state.
Blockchain Explorer Development: In parallel with addressing Apple’s queries, we made significant progress on the blockchain explorer. This week, we successfully developed and deployed the faucet page on our server. Following this deployment, we shifted our focus to testing the entire platform to ensure its robustness and reliability.
UTXO vs. Account-Based Models: Today, we want to delve into an essential concept that we have been researching: UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) and account-based models in blockchain technology. This research has reached its conclusion, and we are excited to share the outcomes with you.
Following back on our research of UTXO based modals and account based modals, today, we are would like to update the community that we're supporting the integration of both UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) and account-based address models. This dual support enhances the versatility, security, and efficiency of our network, accommodating a wider range of applications and use cases.
Let's dig into the review of working of both the modals.
Understanding UTXO and Account-Based Models
UTXO Model:
Account-Based Model:
Integrating UTXO and Account-Based Models in BlockDAG
Our development team has successfully integrated support for both models within the BlockDAG framework. Here’s how it works:
1. Transaction Processing:
For UTXO-Based Transactions:
function processUTXOTransaction(transaction):
totalInput = 0
totalOutput = 0
for input in transaction.inputs:
totalInput += fetchUTXO(input).value
for output in transaction.outputs:
totalOutput += output.value
if totalInput >= totalOutput:
for input in transaction.inputs:
for output in transaction.outputs:
return True
return False
For Account-Based Transactions:
function processAccountTransaction(transaction):
sender = fetchAccount(transaction.sender)
receiver = fetchAccount(transaction.receiver)
if sender.balance >= transaction.amount:
sender.balance -= transaction.amount
receiver.balance += transaction.amount
return True
return False
2. Transaction Validation:
For UTXO-Based Transactions:
function validateUTXOTransaction(transaction):
for input in transaction.inputs:
if not isUTXOValid(input):
return False
return True
For Account-Based Transactions:
function validateAccountTransaction(transaction):
sender = fetchAccount(transaction.sender)
if sender.balance >= transaction.amount and transaction.signature is valid:
return True
return False
Now let's understand why we have decided to give the support of both the modals in our system.
Advantages of Dual Model Support
Mathematical Formulations
UTXO Model:
∑Inputs=∑Outputs+Transaction Fee
Account-Based Model:
Sender Balancenew=Sender Balanceold−Transaction Amount
Receiver Balancenew=Receiver Balanceold+Transaction Amount
Implementation Details
Data Structures:
id: string,
value: float,
owner: string,
spent: boolean
For Account:
Account {
address: string,
balance: float,
nonce: int,
codeHash: string
Hey Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Today was a planning day where we have planned on how do we proceed further. Let me update the next plan that we'll start working on while we still wait for the reply from Apple store and Google play.
As part of our continuous efforts to enhance user experience and accessibility, we are planning to extend our user base by making the application available on additional platforms such as the Samsung Galaxy Store and Amazon Fire Store.
Benefits of Extending the User Base:
What's Next?
Our team is diligently working on the necessary adjustments and optimizations to ensure that the BlockDAG X1 Application meets the standards and requirements of these new platforms. Stay tuned for further updates as we move closer to the official release on the Samsung Galaxy Store and Amazon Fire Store.
Here's the update on the blockchain side. The deployment of the infrastructure for our BlockDAG Blockchain Explorer is now complete, and the Terraform setup has been fully implemented. With these critical steps behind us, we are now ready to move into the testing phase on our server.
Testing is a vital part of our development process to ensure the stability, performance, and reliability of the BlockDAG Blockchain Explorer. We will be employing a variety of testing techniques to thoroughly evaluate and validate our system. Here are the key testing methodologies we will be using:
Regression Testing
Objective: Ensure that new changes have not adversely affected existing functionality.
Unit Testing
Objective: Validate individual components and functions of the blockchain explorer.
Load Testing
Objective: Assess the system's performance under heavy load conditions and identify performance bottlenecks.
Next Steps
Following the completion of these testing phases, we will analyze the results and make any necessary optimizations to the BlockDAG Blockchain Explorer. Our goal is to deliver a robust, high-performance, and reliable tool for our users.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
As we await review from both Apple and Google for the BlockDAG X1 application, we have already begun planning the next phase of development on the backend.
Here are the key features and enhancements we aim to deliver in the coming months:
1. Enhancement in Login Flow
We are revamping the login flow to streamline the user experience. The sign-up and sign-in screens will be combined into a single, seamless interface, making it easier and quicker for users to access their accounts. This enhancement will reduce friction and improve user satisfaction.
2. Wallet Module
A major addition in the next phase is the introduction of a non-custodial wallet module. This feature will allow users to securely send and receive BDAG coins. As a non-custodial wallet, users will have full control over their private keys and funds. It's important to note that the wallet will not support buying or selling BDAG coins, focusing solely on transaction capabilities to ensure security and simplicity.
3. Push Notifications
We are also integrating push notifications to keep users informed and engaged. Users will receive notifications for key activities such as transaction confirmations, security alerts, and important updates. This feature will enhance user engagement by providing timely and relevant information directly to their devices.
Conclusion & Next steps:
These enhancements and new features are designed to improve the overall user experience, security, and functionality of the BlockDAG X1 application. We are committed to continuously improving our application and delivering valuable updates to our users. Stay tuned for these exciting developments!
Deploying a blockchain explorer is a crucial step in providing users with a detailed view of the blockchain's activities. For BlockDAG, a scalable and reliable infrastructure is essential to ensure smooth operations and quick access to blockchain data. This post will outline the architecture for deploying a blockchain explorer on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and include Terraform code snippets for each component.
AWS Architecture Diagram Overview
Components Breakdown:
Following are the component breakdown/ pointers that are kept in mind while making a server setup.
2. Web Servers
3. Application Servers
4. Blockchain Nodes
5. Database
6. Cache
7. Search Engine
8. File Storage
9. Monitoring and Logging
10. Security
We are also writing the terraform around this, Here are few reasons why we are working on that too:
We are leveraging Terraform to automate the process of deploying the infrastructure for our blockchain explorer. Terraform helps us achieve:
By using Terraform, we can focus on developing and improving the blockchain explorer, confident that our infrastructure will be robust, scalable, and ready for Mainnet.
Stay tuned for more updates on the terraform and explorer delivery!
Dear BlockDAG Community,
Here's a quick update regarding our BlockDAG X1 Application. As part of our commitment to providing you with a seamless and compliant user experience, we're currently in discussions with the Apple team to make necessary changes to our application. This effort is focused on ensuring that the BlockDAG X1 Application adheres to Apple's policies and guidelines.
Apple Compliance Efforts
Our team has been diligently working to align our application with Apple's standards. These changes are crucial for maintaining the quality and reliability of our application on the App Store. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these updates. Rest assured, our goal is to make the BlockDAG X1 Application not only compliant but also more robust and user-friendly.
New TestFlight Release
In the meantime, we're thrilled to announce that we've published a more stable version of the BlockDAG X1 Application on TestFlight. This latest version includes several improvements and bug fixes to enhance your mining experience. Here are some highlights:
Download the Latest Version to use the stable version of the application.
Thank You for Your Support
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our community for your ongoing support and feedback. Your input has been instrumental in helping us improve the BlockDAG X1 Application. As we continue to work on aligning with Apple's policies, we remain dedicated to delivering a high-quality mining experience.
Stay tuned for more updates, and happy mining!
We are pleased to share some exciting progress on our blockchain explorer! Our development team has completed the faucet page, and we are now in the process of deploying the infrastructure on the Devnet.
Devnet Deployment
We are currently in the phase of deploying our infrastructure on the Devnet. This deployment is essential for testing the stability and performance of our blockchain explorer before we move to the mainnet. Here are some key components of our infrastructure:
AWS Server Setup Configurations
To ensure optimal performance and reliability of our blockchain explorer, we have configured our AWS server with the following settings:
Next Steps: Binding the URL
Once the Devnet deployment is complete, our next step will be to bind the URL to our blockchain explorer. This will make the faucet page and other features accessible to users. We are committed to ensuring that this process is swift and seamless, providing you with a reliable platform to interact with our blockchain.
Stay tuned for more update!
Hello BlockDAG Community!
We've started this week from where we dropped off l, as you're aware that we have officially submitted the BlockDAG X1 Miner Application to both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store last week! This is a significant milestone in our journey, and we couldn't have done it without your unwavering support.
Apple App Store Update
The Apple team has reviewed our application and provided us with a few queries to address. We are committed to delivering the best possible user experience, so we took immediate action to respond to their feedback. To expedite the review process, we also scheduled a call with the Apple review team. During this call, we clarified any concerns and ensured that our application meets all their requirements. We are confident that this proactive approach will help us get the BlockDAG X1 Miner approved and live on the App Store very soon!
Google Play Store Update
Meanwhile, our application is still under review by the Google Play team. We understand that the review process can take some time, but rest assured, we are closely monitoring the progress and are ready to address any feedback promptly.
Our Commitment to You
We are doing everything in our power to make the BlockDAG X1 Miner available to you as quickly as possible. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that the application meets the highest standards of quality and performance. Your patience and support mean the world to us, and we are incredibly excited to bring this innovative mining solution to your fingertips.
Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to experience the future of mining with BlockDAG X1!
As per the commitment and our roadmap, we are right on track with the deliveries scheduled for July.
Explorer Module Development
We are pleased to announce that we are almost done with the development of the Blockchain Explorer module. This powerful tool will enable you to view and analyze all transactions, blocks, and addresses on the BlockDAG network, offering a comprehensive and transparent view of the blockchain in action.
Coming Soon: Faucet Page
The last piece of the puzzle is the Faucet page, which will soon be available on the testnet network.
Purpose of the Faucet Page
A faucet page is an essential tool for developers and users during the testing phase. Here’s why it’s so important:
Mainnet Environment
The mainnet environment, where real transactions and real value are at stake, will not have a faucet module. The primary purpose of the faucet is to provide a testing ground on the testnet. Once applications and functionalities are thoroughly tested and confirmed to be reliable, they can be deployed on the mainnet without the need for a faucet.
Staying on Track
Our team is working tirelessly to ensure that everything is delivered on schedule and meets the highest standards of quality and functionality. We appreciate your patience and continued support as we bring these exciting new features to life.
Hey BlockDAG Community,
Today marks an exhilarating milestone as we gear up to submit the BlockDAG X1 application to the app stores! Our team has been working tirelessly, squashing bugs and navigating policies, to bring this incredible mining experience to you. We're on the brink of going LIVE, and we can't wait for you to dive in!
Now that you are aware of the features our application is going to provide, let's understand what happens with the rewards/coins that you'll earn through the platform.
Mining in the Devnet:
Mining: With our proof of engagement system, the bigger your group, the more rewards you can earn!
Devnet Environment: This is our playground for testing and development. In this phase, you'll earn BDAG coins for your mining efforts.
BDAG Coins: These tokens are your mining rewards in the devnet. While they're not real and can't be traded, they're a testament to your contributions.
Transition to Testnet:
Testnet Environment: Next up is the testnet, a testing ground that's almost identical to the mainnet.
Coin Transfer: All the BDAG coins you mined in the devnet will be transferred to your wallet in the testnet as an airdrop.
Blockchain Explorer: Track all your transactions and balances on the blockchain. In the testnet, you'll see your mined BDAG coins in action.
Transition to Mainnet:
Mainnet Environment: This is the real deal—a live, production environment for real-world transactions and uses.
Airdrops: When the mainnet launches, your BDAG coins from the devnet and testnet will be airdropped to your wallet in the mainnet.
Production Environment: This is where BDAG coins become real, allowing you to trade, use, and exchange them in the market.
Claiming Your Rewards:
As per our roadmap we'll soon be working on the wallet functionality that will help the you to claim the rewards/ coins. But, this will happen once the mainnet is LIVE and running.
Thank you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. Get ready to experience mining like never before!
There is some exciting updates on how we're enhancing the performance of our blockchain explorer! Our team has been hard at work, and we're making significant strides to ensure you have a seamless and efficient experience when tracking your transactions and exploring the blockchain.
What’s New?
1. Improved Block Time: Block time is a critical aspect of any blockchain network. It refers to the time it takes to generate a new block in the blockchain. We’ve optimized our system to reduce block time, meaning new blocks are created faster, and transactions are confirmed more quickly. This enhancement significantly improves the overall efficiency and responsiveness of our network.
2. Enhanced Data Retrieval: We've upgraded our data retrieval mechanisms to ensure that information is fetched and displayed faster than ever before. Whether you’re looking up transaction details, wallet balances, or block information, you’ll experience near-instantaneous results
3. Detailed Analytics: Dive deeper into the blockchain with our enhanced analytics. Get detailed insights into block confirmations, transaction histories, and more. Our analytics tools provide you with a comprehensive view of the network’s performance and your own activity within it.
Let's understand why this Matters
Faster Transactions: With reduced block time, your transactions are confirmed quicker, making the network more efficient and responsive. Here’s what this means for you:
Better User Experience:
The improved data retrieval and real-time updates make using the explorer smoother and more enjoyable.
Enhanced Transparency:
The user-friendly interface and detailed analytics ensure that you have all the information you need at your fingertips.
What’s Next?
We are continuously working on new features and improvements to further enhance your experience. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible with BlockDAG.
Stay tuned!
Dear BlockDAG Community,
We are beyond excited to share some fantastic news with you! Today, we have put our full focus on the x1 Miner application, and we are thrilled to announce that it is now ready for launch.
After an exhaustive and thorough bug bounty program, we are delighted to report that the x1 Miner application has reached an impressive bug-free state. This achievement underscores our dedication to providing you with a dependable and seamless mining experience.
To make your journey even smoother, we have prepared a comprehensive user guide that will be available soon. This guide is designed to help you navigate the x1 Miner application effortlessly, whether you're a seasoned miner or just starting out. It includes step-by-step instructions and helpful tips to ensure you get the most out of your mining operations.
We are now all set to submit the x1 Miner application to the app stores today. This step brings us one giant leap closer to making x1 Miner available to you, our valued community. We are optimistic and confident that the application will be well-received and will meet your high expectations.
Here's a glimpse of what you can expect with x1 Miner:
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support and patience. Stay tuned for the official launch, and get ready to experience the future of mining with x1 Miner!
122:T955,As we dedicated all our efforts to the x1 Miner application, there has been no new development on other fronts. However, we have made significant strides in stabilizing the existing modules of our blockchain explorer, particularly the dashboard, blocks, and transaction components.
Here's what we have focused on:
Looking ahead, we see numerous opportunities for further technical improvements:
We are committed to making the BlockDAG ecosystem as robust and user-friendly as possible. Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work towards these improvements.
Happy mining and exploring!!
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
We're thrilled to share some exciting news about the progress of our X1 Miner application built on the BlockDAG architecture. Over the past few weeks, our development team has been working tirelessly to resolve the majority of the bugs that were reported. We are pleased to announce that we have successfully addressed these issues, and the application is now more robust and reliable than ever.
Major Functionality Updates
One of the significant achievements in this phase is the development and refinement of the mining and leaderboard functionalities:
Moving to the Next Phase
With the major bugs out of the way, we are now ready to move on to the next phase of our application. This phase focuses on enhancing user experience, optimizing performance, and ensuring the application meets all necessary compliance requirements.
Compliance and Policies
One of our top priorities as we transition to this new phase is to meticulously review and adhere to the policies of the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. We understand the importance of compliance and the impact it has on our users. Therefore, we are carefully scrutinizing every word and detail in our application submission to ensure it meets all guidelines and standards.
Submission Timeline
We are excited to announce that we are almost ready to submit the X1 Miner application to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Our goal is to complete the final review and submission process by this weekend. This marks a significant milestone in our journey, and we are eager to bring the enhanced features and functionalities to our users.
What to Expect
As we proceed with Phase 2, here are a few things you can expect:
We're excited to share the latest updates on the BlockDAG project. Following the successful development and launch of our Blocks Page, we are now moving forward with the development of the Transactions Page. This new feature will significantly enhance the user experience by providing detailed insights into all transactions within the BlockDAG network.
Overview of the Transactions Page
The Transactions Page is a crucial component of our project, designed to offer users comprehensive information about each transaction. Our Transactions Page will include the following features:
Development Roadmap
As we transition to the development of the Transactions Page, our team will focus on the following key areas:
Stay Tuned
We are committed to keeping our community informed every step of the way. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance and refine the X1 Miner application. We appreciate your patience and support as we work towards delivering an exceptional mining experience.
Also, the development of the Transactions Page is a significant milestone for the BlockDAG project. By providing detailed and transparent transaction information, we aim to empower our users with the tools they need to explore and analyze the BlockDAG network effectively.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
We are excited to announce a work progress in the BlockDAG Explorer! Our team has successfully started fetching all the events from our backend services to display them on the frontend, providing a comprehensive and detailed view of blockchain activities. This improvement aligns our explorer users to have access to rich and timely data.
Similar to other blockchain explorer in the market, which provides extensive data on transactions, contracts, blocks, and more, our enhanced explorer will offer a wealth of information fetched directly from our backend. This will greatly improve the user experience by offering a more detailed and accessible overview of the blockchain's activity.
Data Fetching Methods and Types
To achieve this, we have integrated several methods to fetch various types of data from our backend. Here's a breakdown of the data types and methods used:
1. Initialize an empty list to store block details.
2. Send a request to the backend service to retrieve block data.
3. For each block in the response:
a. Extract block height, timestamp, number of transactions, miner information, and reward.
b. Create a block object with the extracted details.
c. Append the block object to the list.
4. Return the list of block objects.
2. Transactions Data
1. Initialize an empty list to store transaction details.
2. Send a request to the backend service to retrieve transaction data.
3. For each transaction in the response:
a. Extract transaction hash, sender, receiver, value, gas used, and status.
b. Create a transaction object with the extracted details.
c. Append the transaction object to the list.
4. Return the list of transaction objects.
3. Events/Logs Data
1. Initialize an empty list to store log details.
2. Send a request to the backend service to retrieve log data.
3. For each log entry in the response:
a. Extract event name, parameters, and transaction hash.
b. Create a log object with the extracted details.
c. Append the log object to the list.
4. Return the list of log objects.
4. Account/Address Data
1. Initialize an empty dictionary to store account details.
2. Send a request to the backend service to retrieve account data for a specific address.
3. Extract balance, transaction history, and associated smart contracts from the response.
4. Populate the dictionary with the extracted details.
5. Return the dictionary containing the account information.
Next Steps
Our team is fully aligned on this initiative, ensuring that every member understands the importance and scope of these enhancements. We have established clear milestones and checkpoints to guarantee a smooth and timely implementation.
Here are the few planned next steps:
We believe this enhancement will greatly benefit our users, providing deeper insights and a more engaging experience on the BlockDAG Explorer. By aligning closely with the standards, we aim to deliver a familiar yet powerful tool for blockchain exploration.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Today marks the second day of our bug bounty program, and we are pleased to report that we've received several valuable bug submissions. Our dedicated mobile development team is rigorously working to address these issues, ensuring the X1 Miner app delivers the best possible experience for our users.
Bug Reports and Fixes
Over the past two days, we have received a variety of bug reports, ranging from minor UI inconsistencies to more complex performance issues. Here are some of the key areas we are focusing on:
User Interface (UI) Enhancements
Our mobile development team is working around the clock to address the reported issues. We have set up a streamlined process for prioritizing and resolving bugs, ensuring that critical issues are addressed first while also planning for the implementation of user-suggested enhancements.
Steps Taken by Our Team:
Conclusion & Road Ahead
Our team is fully dedicated to ensuring that the X1 Miner application meets the highest standards of quality and performance. Once everything is complete we look forward to submit the applications soon on stores.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Today has been an inspiring and invigorating day for our organization as we embarked on a comprehensive collaboration among all our developers to test the x1 Miner application. The entire day was dedicated to identifying and addressing issues, compiling a list of enhancements and suggestions to elevate the application's performance and user experience.
Internal Bug Bounty Program: A Resounding Success
Since the initiation of our internal bug bounty program, we have seen a remarkable level of participation and enthusiasm. The contributions from developers and security researchers have been invaluable in enhancing the robustness of the BlockDAG project.
Here are some of the key outcomes from the program so far:
The final plan of this week is to submit a bug free application on the stores so that it can be available for the end users as soon as possible. As the developers and QAs are more engaged into fixing the reported bugs followed by testing again, this process will continued internally for tomorrow as well.
The success of the internal bug bounty program is a testament to the strength and dedication. As we move forward, we remain committed to maintaining a transparent and collaborative environment, continually improving the X1 Miner application.
We are excited to announce significant advancements in our infrastructure setup for DevNet before the launch of testnet by July 3rd week. Our DevOps team has been diligently working to enhance the system's reliability, scalability, and monitoring capabilities. Here are the key updates:
1. Implementation of Logging
We have integrated comprehensive logging mechanisms across all services in DevNet. This involves:
2. Introduction of Load Balancer
To ensure optimal distribution of network traffic and improve the system's reliability, we have implemented a robust load balancing solution:
3. Enhanced Monitoring
Monitoring is crucial for maintaining the health and performance of our infrastructure. We have added several monitoring tools and practices:
4. Grafana Dashboards
To visualize and analyze the performance metrics, we have integrated Grafana:
5. Containerization and Orchestration
We have adopted containerization and orchestration to streamline deployment and scaling:
6. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
To ensure consistency and repeatability in our infrastructure setup, we have implemented Infrastructure as Code:
7. Security Enhancements
Security is a top priority in our infrastructure setup:
These enhancements represent our commitment to providing a robust and efficient development environment. We are confident that these improvements will significantly enhance the stability, security, and scalability of DevNet, enabling our developers to focus on innovation and productivity.
Stay tuned for more updates on x1 Miner application and blockchain explorer.
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Before we jump into today's progress and updates, let's start with a quick recap.
We kicked off this week with fresh developments in the x1 Miner application, entering phase 2, which primarily focused on implementing the leaderboard functionality and refining the mining process. We also made significant enhancements to previously added features, improving performance and user touch experience. Alongside these developments, we began working on the blockchain explorer, making notable progress there as well.
Announcing the x1 Miner Bug Bounty Program
We are thrilled to announce the launch of an internal bug bounty program for our x1 Miner application! This initiative marks a significant milestone in our commitment to delivering a secure, reliable, and high-performing experience for our users. Let's understand the benefits it will offer to x1 Miner and the users in general.
Benefits for Users
By participating in our bug bounty program, in house users can enjoy several benefits:
The most important outcome of this program would "How the Bug Bounty Program Enhances x1 Miner"
The implementation of our bug bounty program is set to make the x1 Miner application more robust and user-friendly in several ways:
Other benefits for us as a developer of this application.
This is how actually we're ensuring an enhanced and better application for all the blockchain miner!
Stay tuned to know the actual outputs of the bug bounty and other updates regarding the submission of application on stores.
Enhancements to the BlockDAG Blockchain Explorer
We are excited to share some significant updates on our ongoing efforts to improve the BlockDAG Blockchain Explorer. In parallel with our work on the x1 Miner application, we've achieved several design enhancements aimed at making the explorer more user-friendly and visually appealing.
Responsive Design
One of our primary goals was to ensure that the Blockchain Explorer provides a seamless experience across all devices. Here’s how we've enhanced its responsiveness:
Enhanced Color Theme
We believe that a visually appealing interface can significantly enhance user experience. To achieve this, we've made the following improvements to the color theme:
Dark and Light Theme Functionality
Understanding that different users have different preferences and needs, we've introduced both dark and light theme options:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
As we're dedicated in providing the best and most efficient services, today we've started the implementation of Opcodes in our blockchain. Let's dig deep into the technical perspective behind this implementation.
Implementing PoW Opcodes in BlockDAG Blockchain: A New Era of Efficiency and Security
In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, the BlockDAG Blockchain stands out for its innovative approach to scalability and transaction speed. With its Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure, BlockDAG has already pushed the boundaries of what is possible. Today, we are thrilled to announce the next leap forward: the implementation of Proof of Work (PoW) opcodes in the BlockDAG Blockchain.
The Vision Behind PoW Opcodes
The integration of PoW opcodes is a strategic enhancement designed to streamline and fortify our network's security mechanisms. By embedding PoW directly into the opcode layer, we aim to achieve several critical objectives:
Understanding PoW Opcodes
Opcodes, short for operation codes, are the low-level instructions that the blockchain's virtual machine executes. By incorporating PoW into these instructions, we create a seamless and integrated approach to transaction validation and block creation. Here’s how it works:
As part of our commitment to excellence, we are currently testing the X1 Miner application, a key component for interacting with the new PoW opcodes. Our testing focuses on identifying and resolving any major bugs, ensuring the application is robust and reliable.
Major Bug Testing:
Application Crashing:
Benefits for the BlockDAG Community
The implementation of PoW opcodes promises numerous benefits for our growing community:
Hey BlockDAG community,
x1 Miner Updates:
BlockDAG X1 Updates:
For Today's update we're almost done with the development phase of mining part. Once it's done x1 Miner will be ready to enhance your mining experience on the BlockDAG network after extensive testing and bug fixes phase.
Security Fixes
Currently, our focus has shifted to rigorously addressing security fixes. We understand the critical importance of securing mining operations against potential threats. Our team is diligently working on:
Performance Optimizations
In parallel with security enhancements, we are also concentrating on optimizing the performance of x1 Miner. Our goal is to ensure the application operates at peak efficiency, providing the best possible mining experience. Our efforts include:
Next Phase: Testing
Once the security fixes and performance optimizations are complete, we will move to the next phase of rigorous testing. This phase will include:
We look forward to seeing the impact of x1 Miner on the BlockDAG network and are excited about the future developments that lie ahead.
12e:Te22,BlockDAG Blockchain Updates:
We are excited to announce the latest technical release for the BlockDAG Blockchain. This release includes several enhancements and new features aimed at improving client notifications and overall network performance. Below, you will find detailed information on the new types of notification control requests introduced in this version.
Notification Control Requests:
In this release, we have introduced several new types of notification control requests to provide more granular and flexible control over client notifications. These requests are essential for managing client interactions and ensuring that clients receive the necessary updates in real-time.
New Notification Types:
type notificationRegisterClient wsClient
2. notificationUnregisterClient
type notificationUnregisterClient wsClient
3. notificationRegisterBlocks
type notificationRegisterBlocks wsClient
4. notificationRegisterTxConfirms
type notificationRegisterTxConfirms wsClient
5. notificationUnregisterBlocks
type notificationUnregisterBlocks wsClient
6. notificationRegisterNewMempoolTxs
type notificationRegisterNewMempoolTxs wsClient
7. notificationUnregisterNewMempoolTxs
type notificationUnregisterNewMempoolTxs wsClient
8. notificationScanComplete
type notificationScanComplete wsClient
This release enhances the BlockDAG Blockchain by providing more flexible and efficient notification management. These new notification types allow developers to tailor their applications to better handle real-time updates, improving the overall responsiveness and user experience. We encourage all developers to integrate these changes and take advantage of the new features.
Hey BlockDAG community,We are thrilled to share some exciting updates with you! Building on the momentum from tomorrow's development phase, we are on track to successfully deliver Phase 2 of the X1 Miner application this week. By the end of this week, we anticipate being able to resubmit the applications to both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
Let's quickly see what will be available on stores in somedays now:
Users can now experience the full range of functionalities. The complete application will undergo two rounds of testing. First, it will be subjected to developer testing to ensure that all features function as expected. This will be followed by a thorough QA testing phase to identify and fix any remaining issues, ensuring a smooth and reliable user experience.
We are still committed to enhancing the user experience and welcome any feedback you have for us.
In parallel, we have also commenced the development of websockets on the blocks module today. This is a significant step forward for our blockchain explorer, and we want to provide some technical details about how websockets work and their implementation in our BlockDAG explorer.
We are thrilled to announce that our team is actively working on integrating WebSocket support into our BlockDAG blockchain framework. This development will significantly enhance real-time communication and interaction within our network, and we are excited to bring these advancements to our developer community.
Key Features and Benefits:
Technical Details:
Planned Features:
Why are we implementing websockts in BlockDAG Explorer
// Client-side pseudo code for real-time block updates
websocket.onmessage = function(event) {
const newBlock = JSON.parse(event.data)
if (newBlock.type === "block") {
Live Transaction Feed: Users will be able to see transactions as they are confirmed in real time. This is particularly useful for monitoring high-volume transactions or tracking specific activities on the network.
// Client-side pseudo code for live transaction feed
websocket.onmessage = function(event) {
const transaction = JSON.parse(event.data)
if (transaction.type === "transaction") {
We are committed to enhancing our platform and providing our community with the best tools and features. The integration of websockets is a major milestone that will significantly improve the functionality and user experience of our BlockDAG blockchain explorer.
131:Tc1b,How Mining Works
For you, the process is incredibly simple:
Now let's get into some technical details on mining:
Mining in a mobile application with a single click involves a simplified and user-friendly interaction with the backend infrastructure, which handles the complex and resource-intensive processes. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how this can be technically implemented:
1. User Interaction
2. Request to Backend
3. Backend Processing
4. The mining starts for valid session, and it also checks your group performance.
5. Reward Distribution
6. User Feedback
Apart from this, we're also introducing the New Leadership Module: We’re excited to introduce a new Leadership Module where you can:
Here's a sneak peak to our designs of leaderboard:
We're excited to share that in addition to our work on the blockchain explorer, we are also making significant progress on the blocks module.
What's the Blocks Module?
The blocks module is a crucial component of our blockchain explorer, designed to provide detailed insights into each block within the blockchain. Here’s what you can expect:
Why It’s Important
The blocks module is essential for anyone looking to understand the inner workings of the blockchain. Whether you're a developer, miner, or just a blockchain enthusiast, this tool will provide you with the insights you need to analyze and verify the blockchain’s integrity.
Stay tuned for more technical development updates tomorrow.
Development Update & stay tuned!
Our developers are working tirelessly to complete phase 2. Once finished, we'll be resubmitting the app to the Apple Store to get you the real mining experience right in your hands.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance the x1 Miner application! Happy mining ahead!
1. RemoveTransaction(tx types.Tx, removeRedeemers bool)
This function removes a specified transaction from the mempool. If removeRedeemers is set to true, it also removes any dependent transactions.
Technical Optimizations:
2. RemoveDoubleSpends(tx types.Tx)
This function identifies and removes transactions that attempt to double-spend an input already used by the specified transaction.
Technical Optimizations:
3. RemoveOrphan(tx types.Tx)
Removes orphan transactions that are not connected to any confirmed transactions in the mempool.
Technical Optimizations:
4. ProcessOrphans(tx types.Tx) []types.TxDesc
Processes orphan transactions that can be connected due to the addition of a new transaction.
Technical Optimizations:
5. MaybeAcceptTransaction(tx types.Tx, isNew, rateLimit bool) ([]hash.Hash, error)
Determines whether a transaction can be accepted into the mempool, considering its novelty, rate limiting, and other criteria.
Technical Optimizations:
6. HaveTransaction(hash hash.Hash) bool
Checks if a transaction with the specified hash exists in the mempool.
Technical Optimizations:
7. PruneExpiredTx()
Removes expired transactions from the mempool.
Technical Optimizations:
8. ProcessTransaction(tx types.Tx, allowOrphan, rateLimit, allowHighFees bool) ([]types.TxDesc, error)
Processes a new transaction, considering whether orphans are allowed, rate limiting is enforced, and high fees are permitted.
Technical Optimizations:
9. GetMainHeight() int64
Retrieves the current height of the main blockchain.
Technical Optimizations:
10. AddTransaction(tx types.Tx, height uint64, fee int64)
Adds a transaction to the mempool with the specified block height and fee.
Technical Optimizations:
11. IsSupportVMTx() bool
Checks if the mempool supports virtual machine-based transactions.
Technical Optimizations:
These optimizations represent a significant step forward in enhancing the performance and reliability of the BlockDAG network. By focusing on key aspects of mempool management, we have improved transaction processing efficiency, reduced latency, and ensured the stability of the network. These enhancements are part of our continuous effort to deliver a robust and efficient transaction processing system for our developer community.
Introducing BlockDAGScan: DevOps Architecture and Monitoring Tools for Continuous Uptime:
BlockDAGScan aims to provide users with detailed insights into block and transaction data, offering a seamless and intuitive user experience. As we are developing this explorer, we are implementing a robust DevOps architecture and state-of-the-art monitoring tools to ensure that the website remains operational and reliable at all times. Here’s an in-depth look at our approach.
DevOps Architecture for BlockDAGScan
1. Infrastructure as Code (IaC):
2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):
3. Microservices Architecture:
4. Database Management:
Monitoring Tools and Practices:
1. Application Performance Monitoring (APM):
2. Log Management:
3. Alerting and Incident Management:
4. Uptime Monitoring:
Current Development Status:
BlockDAGScan is still in the development phase, and we are working tirelessly to implement these DevOps practices and monitoring tools. Our goal is to create a resilient and highly available platform that can handle the demands of our users and provide a seamless experience.
The implementation of a robust DevOps architecture and advanced monitoring tools is crucial to the success of BlockDAGScan. By leveraging these technologies, we aim to ensure continuous uptime, rapid deployment of new features, and proactive management of any issues that arise. We are committed to providing a reliable and high-performance blockchain explorer that meets the needs of our users.
Stay tuned for further updates and improvements!
Greetings BlockDAG Community!
Today, we want to address a critical issue we've identified during our internal testing of the BlockDAG network. Specifically, we've noticed that the block mining process is taking longer than expected, which affects overall efficiency and performance.
Issue Overview
During our internal tests, we've observed that the time required to mine blocks has increased significantly, and in some cases, the process stalls after a certain period. This issue impacts the mining speed and, consequently, the transaction processing times. The delays in block mining can have a cascading effect, slowing down the entire network and potentially causing interruptions in transaction verifications and confirmations.
Detailed Analysis of the Issue
To address these issues, we are implementing the following fixes and optimizations:
Optimizing Block Validation:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Today has been buzzing with activity as we dive deep into the development of our x1 Miner application and blockchain explorer. While we eagerly await updates from the Apple Store regarding the application's availability, let's take a peek behind the curtains and explore the magic happening with our BlockDAG explorer.
You might be wondering, how exactly are we syncing the blockchain data with our explorer? Well, let me break it down for you in simple terms.Imagine our explorer as a super-smart detective constantly on the lookout for new clues (blocks and transactions) in the vast world of the BlockDAG blockchain. But how does it stay up-to-date with the latest happenings? That's where our sync service comes into play.
Think of the sync service as the explorer's trusty sidekick, tirelessly fetching and updating data from the blockchain network. But developing this sync service isn't just a walk in the park. We consider various factors to ensure it's as reliable and efficient as possible.
Firstly, we prioritize real-time updates. We want our explorer to be like a live newsfeed, delivering the latest updates straight to your fingertips. So, we implement cutting-edge protocols like WebSocket or HTTP/2 to ensure seamless real-time communication with the blockchain network.
But it's not just about speed; it's also about reliability. We know that blockchain reorganizations can sometimes throw a spanner in the works, so our sync service is equipped with clever algorithms to detect and handle these reorganizations gracefully. This ensures that our explorer maintains data consistency and accuracy at all times.
Understanding Blockchain Data Structures:
// Pseudo code to retrieve block headers
function getBlockHeaders() {
const blockHeaders = blockchainClient.getBlockHeaders();
return blockHeaders;
// Pseudo code to retrieve transactions of a block
function getTransactionsOfBlock(blockHash) {
const transactions = blockchainClient.getTransactionsOfBlock(blockHash);
return transactions;
// Pseudo code to establish relationships between blocks
function establishBlockRelationships(blocks) {
for (let block of blocks) {
if (block.previousBlockHash) {
// Connect current block with its parent block block.setParentBlock(getBlockByHash(block.previousBlockHash));
Overall, these pseudo code snippets demonstrate the basic functionality of retrieving block headers and transactions from the blockchain, as well as establishing relationships between blocks based on their hash values.
// Pseudo code for selecting WebSocket protocol
function connectWebSocket() {
const websocket = createWebSocketConnection("ws://blockdagnode:8546");
return websocket;
// Pseudo code for selecting HTTP/2 protocol function connectHTTP2() {
const http2Connection = createHTTP2Connection("https://blockdagnode:8545");
return http2Connection;
connectWebSocket() Function:
connectHTTP2() Function:
Establishing Connection to the Blockchain Network:
function connectToBlockchainNode() {
const blockchainNode = initializeBlockchainNode("blockdagnode");
return blockchainNode;
Blockchain reorganizations can occur when previously confirmed blocks are replaced by alternative chains. Our sync service detects and handles these reorganizations gracefully to ensure data consistency and accuracy.
// Pseudo code to handle blockchain reorganizations
function handleBlockchainReorg() {
while (true) {
const currentChain = blockchainClient.getCurrentChain();
if (currentChain !== explorerDatabase.getChain()) {
Robust error handling mechanisms are integrated into our sync service to handle network disruptions, node failures, and other potential issues. Automatic retry mechanisms and fallback strategies ensure continuous synchronization.
// Pseudo code to handle sync errors
function handleSyncErrors() {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (error) {
By following these steps and leveraging advanced techniques, we're able to develop a robust blockchain synchronization service that forms the backbone of the BlockDAG Explorer.
139:T433,Greetings BlockDAG Community!
Developer's Update: Progress on the Blockchain Explorer
We are excited to provide you with an update on the development of our highly anticipated blockchain explorer. Our team has made significant progress over the past few weeks, and we are thrilled to share the latest developments with you.
Blockchain Explorer: Key Milestones Achieved Dashboard Development
We have successfully implemented the core functionality of the explorer's dashboard. This feature will serve as the central hub for users, offering a comprehensive overview of the blockchain's current state. Key elements include:
Let's get into more technical details of dashboard page:
In the implementation of the dashboard page, we've employed several technical algorithms to ensure efficient data retrieval and visualization.
Sample pseudo code:
function fetchRealTimeData(){ while (true){
// Fetch new blocks and transactions from the blockchain network
const newBlocks = blockchainClient.getNewBlocks();
const newTransactions = blockchainClient.getNewTransactions();
// Update dashboard with new data
updateDashboard(newBlocks, newTransactions);
// Wait for a predefined interval before fetching data again
Sample pseudo code:
function compressAndStoreData() {
// Compress blockchain data using compression algorithm
const compressedData = compress(blockchainData);
// Store compressed data in the database
Sample pseudo code:
function optimizeUI() {
// Dynamically adjust layout and content based on device and screen size adjustLayoutAndContent(deviceType, screenSize);
Overall, the dashboard's development incorporates a blend of data processing, storage, visualization, and user interface optimization algorithms to deliver a powerful and user-friendly experience for exploring the BlockDAG blockchain.
13b:T449,As we continue to develop the blockchain explorer, our next focus areas include:
We are incredibly proud of the progress we have made on the blockchain explorer and are confident that it will be a powerful tool for our community. By providing comprehensive insights and data visualization, the explorer will greatly enhance the transparency and usability of our blockchain.
Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm as we work towards creating the best possible tools for the BlockDAG ecosystem. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Greetings BlockDAG community!
Developer's Update: A Productive Day with X1 Miner and Blockchain Explorer
Today has been a remarkably productive day for our development team, and we are thrilled to share our progress with you. Our focus has been on enhancing the X1 Miner application and gearing up for the development of our blockchain explorer. Here's a detailed update on what we've accomplished.
X1 Miner Application: Squashing Bugs and Boosting Performance
Our team dedicated the day to meticulously addressing and resolving several critical bugs within the X1 Miner application. Here are the key highlights:
With these improvements, the X1 Miner application is now more robust and reliable than ever. We are confident that these updates will greatly enhance your mining operations and overall productivity. Soon we'll start the phase 2 of x1 Miner application to provide much more features.
We are equally excited to announce that the design phase for our blockchain explorer is complete, and we are ready to commence development this week. The explorer will be a powerful toolthat will provide comprehensive insights and data visualization for our blockchain.
Key Features of the Blockchain Explorer:
With the designs finalized, we are all set to kick off the development with a focus on the dashboard this week. The dashboard will be the heart of our blockchain explorer, providing users with an intuitive and informative entry point into our blockchain's data.
Let's take a sneak peek at what's coming to our blockchain dashboard and how incredible it will look.
Here’s a detailed overview of what we’ve achieved:
Key Enhancements and Bug Fixes:
We’re thrilled to share not just updates on our X1 Miner application but also exciting news about our upcoming Blockchain Explorer project. As we continue to enhance our mining application, we’re equally committed to expanding our ecosystem with tools that empower our users and the broader blockchain community.
Introducing Blockchain Explorer
According to our roadmap, we are gearing up for the kickoff of this project, and we want to share more about its purpose and significance.
What is the Purpose of a Blockchain Explorer?
A blockchain explorer is a powerful tool that provides detailed insights into the blockchain network. Here are the key purposes it serves:
1. Adaptive Gossip Protocol
We’ve adopted an adaptive gossip protocol to enhance the propagation efficiency:
Randomized Dissemination:
Transactions and blocks are randomly relayed to a subset of nodes, reducing redundancy and ensuring rapid dissemination without overloading any single node.
Adaptive Rate Control:
The gossip rate adjusts dynamically based on network conditions. During high load, the protocol slows down to prevent congestion, while under low load, it speeds up to ensure swift propagation.
2. Compact Block Propagation
To minimize the data transmitted across the network, we’ve implemented compact block propagation techniques:
Block Summarization:
Instead of transmitting the entire block, a summarized version containing only essential information (such as headers and unique identifiers) is initially sent. Nodes reconstruct the block using their local mempool data.
Transaction Compression:
Transactions within blocks are compressed using advanced algorithms, significantly reducing their size without losing any critical information.
3. Enhanced Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network Topology
We’ve optimized the P2P network topology to improve reliability and performance:
Proximity-Aware Node Selection:
Nodes preferentially connect to peers based on network proximity, reducing latency by shortening the path length for data transmission.
Redundant Pathways:
Multiple redundant pathways are established between nodes, ensuring that even if one path fails, the data can still reach its destination through alternate routes.
1. Adaptive Gossip Rate Control Algorithm
The adaptive gossip rate control algorithm adjusts the propagation rate based on network load:
Rt=R0×(1−LtLmax)R_t = R_0 \times \left(1 - \frac{L_t}{L_{\text{max}}}\right)Rt=R0×(1−LmaxLt)
RtR_tRt: Gossip rate at time ttt.
R0R_0R0: Initial gossip rate.
LtL_tLt: Current network load.
LmaxL_{\text{max}}Lmax: Maximum allowable network load.
This formula ensures that as the network load increases, the gossip rate decreases, preventing congestion.
2. Compact Block Compression Algorithm
The compact block compression algorithm efficiently reduces block size:
Sc=Sb×(1−RdRmax)S_c = S_b \times \left(1 - \frac{R_d}{R_{\text{max}}}\right)Sc=Sb×(1−RmaxRd)
ScS_cSc: Compressed block size.
SbS_bSb: Original block size.
RdR_dRd: Redundancy detected in transactions.
RmaxR_{\text{max}}Rmax: Maximum redundancy.
By removing redundant transaction data, this algorithm achieves significant size reduction.
Implementing a robust and efficient data storage system for a DAG-based blockchain presents unique challenges. Here are the primary issues we encountered:
Efficient Storage of DAG Structure:
Data Pruning and Storage Bloat:
Indexing and Retrieval:
Redundancy and Backup:
To address these challenges, we implemented several innovative solutions:
1. Optimized Ledger Storage
Challenge: Efficiently storing the complex DAG structure and ensuring fast read and write operations.
Algorithm: Optimized DAG Storage
function storeDAG(node):
serialize node
store serialized node in database
update indices for fast retrieval
end function
2. Advanced Data Pruning Mechanisms
Challenge: Addressing storage bloat without compromising data integrity.
Algorithm: Data Pruning
function pruneData():
identify obsolete nodes
verify dependencies and references
remove obsolete nodes from storage
update indices to reflect changes
end function
3. Efficient Indexing
Challenge: Facilitating quick retrieval of transactions and nodes within the DAG.
Algorithm: Indexing DAG Nodes
function indexNode(node):
calculate node hash
store node hash in index table
link node hash to transaction data
end function
4. Redundancy and Backup
Challenge: Ensuring data availability and resilience through redundancy and backups.
Algorithm: Backup and Redundancy
function backupData():
serialize current state of DAG
encrypt serialized data
store encrypted data in backup storage
end function
function restoreData(backup):
decrypt backup data
deserialize data to DAG structure
validate restored data for integrity
end function
Hash-Based Verification:
Hash Calculation Formula:
Periodic Integrity Audits:
Dynamic Storage Allocation:
Exciting Announcement from X1 Miner!
We are thrilled to share some fantastic news with our community! The first official build of the X1 Miner Beta App has been officially submitted to the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
This marks a significant milestone for us, and we can't wait for you to experience the incredible features.
Once we receive approval from the app stores, the X1 Miner Beta App will be available for download to the public. Stay tuned.Mark your calendars! You’ll be able to begin mining as soon as we release the Testnet in August. Your mined BDAG balance will then be migrated to your wallet once the full version of the X1 Miner App is launched with the Mainnet in September.
All updates on the developments and enhancements will be posted on our official channels, as we work towards the Testnet and Mainnet releases following our official roadmap. Stay engaged with the app to witness its evolution firsthand. Remember, you're here early, right at the forefront of something extraordinary.
146:Tda7,The Data Storage module in BlockDAG is designed to handle the unique structure and requirements of a DAG-based blockchain. Below are the key features and improvements introduced in this release:
Optimized Ledger Storage:
Efficient Indexing:
Data Pruning Mechanisms:
Redundancy and Backup:
Security for Data Storage
Security is paramount in the design and implementation of the Data Storage module. We have integrated multiple layers of security to protect the data from various threats:
2. Encryption:
3. Access Control:
4. Audit Trails:
5. Anti-Spam and Anti-DDoS Measures:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Addressing and Overcoming Development Challenges:
In our previous update, we shared the complexities and challenges we faced in developing the account module and synchronizing account balances within the BlockDAG system. Today, we are excited to provide an update on the progress we’ve made in tackling these issues. Our team has been diligently working on innovative solutions to ensure that our BlockDAG remains scalable, decentralized, and efficient.
Solving Decentralization vs. Scalability
Balancing decentralization with scalability is critical for the success of any blockchain system. Here are the key steps we’ve taken to address this challenge:
Adaptive Sharding Implementation:
Ensuring synchronized account balances across a decentralized network is a complex task. Here’s how we’re overcoming it:
Concurrent State Channels:
Enhanced Consensus Algorithms:
We continue to make strides in the development of our BlockDAG blockchain explorer, BlockDAGScan. Here are the latest updates:
Real-Time Data Analytics:
User Interface Enhancements:
Security Improvements:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Blockchain Update:
We're reaching out to you today with an important update regarding our ongoing development efforts. As you know, we've been hard at work building the next generation of decentralized technology, striving to create a BlockDAG that pushes the boundaries of scalability and throughput.
We are currently overcoming fantastic challenges presented along the way: the implementation of the account module. This crucial component, which is responsible for managing accounts and balances within the BlockDAG, has proven to be a little complex than anticipated.Here's a brief overview of the challenger we're currently overcoming:
We're exploring innovative solutions, conducting rigorous testing, and collaborating with experts in the field to overcome these obstacles.
Stay tuned for further updates as we make progress towards resolving this issue.
14b:T6e3,We're currently knee-deep in the development of our BlockDAG blockchain explorer, and we wanted to give you a quick update on our progress so far. Here's what's been going on behind the scenes:Architecture:
Database Selection:
Backend Language Selection:
We're still in the thick of development, but we're making steady progress towards our goal of delivering a reliable and user-friendly BlockDAG explorer.
14c:T490,We're excited to give you a sneak peek into an upcoming update for the X1 Miner App that we've been hard at work on: Enhanced User Onboarding with the Invite Feature!
We've heard your feedback loud and clear, and we're committed to making the onboarding process smoother and more rewarding for our users. That's why we're introducing the Invite Feature, designed to streamline how you introduce new users to the X1 Miner community.
With this new feature, you'll be able to effortlessly invite your friends, family, and fellow crypto enthusiasts to join the X1 Miner family directly from the app. Sharing your excitement about X1 Miner and its benefits will be easier than ever before.
Stay tuned for the official release of this exciting update, coming soon to the X1 Miner App. We can't wait to share it with you and continue growing the X1 Miner community together!
Keep an eye out for further announcements and updates. Until then, happy mining!
14d:T67b,Building on our previous exploration of address formats in BlockDAG, this post focuses on advanced concepts and the practical aspects of offchain implementation. As blockchain technology evolves, especially with Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structures, understanding these details becomes crucial for developers and users aiming to leverage the full potential of BlockDAG systems.
Address Formats in BlockDAG
Address formats in BlockDAG are designed to optimize security, usability, and compatibility with the underlying DAG architecture. Here, we dive deeper into the advanced features and structures of these addresses.
Core Components:
Purpose: Base32 encoding offers a balance between readability and compactness, ideal for scenarios where alphanumeric addresses are needed.
Purpose: Ensures the address is correctly typed and not corrupted, enhancing reliability.
Implementation: Involves appending a portion of a hash (e.g., SHA-256) as a checksum to the address.
Purpose: Differentiate between various types of addresses (e.g., standard, multi-signature, contract addresses).
Examples: Custom prefixes can be defined for specific use cases, such as DAG1 for standard addresses.
14e:Te3f,The process of address generation and validation in BlockDAG systems involves several cryptographic steps to ensure the addresses are secure and unique.
Address Generation
Implementation: Using secure random number generators to create a private key.
use rand::Rng;
fn generate_private_key() -> [u8; 32] {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut private_key = [0u8; 32];
rng.fill(&mut private_key);
Implementation: Applying elliptic curve multiplication to derive the public key from the private key.
use secp256k1::{Secp256k1, PublicKey};
fn derive_public_key(private_key: &[u8; 32]) -> PublicKey {
let secp = Secp256k1::new();
let secret_key = secp256k1::SecretKey::from_slice(private_key).expect("32 bytes, within curve order");
PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &secret_key)
Implementation: Using a hash function (e.g., SHA-256 followed by RIPEMD-160) to hash the public key.
use sha2::{Sha256, Digest};
use ripemd160::Ripemd160;fn hash_public_key(public_key: &PublicKey) -> [u8; 20] {
let sha256_hash = Sha256::digest(public_key.serialize());
let ripemd160_hash = Ripemd160::digest(&sha256_hash);
Implementation: Converting the hashed public key into a Base32 encoded address.
extern crate base32;
fn base32_encode(data: &[u8]) -> String {
base32::encode(base32::Alphabet::RFC4648 { padding: false }, data)
Validating Addresses:
Implementation: Ensuring the checksum appended to the address is correct.
fn verify_checksum(address: &str) -> bool {
let decoded = base32::decode(base32::Alphabet::RFC4648 { padding: false }, address).unwrap();
let (data, checksum) = decoded.split_at(decoded.len() - 4);
let hash = Sha256::digest(&Sha256::digest(data));
&hash[..4] == checksum
Implementation: Checking the structure and checksum of the address to ensure its validity.
fn validate_address(address: &str) -> bool {
// Decode the address using Base32
let decoded = base32::decode(base32::Alphabet::RFC4648 { padding: false }, address).unwrap();
if decoded.len() != 25 {
return false;
// Verify the checksum
Understanding the advanced address format implementation in BlockDAG systems is fundamental for optimizing blockchain performance and security. These elements provide a robust framework for managing blockchain addresses and keys, ensuring a secure, scalable blockchain environment.
Every great project starts with a vision, and for BlockDAGscan, our vision was clear: to create a user-friendly, robust, and transparent blockchain explorer. Here’s how we began:
The Blueprint: Technical Documentation and Diagrams
Creating BlockDAGscan required detailed planning and precise documentation. Here are the key elements that guided our development:
The Path Forward: Development and Community Engagement
With our plans laid out and documentation in hand, we are now ready to bring BlockDAGscan to life. Here’s what lies ahead:
The address format in BlockDAG systems can vary based on specific implementations. However, some common features include:
Base58 Encoding
Many BlockDAG systems utilize Base58 encoding to create user-friendly addresses, avoiding ambiguous characters.
Example: 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa
Addresses often include a checksum to detect errors, ensuring the validity of the address.
Different types of addresses (e.g., standard, multi-signature) may have distinct prefixes.
Example: Bitcoin addresses starting with 1 for P2PKH, 3 for P2SH, and bc1 for Bech32.
BIP32: Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets
BIP32 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 32) introduced hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallets, which allow for the generation of a tree of keys from a single seed. This innovation simplifies wallet backup and enhances security.
A random seed is generated, typically from a mnemonic phrase.
Example: abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about
2. Master Key Derivation
From the seed, a master private key and master chain code are derived using HMAC-SHA512.
where 𝑏 is the constant "Bitcoin seed".
3. Child Key Derivation
Child keys are derived from the master key using a deterministic algorithm. Each child key pair (private key, chain code) is generated using:
(𝑘𝑖,𝑐𝑖)=𝐶𝐾𝐷(𝑘𝑝,𝑐𝑝,𝑖)where 𝑘 𝑝 k p is the parent private key, 𝑐 𝑝 c p is the parent chain code, and 𝑖 i is the index of the child key.
4. Child Key Derivation Function (CKD)
For normal child keys:
𝐶𝐾𝐷(𝑘𝑝,𝑐𝑝,𝑖)=𝐻𝑀𝐴𝐶−𝑆𝐻𝐴512(𝑐𝑝,𝑠𝑒𝑟(𝑘𝑝)∥𝑠𝑒𝑟(𝑖))For hardened child keys (with index 𝑖≥231𝐶𝐾𝐷(𝑘𝑝,𝑐𝑝,𝑖)=𝐻𝑀𝐴𝐶−𝑆𝐻𝐴512(𝑐𝑝,0𝑥00∥𝑘𝑝∥𝑠𝑒𝑟(𝑖))
5. Address Generation
Public keys are derived from private keys:
𝐾𝑖=𝑘𝑖⋅𝐺where G is the generator point on the elliptic curve. Addresses are generated from public keys, often using Base58Check encoding or Bech32 encoding.
Mathematical Formulas and AlgorithmsHMAC-SHA512
HMAC-SHA512 is used to derive keys and chain codes:
where opad is the outer padding (0x5c5c...5c5c, repeated to block size) and ipad is the inner padding (0x3636...3636, repeated to block size).
Base58Check Encoding
Base58Check Encoding is used for user-friendly addresses:
Bech32 Encoding
Bech32 Encoding is used for SegWit addresses:
Understanding the various address formats in BlockDAG systems and BIP32 hierarchical deterministic wallets is crucial for navigating the diverse landscape of blockchain technology. BlockDAG addresses enhance scalability and throughput with their graph-like structure, while BIP32 simplifies key management and backup through its hierarchical design. Each format offers unique benefits, tailored to the specific needs of the blockchain system it supports. Whether you are working with a BlockDAG implementation or managing a BIP32 HD wallet, mastering these details, algorithms, and mathematical formulas will enhance your ability to effectively utilize blockchain technology.
Our development efforts today centered on implementing and optimizing consensus mechanisms that can handle the unique structure of a DAG. Here’s an overview of the key areas we worked on:
Transaction Ordering and Block Validation
One of the primary challenges in a DAG structure is ensuring a consistent and secure ordering of transactions across multiple parallel chains. We have developed a method to order transactions and validate blocks efficiently.
Pseudocode for Transaction Ordering:
function orderTransactions(DAG):
orderedTransactions = []
for block in DAG.blocks:
for transaction in block.transactions:
if validateTransaction(transaction):
return orderedTransactions
function validateTransaction(transaction):
// Validate the transaction based on predefined rules
return transaction.isValid()
Mathematical Foundation:
To ensure the correct ordering of transactions, we use a timestamp-based sorting method:
Ordered Transactions=Sort({T1,T2,…,Tn},by Timestamp)
where T1,T2,…,Tn are the transactions in the DAG.
Block Weight Calculation
Calculating the weight of blocks is crucial for determining the heaviest path, which helps in resolving conflicts and ensuring the security of the DAG.
Pseudocode for Block Weight Calculation:
function calculateBlockWeight(block):
weight = baseWeight
for transaction in block.transactions:
weight += transactionWeight(transaction)
return weightfunction transactionWeight(transaction):
// Determine the weight of a transaction
return transaction.size * weightFactor
Mathematical Foundation:
The weight of a block is given by:
where Wbase is the base weight of the block, and W(Ti) is the weight of the i-th transaction.
Block Confirmation and Consensus
For achieving consensus, we implemented a mechanism to confirm blocks based on the cumulative weight of their subgraphs.
Pseudocode for Block Confirmation:
function confirmBlock(DAG, block, threshold):
subgraphWeight = calculateSubgraphWeight(DAG, block)
return subgraphWeight >= thresholdfunction calculateSubgraphWeight(DAG, block):
weight = 0
subgraph = getSubgraph(DAG, block)
for subBlock in subgraph:
weight += calculateBlockWeight(subBlock)
return weight
Mathematical Foundation:
The subgraph weight is calculated as:
where subgraph(B) is the set of blocks in the subgraph rooted at block B.
152:T1418,The combination of DAG and PoW introduces a robust framework that leverages the parallel processing capabilities of DAG and the security of PoW. Today, we focused on optimizing this integration to ensure efficient block validation and secure consensus.
Key Achievements Today
Optimized DAG Structure for Block Validation:
We refined the structure of our DAG to improve the efficiency of block validation. By optimizing the way blocks reference each other, we enhanced the throughput and reduced the time required for transaction confirmation.
function validateDAGBlock(block):
for each parentBlock in block.parents:
if not isValid(parentBlock):
return False
return True
This algorithm ensures that each block in the DAG references valid parent blocks, maintaining the integrity of the blockchain.
The integration of PoW with DAG involved refining the PoW algorithm to accommodate the DAG structure. We focused on ensuring
the computational complexity of PoW is managed efficiently while leveraging the parallel processing benefits of DAG.
function mineDAGBlock(blockData, parentHashes, targetDifficulty):
nonce = 0
while True:
concatenatedData = concatenate(blockData, parentHashes, nonce)
hash = SHA3(concatenatedData)
if meetsDifficulty(hash, targetDifficulty):
return hash, nonce
nonce += 1
In this algorithm, blockData includes the current block's data, and parentHashes are the hashes of the parent blocks in the DAG. The miner iterates through different nonce values to find a hash that meets the target difficulty, ensuring secure and verifiable block creation.Mathematical Formulations
where H denotes the SHA-3 hash function, and ∥ represents concatenation.
This ensures that every block added to the DAG maintains the integrity and continuity of the blockchain.Continuous Improvement and Future Plans
Security Audits:
We conducted extensive security audits on the new integration to ensure that the PoW mechanisms are robust against attacks. Our audits included stress testing the system under high load conditions and validating the cryptographic security of our hashing algorithms.
To maintain a stable rate of block creation, we implemented a dynamic difficulty adjustment mechanism. This mechanism adjusts the difficulty based on the network's mining power, ensuring that blocks are mined at a consistent rate.
Algorithm for Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment:
function adjustDifficulty(currentDifficulty, timeTaken):
expectedTime = targetBlockTime
if timeTaken < expectedTime:
return currentDifficulty * 1.1 # Increase difficulty
return currentDifficulty * 0.9 # Decrease difficulty
In this algorithm, timeTaken is the time taken to mine the last block, and targetBlockTime is the desired time to mine a block. The difficulty is adjusted to ensure the block time remains stable.
Benefits of DAG + PoW Integration
Future Outlook
Looking ahead, we plan to further refine the integration of DAG and PoW by exploring advanced cryptographic techniques and optimizing the algorithms for even greater efficiency. Our goal is to create a scalable, secure, and efficient BlockDAG network that can handle high transaction volumes while maintaining robust security measures.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of blockchain technology.
We are excited to announce the start of Phase 2 of our project, focusing on thorough bug fixes and optimizations to enhance user experience.
Current Status:
Technical Enhancements:
As we move forward with these exciting developments, we encourage you to stay connected and engaged with our progress. Your feedback and support are invaluable as we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of blockchain technology.
Thank you for being a part of our community and for your unwavering support. Together, we are building a more scalable, secure, and efficient future for blockchain technology.
Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s continue this journey together!
154:T194b,Concurrent Block Addition: Multiple blocks can be added simultaneously, reducing bottlenecks.
Offchain Implementation Overview
1. Data Structure
In BlockDAG, each block contains transactions and references to one or more previous blocks (parents). This structure allows blocks to be added in parallel.
struct Block {
id: String,
data: String,
nonce: u64,
parent_ids: Vec<String>,
hash: String,
2. Adding a Block
To add a block to the BlockDAG:
fn create_block(data: &str, parent_ids: Vec<String>, difficulty: u32) -> Block {
let mut nonce = 0;
loop {
let hash_input = format!("{}{}{:?}", data, nonce, parent_ids);
let hash = calculate_hash(&hash_input);
if hash.starts_with(&"0".repeat(difficulty as usize)) {
return Block {
id: generate_id(),
data: data.to_string(),
nonce += 1;
3. Proof of Work Calculation
The PoW puzzle involves finding a nonce such that the hash of the block data and nonce has a certain number of leading zeros, indicating the difficulty.
fn calculate_hash(input: &str) -> String {
use sha2::{Sha256, Digest};
let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
format!("{:x}", hasher.finalize())
Mathematically, the PoW can be described as:H(data+nonce)<targetwhere H is the hash function, and the target is derived from the difficulty level.4. Validating Blocks
To validate a block:
fn validate_block(block: &Block, difficulty: u32, blockdag: &HashMap<String, Block>) -> bool {
let hash_input = format!("{}{}{:?}", block.data, block.nonce, block.parent_ids);
let hash = calculate_hash(&hash_input);
if !hash.starts_with(&"0".repeat(difficulty as usize)) {
return false;
for parent_id in &block.parent_ids {
if !blockdag.contains_key(parent_id) {
return false;
Offchain Implementation
Offchain Storage
Blocks in the BlockDAG can be stored offchain to enhance scalability and reduce on-chain storage requirements. Offchain storage involves keeping the bulk of the data on external servers or distributed storage systems, while critical block references and hashes remain on-chain for validation.Data Availability
Offchain data must be readily available for validation and retrieval. This can be achieved through:
Proof of Existence
To ensure the integrity of offchain data, proofs of existence can be used. A common approach is to store a Merkle root or hash of the offchain data on-chain. This allows any part of the data to be verified against the stored hash.
struct OffchainBlock {
id: String,
merkle_root: String,
parent_ids: Vec<String>,
hash: String,
Nodes must synchronize offchain data to ensure consistency. This involves:
Example Workflow
Mathematical FormulasProof of Work (PoW)
The PoW algorithm requires solving a hash puzzle:
Difficulty Adjustment
The target can be dynamically adjusted based on network conditions to maintain a consistent level of difficulty. This can be done using a formula such as:
155:Te30,\text{new_target} = \frac{\text{old_target} \times \text{time_expected}}{\text{time_taken}}
Offchain computation is a cornerstone in our quest for blockchain efficiency. Today, we delved deeper into refining offchain computation for miners, streamlining processes, and fortifying the backbone of our BlockDAG architecture.
Key Achievements Today
Enhanced Offchain Mining Algorithms
Building upon yesterday’s efforts, we meticulously fine-tuned our offchain mining algorithms to strike an optimal balance between computational intensity and resource utilization. These enhancements aim to maximize mining efficiency while minimizing resource overhead. Our updated algorithm now incorporates advanced nonce generation techniques and hash function optimizations to expedite the mining process.
def offchainMine(blockData, targetDifficulty):
nonce = generateRandomNonce()
while True:
dataToHash = concatenate(blockData, nonce)
hash = offchainSHA3(dataToHash)
if meetsDifficulty(hash, targetDifficulty):
return hash, nonce
nonce = generateRandomNonce()
In this updated version, nonce generation occurs outside the loop to ensure a new nonce is generated for each iteration. The loop continues until a valid hash meeting the difficulty criteria is found.
Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies
Acknowledging the diverse computational capacities of miners, we introduced dynamic load balancing strategies to ensure equitable task distribution. Leveraging real-time monitoring and adaptive algorithms, we dynamically allocate offchain computation tasks based on miner capabilities, optimizing resource utilization and fostering a collaborative mining ecosystem. Our load balancing algorithm now incorporates predictive analytics and machine learning models to adaptively allocate tasks and mitigate computational bottlenecks.
function dynamicLoadBalancing(tasks, miners) {
// Implement dynamic load balancing logic here
Continuous Security Audits
In tandem with algorithmic enhancements, we conducted rigorous security audits to fortify offchain computation protocols. Our team meticulously reviewed codebases, conducted penetration testing, and audited network configurations to identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities. By proactively addressing security concerns, we reinforce the resilience of our BlockDAG network against emerging threats, safeguarding user assets and transactional data.
Immediate Benefits and Future Outlook
Today’s advancements in offchain computation for miners lay the groundwork for a more efficient and scalable BlockDAG ecosystem. By leveraging cutting-edge algorithms, dynamic load balancing strategies, and robust security measures, we anticipate the following benefits:
The development of BlockDAGscan has kickstarted the User Experience (UX) phase, and we have progressed much further in that. We are meticulously designing the interface and functionality to ensure it includes all the critical modules needed by our users. This phase involves close collaboration with all stakeholders to gather insights and feedback, ensuring that BlockDAGscan meets the diverse needs of our community.
Today, our designers made significant progress in Figma, focusing on the next steps in our design work. Key activities included:
Stay tuned for more updates on the BlockDAG blockchain, X1 miner application, and BlockDAGscan. Together, we are building the future of blockchain technology. Thank you for your continued support and engagement.
We look forward to sharing more updates with you soon.
157:T1521,Offchain computation allows miners to execute resource-intensive operations outside the main blockchain network, ensuring that only the essential results are recorded onchain. This approach enhances overall performance and reduces network congestion.
Key Achievements Today
Optimized Mining Algorithms:
We developed and implemented optimized mining algorithms that can be executed offchain. These algorithms allow miners to solve cryptographic puzzles more efficiently.
Steps Taken:
Algorithm for Offchain Mining Computation:
function offchainMine(blockData, targetDifficulty):
while true:
nonce = generateRandomNonce()
partialHash = offchainSHA3(blockData, nonce)
if meetsDifficulty(partialHash, targetDifficulty):
return partialHash, nonce
Ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the offchain computed results is crucial. We designed protocols for secure result verification.
Implementation Details:
Mathematical Formula for Result Verification:
Given a dataset D, nonce n, and target difficulty T, the verification formula is:
Where H is the hash function (e.g., SHA-3). The miner’s goal is to find a nonce n such that the hash of the block data and nonce is less than the target difficulty.
We explored and implemented a distributed offchain mining approach where multiple miners collaborate on solving the same cryptographic puzzle.
Progress Made:
Let M be the number of miners and Wi the work done by miner i. The total work W is distributed as:
The goal is to minimize the time T to find a valid nonce, achieved by parallelizing the computation:
Where Tsingle is the time taken by a single miner to find a valid nonce.
Immediate Benefits
By performing heavy computations offchain, the overall load on the blockchain network is reduced, leading to lower congestion and faster transaction processing.
Offchain computation allows for handling a higher volume of mining operations without compromising the performance of the blockchain, resulting in improved scalability.
Offloading computations reduces the onchain processing costs, making the mining process more cost-effective for miners.
Applications and Use Cases
Today's advancements in offchain computation for miners unlock new possibilities for various applications:
Today’s progress in integrating offchain computation for miners marks a significant step forward in enhancing our BlockDAG system's capabilities. By offloading resource-intensive tasks from the main blockchain, we can achieve greater efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, paving the way for more advanced and innovative applications.
BlockDAG represents a departure from the linear structure of traditional blockchains. It utilizes a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) architecture, allowing for concurrent processing of multiple blocks. This enhances transaction throughput and reduces confirmation times, making it an attractive solution for high-volume environments.
The Technical Significance of Offchain Data
Offchain data refers to information stored and processed outside the main blockchain network but can be referenced or validated by onchain transactions. Incorporating offchain data into BlockDAG systemsOffers several technical advantages:
Integrating offchain data with BlockDAG blockchain systems requires a strategic approach and understanding of various techniques:
By embracing offchain data integration, developers can unlock the full potential of BlockDAG blockchain systems, achieving unparalleled scalability, efficiency, and privacy. Understanding the technical nuances of offchain data integration empowers developers to architect robust and innovative blockchain solutions across various industries.
Join the journey of blockchain innovation and explore the endless possibilities of offchain data integration in BlockDAG blockchain systems.
Exciting News Alert! Our Beta Version of X1 Miner App is Ready for Approval in 24 Hours! Hold onto your hats, folks!
The moment we've all been eagerly anticipating is almost here. Our team has been hard at work crafting something truly extraordinary, and we're thrilled to announce that the beta version of our app is set to be submitted for approval within the next 24 hours!
Crafting Brilliance:
This is a major milestone in our journey, marking the culmination of countless hours of dedication and innovation. From the initial spark of an idea to the meticulous design process, we've poured our hearts and souls into making this app the best it can be. Every line of code, every pixel perfected—it all comes together to create an experience that's truly exceptional.
Innovative Features:
But what makes our app stand out from the rest? It's not just about aesthetics—though our sleek design is certainly eye-catching. It's about the innovative features that set us apart from the crowd. From advanced mining algorithms to intuitive user interfaces, we've thought of everything to ensure that your experience with our app is nothing short of extraordinary.
Unleashing Greatness:
Stay tuned for more updates as we prepare to unleash our app on the world. The countdown to launch is officially on—get ready to experience greatness!
Navigating the Blockchain Landscape:
But our journey doesn't end here. As we prepare to enter the next phase of development, we're committed to staying at the forefront of blockchain technology. Stay tuned for further insights and developments as we navigate the dynamic landscape of blockchain technology and X1 Miner application.
The future is bright, and we can't wait to embark on this journey with you. Together, let's redefine what's possible in the world of blockchain technology.
In the heart of our development lab, a team of blockchain engineers gathered around a whiteboard, deep in discussion about implementing SHA3 into our BlockDAG protocol. The excitement of enhancing security and efficiency in our blockchain was palpable, but little did we know the hurdles that lay ahead.The journey began optimistically, with our team diving headfirst into the specifications of SHA3. We meticulously dissected the algorithm, understanding its inner workings and cryptographic properties. However, as we delved deeper, we realized that integrating SHA3 into our BlockDAG architecture was not as seamless as we initially thought. One of the first challenges we encountered was the computational overhead.
SHA3, being a complex cryptographic algorithm, demanded significant computational resources. In BlockDAG system where every node is expected to perform numerous hash calculations, this posed a scalability issue. Our early simulations revealed a notable increase in processing time and resource consumption, threatening the system's performance.To mitigate this, we experimented with various optimization techniques, from parallel processing to hardware acceleration. While these approaches showed promise in reducing computation time, they introduced new complexities in maintaining consensus and synchronicity across the BlockDAG. Achieving a delicate balance between performance and security became our paramount concern.
As we pushed forward, another obstacle emerged – data fragmentation. BlockDAGs, unlike traditional blockchains, store data in a more distributed and interconnected manner. This posed a challenge for SHA3, which relies on sequential hashing of data blocks. Our attempts to adapt SHA3 to accommodate the dynamic structure of a BlockDAG led to data fragmentation issues, compromising the integrity of the blockchain.In our pursuit of a solution, we revisited the fundamentals of BlockDAG architecture, exploring novel approaches to data organization and traversal. By reimagining how transactions were propagated and validated within the BlockDAG, we devised a hybrid hashing scheme that leveraged both SHA3 and customized cryptographic primitives tailored to the DAG structure. This hybrid approach not only addressed data fragmentation but also enhanced the overall security and efficiency of our blockchain.After this much of effort and collaboration, we finally achieved a breakthrough – a robust implementation of SHA3 within our BlockDAG protocol. Our blockchain now stood resilient against security threats while maintaining scalability and decentralization. The challenges we faced along the way had not only tested our technical prowess but also forged a stronger, more resilient team ready to tackle the next frontier in blockchain innovation.
Apart from the blockchain development, a parallel team is working on the X1 miner application, let's get into the current progress for that commitment:
As we're near to the delivery of the first phase of X1 Miner application, we are working on security pointers for the App users and for their privacy. We are implementing cache feature in the app so it can load without any delay. As we are also moving forward with the deployment architecture, as we are going to use Kubernetes so the App backend will be up all the time and it will be able to manage all of the users seamlessly.
Our Beta Version of X1 Miner App is Ready for App Store Approvals in 24-48 Hours!
Hold onto your hats, folks! The moment we've all been eagerly anticipating is almost here. Our team has been hard at work crafting something truly extraordinary, and we're thrilled to announce that the beta version of our app is set to be submitted for approval on all app stores within the next 24 to 48 hours! Ready for launch on June 1st.
To maximize the effectiveness of SHA-3 within the BlockDAG ecosystem, we're introducing several optimizations:
Let's refine our pseudocode to incorporate these optimizations:
function mineBlock(transactions, previousBlockHash, targetDifficulty, numThreads):
// This function mines a new block in the BlockDAG blockchain using SHA-3
nonce = 0
blockData = concatenate(transactions, previousBlockHash, nonce)
while true:
# Initialize an array to store hashes from different threads
hashResults = []
# Launch multiple threads for parallel hashing
for i in range(numThreads):
# Generate block data for each thread
threadBlockData = concatenate(blockData, i)
# Execute SHA-3 hashing in parallel
# Check if any of the hashes meet the target difficulty
for hashResult in hashResults:
if meetsDifficulty(hashResult, targetDifficulty):
return hashResult, nonce # Found a valid block hash
# Increment the nonce for the next iteration
nonce = nonce + numThreads
15f:T88c,The core concept behind SHA-3's role in mining lies in Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanisms. Here's the gist:
Pseudocode for BlockDAG Mining with SHA-3
function MineBlock(blockData, difficulty):
while True:
nonce = GenerateRandomNonce()
dataToHash = Concatenate(blockData, nonce)
hash = SHA3(dataToHash)
if CheckHashValidity(hash, difficulty):
return blockData, nonce # Block is valid, return data and nonce
continue # Hash doesn't meet difficulty, loop again
During the implementing process of SHA-3 within our BlockDAG blockchain several steps will be included, which are hashing transactions or blocks for security and integrity within the chain. Below is a simplified pseudocode example of how SHA-3 will be implemented in our blockchain system:
function calculateSHA3(data):
// This function calculates the SHA-3 hash of the given data
// Step 1: Initialize the SHA-3 hashing algorithm
hash_instance = initializeSHA3()
// Step 2: Update the hash with the data
// Step 3: Finalize the hash and obtain the digest
digest = hash_instance.finalize()
// Return the hexadecimal representation of the digest
return hexadecimalRepresentation(digest)
function mineBlock(transactions, previousBlockHash, targetDifficulty):
// This function is responsible for mining a new block in the DAG-based blockchain
nonce = 0
blockData = concatenate(transactions, previousBlockHash, nonce)
while true:
blockHash = calculateSHA3(blockData)
// Check if the block hash meets the target difficulty
if meetsDifficulty(blockHash, targetDifficulty):
break // Found a valid block hash that satisfies the PoW condition
// Increment the nonce and update the block data
nonce = nonce + 1
blockData = concatenate(transactions, previousBlockHash, nonce)
// Return the valid block hash and nonce
return blockHash, nonce
// Example usage:
// Assume transactions and previousBlockHash are defined elsewhere targetDifficulty = "0000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"
// Mine a new block
validBlockHash, nonce = mineBlock(transactions, previousBlockHash, targetDifficulty)
Here's why we are now considering SHA-3 over RandomX:
RandomX has become a cornerstone for many blockchain projects prioritizing decentralization and fair mining practices. This Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm stands out for its focus on CPU utilization, making it resistant to specialized hardware like ASICs.
There are various reasons why we're considering it as an optimized algorithm for us:
As we claim for performance and security this protocol has been our very first choice for the algorithm.
162:T523,RandomX achieves its CPU-friendliness and ASIC resistance through a combination of techniques:
function GenerateRandomInstruction():
// Generate random instruction from SRVVM instruction set
// (integer/floating-point arithmetic, conditional branches, memory access)
return instruction
function GenerateProgram():
program = [] for i in range(program_size):
return program
Now let's get into the implementation of RandomX protocol in BlockDAG:
As our blockchain is DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) based, the mining process and consensus mechanism may differ from a traditional blockchain with a linear structure. In a BlockDAG blockchain, transactions will be represented as vertices in a graph, and blocks are not necessarily organized in a linear sequence.
Here's how the RandomX algorithm could be adapted for BlockDAG:
Here's a high-level pseudocode representation of the mining process:
function RandomX(cache, input):
// Perform a series of mathematical operations on the cache and input
// to generate a hash result
result = ComputeHash(cache, input)
return result
function MineBlock():
// Initialize RandomX dataset based on the current state of the DAG
dataset = InitializeDataset()
// Create cache for each mining thread
for thread in mining_threads:
cache[thread] = CreateCache(dataset)
// Mining loop
while true:
for thread in mining_threads:
// Select transactions to include in the block from the DAG
selected_transactions = SelectTransactionsFromDAG()
// Execute RandomX hashing function on cache and block data
hash_result = RandomX(cache[thread], selected_transactions)
// Check if hash result meets difficulty criteria
if hash_result < target_difficulty:
// Block successfully mined
return hash_result
This pseudocode outlines the basic steps involved in mining a block on BlockDAG using the RandomX algorithm.
164:Tb29,Here is the detailed pseudo code our implementation:
function GenerateRandomInstruction():
// Generates a random instruction from the SRVVM instruction set
// (includes integer/floating-point arithmetic, conditional branches, memory access)
return instruction
function GenerateProgram():
program = []
for i in range(program_size):
return program
function InitializeRandomXDataset(dag):
// Initialize RandomX dataset based on the current state of the DAG
dataset = [] for vertex in dag.vertices:
// Hashing each vertex's data for dataset initialization
return dataset
function CreateCache(dataset):
// Create cache for RandomX computation
cache = []
for i in range(cache_size):
cache.append(dataset[RandomIndexInRange(0, len(dataset))]) // Randomly select dataset entries for cache return cache
function RandomX(cache, input):
// Perform RandomX hashing function on cache and input
result = ComputeHash(cache, input)
return result
function MineBlock(dag, mining_threads):
// Initialize RandomX dataset based on the current state of the DAG
dataset = InitializeRandomXDataset(dag)
// Create cache for each mining thread
for thread in mining_threads:
cache[thread] = CreateCache(dataset)
// Mining loop
while true:
for thread in mining_threads:
// Select transactions to include in the block from the DAG
selected_transactions = SelectTransactionsFromDAG(dag)
// Execute RandomX hashing function on cache and block data
hash_result = RandomX(cache[thread], selected_transactions)
// Check if hash result meets difficulty criteria
if hash_result < target_difficulty:
// Block successfully mined
return hash_result
165:Te41,The linear holds transaction records on the blockchain by connecting a series of blocks. That each block is adding a new chain in the linear. Contrastingly, in BlockDAGs, a more sophisticated structure is introduced, where multiple blocks can be mutually referenced, forming a directed complex graph which does no longer need to have a strict linear sequence.
In BlockDAG mining, the primary goal remains the same: towards the validation of transactions and to secure the network.
The DAG formation based on consideration of transaction selections features a big deviation as compared to the linear blockchains. Miners in the BlockDAG network need to take into account parameters like dependency relation between the transactions, graph topology and accord rules. Let's understand a conceptual algorithm of how mining will work in blockchains based on DAG implementation:
In summary, mining in a DAG-based blockchain focuses on transaction approval and consensus through a decentralized voting process rather than traditional block creation and PoW(Proof Of Work) mechanisms. Participants contribute to the network's security and reliability by validating transactions and building on the DAG structure, leveraging its unique properties for scalable and efficient decentralized transactions.
166:Tb70,Here's an example algorithm implementation which can be used to implement the mining process in BlockDAG.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
As mentioned in previous post, the next step is to start the syncing process between the nodes. Today's post is all about doing the syncing implementation in the BlockDAG project.
Here's an introduction to what's the purpose of syncing is in our implementation.
Syncing algorithm is designed to make sure that the particular chain is in the latest state and synced with the rest of the network by downloaded and importing new data as soon as possible. The node then steps in, either through the one of the initial synchronization methods mentioned above, and then the keep-up sync is used to download new blocks. These two methods satisfy the requirements for a network to produce a cryptocurrency.
Syncing substreams involves the process of ensuring that a node's local representation of the BlockDAG is updated and aligned with the network's state, particularly focusing on specific substreams of interest to that node. This synchronization process is fundamental for maintaining consensus and coherence across a decentralized network where different nodes may have varying views of the DAG due to network latency and propagation delays.
Now let's understand few types of syncing processes that can be used in the implementation process:
Steps to implement the full sync process:
Steps to implement the light sync process:
Fast sync: The download mode is the instant one of in this mode downloads the full header history. The process of transformation of authority set operations and comes up with a most recent header is possible by that. The node checks the header chain throughput spot and saves these records. Then importing the state, a short process, starts. Each StateResponse provides a storage key, which is void for the first one. StateResponse comprises proof of storage location thus indicating where the key and all the other keys starts (but not including the key that is in the request). After running the proof trie in the storage root that is currently on target header, the node sends the next request element of StateResponse with key range that will start from that last key from the previous response. This process repeatedly carries out until the shift in trie reaches its last point. The state is then shipped to the database and the normal full/lite sync starts in your way.
Steps to implement the fast sync process:
Warp sync: BFT sync also known as warp sync is a brand new technique utilized by blockchains such as Ethereum to speed up the process of logging a new node or syncing it with the latest state on the chain. Unlike the full synchronizing method of traditional thinking about every network node finishing downloading and verifying each block and transaction starting with the very first one, warp sync attempts to speed up the whole process. The process is started by the Initial Block Download (IBD) phase and it involves retrieving recent block headers from network peers. Contrary to the download of all historical raw data, the node regulates the checkpointing of those blocks in intervals whereby it only acquires specific checkpoint blocks—the historical blocks ranging at intervals. g. , they do mining every 10 minutes on the average (10 minutes is equivalent to about 100,000 blocks, 1 block in about every 10 minutes)—to form the bridge between the current state and the future one. These checkpoint points comprise a core element of the blockchain which have 'data sets' been verified by that particular points. Having been granted the checkpoint block nodes shave off the historical state trie's redundant information to ease on storage. Latterly "fast sync" mode is enabled in the the node where is it synchronize the recent state trie data (e. g. We will inherit the ability to validate and transfer funds, settle accounts, and get the state of contract without having so to much work on historical transactions.
Steps to implement the wrap sync process:
The essential elements of Request-Response method:
Deployment of request-response protocol as a primary means of internode communication in substreams within BlockDAG network entails several steps and concerns which must be taken into account to avoid potential issues.
Below is a technical algorithm outline detailing how this protocol can be implemented:
Send Request: The situation is that the when a node requires certain data, the node determines the shortest path by using the distributed network and it sends the data request to the node with the highest opportunity to generate the block. By creating a request message with a block or transaction format, it sends it via a substream to the peer node with which connection has been previously established.
Wait for Response: Requester node patiently waits for reply message from the peer node, after those request messages are sent. It also a timeout option to deal with the cases where no response has been received within a timely manner.
Receive Request: The peer node is the receiving get source from the substream.
Process Request: On receiving a query, the peer node examines it, in case the data is available it will be retrieved and prepared for a reply before the acknowledgement message is sent by the node.
Send Response: The peer node sends an acknowledgment message to the querier node using the identical substream as the one used to forward the queries.
Develop mechanisms of error handling that take care of communication failures, timeouts, or incorrect requests. To do this, we will gradually increase the complexity of our systems and test their readiness by performing stress tests.
Retry Mechanism: The requester node has to react in such a manner that within the time frame that has been set, if no reply is received, it retries the request, or the process is handled accordingly.
Adopt asynchronous programming techniques to solve the issue of various simultaneous requests handling efficiency.
Implement callback operations or event handlers to react to response messages, processing them as they come in and keeping instance as responsive as it is.
It's also a part of above protocol's implementation, below is a quick summary of how Notification protocol would work.
The sc-network API enables the registration of notification protocols as user-defined entities. sc-network will be trying automatically for each node substream to open where the previous counterpart from Legacy Substream will be opened by it. Then comes the Handshake thing without conscious thought.What is currently in place, for a manner of backward-compatibility, a group of notification protocols are joined with the legacy Substrate branch. Additionally, the handshake message is hardcoded to be a single 8-bits integer representing the role of the node:
To run an accomplished full node, you shall set aside 1 GB of memory, while for much less achieved ones, 32 MB will do the secret.
2 for concealing a light source on node lighting.
4 for an authority.
In addition, in the future, these restrictions will be totally scrapped.
A node triggers a notification event by invoking notify_peers() with specific event_type and the information in it.
This function forwards the information message contain event type, data, and the event issuers address to all the peer nodes connected.
Every peer node receives the alert sent at render_headers() method.
The receiving node examines the relevance and is configured to carry out actions based on the event type.
Example implementation:
# Create BlockDAG
nodes node1 = BlockDAGNode(node_id=1)
node2 = BlockDAGNode(node_id=2)
# Add peer nodes for communication
# Simulate notification - Node 1 notifies peers about a new block
new_block = Block(block_id=1, transactions=["Tx1", "Tx2"], parent_blocks=[]) node1.notify_peers(event_type="new_block_received", event_data=new_block)
# Node 2 receives and processes the notification
# This triggers Node 2 to process the new block received from Node 1
# The notification protocol can be extended to handle various types of events and data
16f:Tb28,Here's a basic implementation of libP2P protocol in blockDAG:
Configure supported transports (e.g., TCP/IP, WebSockets) and encryption options.
2. Define Protocol ID
This ID will be used to identify and multiplex your protocol over libp2p connections.
3. Implement Protocol Handler
const myProtocolHandler = {
// Handle incoming messages
async handle(stream)
for await (const message of stream) {
console.log('Received message:', message.toString());
// Send a message
async send(stream, message) {
await stream.write(message);
4. Register Protocol Handler
await node.handle('/myapp/1.0.0', async (protocol, stream) => {
await myProtocolHandler.handle(stream); });
5. Start libp2p Node
await node.start();
console.log('libp2p node started, listening on addresses:', node.multiaddrs);
6. Establish Connections
const peerId = '...'; // ID of the peer to connect to
await node.dial(peerId);
const { stream } = await node.newStream(peerId, ['/myapp/1.0.0']);
7. Send and Receive Messages
await myProtocolHandler.send(stream, 'Hello, libp2p!');
8. Handle Errors and Cleanup
// Gracefully stop the libp2p node
await node.stop();
170:T476,In order to join certain peer-to-peer network our node is required to know a list of nodes that are already included in that network. In this regard, it is pertinent to mention node's details and their address (how to be connected them). Formation of such a list can be referred to as the discovery approach.
There are three mechanisms that will be used in blockDAG:
When node Alice indices node Bob's identity and address, it means she can build a connection with node Bob. Each link must necessarily employ multilevel encryption and meet high standards of security. Similarly, although (eg. addresses using /quic) represents the encryption, and /multiplex addresses of which encryption and/or multiplexing to use, the multistream-select protocol is used to negotiate a choice for /encrypt and/or /multiplex.
The process used to set up the connection is the transport and is usually referred to as the transport layer.
As of the writing of this documentation, the following base-layer protocols are supported by BlockDAG:
(This being the case, the IPv6 will be used instead of IPv4 for all the above stated.)
Most notable is the usage of Noise protocol which is negotiated between the base-layer protocol and the application level. In the final version, we intend to carry out an observation-based study of the handshake protocols which dynamics can greatly vary even from population to population and thus the experimental setup will be likely changed.
The following multiplexing protocols are supported: Yamux.
Greeting BlockDAG Community!This week marked significant progress on the P2P implementation front for BlockDAG, paving the way for faster and more secure communication between nodes.
Key Highlights:
This is an ongoing effort. Since we have crux of previous days now, Today, I'm thrilled to introduce libP2P, a high-performance, modular, and developer-friendly P2P library specifically designed for blockDAG projects.
173:T8fa,libP2P offers a comprehensive suite of tools and functionalities to seamlessly integrate P2P networking. It empowers developers to establish a robust P2P network, provides simplified node management, modular design and flexibility.
Using libP2P in blockDAG:1. Integration with blockDAG blockchain:
2. blockDAG-Specific Features:
3. Advanced P2P Functionalities:
While the core functionalities of libP2P like node discovery and communication are crucial, understanding a specific application like block propagation within a blockDAG context provides a deeper insight into its technical capabilities. Here's an outline of a possible algorithm:
1. Block Reception:
2. Block Validation:
3. Gossip-based Propagation:
4. Anti-Entropy:
5. Integration with Consensus Mechanism:
Here's a pseudocode representation of the outlined algorithm for block propagation within a blockDAG:
Block Reception:
function onBlockReceived(block):
if isValidBlock(block) and isAdheringToProtocol(block):
if blockIsValid(block):
Block Validation: function validateBlock(block):
if verifySignature(block) and validateContent(block):
if blockIsFullyValid(block):
Gossip-based Propagation: function propagateBlock(block):
for neighbor in connectedNeighbors:
sendBlockToNeighbor(block, neighbor)
Anti-Entropy: function performAntiEntropy():
for neighbor in connectedNeighbors:
if discrepanciesFound():
Integration with Consensus Mechanism: function submitBlockToConsensus(block):
if consensusMechanismAgrees(block):
175:T8f9,Integrating RPCs into a BlockDAG project facilitates external communication with the node or network, enabling functionalities such as:
RPCs abstract the complexities of direct network communication, providing a convenient interface for developers and external applications to interact with the BlockDAG network.
Let's understand an example implementation of Remote procedure calls:
// Client-side RPC invocation
function rpc_call(server_address, procedure_name, args):
data = serialize(args) // Serialize arguments
send_data_to_server(server_address, procedure_name, data) // Transmit data to server
response = receive_data_from_server(server_address) // Receive response from server
result = deserialize(response) // Deserialize response
return result
// Server-side RPC handling
function rpc_handle(procedure_name, handler_function):
register_procedure(procedure_name, handler_function) // Register procedure with handler
while true:
request = wait_for_incoming_request() // Wait for incoming request
args = deserialize(request.data) // Deserialize request arguments
result = handler_function(args) // Execute handler function with arguments
response = serialize(result) // Serialize result
send_response_to_client(request.client_address, response) // Send response back to client
In this continuation of our exploration into Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) within a BlockDAG project, let's delve into how RPCs facilitates modules of blockchain
176:T89d,Now let's understand few generic RPC methods that will help us in implementing this functionality into blockchain:
1. getBalance(address)
Retrieves the balance associated with a given account or address on the blockchain.
FUNCTION getBalance(address)
balance = QUERY_BALANCE(address)
RETURN balance
2. sendTransaction(sender, recipient, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice)
Used to initiate and broadcast a transaction from one account to another, transferring digital assets.
FUNCTION sendTransaction(sender, recipient, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice)
transaction = CREATE_TRANSACTION(sender, recipient, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice)
transactionHash = BROADCAST_TRANSACTION(transaction)
RETURN transactionHash
3. getBlock(blockNumber)
Retrieves details about a specific block on the blockchain.
FUNCTION getBlock(blockNumber)
blockData = QUERY_BLOCK(blockNumber)
RETURN blockData
4. getTransaction(transactionHash)
Fetches detailed information about a specific transaction using its unique transaction hash.
FUNCTION getTransaction(transactionHash)
transactionDetails = QUERY_TRANSACTION(transactionHash)
RETURN transactionDetails
5. callSmartContractMethod(contractAddress, methodName, args)
Enables interaction with smart contracts deployed on the blockchain by executing specific functions within the contract.
FUNCTION callSmartContractMethod(contractAddress, methodName, args)
methodResult = INVOKE_SMART_CONTRACT_METHOD(contractAddress, methodName, args)
RETURN methodResult
177:T712,The MPSC algorithm involves several key steps tailored to blockDAG environments:
Pseudocode Outline for MPSC in BlockDAG:
1. Initialize Producers: - Each producer node starts generating data or messages.
2. Data/Message Transmission: while true: for each producer:generate_data_or_message() send_data_or_message_to_consumer()
3. Consumer Reception and Processing: while true: for each incoming data/message: process_data_or_message()
4. Flow Control: - Implement mechanisms to manage data/message delivery rate based on network conditions.
5. Termination: - Close connections and handle any remaining tasks upon data consumption completion.
This pseudocode provides an overview of how MPSC can be implemented in a blockDAG network, emphasizing synchronization and coordination mechanisms essential for efficient data delivery from multiple producers to a single consumer. Actual implementations would include error handling, optimization strategies, and scalability considerations tailored to specific blockDAG network requirements.
178:T1179,Imagine a network of nodes, each with a piece of information. Gossip protocols establish communication channels where nodes exchange data with randomly chosen peers. This "rumor mongering" ensures information propagates throughout the network, eventually reaching all nodes.
Here are some popular rumor mongering strategies:
Here's a code snippet:
function PushGossip(rumor):
peers = select_random_peers(k) # Choose k random peers
for peer in peers:
send_message(peer, rumor)
function PullGossip():
rumors = []
peers = select_random_peers(k) # Choose k random peers
for peer in peers:
rumors += receive_message(peer)
return rumors
function PushPullGossip(rumor):
# Push phase
peers = select_random_peers(k) # Choose k random peers
for peer in peers:
send_message(peer, rumor)
# Pull phase (can be integrated into a separate periodic function)
rumors = receive_message_from_all_peers()
return rumors
Algorithms for Effective Rumor Mongering:
function RandomGossip():
if has_new_rumor():
peer = select_random_peer()
send_message(peer, get_rumor())
function FanoutGossip(fanout):
if has_new_rumor():
peers = select_random_peers(fanout)
for peer in peers:
send_message(peer, get_rumor())
function AgeBasedGossip():
rumor = get_oldest_rumor()
if rumor is not None:
peer = select_random_peer()
send_message(peer, rumor)
As discussed internally, blockDAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) projects, gossip protocols play a crucial role in ensuring all nodes possess a consistent view of the ever-growing ledger. These protocols, akin to rumor-mongering in a social network, facilitate data dissemination and state management across the distributed network. But with various gossip protocols at our disposal, selecting the optimal one becomes paramount.
Following Factors can Guide for Gossip Protocol Choice in BlockDAGs:
BlockDAG's P2P network leverages several key algorithms to achieve its impressive performance:
a. Binary Gossiping Protocol (BGP): BGP leverages a push-based approach, where nodes actively push messages to a randomly chosen subset of their peers. This code snippet (in Python) demonstrates a simplified example of BGP message broadcasting:
def broadcast_gossip(self, message):
# Select a random subset of connected peers
peers = random.sample(self.connected_nodes, k=self.fanout)
# Send the message to each selected peer
for peer in peers:
b. Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Gossiping Protocol: This protocol leverages the structure of the blockDAG itself for message propagation. Nodes only share transactions with their parents in the DAG, reducing message redundancy and improving efficiency.
2. Consensus Mechanisms: These algorithms ensure agreement among nodes on the validity of transactions and the current state of the ledger. In blockDAG, you might consider employing a variant of Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus, specifically designed for asynchronous networks with potentially faulty nodes.
3. Cryptography: Robust cryptographic primitives are essential for securing communication and transactions within the P2P network. blockDAG can utilize elliptic curve cryptography (ECC).
4. Digital Signatures: Transactions are signed with the sender's private key using ECC, ensuring authenticity and preventing unauthorized modifications.
Key Management: Public-key cryptography (ECC public keys) can be used for secure communication and identity verification between nodes.
BlockDAG's P2P network, coupled with our innovative Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) technology, unlocks a new level of potential for developers. Unlike traditional blockchains with linear chains, blockDAG enables parallel transaction processing, significantly boosting throughput for your dApps
To implement the P2P network part we have come with an example implementation as per our understanding so far.
Here's a high-level algorithm outlining a possible approach to implementing a P2P network in BlockDAG:
1. Node Initialization
Each node maintains a local copy of the blockDAG ledger.
The node establishes a P2P connection pool to manage connections with other nodes in the network.
The node implements a gossip protocol (e.g., Binary Gossiping Protocol or DAG Gossiping Protocol) to receive and propagate information about new transactions and DAG structures.
2. Transaction Broadcasting
When a new transaction originates at a node, it is digitally signed using the node's private key.
The signed transaction is broadcasted to the node's connected peers via the gossip protocol.
3. Transaction Validation
Upon receiving a transaction broadcast, a node performs validation checks to ensure:
The transaction is well-formed and follows the protocol's defined structure.
The digital signature on the transaction is valid, confirming the sender's identity.
The transaction adheres to any predefined business rules or tokenomics within the blockDAG network.
4. Consensus Mechanism
Validated transactions are relayed to other nodes through the gossip protocol.
Nodes achieve consensus on the validity of transactions and the current state of the ledger using a Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus variant suitable for asynchronous P2P networks. This ensures all nodes agree on the accepted transactions and the DAG structure.
5. Ledger Update
Once consensus is reached on a transaction's validity, the transaction is added to the local copy of the blockDAG ledger on the node.
6. Network Maintenance
The node continuously monitors the health of its connections within the P2P pool.
It may discover new nodes through gossip protocol messages and establish connections with them to improve network resilience.
Nodes with suspicious behavior or prolonged inactivity might be removed from the connection pool to maintain network integrity.
Hash Functions: SHA-256 stands as a prevalent choice due to its speed and parallelizability. This functions offer crucial properties:
Mining Process:
This iterative process involves:
Difficulty Adjustment:
Network hash rate (total computational power) directly impacts difficulty. Experienced developers will recognize functions like retargeting (e.g., Bitcoin's difficulty adjustment every 2016 blocks). Specific algorithms used for this adjustment (e.g., moving average or exponential moving average) can be further explored here. The goal is to maintain a target block generation time (e.g., 10 minutes in Bitcoin) by adjusting the difficulty.
BlockDAG's Implementation:
BlockDAG is revolutionizing blockchain technology by integrating Proof of Work within its DAG-based architecture. BlockDAG's DAG-based blockchain architecture offers inherent advantages such as scalability, throughput, and parallel processing. By incorporating PoW, BlockDAG ensures the security and decentralization of its network while leveraging the efficiency of DAG structures. This innovative approach paves the way for a new era of decentralized applications and digital assets.
SHA256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit) Cryptographic Algorithm:
Technical Explanation: SHA-256 iteratively processes input data through a series of compression functions, resulting in a fixed-size hash output. Miners search for a nonce value to append to the block header, aiming to produce a hash value below a specified target.
[[hash = SHA256(block_header + nonce)
while hash >= target:
hash = SHA256(block_header + nonce)]]
Mathematical Formulation: The comparison between the hash and the target is typically represented as:
Merkle Root:
In BlockDAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)-based blockchain, the Merkle root is calculated in a similar way to traditional blockchains but with some differences due to the structure of the DAG. Here's an explanation of how a Merkle root is calculated in BlockDAG blockchain along with pseudocode:
[[function buildMerkleTree(transactions):
if len(transactions) == 1:
return hash(transactions[0]) // Leaf node
new_transactions = []
for i from 0 to len(transactions) - 1 step by 2:
// Concatenate and hash the transaction pairs
concat_hash = hash(transactions[i] + transactions[i+1] if i+1 < len(transactions) else transactions[i])
return buildMerkleTree(new_transactions)
function verifyTransaction(transaction, merkleRoot, merklePath):
hash_result = hash(transaction)
for sibling_hash in merklePath:
if isLeftChild(hash_result):
hash_result = hash(sibling_hash + hash_result)
hash_result = hash(hash_result + sibling_hash)
return hash_result == merkleRoot
function isLeftChild(hash_result):
// Implement a function to determine if a hash is the left child of its parent
// This can be based on the index of the hash in the Merkle path]]
This pseudocode demonstrates a simple implementation of calculating the Merkle root in BlockDAG blockchain.
17f:Tab2,BlockDAG is actively working towards achieving EVM compatibility, aiming to unlock groundbreaking possibilities for cross-network collaboration. This future interoperability with Ethereum-based tools, wallets, explorers, and its vast user base has the potential to significantly accelerate the adoption of the BlockDAG ecosystem. Developers would find an environment tailored for building scalable EVM-compatible dApps, while the platform's emphasis on community-driven governance would empower users, builders, and validators, promoting a culture of fairness and inclusivity.
function name() public view returns (string)
function symbol() public view returns (string)
function decimals() public view returns (uint8)
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256)
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance)
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success)
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success)
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success)
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining)
Securing the Smart Contract Realm
BlockDAG is committed to the security and integrity of its smart contract functionality. Here's a glimpse into the cryptographic and algorithmic foundations:
The SHA-256 hashing algorithm is a cornerstone of BlockDAG's security infrastructure. Let's break down its mechanics:
1. Preprocessing
2. Hash Initialization
Eight 32-bit hash values, h0 to h7, are initialized with specific hexadecimal constants designed for SHA-256. These values serve as starting points for the iterative processing.
3. Compression Function (Main Loop)
This is the core of the SHA-256 algorithm, involving 64 rounds of processing each 512-bit block. Here's what happens in each round:
4. Finalization
After processing all message blocks, the final eight hash values (h0 to h7) represent the SHA-256 hash digest. These values are concatenated to form the final 256-bit hash string.
Technical Details:
Algorithm behind PoW:
Proof of Stake (PoS):
Technical Details:
Algorithm behind PoS:
Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS):
Technical Details:
Algorithm behind NPoS:
Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS):
Technical Details:
Algorithm behind DPoS:
Multisig transactions offer enhanced security for blockDAG ecosystems by requiring multiple parties to authorize spending. Here's a detailed breakdown of implementing multisig in blockDAG, incorporating technical details and specific algorithms:
Transaction Structure:
Signature Script:
The signature script plays a crucial role in multisig transactions. It's a script written in a stack-based scripting language like Forth embedded within the transaction. This script defines the multisig conditions for spending:
Signature Validation and Redeem Script Processing:
Scripting Language Considerations:
Transaction Propagation and Confirmation:
This outlines a high-level algorithmic approach for implementing multisig transactions in a blockDAG system, focusing on core cryptographic operations and validation logic:
1. Multisig Address Generation Algorithm:
Input: Public keys (Pk_1, Pk_2, ..., Pk_N) of participating parties and threshold (M) for required signatures.
Output: Multisig address (M-of-N address).
2. Multisig Transaction Validation Algorithm:
Input: Transaction object (Tx) containing inputs, outputs, and signatures.
Output: Boolean (True if valid, False otherwise).
7. Return True if all steps succeed, False otherwise.
This algorithmic approach provides a foundational understanding of multisig transactions in blockDAGs. The specific implementation details like cryptographic hash functions (SHA-256, BLAKE2b) and script language syntax will vary depending on the chosen blockDAG platform.
Lets explore some pseudo-code on how keys are generated and transactions are signed :
// Multisignature Address Setup
function setupMultisig(m, n):
keys = generateKeyPairs(n) // Generate n key pairs for authorized parties
multisigAddress = generateMultisigAddress(keys, m, n) // Generate multisig address
return multisigAddress// Transaction Signing
function signTransaction(transaction, privateKey):
signature = sign(transaction, privateKey) // Sign transaction with private key
return signatureMultisignature transactions offer several benefits, including:
Technical Specifications:
function deliver(message m):
if verify_message(m):
for tx in m.transactions:
if not has_transaction(tx):
Having established the foundation of DAG BFT, the next step involves extracting a linear order from the DAG structure. This crucial aspect, essential for final transaction settlement, will be explored in a subsequent discussion to solidify the understanding of BlockDAGs.
Additional Considerations:
This technical breakdown provides a deeper understanding of DAG BFT, its core functionalities, and implementation details. It lays the groundwork for further exploration of linear ordering within BlockDAGs and paves the way for discussions on security considerations and performance optimization techniques. stay tuned!
18a:Tb96,This week has been a whirlwind of technical discovery, and we're confident that these advancements will make BlockDAG a resounding success. Now let's get into today's roller-coaster ride. The account-based model (ABM), a cornerstone of blockchain technology pioneered by Ethereum, mirrors traditional bank accounts by tracking user balances and transactions. Unlike the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model prevalent in some Blockchains, ABM offers a more state-oriented approach. This makes it a compelling candidate for projects like BlockDAG, where a focus on user experience and developer familiarity is paramount. Let's delve into the technical specifics – the data structures and core algorithms that drive this model, focusing for a blockchain-oriented perspective.
Data Structures:
[[type Account struct {
Address crypto.Hash `json:"address"` // Unique identifier (cryptographic hash)
Balance uint64 `json:"balance"` // Total funds associated with the account (unsigned integer)
Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce"` // Sequence number (unsigned integer) for replay protection
[[type Transaction struct {
From crypto.Hash `json:"from"` // Sender's account address
To crypto.Hash `json:"to"` // Recipient's account address (or contract address)
Value uint64 `json:"value"` // Amount of funds to transfer (unsigned integer)
Data []byte `json:"data"` // Optional data for smart contract execution (if applicable)
// Gas and GasPrice omitted for brevity
Signature ecdsa.Signature `json:"signature"` // Signature components for transaction authorization
Here's a more details of the transaction processing algorithm:
Advantages of ABM over UTXO for BlockDAG:
This analysis highlights the Account-Based Model (ABM) as a compelling choice for BlockDAG, particularly considering its focus on user experience and developer familiarity. The state-oriented approach mirrors traditional financial systems and simplifies integration with smart contracts. However, implementing ABM within a DAG structure requires careful consideration for state persistence mechanisms.
Next Steps:
The core of the UTXO model is the UTXO struct, a compact data object encapsulating:
Example UTXO Structure:
[[type UTXO struct {
Value uint64
LockingScript []byte
TxID [32]byte
UTXO Transactions: Spend-and-Create Operations
Transactions in UTXO-based systems revolve around two key functionalities:
Transaction Structure:
[[type Transaction struct {
Inputs []UTXOReference // List of references to spent UTXOs
Outputs []UTXO // List of newly created UTXOs
type UTXOReference struct {
TxID [32]byte
Index uint32 // Index of the UTXO within the referenced transaction
Determining an address's balance requires iterating through all UTXOs associated with that address and summing their values. This can become computationally expensive, especially for large UTXO sets, potentially affecting scalability. Our team is actively evaluating optimization techniques:
Data points (represented by UTXOs) are assigned to initial cluster centers.
Calculate distances between each data point (UTXO) and all cluster centers.
Reassign data points to the closest cluster center.
Recompute cluster centers based on the newly assigned data points.
Repeat step 2 until convergence (minimal change in cluster assignments).
1. Maintaining efficient UTXO selection for distance calculations.
2. Managing UTXO creation and destruction during cluster reassignments (potentially requiring additional transactions).
The account-based model maintains user accounts with associated balances. Transactions involve debiting funds from the sender's account and crediting the recipient's account. This approach simplifies transaction logic.
Account-based K-means Algorithm:
Data points (represented by account balances) are assigned to initial cluster centers.
Calculate distances between each data point (account balance) and all cluster centers.
Reassign data points to the closest cluster center (updating account balances).
Recompute cluster centers based on the newly assigned data points (averaging account balances).
Repeat step 2 until convergence (minimal change in cluster assignments).
K-means works iteratively to achieve optimal data clustering. Here's a breakdown of the process:
This provides a foundational understanding of the K-means algorithm and its potential application within the context of BlockDAG's maximum K-cluster subDAG selection.
192:T47d,We'll be integrating K-means clustering with the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model, a core component of BlockDAG. UTXO ensures efficient tracking of coin ownership and spending within the BlockDAG network. Here's how K-means can play a role:
We're actively exploring the possibilities of K-means integration and will conduct thorough testing to ensure its optimal implementation within the BlockDAG UTXO framework. Stay tuned for further updates on our progress!
193:T40e,The security of GHOSTdag is an active area of research. Our team will closely monitor ongoing academic papers and discussions to stay updated on potential vulnerabilities and best practices.
Golang Implementation:
We're leveraging Golang for the development of GHOSTdag within BlockDAG. Golang's strengths make it an ideal choice for this project:
GhostDAG Takes Flight: On-Chain Implementation Begins!
April is a whirlwind, but hold on tight because we're making serious headway! Buckle up as we dive deep into the technical nitty-gritty of our roadmap progress. We're right on track with the roadmap. Here's a quick look into our April's roadmap.
Please note this is our first ever dev releases being released, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
Hello, BlockDAG Community!
Today has been another significant milestone in our journey to enhance the BlockDAG ecosystem. With documentation efforts in full force, rigorous testing underway, and internal demo preparations advancing, the team is firing on all cylinders. Here's a detailed breakdown of the day's progress and what’s on the horizon:
The internal demo is shaping up to be a critical milestone for BlockDAG. Our teams are hard at work, ensuring the demo captures the full potential of our tools.
Key aspects include:
Here’s what’s on the horizon for BlockDAG:
Together, we can shape a future where BlockDAG becomes the gold standard for blockchain scalability and usability.
Stay connected for updates, and thank you for being part of this transformative journey.
Together, we’re building the future. Together, we are BlockDAG.
Hello BlockDAG Community!
We’re thrilled to share our plans and vision following today’s pivotal meeting. Our focus will center on three major areas: Phase 2 Tokenomics, Performance Planning, and Stress Testing for the BlockDAG Explorer. These initiatives will mark significant strides toward making BlockDAG a more robust, user-centric, and forward-thinking ecosystem. Let’s explore what lies ahead!
As we prepare for Phase 2, we’re currently in the exciting phase of brainstorming and discussions around shaping our tokenomics strategy. Today’s meeting was a deep dive into the possibilities and key areas we aim to refine.
We’re exploring various pathways to ensure that the tokenomics framework will serve as a foundation for growth and sustainability. While details are still under deliberation, we’re committed to crafting a model that balances ecosystem needs, community interests, and long-term scalability.
We will continue these discussions and provide more concrete updates soon.
Hey BlockDAG Community!
We’re thrilled to announce that a series of powerful new features will soon be added to the BlockDAG X1 app, making it more secure and insightful than ever before. These upcoming enhancements are designed to optimize your overall experience, focusing on robust security and valuable analytics to deepen your understanding of the BlockDAG network. Let’s dive into what’s coming and why these updates matter!
These features reflect our dedication to improving both the security and functionality of the BlockDAG ecosystem.
These updates mark the beginning of a series of innovations aimed at making the BlockDAG ecosystem the most secure and insightful platform for blockchain enthusiasts worldwide.
Stay tuned for more exciting announcements, as we work on additional improvements to enhance your X1 app experience and engagement with the BlockDAG network!
Hey Community!
The BlockDAG ecosystem continues to set new benchmarks in blockchain technology with an exciting wave of security and stability enhancements. In a decentralized system, resilience, reliability, and secure resource handling are paramount, and this update reaffirms our commitment to these core values. We’re excited to share the finer details of these advancements, all aimed at delivering a seamless, secure, and robust experience for developers and users alike.
We’ve gone a step further in refining the trie module, which plays a vital role in blockchain data organization and lookup efficiency. The following improvements showcase our attention to detail in error management:
Updated Code Enhancements:
if _, err := h.sha.Write(data); err != nil {\n
log.Printf(\"Error writing data to hasher: %v\", err)\n
\nif _, err := h.sha.Read(n); err != nil {\n
log.Printf(\"Error reading hash into node: %v\", err)\n
\nif err := h.onleaf(child, hash); err != nil {\n
log.Printf(\"Error in onleaf for shortNode child %v and hash %v: %v\", child, hash, err)\n
This isn’t just a routine update—it’s a paradigm shift in our approach to security and stability. By addressing potential vulnerabilities, improving resource management, and refining error handling, we’ve:
These enhancements contribute directly to BlockDAG's reputation as a cutting-edge, secure, and scalable blockchain solution.
"},{"order":6,"title":"What’s Next for BlockDAG?","content":"This update is just one step in our ongoing journey toward excellence.
Future developments include:
We are committed to innovation and user-driven development, and we look forward to sharing more updates soon.Together, let’s shape the future of decentralized technology!
"}],"title":"Dev Release-164","slug":"dev-release-164","seo":{"metaTitle":"BlockDAG: Stronger and Safer","metaDesc":"Boosted security, smarter memory handling, and robust error management for a reliable blockchain experience!"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-11-18T15:15:03.554Z","updatedAt":"2024-11-18T15:15:03.554Z","__v":0},{"_id":"67376e76cddff2a50a9471dc","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"title":"BlockDAG Update: Automating Infrastructure with Terraform & Sprint Review Insights","content":"$1f"},{"order":1,"title":"Goodbye Manual Processes – Welcome Terraform Automation!","content":"$20"},{"order":2,"content":"$21","title":"Sprint Review Insights – Progress, Feedback & What’s Next"},{"order":3,"title":"Weekly Recap","content":"$22"},{"order":4,"content":"Terraform Expansion: Over the next sprint, we’ll extend Terraform automation to include monitoring systems and disaster recovery setups.
Phase 3 Planning: With the foundation laid, discussions around Phase 3 initiatives—like scalability upgrades and new Explorer features—which might become part of BlockDAG's new features.
","title":"What’s Next?"},{"order":5,"content":"$23","title":"Why These Updates Matter to You"}],"title":"Dev Release-163","slug":"dev-release-163","seo":{"metaTitle":"BlockDAG Update: Metrics & Automation","metaDesc":"Growth and Terraform Integration for Future Progress!"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-11-15T15:53:26.068Z","updatedAt":"2024-11-15T15:53:26.068Z","__v":0},{"_id":"67361f32cddff2a50a93c051","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"title":"BlockDAG Explorer Updates: Technical Documentation, Phase 3 Planning, and Node Setup Issue Resolution","content":"Hello BlockDAG Community!
We're thrilled to bring you an in-depth update on our latest technical advancements, upcoming plans, and community-driven improvements. As we continue building a transparent, efficient, and user-friendly platform, we're constantly working on enhancements and documentation to empower our developers and enthusiasts.
Let’s dive into what’s in store!
Our journey towards a powerful, community-centric blockchain is constantly evolving, and we’re excited to have you with us. The ongoing advancements in API documentation, Phase 3 planning, and community issue resolution wouldn’t be possible without your continued support and insights.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being an essential part of BlockDAG!
Hey BlockDAG Community!
Today’s update represents a significant leap in ensuring BlockDAG's architecture remains both robust and secure. Our development team focused on critical improvements across multiple modules, incorporating necessary changes to strengthen system stability, memory management, and resource handling.
Here’s a deep dive into the technical advancements achieved and a sneak peek into discussions for upcoming features:
As we move forward, we’re excited to continue these security and feature advancements, creating a BlockDAG ecosystem that prioritizes user security, operational efficiency, and community-driven development. Today’s updates mark another milestone in our journey, setting the foundation for even greater innovation and reliability as we move into the next phase.
","title":"Looking Ahead"}],"title":"Dev Release-161","slug":"dev-release-161","seo":{"metaTitle":"BlockDAG Boosts Security & Stability","metaDesc":"Core upgrades, optimized memory, and new features ahead!"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-11-13T15:22:46.889Z","updatedAt":"2024-11-13T15:22:46.889Z","__v":0},{"_id":"673360b8cddff2a50a924426","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"title":"BlockDAG Development Update: Comprehensive Error Handling and Security Enhancements Rolled Out!","content":"Hello BlockDAG community!
We’re excited to bring you a robust new update packed with essential stability, security, and performance improvements! Our engineering team has been working diligently to introduce comprehensive error handling across the platform, ensuring smoother operations and reducing the risk of crashes due to unhandled errors. Let’s dive deep into the enhancements that make this a landmark release for BlockDAG.
Today, we completed targeted error checks in both the P2P and Qx modules. These modules are crucial for secure and seamless communication within BlockDAG. By resolving all pending issues and adding new checks, we’ve reinforced the reliability of these modules. The P2P module now has additional resilience against network issues, while the Qx module, which powers essential communication protocols, has gained enhanced handling for data integrity. These improvements ensure BlockDAG's network interactions are smooth and resistant to unforeseen disruptions, a crucial step as we scale.
","title":"Focused Error Checks in P2P and Qx Modules"},{"order":3,"content":"Our RPC (Remote Procedure Call) module is the bridge for seamless communication between BlockDAG’s components. Recognizing the importance of flawless interactions, we identified and added all missing error checks, making the RPC module more resilient. These changes prevent system crashes during remote operations, providing a stable, efficient communication interface that strengthens application reliability on BlockDAG.
","title":"RPC Module Reinforcement: Error Handling Revamp"},{"order":4,"content":"Error handling in the Service module is now significantly improved, fortifying the resilience of BlockDAG’s core services. These services are the backbone of our platform’s ecosystem, and with these enhanced error checks, they are more equipped to handle unexpected conditions gracefully, ensuring a stable and continuous experience for end users and developers alike.
","title":"Service Module Enhancements: Error Resilience for Core Services"},{"order":5,"content":"In tandem with error handling, we tackled several key audit issues that have raised BlockDAG’s stability and security standards. To further improve performance, we’ve added support for setting timeouts, enabling optimal management of service calls and network interactions. These timeout settings are now available across modules such as the blockchain engine, networking, cryptographic operations, and database management, ensuring the system functions without delays or crashes due to stalled tasks.
Each audit fix addresses potential vulnerabilities, strengthening BlockDAG’s defenses and enhancing operational efficiency. With these adjustments, BlockDAG can swiftly react when certain tasks or calls exceed expected timeframes, ensuring optimal performance and stability.
This update marks a significant leap toward making BlockDAG a production-ready, stable blockchain platform.
Here’s why it’s crucial for our community:
This update is only the beginning! With these improvements, we’re laying the groundwork for an even more resilient, performant BlockDAG. Expect to see further optimizations in error logging, additional security features, and new diagnostic tools to give our developers even more insight into the system.
Thank you for being an integral part of the BlockDAG journey.
Stay tuned for more updated!
Hello, BlockDAG community!
We’re thrilled to share the latest advancements and behind-the-scenes work that’s taken BlockDAG one step closer to a more secure, robust, and dependable decentralized experience. Today’s update is all about critical under-the-hood enhancements, rigorous system improvements, and fortified security layers to make our ecosystem stronger and safer for everyone.
Timeouts might sound straightforward, but in distributed systems, they’re essential for maintaining synchronization and performance.
Here’s why the new timeout support is a game-changer:
Hello, BlockDAG community!
We’re excited to bring you an inside look at our latest progress, packed with insights from our recent strategy meetings, technical advancements, and future planning sessions. This update highlights our commitment to continuous improvement, innovation, and transparency as we work towards making BlockDAG more powerful, user-friendly, and efficient. Let's dive into today’s milestones and how they bring us closer to our goals!
With our recent meetings, CI/CD integration, and sprint planning completed, we’re more dedicated than ever to building a platform that empowers our community. We’re committed to creating an ecosystem that grows with you, offering endless opportunities to engage, earn, and explore the future of blockchain technology.
Stay connected, keep mining, and watch out for exciting new updates as we bring our plans to life. As always, thank you for your continued support and trust in BlockDAG. Together, we’re shaping the future of blockchain, one update at a time.Thank you for being part of this journey with us! Let’s keep pushing forward and building something incredible!
Hello, BlockDAG community!
We’re back with another exciting development update, packed with the latest progress on the ASIC miner compatibility testing, a feature enhancement to the X1 Miner app, and the release of an upcoming user guide to make our platform easier than ever to navigate. Get ready for a deep dive into our latest advancements and how these updates can unlock new opportunities and experiences for you!
What’s Next?
With ASIC miner testing advancing, real-time balance updates on the X1 Miner app, and a user guide coming soon, we’re paving the way for a more robust and accessible BlockDAG experience. Our dedication to innovation means that more features, refinements, and optimizations are on the horizon. Future updates will focus on enhanced performance, new community-driven initiatives, and even more tools to empower our members.
Stay connected, keep mining, and let’s continue building the most vibrant, community-focused blockchain experience out there. Thanks for being on this journey with us, and here’s to the exciting road ahead!
Hey Community!
We’re thrilled to share some insights on what’s ahead in the next phase of our development journey. Our team has been in continuous, productive discussions with our stakeholders, carefully planning a series of groundbreaking advancements that will drive our platform forward.
Here’s what’s on the horizon:
One of the primary upgrades we’re aiming to introduce is fee customization within our BlockDAG blockchain. This feature will bring flexibility to transactions, allowing users to tailor fees based on network conditions and transaction priorities. By introducing a scalable fee structure, we aim to optimize the network’s resource allocation, reduce congestion during peak periods, and create a fair system that empowers users with the flexibility they need.
This advancement will support a wide range of transaction types, from micro-payments to high-value exchanges, making the BlockDAG network adaptable for everyone—from individual users to large enterprise clients.
Our team is currently hard at work to fully automate our EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) explorer. This automation will streamline blockchain data tracking, enabling faster, more accurate data updates, and reducing manual intervention. By creating a seamless, automated data pipeline, we’re ensuring that our explorer becomes a reliable, up-to-the-minute source of information.
This enhancement will allow developers to access real-time data, explore detailed smart contract analytics, and get a clearer view of network behavior and trends, making it an essential tool for anyone involved in the ecosystem.
Alongside the EVM explorer automation, we’re also developing automated report generation. This feature will allow us to produce comprehensive reports efficiently, offering detailed analytics and insights without the need for extensive manual compilation. These reports will be valuable for stakeholders, developers, and users who want a quick overview of network health, performance, and activity.
Automated reporting will include metrics on transaction volumes, node health, smart contract usage, and more. This enhancement will not only save time but also ensure that the information stakeholders receive is consistent, accurate, and data-driven, providing a solid basis for making strategic decisions.
Our discussions with stakeholders are ongoing, and we’re fine-tuning these plans to make sure they meet the high standards of our platform and community. Each of these enhancements aligns with our commitment to making our platform more powerful, adaptable, and user-centric.
As we move forward, we’ll be sharing updates, sneak peeks, and timelines to keep our community in the loop. We’re committed to delivering quality, efficiency, and a better user experience with every new feature and upgrade.
Stay connected—there are incredible developments on the way!
Hello, BlockDAG community!
It’s been an exciting season here at BlockDAG, and we’re thrilled to share some fantastic updates across multiple areas, including a major UI enhancement, backend optimizations, and advanced testing practices. Each of these upgrades is focused on making BlockDAG more robust, dynamic, and user-friendly. Let’s explore these developments in detail and what they mean for our community as we continue to build a next-generation platform for decentralized applications.
With these advancements, BlockDAG is becoming stronger, faster, and more user-centric.
Here’s what you can look forward to in the coming weeks:
Stay connected, share your feedback, and keep exploring! We can’t wait to bring you even more updates in the coming weeks.
Let’s keep building the future together!
Hello BlockDAG Community!
We're thrilled to bring you another comprehensive update on the progress of the BlockDAG ecosystem. This week, we’ve achieved significant milestones, from deploying the Nodes Module on our internal network to enhancing our faucet API for a smoother user experience. We've also resolved various community queries, reinforcing our commitment to building a user-friendly and resilient platform. Let’s take an in-depth look at these updates and the exciting improvements they bring to BlockDAG!
The Nodes Module is currently accessible only to internal stakeholders, who are actively reviewing its functionality and providing feedback. This limited release is critical for refining the module and ensuring it meets our high standards of quality and usability. Once the feedback has been incorporated, we’re excited to roll out the Nodes Module to the entire BlockDAG community. This phased approach allows us to make targeted improvements, guaranteeing that the module is robust, responsive, and ready to support the broader network.
We can’t wait to see how the Nodes Module empowers our users and stakeholders with deeper insights into BlockDAG’s network infrastructure. Stay tuned for more updates as we move closer to a public release!
At BlockDAG, we’re more than just a blockchain platform; we’re a collaborative, community-driven project. Every new feature, every resolved query, and every system improvement reflects our commitment to delivering a robust, transparent, and user-centric experience. The recent deployment of the Nodes Module, faucet API optimizations, and responsive user support efforts demonstrate our dedication to making BlockDAG a platform that anyone can navigate, understand, and contribute to.
Stay tuned, together we’re shaping the future of BlockDAG—where community and innovation converge.
Hello BlockDAG Community!
We’re thrilled to bring you an exciting update from the BlockDAG dashboard, where our platform’s growth and user engagement have reached new heights! This week, we’re diving into the transaction volume and sharing a sneak peek of the latest improvements to our X1 App. Let’s jump into the numbers and explore what’s been happening on BlockDAG over the past week!
We’re proud to announce that BlockDAG’s X1 App has surpassed 200,000 active users! This milestone is a testament to our community’s dedication and enthusiasm. Celebrating this achievement, we’re advancing with updates to enhance the X1 App experience. The latest sprint has completed the development of the Nodes Module, which is now in testing, along with optimizations for contract interactions and a refined design for faster performance and seamless navigation.
","title":"Milestone Celebration: 200,000 Active Users on the X1 App!"},{"order":5,"content":"BlockDAG remains dedicated to creating a robust, user-friendly, and transparent platform. As we move forward, our focus will be on expanding node insights, optimizing contract functionalities, and incorporating community-driven features.
Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to check the X1 App for all the latest news! Let’s continue building a strong, vibrant BlockDAG community together.
Hello BlockDAG Community!
Our journey to deliver a flawless BlockDAG experience is well underway, and we’re here with exciting updates on our ongoing improvements, particularly focused on refining ERC-20 and ERC-721 contracts. Our commitment to building a stable, efficient platform means continuously identifying areas for optimization, addressing bugs, and enhancing user interactions across the board. Here’s an in-depth look at what our team has been working on.
Hello BlockDAG Community!
We are thrilled to announce an incredible milestone – our BlockDAG X1 App has officially reached 200,000 active users! This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and enthusiasm of our team and community. As we celebrate, we’re also diving into exciting updates and improvements in the current sprint, bringing you closer to an optimized and feature-rich BlockDAG experience. Let’s take a look at what we’re working on and how each enhancement will elevate your experience on the BlockDAG platform.
Hitting 200,000 active users is a massive accomplishment for BlockDAG. This growth reflects not only the demand for our innovative platform but also the strong support from our community. Each one of you has played a part in this achievement, and we want to extend our heartfelt thanks. As we grow, we remain dedicated to enhancing our services to meet your needs, and we’re excited to continue building features that make BlockDAG even better.
Reaching this milestone has reaffirmed our commitment to a community-centered approach. With more users on board, we’re motivated to roll out new features, enhance existing ones, and improve scalability to support an ever-growing network.
Our current sprint has seen significant progress, especially with the Nodes Module. As of now, the development of this module is complete, and we’re preparing to enter the testing phase to ensure everything is functioning smoothly. The Nodes Module will play a critical role in expanding the capabilities of the X1 App, allowing users to gain deeper insights into node operations, network health, and overall BlockDAG performance.
During the testing phase, our QA team will rigorously evaluate the module to catch any potential issues, ensuring it’s stable, accurate, and ready for community use. This step is crucial to delivering a smooth experience and maintaining the high standards that BlockDAG users have come to expect.
In our ongoing efforts to improve performance, we recently conducted a round of testing for our smart contracts on the X1 App, and we’re happy to report that everything is functioning perfectly. These contract tests ensure that the contract interactions are seamless, accurate, and provide users with a flawless experience when engaging with ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens on the platform.
But we’re not stopping there! Even though testing showed great results, we’re working on optimizing the contract listing to make it faster and more user-friendly. This involves not only enhancing the backend performance but also refining the frontend design, ensuring a sleek, intuitive interface for users exploring various contracts.
Hitting 200,000 active users is a huge win, and we owe it all to you – our incredible BlockDAG community! Your trust, enthusiasm, and feedback drive us to innovate and improve every day. We’re honored to have you with us on this journey and look forward to bringing you even more powerful tools and features to explore and engage with the BlockDAG network.
","title":"Thank You for Your Support!"}],"title":"Dev Release-151","slug":"dev-release-151","seo":{"metaTitle":"200K Users Strong: BlockDAG X1 App’s Journey Continues","metaDesc":"Celebrating a Huge Milestone and Delivering Mid-Sprint Updates for a Better User Experience"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-10-30T13:21:06.260Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-30T13:21:06.260Z","__v":0},{"_id":"67210aefcddff2a50a8a0bb1","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"title":"Unveiling BlockDAG’s Evolution: Enhancing the Node Visualizer and Perfecting Contract Screens","content":"Hello BlockDAG Community!
We’re back with another thrilling update as the BlockDAG platform continues to evolve! Our team has been hard at work on two key areas: optimizing the Node Visualizer with advanced caching for faster animation retrieval, and meticulously re-testing the ERC-20 and ERC-721 contract screens in the BlockDAG Explorer. These upgrades are designed to bring you a smoother, more responsive experience and greater transparency across our network. Let’s dive deeper into what these updates mean for the BlockDAG ecosystem.
The Node Visualizer is more than just a visual representation of our network. It’s a gateway for the community to observe BlockDAG’s real-time, global network structure. Each node is displayed on a 3D globe, showing how they work together to maintain the blockchain’s security and decentralization. However, as our network grows, the data load increases, and maintaining seamless performance becomes crucial for the best user experience.
","title":"Supercharging the Node Visualizer with Caching for Smooth Performance"},{"order":2,"content":"$48","title":"Why Caching Matters for Animation Retrieval"},{"order":3,"content":"In addition to improved performance, we’re also working on new features for the Node Visualizer that will enhance its functionality:
These upcoming features will make the Node Visualizer an even more powerful tool for understanding and engaging with the BlockDAG network!
","title":"Upcoming Features in the Node Visualizer"},{"order":4,"content":"The BlockDAG Explorer provides the foundation for interacting with and analyzing assets on the blockchain, from standard ERC-20 tokens to unique ERC-721 NFTs. Our QA team is rigorously re-testing the contract screens for these standards to ensure they’re intuitive, reliable, and optimized for community use.
","title":"Perfecting the ERC-20 and ERC-721 Contract Screens in the BlockDAG Explorer"},{"order":5,"content":"$49","title":"Why Re-Testing is Essential"},{"order":6,"content":"$4a","title":"Future Contract Screen Features"},{"order":7,"content":"$4b","title":"What’s Next for BlockDAG?"}],"title":"Dev Release-150","slug":"dev-release-150","seo":{"metaTitle":"Node Visualizer & Contract Screen Upgrades","metaDesc":"Faster visuals, smoother interactions – discover BlockDAG’s latest enhancements."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-10-29T16:18:55.222Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-29T16:18:55.222Z","__v":0},{"_id":"671f9a18cddff2a50a89d65a","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"title":"Unveiling BlockDAG's Node Visualizer: Mapping the Blockchain Network","content":"Hello BlockDAG Community!
We're excited to kick off this update by sharing that we recently held our sprint planning session, where we outlined our major targets for this sprint. A key focus is completing the Node Purchase feature, which will add new capabilities and functionality to the BlockDAG ecosystem. Alongside this, we’re thrilled to introduce one of the most anticipated features in the BlockDAG Explorer – the Node Visualizer!
As our platform evolves, the Node Visualizer will serve as a crucial tool for both our community members and developers, providing real-time insights into the global network structure of BlockDAG. Our team is actively working on its implementation, aiming to bring this powerful feature to life and add another layer of transparency, understanding, and interactivity to the blockchain experience. Let’s dive into what this feature is all about, how it works, and the exciting capabilities it brings.
The Node Visualizer is a real-time graphical representation of the entire BlockDAG network, showcasing a global, interactive view of all the nodes connected to our blockchain. In simple terms, it’s a map of our network, visualizing nodes' geographical distribution, activity, connectivity, and performance metrics. By understanding where nodes are located and how they interact, users gain a comprehensive view of the network's health, resilience, and global distribution.
This feature is particularly valuable in decentralized environments, where transparency is key. It allows us to communicate the robustness and reliability of BlockDAG by showing the network's reach and distribution across different regions. Through this visual representation, anyone can see how decentralized, scalable, and secure our network truly is!
Our development team is actively implementing the Node Visualizer in the BlockDAG Explorer.
Currently, we are focused on:
Our vision for the Node Visualizer doesn’t stop here.
Future improvements will include:
These enhancements are part of our ongoing commitment to creating a cutting-edge, user-centric blockchain platform.
","title":"Planned Enhancements"},{"order":6,"content":"The Node Visualizer is more than just a visual tool – it’s a window into the heart of the BlockDAG network. For developers, this tool provides critical insights into network activity and node performance, allowing for optimizations and targeted improvements. For users, it demonstrates BlockDAG’s robustness, decentralization, and dedication to transparency. Observing the global reach and real-time health of BlockDAG’s nodes brings a deeper understanding and appreciation for the security and resilience of our network.
This feature also highlights BlockDAG’s ethos of decentralization. By empowering the community to observe and verify the network independently, we foster an environment of transparency, accountability, and inclusivity. We aim to make blockchain technology accessible, understandable, and trustworthy for everyone.
Hey Blockdag Community!
This release delivers extensive improvements to error handling across core components of the BlockDAG blockchain, based on insights from recent internal security and performance tests. The new changes mitigate vulnerabilities and address performance issues related to unhandled errors, significantly boosting the stability and robustness of the blockchain engine, networking, cryptographic operations, database management, and more.
The updates underwent thorough testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and performance assessments, ensuring the robustness and reliability of all error handling improvements.
This release solidifies BlockDAG’s resilience and operational reliability, enhancing its security posture and performance. It is recommended that developers update to this version to leverage the improved error management framework and retry capabilities.
This week’s BlockDAG update brings exciting progress on multiple fronts, focusing on ERC-1155 integration, the X1 Miner app, and the Node Visualizer. The team is enhancing the BlockDAG Explorer with ERC-1155 support, enabling multi-token contract listings with a user-friendly interface and extensive testing cycles to ensure seamless functionality. In the X1 Miner app, the latest developer release is integrated, though backend connectivity issues are being resolved. Wireframes for the Node Visualizer are also complete, promising interactive network mapping and metrics for a robust visualization of the BlockDAG infrastructure. Looking ahead, rigorous testing of ERC-1155 features, backend fixes, and Node Visualizer prototype development are top priorities, all aimed at enhancing platform stability, functionality, and user experience.
"},{"order":5,"title":"Core Platform Enhancements and Technical Advances","content":"In this BlockDAG Development Update, we're excited to share recent progress on key technical challenges and new features. The team has focused on improving UTXO transaction accuracy, fixing gas usage display issues, and resolving parent block gaps to boost network performance. Additionally, we're advancing ERC-1155 integration, enabling multi-token contracts by refining data structure and user interface adjustments for a more intuitive experience. These updates will enhance BlockDAG’s functionality, supporting a growing ecosystem. Stay tuned for further updates and thank you for your continued support in building a robust, decentralized platform!
"},{"order":6,"title":"Revolutionizing NFTs with IPFS Integration","content":"BlockDAG is revolutionizing its NFT platform by integrating IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) for enhanced metadata support in ERC-721 and ERC-1155 contracts. This update enables creators to mint NFTs featuring high-quality images, videos, and detailed descriptions, with metadata stored securely and permanently. For unique ERC-721 tokens, IPFS enhances visual appeal and authenticity, while for versatile ERC-1155 tokens, it supports multi-asset collections with decentralized storage. BlockDAG’s IPFS-backed infrastructure promises tamper-proof, permanently accessible data and efficient retrieval, ensuring that NFTs remain valuable and resilient over time. Future updates will explore dynamic NFTs, creator-friendly tools, and cross-chain interoperability, underscoring BlockDAG’s commitment to an innovative, user-centered NFT ecosystem.
"},{"order":7,"title":"Platform-Wide Enhancements in Network Stability, EVM Smart Contracts, and Future Modules","content":"BlockDAG has made significant progress this week, enhancing network stability, speed, and scalability, resulting in a more efficient and secure blockchain environment. The Blockchain Explorer is under active development, aiming to provide users with a comprehensive tool to track transactions and analyze network activity. The EVM Smart Contract Module has been successfully implemented, allowing for dApp deployment and interaction on the BlockDAG network. Next on the roadmap are the Nodes Module, which will track and monitor the network's health and node geolocation, and the Contract Verification Module, which will promote transparency by allowing users to verify smart contracts' source code. These features will boost trust, security, and adoption across the BlockDAG ecosystem.
"}],"title":"Dev Release-148","slug":"dev-release-148","seo":{"metaTitle":"BlockDAG Dev Release-148: Enhanced Error Handling and Stability","metaDesc":"BlockDAG Dev Release-148 enhances error handling across core components, boosting stability and security based on recent performance tests. Discover the improvements!"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-10-25T17:06:28.125Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-30T10:33:54.293Z","__v":0},{"_id":"671a63c2cddff2a50a88ac7b","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"title":"Hey BlockDAG community!","content":"We’re thrilled to share today's developer update with you. It’s been an extremely productive and exciting week, full of progress on multiple fronts. We’ve made key enhancements to the blockchain, pushed forward on the blockchain explorer, and laid out the next steps on our roadmap. Let’s dive into the details!
The developers have made significant strides in improving the stability and speed of the BlockDAG network. Multiple bug fixes were rolled out, leading to a smoother and more reliable blockchain environment. These enhancements will have an immediate impact on the user experience, ensuring that the network operates faster, more securely, and with greater efficiency.
This module will open up new levels of trust and security, laying the foundation for wider adoption of decentralized services on the platform. For more in-depth information about this feature.
Currently, we have started the requirement gathering phase of this module and the timelines are being prepared. Once it's finalized, we'll roll out the Figma designs in the coming dev releases.
As we continue to push forward, we’re incredibly excited about the next phase of BlockDAG’s journey. These improvements and new features will make our ecosystem more robust, transparent, and user-friendly. Your support has been instrumental in helping us reach these milestones, and we’re just getting started.
Stay tuned for more updates as we roll out the Nodes Module and Contract Verification Module in the coming weeks. Thank you for being part of this journey, and let's continue building a better, faster, and more transparent future!Node Setup Queries? We’ve been receiving several questions about setting up nodes. For detailed information, please follow this post: Dev Release 142.
Introduction: BlockDAG's Next Step in NFT Innovation
BlockDAG is set to transform the NFT landscape with the integration of IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), enhancing metadata support for ERC-721 and ERC-1155 smart contracts. This evolution will allow creators and users to mint NFTs that include high-resolution images, immersive videos, and rich descriptions, creating an unparalleled NFT experience on our platform.
This is a major milestone in our ongoing mission to empower creators and collectors with NFTs that are more than just ownership records—they’ll be vivid, interactive digital assets with a permanent, decentralized presence.
Why Metadata is Vital for BlockDAG NFTs
Metadata transforms NFTs from simple tokens into interactive, engaging assets by adding context and uniqueness. Whether it’s a piece of art, an in-game item, or a video collectible, metadata defines the characteristics and value of each NFT. On BlockDAG, we’re integrating this vital component directly into our ERC-721 and ERC-1155 smart contracts.
Our solution focuses on the decentralized, tamper-proof, and permanent storage of metadata through IPFS, ensuring that even if the original content host disappears, the metadata remains accessible forever. This approach means that creators can store not only their art or media but also ensure its longevity and security, with the metadata always retrievable by the community.
By integrating IPFS, we’re offering the following benefits for the BlockDAG community:
Our IPFS integration is just the first step. BlockDAG is committed to continuous innovation, and we have several exciting features lined up to enhance our NFT ecosystem:
BlockDAG is committed to pushing the boundaries of what NFTs can achieve. With IPFS-based metadata storage for ERC-721 and ERC-1155, we’re equipping creators and users with a platform that combines innovation, security, and longevity. This move not only enhances the technical foundation of NFTs but also secures their future as valuable, interactive digital assets.
As we continue to build and improve, the BlockDAG community will remain at the center of these innovations, benefiting from cutting-edge developments that prioritize decentralization, user empowerment, and long-term value.
Hello, BlockDAG community!
We’re thrilled to bring you another exciting update on the progress of our ongoing development efforts. As always, our team is working tirelessly to ensure that BlockDAG remains a cutting-edge, high-performance platform for all users and developers. This week, we’ve encountered some challenges that have allowed us to dive deeper into the technical intricacies of blockchain technology, and we’re making substantial progress in resolving critical issues and implementing new features.
Here’s a detailed look into what’s happening behind the scenes at BlockDAG:
Hello, BlockDAG Community!
We’re back with another exciting development update, and this week’s sprint planning is packed with some groundbreaking advancements. From developing ERC-1155 contract listing screens to integrating our dev release into the X1 Miner app, we’ve been pushing forward at full speed. Let's dive into the details and explore what’s happening this week!
We’re excited to share some major updates as we continue refining and enhancing the BlockDAG platform. Our journey is filled with innovations, challenges, and achievements, and today’s post covers some critical advancements as we gear up for an even more robust and feature-rich experience. Let’s dive into the details!
","title":"Performance & Load Testing Underway, Wireframes in Progress, and Bug Fixes on the Horizon"},{"order":2,"content":"$5e","title":"Performance and Load Testing: Pushing the Limits of the BlockDAG Platform"},{"order":3,"content":"$5f","title":"Wireframes for Node Visualizer: Building a User-Friendly Experience"},{"order":4,"content":"$60","title":"Bug Fixes for Contract Listing: Fine-Tuning Based on QA Feedback"},{"order":5,"content":"$61","title":"What’s Next? A Preview into the Future"}],"seo":{"metaDesc":"Exciting news! BlockDAG Dev Release-143 brings real-time updates to the X1 Miner app, enhancing access to features and inviting your feedback for future growth!","metaTitle":"BlockDAG Dev Release-143: New Updates on X1 Miner App"},"title":"Dev Release-143","slug":"dev-release-143"},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-10-18T16:22:51.306Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-30T10:43:08.082Z","__v":0},{"_id":"671138decddff2a50a84c3b3","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Hello, BlockDAG community!
We’re excited to announce a major update to the BlockDAG network! Today, we’ve successfully restarted the network with a fresh image update. This step marks a significant enhancement in performance, ensuring the network runs smoother, faster, and more efficiently. Let's walk through the details of the update and show you how to restart the network, whether you're on Linux or macOS.
Restarting the network with the updated image brings several key improvements, including:
Whether you prefer to resume from where the network was last active or opt for a clean sync, we have two easy options for you. Let’s dive into each one!
","title":"Why Restart the BlockDAG Network?"},{"order":2,"content":"$62","title":"Restarting the BlockDAG Network: Linux & macOS"},{"order":3,"content":"
At BlockDAG, we aim to provide flexible tools for our community. Whether you’re a developer testing new features or a regular user seeking an optimized experience, these restart options give you control over how your node operates. We’re committed to making node management simple and adaptable to your needs.
","title":"Flexibility for Users & Developers"},{"order":5,"content":"With the network now running on the latest image, you can expect:
We value your feedback! As you restart your nodes and experience the network’s improvements, let us know how it performs. Whether it’s faster syncs, smoother transactions, or any issues you encounter, your input helps us make BlockDAG better for everyone.
The BlockDAG community is the backbone of our platform, and together, we’re building something extraordinary. Thank you for being part of this journey as we continue to innovate and expand the possibilities of decentralization.
Stay tuned for more updates, and remember: Together, we build the future!
Hello, BlockDAG community!
Today, we’re excited to dive deep into one of the most critical pillars of our platform: security and disaster recovery. As BlockDAG grows, so does our commitment to safeguarding the network, users, and data. Let's explore the comprehensive security measures and robust disaster recovery plan that ensure BlockDAG remains secure, resilient, and future-proof.
Security and disaster recovery are ongoing commitments at BlockDAG. By implementing multi-layered defenses, comprehensive audits, and a robust DR plan, we are building a platform that’s secure for today and adaptable for the future. As the BlockDAG community grows, your trust is our top priority, and we are committed to creating an ecosystem where users and developers can engage with confidence.
We appreciate your continued support as we work towards making BlockDAG the most secure and innovative blockchain platform. Let’s continue to innovate, grow, and build a decentralized future—BlockDAG style!
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being an integral part of the BlockDAG journey!
Hey BlockDAG community!
We’re back with another exciting update, and this time, we’re diving deep into the most recent stats from our BlockDAG network. Our ecosystem is growing rapidly, and it’s essential to stay informed about the key metrics that reflect this expansion. Today’s snapshot provides valuable insights into the current state of BlockDAG and gives us a glimpse of what’s to come in the near future.
Let’s break down these exciting figures and what they mean for the future of BlockDAG:
The current price of BDAG stands at $0.0206, representing a steady and promising trajectory for the platform. As we continue to develop and integrate new features into our decentralized ecosystem, this price is a reflection of the strong foundations that have been laid. This growth is also driven by the increasing involvement of the community, the rollout of decentralized applications (dApps), and the enhancement of features that push the boundaries of decentralized technology. Whether you're a seasoned investor, a developer exploring the dApp landscape, or a newcomer, this price signals a rising momentum for the network.
","title":"BDAG Price: $0.0206"},{"order":2,"content":"The Last Safe Block in the BlockDAG network is currently 105569. In blockchain and decentralized systems, the concept of a safe block is crucial, as it marks the most recent block that can no longer be altered or reversed. This ensures the integrity of the network and secures all previous transactions, making them immutable. Each additional safe block represents the ongoing commitment of the BlockDAG network to provide an unshakable foundation for decentralized finance, contract execution, and data preservation. This milestone enhances the overall security and reliability of the system, which will be critical as the network scales.
","title":"Last Safe Block: 105569"},{"order":3,"content":"The Total Block Count has reached 105569, a testament to the network's ongoing progress. Each new block signifies data validation, adding another layer of cryptographic security to the chain. As more transactions are processed and smart contracts are deployed, this block count will only continue to rise. The consistent growth of the block count speaks to the scalability and durability of BlockDAG, positioning it as a robust solution for future decentralized applications and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. Every block added strengthens the network's foundation, ensuring that it can handle the demands of future technologies and use cases.
","title":"Total Block: 105569"},{"order":4,"content":"Today’s snapshot records 3,732 total transactions, showcasing steady activity within the BlockDAG network. This level of transaction volume indicates increasing user engagement as the platform matures and expands its capabilities. As more dApps and decentralized services are developed and deployed on BlockDAG, we anticipate continued growth in transaction volume. The strong network foundation ensures that it can handle this rising activity efficiently, without compromising on performance or security.
","title":"Total Transactions: 3,732"},{"order":5,"content":"Looking at the BlockDAG Transaction History graph, we see an interesting trend in transaction activity over the past week. Friday saw a significant spike, with transaction activity surpassing 7,000 transactions, followed by a gradual decline over the weekend. These fluctuations are typical in decentralized networks, especially as new features are being tested and integrated. The ability to handle this variance in load is a testament to the network’s flexibility and performance. As BlockDAG continues to attract more users and dApps, we anticipate seeing these peaks become more consistent, highlighting the growing utility and adoption of the platform.
","title":"BlockDAG Transaction History"},{"order":6,"content":"This latest update reinforces BlockDAG’s position as a forward-thinking, community-driven ecosystem. The continued growth in block count and network activity, coupled with the steady price, points to a platform that is not only thriving but evolving in real-time to meet the needs of its users.
With 3,732 transactions today, we are already seeing an increase in network activity. As we gear up to introduce more advanced features like Contract Listing and NFT integration, we expect to see even more transactions and user engagement.
Moreover, the Last Safe Block milestone provides reassurance to developers, miners, and users alike, affirming the reliability and security of the network. As more projects build on BlockDAG, this safe and secure foundation becomes even more critical to support a wide range of decentralized applications.
Remember, the success of BlockDAG relies on the active participation and feedback of its community. Whether it’s testing new developer releases, sharing insights, or providing feedback on the platform’s performance, every bit of input helps us create a stronger, more resilient ecosystem.
Let’s continue to shape the future of decentralized technology together! Your engagement is crucial as we build a network that’s not only decentralized but also driven by the people who use it. Together, we can push the boundaries of what’s possible.
Stay tuned for more updates—there’s plenty more to come!
Hey, BlockDAG community!
We’re excited to announce a huge milestone for the BlockDAG ecosystem! The developer releases are now officially available on the X1 Miner app. This step marks a major advancement, making it easier than ever to stay connected, access updates, and actively contribute to our evolving platform. Whether you’re managing your node, mining, or just exploring the latest BlockDAG innovations, these releases provide real-time updates to new features and improvements.
With developer releases now integrated into the X1 Miner app, you can experience the latest tools and updates as soon as they’re available.
"},{"order":2,"title":"What’s New with Developer Releases?","content":"Another exciting development is the upcoming Contract Listing feature. After extensive testing and refinement, we’re almost ready to roll it out! This feature will let users view, interact with, and manage active smart contracts directly within the app, making it easy to explore decentralized applications (dApps) and manage contract execution from your mobile device or miner.
Once launched, the Contract Listing will give you complete control over contract interactions, offering transparency and flexibility when dealing with decentralized applications on BlockDAG.
We’re also hard at work on backend improvements aimed at optimizing NFT displays on the X1 Miner app’s ERC-721 screens. Soon, you’ll be able to seamlessly browse, display, and manage your NFT collections. These enhancements ensure the platform can handle even larger volumes of NFTs, offering a smoother experience for collectors, creators, and traders alike. Whether you're showcasing digital art or managing your entire collection, these improvements will elevate your NFT experience.
"},{"order":6,"title":"What’s Next: Your Role in Shaping BlockDAG","content":"The upcoming weeks will be packed with developments, as we continue to release new developer updates on the X1 Miner app, finalize the Contract Listing feature, and roll out additional backend improvements. Your engagement is crucial—whether it’s testing new features, providing feedback, or simply exploring the app, your participation is helping us build a better platform for everyone.
Remember, each developer release comes with a comprehensive write-up, guiding you through the latest changes and explaining how you can get involved. Your insights are driving the evolution of BlockDAG, so don’t hesitate to dive in and share your thoughts with us.
With the power of developer releases at your fingertips, we’re laying the foundation for continuous improvement. Whether you’re a developer, a miner, or an everyday user, your role is critical as we work together to build a decentralized, innovative future. By pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, we can ensure that BlockDAG stays at the forefront of blockchain technology.
Thank you for being an essential part of our journey. We’re excited to have you with us as we continue to innovate, test, and grow.
Stay tuned for more updates—there’s a lot more coming soon!
Hey, BlockDAG community!
We’ve got some fantastic news for you today! Our development team has been working full throttle to enhance your experience with the BlockDAG platform. Today marks a significant milestone in our journey, as we’ve squashed all the UI and functional bugs identified by our dedicated QA team—setting the stage for the next wave of testing. Let’s dive into the details of what this means and what’s coming next!
With the next round of testing underway, our goal is to fine-tune the Contract Listing feature, ensuring it’s polished to perfection before it hits the mainnet. Simultaneously, the code refactor will continue, bringing even more improvements to the Explorer’s interface and performance.
","title":"What’s Next?"},{"order":4,"title":"Smart Contracts: Usability, Innovation, and NFT Integration","content":"$69"},{"order":5,"title":"Explorer and dApp: Milestones, Metrics, and Momentum","content":"$6a"},{"order":6,"title":"Architectural Advancements and Strategic Progress","content":"$6b"},{"order":7,"title":"Contract Listing Nears Completion, Explorer Enhancements, and Performance Testing","content":"The latest BlockDAG update highlights the nearing completion of the Contract Listing feature, which will soon integrate into the BlockDAG Explorer. This milestone will allow users to access, analyze, and interact with smart contracts directly within the Explorer, enhancing user and developer experiences. The QA team has actively tested the feature, addressing bugs to ensure a seamless release. Performance Testing Round 2 is underway, focusing on transaction throughput, speed, and system performance under stress to optimize the blockchain’s capacity. The team also implemented DAG enhancements, improving consensus efficiency and transaction speed, ensuring scalability and lower costs. Upcoming developments include finalizing token transfer APIs and deploying these features on the testnet for broader testing before the mainnet launch. With these updates, BlockDAG is preparing for an expanded dApp ecosystem, inviting the community to engage and build the future of blockchain together.
"},{"order":8,"title":"Stay Tuned for the Launch!","content":"As we continue refining and testing, we’re getting closer to integrating the Contract Listing feature into the Explorer and unveiling the revamped, faster, and more powerful platform. We can’t wait for you to experience the upgraded Explorer firsthand—exploring, interacting, and engaging with the BlockDAG ecosystem like never before!
So, gear up, BlockDAG community! Big things are on the horizon, and together, we’re building a blockchain platform that sets new standards for speed, scalability, and innovation.
Stay tuned for more updates and, as always, thank you for being a part of this exciting journey!
Hello, BlockDAG community!
We have some incredible updates to share with you today. Our development team has been working tirelessly to improve and expand the BlockDAG ecosystem, and we’re excited to highlight the latest progress and upcoming features designed to enhance your experience. Let’s dive into the details of these exciting developments.
We’re thrilled to announce that the Contract Listing feature has reached its final development stage and will soon be integrated into the BlockDAG Explorer! This marks a significant milestone for the BlockDAG platform, as it will allow users to easily browse, analyze, and interact with smart contracts directly from the Explorer interface. Whether you’re interested in DeFi protocols, NFT marketplaces, or other dApps, you’ll soon have access to a wide array of contracts within our vibrant ecosystem.
"},{"order":2,"title":"What does this mean for you?","content":"Our quality assurance (QA) team has already begun testing the Contract Listing feature to ensure it functions smoothly upon release. The goal is to provide a flawless and intuitive user experience from day one.
During the first round of testing, the QA team identified several design and functional bugs, which have already been addressed by the development team. This rapid feedback loop ensures that when the Contract Listing goes live, it will deliver a polished and reliable experience.
Why is this important?
Ensuring the platform is free of bugs isn’t just about fixing issues—it’s about creating a seamless user experience. Every aspect of the platform, from navigation to interaction, is being refined to ensure BlockDAG meets the highest standards of usability and performance.
Alongside performance testing, our team has made key improvements to the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) structure and consensus mechanism. These enhancements will increase the speed and scalability of the entire BlockDAG network, making it more efficient for both users and developers.
"},{"order":6,"title":"What has changed?","content":"These changes make the BlockDAG ecosystem future-proof. As we scale and more users and dApps join the platform, the enhanced DAG structure ensures faster transactions, lower costs, and a more robust infrastructure. Whether you’re a developer deploying smart contracts or a user transacting with tokens, you’ll experience faster, more efficient interactions.
"},{"order":8,"title":"What’s Next?","content":"$6d"},{"order":9,"title":"Join Us on This Journey","content":"The progress we’ve made wouldn’t be possible without the dedication of our development, QA, and community teams. Every milestone brings us closer to delivering a scalable, secure, and user-friendly blockchain ecosystem.
We invite you to stay tuned for more updates and continue to engage with us as we roll out these exciting features. Whether you’re a developer, an early adopter, or someone curious about decentralized technology, BlockDAG is your platform. Together, we’re building the future of blockchain.
Thank you for being part of this journey, and as always—let’s keep building greatness, BlockDAG style!
Stay tuned for more exciting updates!
Hello BlockDAG Community!
Buckle up because today’s update is nothing short of exhilarating! As we hit our mid-sprint milestone, the day was filled with strategic planning sessions, exciting development progress, and insightful discussions with our external stakeholders. We are thrilled to bring you a comprehensive, deep-dive update that touches on every aspect of our development journey—from the intricacies of our consensus protocols to the groundbreaking deployment achievements. Get ready to explore the architectural marvel that is the BlockDAG blockchain, and join us as we build the future of decentralized technology!
Our development team has been on fire , and we’re ecstatic to announce that the Token Contract Module has been successfully deployed! After rigorous rounds of testing, we ironed out the final bugs, ensuring that this module is battle-ready for ecosystem-wide integration. This milestone is a game-changer, as it lays the groundwork for an array of upcoming features, from multi-token compatibility to advanced smart contract interactions.
But we’re not stopping there. Next up is the development of APIs for token transfers. These APIs will play a crucial role in facilitating smooth and efficient token transactions within the ecosystem, streamlining the developer experience, and enhancing user interactions with smart contracts. This step is vital for setting up the infrastructure that will power the next generation of decentralized finance and application use cases within BlockDAG.
One of the highlights of today’s session was the live demonstration of our dApp Platform. We showcased its sleek user interface, seamless navigation, and responsive design—features that are designed to provide a top-notch user experience. Our stakeholders were not just impressed; they were thrilled by the platform's functionality and fluidity. This positive feedback reassures us that we’re on the right track, and we can’t wait to launch it to the wider community!
As we near the final stages of testing, the platform is almost ready for its grand debut. Get ready, community, because soon you’ll be able to dive into a plethora of decentralized applications, exploring everything from DeFi protocols to NFT marketplaces, all within an intuitive and secure environment. We’re excited for you to witness firsthand the power of decentralized technology right at your fingertips!
Finally, let’s talk about synchronization. Over the last few days, our engineering team has been meticulously testing the latest synchronization fixes in our stage environment. The results have been nothing short of promising. We are confident that these improvements are ready for deployment on the testnet.
Why is this so important?
Sync time is crucial for ensuring that nodes stay up-to-date and efficient, especially as the network grows and more nodes come online. Our latest updates aim to significantly reduce sync latency, enhancing node performance and ensuring that our network remains fast, reliable, and capable of handling the ever-increasing transaction volume. These optimizations are another step towards building a scalable, efficient, and resilient blockchain.
The progress we’ve achieved so far is a testament to the dedication of our development team and the invaluable support from the BlockDAG community. Your passion drives us forward, and we remain committed to building a next-generation blockchain ecosystem that sets new standards for speed, security, and scalability.
Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, we value your feedback. Together, we are not just building a blockchain; we’re shaping the future of decentralized technology!
Let’s keep pushing boundaries, innovating, and building—BlockDAG style!
Greetings, BlockDAG Community!
We’re thrilled to bring you another exciting update as we continue making strides in our journey to enhance the BlockDAG ecosystem. After three weeks since the launch of our explorer and nearly 2.5 weeks since our testnet went live, the progress has been phenomenal. From platform metrics to new developments on our dApp platform and contract listing module, here’s everything you need to know!
After months of dedication and hard work, we’re excited to announce that the dApp platform is now fully developed, and the testing phase has been successfully completed. This milestone brings us one step closer to showcasing the platform in a live demo for our external stakeholders.
"},{"order":3,"title":"Development Recap","content":"Our primary goal with the dApp platform was to create a seamless, user-friendly interface that supports robust functionality. The platform enables users to connect their wallets, interact with blockchain contracts, and manage their assets effortlessly. We focused on delivering a streamlined experience that facilitates decentralized applications, ensuring that users can navigate and engage with the system intuitively.
"},{"order":4,"title":"Rigorous Testing Phases","content":"$70"},{"order":5,"title":"Contract Listing Module: Development Wrapped Up, Testing Underway","content":"In parallel with the dApp platform, our team has also completed the development of the contract listing module. This module empowers users to list, search, and interact with various smart contracts on the platform, offering an efficient and streamlined contract management experience.
One of the key challenges we faced was ensuring smooth data synchronization for the platform. We encountered initial hurdles in syncing block data efficiently, but our development team successfully resolved these issues. The explorer now syncs data accurately and promptly, ensuring that users have access to up-to-date information.
To prevent similar issues in the future, our R&D team is exploring database optimization solutions. By investing in a robust and scalable database infrastructure, we aim to enhance synchronization speeds and long-term stability, providing a seamless experience for users as our network grows.
With the dApp platform and contract listing module progressing smoothly, the upcoming weeks promise even more excitement:
We couldn’t have reached this milestone without your support and enthusiasm. The progress we’ve made together sets the stage for a transformative, user-centric platform that enables seamless blockchain interactions for everyone. We’re excited for the next chapter and look forward to your continued involvement as we shape the future of the BlockDAG ecosystem.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being an essential part of the BlockDAG journey. Together, we’re building a decentralized future with limitless possibilities!
Hey BlockDAG Family!
We’re beyond thrilled to bring you some massive news: The ERC-721 Smart Contract screens have officially been designed, approved, and are now on the fast track to development! This is a giant leap forward for our platform, unlocking new realms of possibility for NFTs and smart contract interactions on BlockDAG. Whether you're an artist, a developer, or someone excited about NFTs, the experience of creating and managing your ERC-721 tokens is about to get smoother, faster, and more fun than ever before!
Let’s dive into the details, shall we?
It’s worth noting the key difference between ERC-721 and ERC-20. While ERC-20 tokens are interchangeable (think digital currency), ERC-721 tokens are unique, making them ideal for collectibles, virtual goods, and one-of-a-kind assets.
Here’s How BlockDAG Enhances Both Standards:
We’re full steam ahead on this journey, and we’ve got so much more in store! Our goal is clear: to make BlockDAG the best platform in the world for deploying and managing ERC-721 contracts. Every day, we’re working to improve, innovate, and deliver the features you’ve been waiting for.
"},{"order":9,"content":"Keep your eyes on our channels for more updates because this is just the beginning. The future of NFTs and decentralized assets on BlockDAG is incredibly bright, and we’re so glad you’re on this journey with us. Together, we’re building the future of decentralized technology!That’s all for now, BlockDAG family! Ready to start creating your own ERC-721 tokens? Join the conversation and explore all the possibilities on the BlockDAG network today!
","title":"Stay Tuned, Stay Excited!"}],"title":"Dev Release- 134","slug":"dev-release-134","seo":{"metaTitle":"Unveiling the Future of NFTs on BlockDAG: ERC-721 Smart Contract Screens Are Here!","metaDesc":"Seamless, Fast, and User-Friendly for Everyone!"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-10-07T18:36:47.603Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-07T18:36:47.603Z","__v":0},{"_id":"67001eefcddff2a50a7dc745","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$78"},{"order":1,"title":"Today's update","content":"$79"},{"order":2,"content":"$7a","title":"Jira Tickets and Project Timeline"}],"title":"Dev Release 133","slug":"dev-release-133","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 133 ","metaDesc":"Let's get into this week's sprint update and today's progress so far on the contract module."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-10-04T16:59:27.472Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-04T16:59:27.472Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66fec93ccddff2a50a7d4327","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$7b"},{"order":1,"content":"$7c","title":"Standard Token Contract Support: ERC-20 and ERC-721 Modules"},{"order":2,"content":"$7d","title":"EVM vs. UTXO Model: Detailed Technical Comparison"},{"order":3,"content":"$7e","title":"Internal Transactions Module for Contracts: Deep Dive"},{"order":4,"content":"As we finalize these critical features, our focus will shift to scaling and optimizing these modules for performance and reliability. The team is working diligently on improving the caching and API throughput to ensure that even as the network grows, users experience fast and seamless interaction with the explorer.
Stay tuned for our next update, where we’ll unveil the internal transactions module and continue enhancing smart contract support!
Greetings Community!
Step into the future with BlockDAG, the ultimate platform designed to make managing and interacting with smart contracts more accessible and efficient than ever before. Whether you’re maximizing rewards with Reflection Contracts or trying your luck with our Lottery Contracts, BlockDAG offers a comprehensive, user-friendly experience that puts the power of decentralized finance (DeFi) at your fingertips. Let’s explore the platform’s cutting-edge features designed to revolutionize your blockchain interactions.
With reflection contracts, decentralized lotteries, and the rigorous development process in place, BlockDAG is set to become the ultimate platform for smart contract enthusiasts and DeFi users alike. We can't wait for you to experience this next-gen blockchain platform!
"}],"seo":{"metaTitle":"xperience the Future of DeFi with BlockDAG","metaDesc":"Maximize Your BDAG Coins with Our Innovative Smart Contracts and Exciting Lottery Contract!"},"title":"Dev Release-131","slug":"dev-release-131"},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-10-02T15:46:27.567Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-03T10:29:20.249Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66fc2657cddff2a50a7bd138","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"title":"Big News, BlockDAG Family!","content":"We’re beyond thrilled to share a monumental update with you today! The development of our highly anticipated Contract Platform is nearly complete, and it's set to be a total game-changer for the BlockDAG community. This new platform is designed to supercharge our ecosystem, empowering YOU—our incredible community—to create, build, and deploy your own decentralized applications (dApps) directly on the BlockDAG blockchain. Yes, you read that right!
Imagine the possibilities! Whether you're an experienced developer or just getting started, this platform opens the door to limitless innovation. From decentralized finance (DeFi) applications to NFT marketplaces, you’ll have the power to bring your ideas to life in the BlockDAG ecosystem.
Our dedicated testers have been working diligently, pushing the platform through its paces, and we’re getting valuable feedback every step of the way. While a few UI bugs have been uncovered—nothing too surprising at this stage—our development team is hard at work making critical improvements to the user interface. Our goal is to ensure the platform is not only powerful but also incredibly user-friendly, so even non-developers can confidently dive in and get creative.
"},{"order":2,"title":"What’s Next?","content":"Once the bugs are squashed and everything is polished to perfection, we’ll be hosting an exclusive demo for our stakeholders. This demo will showcase the platform’s full potential, highlighting key features, ease of use, and the endless possibilities it brings to the table. It’s an exciting opportunity for us to gather feedback before we move to the next phase: the official launch!
"},{"order":3,"title":"A Future Full of dApps","content":"After the demo phase and once we’ve ensured the platform meets our high standards, we’ll roll it out for you, our community, to get hands-on. The BlockDAG ecosystem is about to explode with new dApps and innovations from all corners of the world. Whether you're building something groundbreaking or simply participating in this new wave of decentralized solutions, the Contract Platform will be your gateway to the future.
And this is just the beginning. As we continue to evolve, the tools we’re building will shape the next era of blockchain technology. BlockDAG is leveling up in a major way. We’re unlocking innovation, and you’re at the heart of it all!
Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a newcomer, the BlockDAG IDE is designed to streamline your development process, making it easier to create, test, and deploy smart contracts.
"},{"order":7,"title":"Real-Time Monitoring and Debugging on the BlockDAG IDE","content":"$84"},{"order":8,"title":"Exploring the BlockDAG Explorer","content":"$85"}],"title":"Dev Release- 130","slug":"dev-release-130","seo":{"metaDesc":"Let’s dive into today’s progress!"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-10-01T16:41:59.561Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-01T16:41:59.561Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66fabf40cddff2a50a7b427b","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"title":"Sprint Planning Update: Major Progress on Contract Listing in EVM Explorer & API Development!","content":"Hello, BlockDAG Community!
We are thrilled to bring you the latest sprint planning update from our development team. This session was a game-changer as we laid the foundation for exciting new features, with the spotlight on Contract Listing in the EVM Explorer. These upcoming changes will revolutionize how users interact with smart contracts on the BlockDAG network, making the platform more intuitive and transparent than ever before.
Let’s break it down step by step!
We are only scratching the surface of what’s to come! The Contract Listing feature is poised to redefine user engagement with BlockDAG. Supported by robust APIs and an intuitive interface, users can expect real-time data updates and effortless navigation, making it a dream for both developers and blockchain explorers alike.
In addition to these enhancements, our UI/UX team is working hard to optimize the user interface. Their goal is to make the explorer as seamless and accessible as possible for all types of users—from casual enthusiasts to seasoned developers.
But that’s not all. While the Contract Listing feature takes center stage, we’ve also made tremendous progress on Lottery Contracts and Reflection Contracts. Both are in the final stages of development, with most of the backend completed and the frontend nearing perfection.
These exciting smart contract features will be included in our next major demo, showcasing the full power of the BlockDAG Contract Platform. We can’t wait to share these innovations with our stakeholders and the wider community!
We’re entering an exciting phase of development with these upcoming features. The Contract Listing interface, enhanced API support, and the introduction of Lottery and Reflection Contracts are all paving the way for a new era of smart contract capabilities on the BlockDAG network.
We appreciate your continued support and look forward to sharing even more exciting updates in the near future. Keep an eye out for our next sprint planning recap, where we’ll delve deeper into these groundbreaking features.
Make sure to follow us on our official channels for all the latest news and developments. The future of smart contracts on BlockDAG is bright, and we can’t wait for you to be part of it!
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being an essential part of the BlockDAG Community!
Here's Our Weekly Roundup:
Explorer Testnet Beta 1 Launched
The BlockDAG community celebrates a significant achievement with the launch of Beta 1 of the BlockDAG Explorer Testnet. This release is a critical step in creating a user-friendly and comprehensive blockchain explorer, designed to give both developers and users greater access to blockchain data. Among the exciting features in development are Smart Contract Support, enabling developers to deploy and interact with contracts, while monitoring transaction volumes and gas usage. Additionally, the Token Tracker tool will provide real-time insights on ERC-20 tokens, helping users track token performance and market trends. The community is encouraged to participate in the testnet, providing feedback to shape the final product ahead of the mainnet release.
Syncing Issues Resolved & New Explorer Features
BlockDAG has successfully resolved recent block syncing challenges, vastly improving network efficiency. The introduction of multithreading has accelerated block data synchronization across nodes, ensuring smoother real-time monitoring of transactions and blocks. Alongside this, the BlockDAG Explorer has been updated with new features including real-time transaction counts, blockchain statistics, live transaction tracking, and enhanced usability. Ongoing developments include a Contract Listing module for tracking smart contracts and research into the UTXO model for enhanced security in decentralized transactions. These updates reinforce BlockDAG’s growth, with more innovations to follow.
Real-Time Transaction Stats on EVM & UTXO Explorers
We’re excited to announce the latest updates to the BlockDAG Explorer, giving users enhanced access to real-time transaction statistics on both the EVM and UTXO explorers. The EVM Explorer now tracks daily transaction counts and historical trends, while the UTXO Explorer offers insight into cumulative transactions and recent blocks. Over the past week, the network recorded a leap from 26,202 to 39,747 EVM transactions and from 30,797 to 43,987 blocks. These metrics reflect the network's robustness as BlockDAG inches closer to its Mainnet launch. The real-time data empowers developers, investors, and the community with transparency into network activity, supporting planning and participation in this dynamic ecosystem.
Testnet Progress & Node Setup Improvements
The BlockDAG testnet continues to thrive, driven by an eager community participating in block mining. To enhance the experience, BlockDAG has streamlined the node setup process, ensuring that miners can quickly and easily contribute to network security and decentralization. Early miners, who validate and add transactions to the blockchain, earn BDAG token rewards for their efforts. With optimized node setup scripts, improved synchronization processes, and an open-source GitHub repository offering installation instructions, the BlockDAG team invites everyone to participate as we collectively build a stronger, more scalable ecosystem.
We’re thrilled to give you a sneak peek into two exciting new features that are in the works: the \"Reflection Contract\" and the \"Lottery Contract\" ! These innovative smart contracts are designed to offer you new and engaging ways to interact with the BlockDAG network, with the added potential of earning BDAG tokens. Let’s dive into what you can expect once these powerful features launch!
"},{"order":5,"title":"Reflection Contract: Instantly Get BDAG Back!","content":"Imagine sending your BDAG tokens and immediately getting them back—no delays, no limits! That’s what the upcoming Reflection Contract will bring to the table.Here’s how it will work:
For those who love a bit of thrill, the Lottery Contract will give you the chance to multiply your BDAG—up to 1,000% of your initial stake!Here’s what to expect:
We’re hard at work getting these features ready for you, and they’ll be live soon! Your feedback is essential to us, so keep sharing your thoughts as we continue to build and improve the BlockDAG ecosystem.
Prepare to experience the excitement of instant BDAG returns and lottery thrill—we can’t wait to launch these features for you. Keep an eye out for updates and get ready to dive into the Reflection and Lottery Contracts when they go live!
We are thrilled to bring you the latest updates on our testnet progress and share more information about key features and enhancements. But before we dive in, we want to emphasize that, as this is the testnet, we are constantly improving and taking valuable feedback from the community. Your insights and experiences are vital to making the BlockDAG network stronger and more resilient as we prepare for the eventual mainnet launch.
Here are more post-testnet launch updates on some crucial elements:
After the successful launch of the BlockDAG testnet, we received an overwhelming response from our community. Many users expressed their enthusiasm to participate in block mining, a crucial part of maintaining the network’s security and decentralization. However, with this influx of interest, some users encountered issues when trying to run their own nodes and start mining. Understanding the urgency, our team worked late into the night to resolve the problems users were facing with node deployment.
"},{"order":2,"title":"What Are Miner Nodes?","content":"Before diving into the technical aspects, let’s first explain what a miner node is. In a blockchain like BlockDAG, a miner node is responsible for validating and adding transactions to the blockchain by solving complex cryptographic puzzles, commonly referred to as Proof of Work (PoW). Miner nodes secure the network, help process transactions, and ensure data integrity across the system. For their contributions, miners receive block rewards—in our case, BDAG tokens.
The decentralized nature of blockchain requires multiple independent nodes to process and verify transactions, making the network resilient to attacks and manipulation. When you operate a miner node, you become a key part of this decentralized system, playing a role in ensuring its stability and security.
After noticing that many users faced issues while configuring their nodes, our team worked diligently to resolve these problems. The main issues included configuration mismatches and sync delays. Here's what we did:
Our public GitHub repository provides users with the tools they need to run their own miner nodes. Here’s what you’ll find:
We invite everyone to become part of our network by setting up a miner node and participating in block mining. Not only will you be earning BDAG tokens, but you'll also be contributing to the growth and security of a decentralized future with BlockDAG. We look forward to having you on board!If you encounter any issues, the development team is available for support, and we’ll be continually updating the repository to improve node functionality.
"}],"title":"Dev Release- 127","slug":"dev-release-127","seo":{"metaTitle":"BlockDAG Testnet Updates: Building a Stronger Network Together!","metaDesc":"Explore the latest testnet progress and key enhancements as we continuously improve with your feedback to strengthen the BlockDAG network."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-09-26T17:35:52.528Z","updatedAt":"2024-09-26T17:35:52.528Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66f44e68cddff2a50a790825","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"title":"BlockDAG Update: Explore Real-Time Transaction Statistics on EVM and UTXO Explorers","content":"We are excited to introduce major updates to the BlockDAG Explorer, empowering our users with enhanced tools to track the performance and growth of the BlockDAG blockchain. With these new features, you can now view real-time statistics on daily and cumulative transaction data across two key explorers: the EVM Explorer and the UTXO Explorer. These updates make it easier to understand the full scope of activity happening on the BlockDAG network, whether you're a developer, an investor, or an active community member.Let’s dive into what each of these powerful explorers offers and how they can help you better track the health and performance of the BlockDAG network.
"},{"order":1,"content":"Our EVM Explorer has been upgraded to provide users with up-to-the-minute data on the daily transaction count occurring within the BlockDAG ecosystem. This feature is incredibly useful for monitoring blockchain activity in real time, whether you're interested in overall network usage or the performance of specific applications running on the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) side of the BlockDAG network.
","title":"EVM Explorer - Daily Transaction Stats at Your Fingertips!"},{"order":2,"title":"Key Features of the EVM Explorer","content":"$8b"},{"order":3,"title":"UTXO Explorer - A Look at the Entire Transaction History!","content":"The UTXO Explorer gives users another way to track network activity—this time with a focus on cumulative transaction data. Unlike the EVM Explorer, which emphasizes daily stats, the UTXO Explorer showcases the total number of transactions ever conducted on the UTXO model side of the BlockDAG blockchain. This model is key to enabling faster and more efficient transactions, especially for use cases involving high-volume, low-fee activities like microtransactions.
"},{"order":4,"title":"Key Features of the UTXO Explorer","content":"$8c"},{"order":5,"title":"Why These Stats Matter: Empowering Users with Transparency","content":"Providing these real-time statistics across both explorers gives BlockDAG users the tools they need to fully understand the network’s performance and growth. Whether you’re a developer tracking transaction patterns, an investor analyzing network activity, or simply a community member curious about the blockchain’s progress, these features offer critical insights.
"},{"order":6,"title":"Let's get into more BlockDAG Testnet Overview: The Milestones We've Achieved So Far","content":"$8d"},{"order":7,"title":"Insights from the Latest Dashboard Data","content":"$8e"},{"order":8,"title":"Analyzing Transaction History: Trends and Patterns","content":"$8f"},{"order":9,"title":"Why This Data Is Important for You","content":"$90"},{"order":10,"title":"Get Involved Today","content":"The BlockDAG Testnet is more than just a testing ground—it’s a community-driven ecosystem where every transaction and block matters. Visit the BlockDAG Explorer today to stay updated on the latest stats, explore the network’s activity, and dive into the real-time data driving our decentralized future.
As we continue on this journey toward Mainnet, every block we produce and every transaction we process brings us one step closer to redefining how blockchain is done.
We're excited to bring you an important update today! After facing challenges with block data syncing over the past few days, our development team has worked around the clock to resolve the issue. We are thrilled to announce that the problem has been fixed, and data is now syncing seamlessly across the network!
The implementation of multithreading has dramatically improved the efficiency of syncing, ensuring smooth performance across all nodes. Plus, we’ve launched several new features on the BlockDAG Explorer, enabling users to view real-time statistics and check the total number of transactions made on our blockchain so far!
Since launching our testnet, some users reported delays and inconsistencies in block data syncing across different nodes. This affected the ability to retrieve accurate block information and transaction histories, causing disruptions in viewing up-to-date data.
Upon investigation, we discovered that the issue stemmed from the growing volume of real-time data being processed across the network. The blockchain ledger, recording all transactions and blocks, needed a more efficient way to manage the increasing data load without lagging behind.
Our solution to the problem was multithreading!
Multithreading allows the blockchain to process multiple data streams concurrently, significantly speeding up the synchronization process. This ensures that every node on the network stays updated in real time. The results of this enhancement are game-changing:
Thanks to this major update, block data is now fully in sync across the network. Whether you’re monitoring transactions, smart contract activities, or tracking blocks, all the data is now accurately aligned and accessible!
New BlockDAG Explorer Features: Transaction Stats & More!
We’ve also begun implementing the necessary APIs to fetch and display this contract information in real time on the BlockDAG Explorer. The API development focuses on ensuring users can retrieve contract details such as total holders, transfer history, contract stats, and more with seamless updates.
In parallel, our R&D team is exploring the UTXO model for contract listings, a critical feature that will enhance decentralized transactions by adding more flexibility and security. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into how UTXO-based contracts can transform contract deployment on the network!
Today marks a major milestone for BlockDAG! Thanks to our multithreading solution, the block syncing issue is now resolved, and the network is fully in sync. Our new explorer features bring real-time transaction stats, block data, and a smoother user experience, offering full transparency and insight into the growth of the blockchain.
As the testnet operates smoothly, we’re looking ahead with even more exciting features and improvements. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of decentralized technology!
For developers, this is your opportunity to start building, testing, and deploying smart contracts on the BlockDAG network. You’ll have access to a robust set of tools to ensure that your decentralized applications are secure and optimized. To deploy the contract the users can use the BlockDAG IDE.
For token enthusiasts and traders, the explorer offers real-time insights into token performance, allowing you to stay ahead of market trends and understand the growth of various assets on the BlockDAG network.
For the community, we are constantly evolving based on your feedback. Your involvement during the beta testnet phase will help shape the final features and ensure that the explorer is as user-friendly and powerful as possible when we reach the mainnet stage.
We are currently finalizing the development and testing phases for our upcoming features. Detailed timelines for the next feature release will be planned and shared with our community soon. We appreciate your patience and continued support as we work to enhance the BlockDAG ecosystem
","title":"Upcoming Feature Release Timelines"}],"title":"Dev Release 124","slug":"dev-release-124","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 124","metaDesc":"Kicking this week with sprint planning and support on the testnet beta 1 launch queries."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-09-23T17:58:42.224Z","updatedAt":"2024-09-23T17:58:42.224Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66ed9570cddff2a50a762b5b","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$95","title":"Hey BlockDAG Community,It’s finally here! "},{"order":1,"title":"What Makes BlockDAG Testnet So Exciting?","content":"The BlockDAG Testnet is no ordinary test environment—it’s the foundation of the decentralized future! Here’s why it’s a HUGE deal:
Now that we’re LIVE, it’s time for YOU to jump in and get your hands dirty! Whether you’re a developer, a tester, or just a curious mind, the BlockDAG Testnet is your playground:
While this testnet launch is a major milestone, we’re just getting started! Here’s what you can look forward to as we continue this exciting journey:
The launch of the BlockDAG Testnet is just the beginning of an incredible journey toward decentralized applications and blockchain innovation. With unparalleled scalability, full EVM and UTXO support, tools like our integrated faucet, MetaMask integration, and the game-changing BlockDAG IDE, we’ve given you everything you need to explore the platform and build the future.
The wait is over, and the future of blockchain starts TODAY. Join the BlockDAG Testnet now, and let’s create a decentralized tomorrow—together.
The countdown has begun! BlockDAG Explorer is set to go live on the testnet in just 24 hours, and the excitement within the community is electric. Our team has been burning the midnight oil to deliver the most feature-packed, efficient, and user-friendly blockchain explorer you’ve ever seen. We’re about to unlock EVM and UTXO support, a fully integrated Faucet, MetaMask connectivity, and real-time data insights—and that’s just the beginning!
Today, we conducted an internal demo, and after incorporating key feedback, we’re confident this will be the most powerful explorer yet. Let’s dive into all the technical features, updates, and enhancements you’ll experience with the BlockDAG Explorer.
The new BlockDAG Explorer is a comprehensive tool for exploring the BlockDAG blockchain with a wealth of new features:
This update marks a huge leap forward for developers and users alike. Whether you’re building dApps, testing smart contracts, or simply exploring the blockchain, the BlockDAG Explorer is here to offer an intuitive, reliable, and lightning-fast experience.
Stay tuned—24 hours to go!
This release of the BlockDAG Explorer emphasizes user experience improvements, better visualization of transaction models, and a modernized, user-friendly interface. Whether users are interacting with the UTXO model or EVM transactions, they can expect clear, concise, and comprehensive data presentation that allows for efficient network navigation.
Stay tuned for future updates as we continue to evolve the BlockDAG Explorer with more features and performance enhancements!
The BlockDAG Explorer UI overhaul is a monumental leap forward in simplifying your interaction with the BDAG blockchain. Whether you’re tracking token movements, exploring blocks, or monitoring the latest network statistics, our revamped design ensures a smooth, informative, and engaging experience.
Jump into the new BlockDAG Explorer today and see these exciting updates in action!
#BlockDAG #ExplorerUpdate #Blockchain #BDAG #Crypto
With just \"4 days\" to go before the Testnet launch, the BlockDAG Explorer is gearing up to play a central role in tracking and managing Testnet activities. Whether it’s mining, or simply monitoring gas usage, the Explorer will provide you with all the insights you need during the Testnet phase.
Why This Matters:
Keep an eye out for more updates, and be ready to dive into the Testnet! In the coming days, we’ll be rolling out sneak peeks, performance upgrades, and tutorials to guide you through every step.Let’s make this journey epic and push the boundaries of decentralized technology together!
Here's a sneak peak into the latest EVM Dashboard design:
","title":"What’s Next?"}],"slug":"dev-release-119","title":"Dev Release 119","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 119","metaDesc":"Getting this week started with a quick new update on the explorer designs."},"content":""},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-09-16T17:44:47.362Z","updatedAt":"2024-09-16T18:25:29.538Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66e4794ecddff2a50a717513","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$9d"},{"order":1,"title":"Now let's into today's update","content":"$9e"},{"order":2,"content":"The Testnet launch is more than just a technical test; it’s a community-driven event where every participant gets to be part of something bigger. Your participation helps us identify any final tweaks or adjustments needed to ensure the platform is robust, secure, and ready for prime time. Plus, it’s a chance to get an early look at features and functionalities, and to earn some bragging rights as one of the first to explore the future of decentralized technology!
","title":"Why This Matters for You"},{"order":3,"content":"As we count down to the Testnet launch, we’re calling on our community to gear up and get ready to dive in. Over the next few days , we’ll be sharing more updates, sneak peeks, and behind-the-scenes looks at what we’re building. Stay tuned, stay engaged, and be ready to join us on this exciting journey!
Together, let's make this Testnet launch a landmark moment in the history of BlockDAG. We’re so excited to have you with us every step of the way!
Keep mining, keep exploring, and let's make history together!
Countdown to the Testnet Launch!
These updates represent just a fraction of the work we’re doing as we sprint toward the testnet launch in a few weeks. Our team is on overdrive to ensure that everything is in perfect shape for this exciting milestone. We’re thrilled to have you all join us on this journey to explore and test the boundaries of what’s possible with our platform!
Get ready for an incredible testnet launch that will set new standards in decentralized technology. Stay tuned for more technical deep dives, sneak peeks, and announcements in the days to come. The best is yet to come!
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Developer Update: Preparing for a Seamless Testnet Launch
Today was an action-packed day as we collaborated closely with our stakeholders to finalize the plans for the upcoming testnet launch. These discussions focused on defining clear expectations, addressing potential challenges, and setting a roadmap for the future evolution of our product. With the testnet launch drawing closer, we're doubling down on optimizing our system’s performance and scalability to ensure a smooth rollout. Below is an in-depth look at the strategies and technical improvements we are implementing
These performance optimizations are critical to ensuring our platform is ready for the testnet launch. By combining intelligent data retrieval strategies with dedicated worker processes and leveraging the speed and scalability of Redis, we are building a robust, efficient, and scalable system that will deliver a seamless experience for our users.
As we continue fine-tuning our system, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of performance and scalability. Our goal is not just to meet expectations but to exceed them and set new standards for what is possible.
Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to launching the testnet. Let’s make this launch a game-changer!
These enhancements are just the beginning of our efforts to deliver a highly performant and reliable BlockDAG Explorer. As we continue testing and refining our approach, our next steps will involve rigorous load testing, refining caching algorithms, and further optimization across all layers of our tech stack.
Stay tuned for more updates as we advance towards delivering an even more robust and feature-rich explorer. Your feedback and engagement are key to our success, and we look forward to sharing more progress soon!
These discussions with our internal stakeholders are just the beginning. We are committed to transforming these ideas into reality by actively engaging with our community and incorporating their feedback into our development process. As we continue to innovate and expand the BlockDAG X1 application, our goal is to create a platform that is not only feature-rich but also maximizes rewards and user satisfaction.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance the BlockDAG X1 application. We are excited about the possibilities and look forward to delivering an even more engaging and rewarding experience for our users!
Hello BlockDAG Community!
Developer Update: An Exciting Week Leading to the Testnet Launch!
This week is shaping up to be one of our most thrilling yet, as we move closer to our testnet launch! The atmosphere here is electric—we’re in the final stretch, making every second count. The testnet launch is a massive milestone for all of us, and we're working around the clock to ensure everything is perfect.
But that’s not all! We’re also engaging deeply with our stakeholders to gather insights and align our efforts for the best launch possible. Here's what's on our agenda this week to make sure the launch is a groundbreaking success:
What’s Next? Preparing for a Landmark Launch!
With the testnet launch just around the corner, we are in continuous communication with our stakeholders—gathering insights, refining strategies, and aligning our efforts to ensure the best possible launch experience. Your excitement and feedback drive us to reach new heights, and we're thrilled to have you with us every step of the way!
Stay tuned, because the testnet launch will be here before you know it! Expect more updates soon as we get ready to usher in a new era for BlockDAG!
Get excited, stay engaged, and let's make history together!
Moving Forward: Staying Resilient and Focused
While waiting for Apple's decision, our resolve remains strong. We are dedicated to delivering new features and continually improving our platform. Every challenge is an opportunity for us to innovate and create better experiences for our community.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push forward. We’re committed to making BlockDAG the best it can be, and we’re glad to have you on this journey with us!
Thank you for your unwavering support, and get ready for more exciting features coming your way!
These next steps are designed to build on the progress made in the recent development cycle and continue our commitment to delivering a secure, user-friendly, and high-performance platform. By focusing on these targeted improvements, we aim to enhance the overall experience for our users and maintain the integrity and reliability of the BlockDAG X1 App.
We will keep you updated as we make progress on these initiatives. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the coming weeks!
This development cycle has focused heavily on improving both the BlockDAG X1 App and BlockDAG Explorer, emphasizing user experience, internal process optimization, and security enhancements. For the X1 App, we held key meetings to make the wallet connection process more intuitive, streamlined the build release process for faster and more reliable updates, and conducted a comprehensive security and infrastructure audit to ensure the app's stability and resilience. On the BlockDAG Explorer side, we introduced improvements to data accuracy, transaction integrity, and expanded support for EVM-based assets. These efforts work in tandem to provide users with a seamless, efficient, and secure experience as we continue building the BlockDAG ecosystem into a best-in-class blockchain solution.
","title":"Conclusion"}],"title":"Dev Release 112","slug":"dev-release-112","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 112","metaDesc":"Let's dig into today's latest updates on explorer and x1 application."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-09-05T20:09:13.409Z","updatedAt":"2024-09-05T20:09:13.409Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66d893ddcddff2a50a6cc92c","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$ac"},{"order":1,"content":"$ad","title":"Development of the getFaucetHistory API"},{"order":2,"content":"$ae","title":"Summary of Improvements"},{"order":3,"content":"$af","title":"BlockDAG x1 application updates:"},{"order":4,"content":"$b0","title":"Research and Development of Secure Wallet Connect Strategies"},{"order":5,"content":"$b1","title":"Conclusion: Strengthening BlockDAG Ecosystem"}],"title":"Dev Release 111","slug":"dev-release-111","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 111","metaDesc":"Let's jump into mid week sprint updates on the tesntnet development and blockDAG x1 Applications progress with Apple team."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-09-04T17:07:41.411Z","updatedAt":"2024-09-04T17:07:41.411Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66d7408ccddff2a50a6c1ee0","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$b2"},{"order":1,"title":"Algorithms Implemented","content":"$b3"},{"order":2,"title":"MetaMask Integration for EVM Chains","content":"We are excited to announce that our team has successfully completed the development and integration of MetaMask for EVM-compatible chains on the frontend. This integration allows users to seamlessly connect their MetaMask wallets, enabling smooth interactions with decentralized applications (dApps) and blockchain networks directly from our platform. With this feature, users can manage their digital assets, perform transactions, and interact with smart contracts securely and effortlessly.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance our platform's capabilities and provide a more robust and user-friendly experience!
These optimizations represent a significant leap forward in how our backend handles data synchronization and query processing. By integrating advanced algorithms and leveraging optimized data structures, we are better equipped to provide a smoother, faster, and more reliable experience to our users.
Stay tuned for more technical insights as we continue to evolve and enhance our system to meet the growing demands of our users!
With the Testnet launch fast approaching, our next steps include:
We are excited about the progress and look forward to sharing more updates soon. Stay tuned for further details on our Testnet launch and MetaMask integration!
"},{"order":3,"title":"BlockDAG x1 Application Updates","content":"$b7"},{"order":4,"title":"Sprint Planning Meeting: WalletConnect API Integration","content":"$b8"},{"order":5,"title":"Next Steps and Focus Areas","content":"We are excited about these developments and look forward to delivering an even more powerful and user-friendly experience with the BlockDAG Explorer. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for your continued support!
"}],"title":"Dev Release 109","slug":"dev-release-109","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 109","metaDesc":"Today's been a productive start to the day with two sprint planning meetings and further development in the blockDAG x1 application and blockDAG explorer. The major focus from now will be the launch of testnet."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-09-02T15:08:38.135Z","updatedAt":"2024-09-02T15:08:38.135Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66d1ff04cddff2a50a69c74d","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$b9"},{"order":1,"title":"Upcoming Features: Enhancing User Experience","content":"$ba"},{"order":2,"title":"Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement","content":"At BlockDAG, we’re committed to providing a robust and secure application that not only meets the expectations of our users but also complies with the highest standards set by platform providers. Our team is dedicated to continuously improving the application by listening to user feedback and promptly addressing any concerns raised by partners like Apple.
We thank you for your continued support and patience as we work through these updates and enhancements. Your feedback is invaluable, and we encourage you to reach out with any suggestions or comments that could help us serve you better.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates, and keep exploring the possibilities with BlockDAG X1!
Conclusion: This release brings significant new features and improvements to the BlockDAG explorer, enhancing its functionality, performance, and user experience. We encourage all users to explore these new features and provide feedback as we continue to develop and refine the platform.
"}],"title":"Dev Release 106","slug":"dev-release-106","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 106","metaDesc":"Let's jump into today BlockDAG explorer updates and some few updates on mobile application. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-08-28T15:05:55.384Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-28T15:08:34.542Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66cdfd83cddff2a50a6643e2","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$c2"},{"order":1,"title":"API Enhancement","content":"$c3"},{"order":2,"title":"Developer Update: Resolving the Load Balancing Taint Problem in BlockDAG X1 Mining App","content":"$c4"},{"order":3,"content":"This update marks a critical improvement in the BlockDAG X1 Mining app’s infrastructure, but our commitment to continuous enhancement remains strong. We will keep refining our load balancing strategies and taint management processes to ensure the highest levels of performance and reliability.
","title":"Looking Ahead"}],"title":"Dev Release 105","slug":"dev-release-105","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 105","metaDesc":"We finally found a solution to the x1 miner application and this post contains some great news on blockDAG explorer too."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-08-27T16:23:31.168Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-27T16:23:31.168Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66ccb54acddff2a50a64daed","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$c5"},{"order":1,"title":"Smart Contract Functionality: Expanding Capabilities","content":"$c6"},{"order":2,"title":"BlockDAG X1 Miner Application: Recent Issue and Resolution Efforts","content":"$c7"}],"title":"Dev Release 104","slug":"dev-release-104","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 104","metaDesc":"A fresh start into the week with sprint planning, new scope and testing in the explorer has begun. Along with this the team is resolving the issues on x1 application. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-08-26T17:03:06.559Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-26T17:03:06.559Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66c8b814cddff2a50a62c183","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$c8"},{"order":1,"content":"$c9","title":"Latest BlockDAG X1 Updates"},{"order":2,"content":"As we wrap up this week, we're filled with anticipation and excitement for what’s coming next. The imminent launch of the BlockDAG Blockchain Explorer Testnet is a significant step forward, and your participation will be crucial in refining this tool to perfection. On the BlockDAG X1 front, our commitment to delivering a seamless user experience remains unwavering. We’ve made great strides, and though challenges like the push notification issue require continued effort, we’re confident in our ability to overcome them.
We wish you all a restful and recharging weekend. Next week, we'll come back stronger, ready to push the boundaries of innovation once again.
Until then, stay curious, stay engaged, and keep exploring.
Today's release marks a significant milestone in the ongoing development of the BlockDAG X1 application and BlockDAG Explorer. We've successfully addressed critical issues, including the notification loader problem, and introduced essential features like the new password functionality. While challenges remain, particularly with deep linking on Android, we're committed to continuous improvement and plan to deliver a patch update soon.
On the BlockDAG Explorer front, the progress in designing the UTXO database schema is a crucial step forward. This schema will enable efficient transaction management and accurate tracking of digital assets, laying a strong foundation for the explorer's future capabilities.
We appreciate your continued support and patience as we work towards enhancing the BlockDAG ecosystem. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being part of our journey!
Hey BlockDAG Community Members!
We’re thrilled to announce our 101st release! The past 100 days have been a rollercoaster of challenges and achievements, but through it all, we’ve remained steadfast in our commitment to delivering a smooth and seamless user experience. Your feedback and support have been invaluable, guiding us through this journey, and we couldn’t be prouder of the progress we’ve made together.
Major Release on the Horizon
As we stand on the brink of our next major release, just a day or two away, we’re excited to share some of the key updates and improvements that will be coming your way. This release is packed with enhancements, particularly in the area of deep linking, which will significantly improve the user experience, especially within the referral module.
During our rigorous testing, we discovered an issue with the \"Forgot Password\" functionality. Currently, users can initiate the password reset process from two places: one while logging into the application and another within the change password section. To maintain consistency across the app, we decided to introduce a new screen that unifies these experiences.
After the development is completed, the build will undergo testing on our local server. Once we’re confident in its stability and functionality, it will be shared with our external stakeholders for additional feedback before the official release.
"},{"order":3,"title":"BlockDAG Explorer: Performance Improvements","content":"$cd"},{"order":4,"title":"Upcoming Public Launch: Devnet Explorer","content":"Finally, we’re excited to announce that the domain binding for the Devnet Explorer is complete. This means that the Devnet Explorer will soon be publicly accessible, providing users with a preview of the features and enhancements we’ve been working on.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to refine and expand the BlockDAG ecosystem. We’re excited about the future and look forward to delivering even more features and optimizations in the days to come!
Thank you for being a part of our journey. Your support and feedback are invaluable to us, and we’re committed to making BlockDAG the best it can be.
Stay connected, The BlockDAG Team
As we celebrate our 100th post, we’re more energized than ever to continue this journey with you. The upcoming features and improvements are just the beginning. With every update, we aim to push the boundaries of what’s possible, delivering a platform that’s not only powerful and secure but also deeply aligned with the needs of our community.
Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Here’s to the next 100 posts and beyond!
Best regards,
The BlockDAG Team
As we push forward with these developments, we remain committed to delivering a robust and user-friendly BlockDAG ecosystem. The upcoming testnet launch, combined with smart contract support and enhanced mobile application features, represents a significant leap towards our vision. We appreciate the community's support and look forward to your feedback as we continue to refine and enhance our platform. Stay tuned for more
","title":"Conclusion"}],"title":"Dev Release 99","slug":"dev-release-99","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 99","metaDesc":"It's a great kick off to the week with latest updates and some exciting new on the testnet launch."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-08-19T15:40:42.127Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-19T15:40:42.127Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66bf8af5cddff2a50a5c4534","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$d7"},{"order":1,"content":"$d8","title":"Load Testing Results and Optimization Insights"},{"order":2,"content":"The insights gained from our load testing have provided us with a clear roadmap for optimization. In addition to optimizing database queries, improving the API, and enhancing pagination, we are setting up a Redis cluster to implement a more robust caching mechanism. These efforts, combined with the use of advanced algorithms like Bloom Filters, Merkle Trees, and Delta Encoding, are aimed at delivering a more performant and reliable experience to our users.
Our team is dedicated to implementing these changes swiftly and will continue to monitor system performance to ensure that we meet and exceed user expectations. Stay tuned for further updates as we roll out these optimizations!
The load testing session provided invaluable insights into how our systems perform under various conditions. Here’s what we’ve achieved:
As we incorporate the learnings from today’s load testing into our development pipeline, we’re confident that the next release will offer a significantly improved user experience. The implementation of these load testing algorithms provided deep insights into the performance characteristics of our system. We identified several critical areas for improvement, particularly in database handling, concurrency management, and system recovery during high load scenarios. These insights will be incorporated into our ongoing development efforts, ensuring that the next release of the BlockDAG X1 mobile application and blockchain explorer is not only feature-rich but also highly optimized for performance and scalability.
","title":"Road Ahead"}],"title":"Dev Release 97","slug":"dev-release-97","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 97","metaDesc":"Target of today was to do load testing of the system and identify the performance areas. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-08-15T17:07:10.065Z","updatedAt":"2024-08-15T17:07:10.065Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66bcd883cddff2a50a59e011","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$db"},{"order":1,"content":"$dc","title":"Technical Implementation"},{"order":2,"content":"These enhancements make the BlockDAG network more resilient and accessible. Whether you’re running a full node, developing decentralized applications, or simply exploring our ecosystem, the improved Blockchain Sync Service offers a more reliable and efficient experience, backed by advanced technical algorithms that ensure optimal performance.
The new sync service is a major leap forward for BlockDAGScan Explorer, enhancing its performance, reliability, and feature set. Whether you are tracking the latest blocks, exploring transaction histories, or preparing for the future of EVM-based transactions, this update ensures that BlockDAGScan Explorer remains at the forefront of blockchain exploration tools.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to evolve and expand the capabilities of BlockDAGScan Explorer.
Our blockchain explorer team has started working on listing transactions inside each block, taking inspiration from platforms like Etherscan. This feature will allow users to:
Additionally, the team is conducting research and development on UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) transactions. This R&D effort is crucial for understanding and implementing UTXO-based transaction models in our blockchain explorer.
Sneak Peek
Here's a sneak peek into the prepared Figma design for the UTXO transactions:
Exciting news on the blockchain explorer front! All planned changes have been deployed, and we've conducted a thorough round of internal testing. The devnet URL has been shared with stakeholders, and once we receive their approval and the user guide is ready, we'll launch the explorer for end users.
Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your continued support.
Here's a quick update on the latest testing of the user onboarding module.
Issues Identified
During testing, our QA team identified a few bugs in the module, primarily in the OTP functionality:
Along with these two major bugs there are few minor bugs that are not blocker for the user but can be a good to have changes in the application.
We are working diligently to resolve these issues to ensure a smooth user experience. Stay tuned for more updates!
Today was a busy day with numerous meetings focused on the blockchain explorer demos and the upcoming features for the BlockDAG X1 mobile application. Based on our discussions with stakeholders, we have decided to make some changes to our feature roadmap.
De-prioritizing the Features:
New Sign In/Sign Up Flow: We are currently testing the new sign in/sign up flow. During testing, a bug was identified: when a user enters an incorrect phone number and then reaches the referral screen, they receive a \"wrong phone number\" error message. Ideally, this should display an error message related to the referral. Although the backend logic correctly identifies the phone number issue, we are reconsidering the flow to enhance user experience.
Next Steps
Once the current enhancements are deployed to production, we will convene to finalize the next scope for the application, which will include some major features. Details on the next scope will be disclosed soon.
We are making some design changes to the theme and adding last-minute functionalities to enhance user experience in the blockchain explorer. A meeting with stakeholders was held to review these changes, and it was successfully delivered. Next steps: We'll implement the feedbacks and do the deployment of them. Once all the comments are implemented then we'll do the complete testing of the platform to make the delivery as smooth as possible.
Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your continuous support!
We're excited to inform you that we have resubmitted the application on the Huawei Cloud platform, and it is currently under review. This brings us one step closer to achieving another significant milestone, expanding our application's reach to more users.
"},{"order":2,"title":"Blockchain Explorer Update","content":"Our development of the blockchain explorer is almost complete, with significant changes made to the UI. The designer is now focused on making the application responsive, ensuring that users can easily access it on their mobile devices while enjoying an optimal viewing experience.
At the last moment, we decided to make a small but impactful change to the explorer design. We modified the header for a more streamlined and user-friendly interface. We believe these enhancements will significantly improve user interaction and overall satisfaction.
Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We’re committed to delivering the best possible experience with BlockDAG X1, and we’re excited about the upcoming features and improvements. Stay tuned for more updates!
In addition to the above enhancements, we are also considering the implementation of two new features to further improve the user experience:
5. PIN Lock
Objective: Enhance the security of the application by introducing a PIN lock feature. Users will be able to set a 6 digit PIN to protect their accounts, adding an extra layer of security to their personal information and BDAG balance.
6. Mining History Display
Objective: Provide users with a comprehensive view of their mining activities. This feature will show a detailed history of mining sessions, including start and end times, the amount of BDAG earned, and any other relevant statistics. This will allow users to track their mining progress and analyze their performance over time.
We will share the timelines for these releases once they go through the dev release phase. Stay tuned for further updates.
In other exciting news, we’re making some last-minute design tweaks to our blockchain explorer to make it more responsive and user-friendly. After these adjustments, we'll schedule a demo with our external stakeholders to gather their feedback. Our goal is to make the explorer the best it can be before releasing it to you, our valued users.
We’re excited about all these upcoming features and improvements, and we can’t wait to bring them to you. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, thank you for your continued support!
Due to some technical issue at our end we've decided to move the update to next week. We'll push some more enhancements to make the user experience more fair and reliable. The enhancements will also give confidence to end users that the application is working on fair means.
Moreover, we'll be making some enhancements to prevent the users from gamifying the platform more and the timelines will be updated next week through dev releases.
To ensure seamless integration, our consensus mechanism has been updated to handle both UTXO and account-based transactions. This includes validating transaction types, updating state changes, and maintaining consistency across the DAG structure. We are excited about the potential of supporting both UTXO and account-based models and look forward to seeing the innovative applications our community will build.
Stay tuned for more updates and join us in this exciting journey.
We are immensely proud of the progress we've made this week, and these updates are a testament to our continuous effort to enhance our applications. The x1 Miner bug bounty program and the Blockchain Explorer design enhancements are just the beginning.
Looking ahead, we are committed to:
Stay tuned for next weeks exciting news and updates!
","title":"Conclusion and Road Ahead"}],"title":"Dev Release 58","slug":"dev-release-58","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 58","metaDesc":"Today was a day with internal bug bounty program and major design fixes in blockchain explorer."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-06-21T16:32:14.360Z","updatedAt":"2024-06-21T16:32:14.360Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66745b80cddff2a50a317c5d","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$12b"},{"order":1,"title":"Testing the X1 Miner Application","content":"$12c"},{"order":2,"title":"Conclusion and Next Steps","content":"The implementation of PoW opcodes marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the BlockDAG Blockchain. By enhancing security, boosting efficiency, and offering new tools for developers, we are paving the way for a more robust and versatile blockchain ecosystem.As part of our commitment to excellence, we are currently testing the X1 Miner application for major bugs such as application crashing and performance-related issues. This thorough testing process ensures that the application remains stable, secure, and efficient under various conditions.We are excited to announce our plans to conduct an internal bug bounty program. This initiative will allow us to test the application on a large scale, uncovering more edge cases and ensuring that we deliver an application that is both efficient and smooth in performance.
Stay tuned for more updates and detailed guides!
As per the roadmap next step after deliver of phase 2 of mobile application we'll start the integration of wallets and improvise the user onboarding module which will experience the revamp of user flow.
Stay tuned for latest updates!
Greetings BlockDAG community,
Welcome to an Exciting Week for BlockDAG x1 Miner Development!
We're thrilled to announce the kickoff of phase 2 for the x1 Miner application. Our development team is hard at work to bring you an authentic mining experience. Here's what you can look forward to:
How Mining Works
For you, the process is incredibly simple:
Hey BlockDAG community!
BlockDAG Blockchain Update:Optimizing Mempool Management in BlockDAG Network:
As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing the performance and efficiency of the BlockDAG network, our development team has focused on optimizing the mempool. The mempool is a critical component that temporarily stores transactions before they are incorporated into a block. By refining key mempool management modules, we aim to improve transaction throughput, reduce latency, and ensure the network's stability. This detailed post delves into the technical optimizations made to various mempool management modules, intended for our developer community.
Our team is committed to resolving this issue promptly.
Here’s what you can expect in the coming days:
As the testing and dashboard development of gets over we'll move our focus to next module of blockchain explore which is “Blocks module”.
The blocks module is a crucial component of the BlockDAG blockchain explorer. It provides detailed insights into the structure and contents of blocks within the blockchain.
Block Overview:
Stay tuned for more exciting blockchain and x1 miner development updates.
","title":"Road Ahead "}],"title":"Dev Release 52","slug":"dev-release-52","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 52","metaDesc":"Today we were stuck in some issue related to blockchain block mining process. To give a better performance to our end users we're finding the most optimized solutions."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-06-13T15:36:32.204Z","updatedAt":"2024-06-13T15:40:06.937Z","__v":0},{"_id":"6669b499cddff2a50a2a574a","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$137"},{"order":1,"content":"$138","title":"Enhancing BlockDAG Explorer with Blockchain Synchronization Service"},{"order":2,"content":"So, while we eagerly anticipate the release of our x1 Miner application, rest assured that we're hard at work behind the scenes, fine-tuning our BlockDAG explorer to deliver the best possible experience for you, our amazing community.
Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, thank you for being part of the BlockDAG journey!
The upcoming weeks will be crucial as we transition from planning to development. Our team is committed to delivering a high-quality blockchain explorer that meets the needs of our community. We will continue to provide regular updates on our progress and look forward to your feedback as we move forward.
Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Together, we are building a cutting-edge blockchain ecosystem that will drive innovation and transparency.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
X1 Miner Application Development Release: Enhancing User Experience and Performance
Today marks a significant milestone for the X1 Miner team as we continue to refine our application to provide a seamless and efficient user experience. Our latest development efforts have focused on resolving bugs and introducing several key improvements based on user feedback.
Our team remains committed to continuous improvement and user satisfaction. We appreciate the valuable feedback from our users and will keep working diligently to enhance the X1 Miner application. Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for being a part of our journey.
Also, as we prepare to kick off the development of our Blockchain Explorer, we’re committed to ensuring it meets the highest standards of functionality and user experience. This tool will not only enhance the transparency and usability of our blockchain but also empower users with detailed insights and control over their transactions.
Stay tuned for more updates on the Blockchain Explorer and continued improvements to the X1 Miner application. We’re excited about the future and grateful for your continued support.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
BlockDAG X1 Miner: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success
The Journey of Crafting the Ultimate Mining Experience
Developing the BlockDAG X1 Miner application has been an exhilarating yet demanding journey. We set out to create an app that would stand out in the competitive world of cryptocurrency mining, and this ambition brought with it a series of formidable challenges. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the trials we faced and the innovative solutions we implemented during the development and review phases with Apple and Google.
From the outset, we knew that the design of BlockDAG X1 Miner had to strike a perfect balance between modern aesthetics and user-friendly functionality. Our initial designs were ambitious, aiming for a sleek, futuristic look while maintaining intuitive navigation. However, as we progressed, it became clear that our vision needed refinement.
User feedback during early testing phases revealed that while the app looked impressive, some features were not as accessible as we had hoped. Navigating through the various sections of the app proved cumbersome for novice users. To address this, we brought in UI/UX experts to help streamline the design. We held numerous design workshops and usability testing sessions, iterating on the interface based on real user interactions. This collaborative effort resulted in a design that is not only visually appealing but also highly functional, ensuring that all users can navigate the app with ease
Performance was another major hurdle. Cryptocurrency mining is inherently resource-intensive, and ensuring that our app could run smoothly on a wide range of devices—from the latest smartphones to older models—was a significant challenge. During testing, we encountered issues with lag and occasional crashes, particularly on devices with limited processing power.
Our development team embarked on an intensive optimization process. We meticulously reviewed and refactored our codebase, focusing on efficient memory management and optimizing our algorithms. We also implemented advanced profiling tools to identify and address performance bottlenecks. By the end of this rigorous process, we had significantly reduced the app's memory footprint and improved its stability across all tested devices. This meant users could enjoy a seamless mining experience, regardless of their device's capabilities.
Incorporating smooth and engaging animations was crucial for making the app feel dynamic and responsive. However, we quickly realized that achieving this without compromising the app's performance was easier said than done. Intensive mining operations often led to choppy animations, which detracted from the user experience.
To solve this, we turned to advanced animation libraries and frameworks that offered high performance. Our developers spent countless hours fine-tuning animation sequences, ensuring they were lightweight and efficiently executed. We focused on offloading animation processes to background threads whenever possible, minimizing the impact on the main thread. This allowed us to deliver the visually engaging experience we envisioned without sacrificing performance.
Security is paramount in any application handling sensitive data, and BlockDAG X1 Miner is no exception. We aimed to provide our users with robust authentication options by integrating multiple One-Time Password (OTP) vendors. Each vendor, however, came with its unique API and integration requirements, presenting a complex challenge.
To address this, we designed a modular architecture that could easily accommodate various OTP vendors. Our team developed a unified interface for interacting with different APIs, ensuring a consistent experience across all authentication methods. This modular approach not only simplified the integration process but also allowed us to switch or add vendors with minimal effort. Rigorous testing was conducted to ensure that OTP delivery was fast and reliable, providing our users with a secure and seamless authentication process.
Finally, we recognized the importance of clear communication with our users, especially when certain features were temporarily disabled. To address this, we introduced informative modals that would appear when users attempted to access these features. These modals provided detailed explanations about why a feature was unavailable and when it might be expected to return.
Creating these modals involved collaboration between our design and content teams. We crafted messages that were informative yet concise, ensuring that users were not left in the dark. By doing so, we not only improved transparency but also enhanced user trust and satisfaction.
The development of BlockDAG X1 Miner has been a journey of continuous learning and improvement. Each challenge we faced pushed us to innovate and refine our approach, ultimately resulting in an application that we are incredibly proud of. The rigorous review process by Apple and Google further validated our efforts, as we ensured that BlockDAG X1 Miner met the highest standards of quality and performance.
Today, we are thrilled to announce that BlockDAG X1 Miner is successfully available for download on our official website. This milestone is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our entire team, and we are excited to offer our users a top-tier mining experience backed by robust security and a user-friendly interface. Download BlockDAG X1 Miner today and join us on the forefront of cryptocurrency mining innovation.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Enhancing Network Propagation in BlockDAG Systems
It was a long hectic day for blockDAG team as we're continuously working on the application part to make it available for everyone. Also, in parallel we’re thrilled to update you on our recent advancements in improving network propagation within the BlockDAG framework. Efficient propagation of transactions and blocks is crucial for maintaining the performance, security, and scalability of the network. This post will detail the new techniques and optimizations we’ve implemented to enhance network propagation, ensuring faster and more reliable communication across the BlockDAG system.
Before diving into our solutions, it’s essential to understand the challenges we’ve been facing:
1. Latency Reduction
The new propagation techniques drastically reduce latency, ensuring that transactions and blocks reach all nodes much faster. This improvement enhances the user experience by providing quicker transaction confirmations.
2. Improved Scalability
Bandwidth-efficient propagation allows the network to handle more transactions and blocks without experiencing congestion. This scalability is crucial for supporting a growing number of users and transactions.
3. Enhanced Reliability
By establishing multiple redundant pathways and ensuring robust data compression, we’ve improved the overall reliability of the network. Nodes can recover from transmission errors more effectively, maintaining the integrity of the blockchain.
Our advancements in network propagation are a significant leap forward for the BlockDAG system. By implementing adaptive gossip protocols, compact block propagation, and optimized P2P network topology, we’ve made the network faster, more efficient, and more reliable. These enhancements are crucial for maintaining the high performance and scalability of the BlockDAG platform as it continues to grow and evolve.
Stay tuned for more updates, and feel free to join our community discussions to share your thoughts and feedback. Together, we’re pushing the boundaries of decentralized technology.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Overcoming Challenges in Data Storage Implementation for BlockDAG
We’re excited to share an update on our recent progress with the Data Storage implementation in BlockDAG. This crucial component is key to maintaining the integrity and performance of our network. However, developing and optimizing this system has not been without its challenges. This post discuss the significant hurdles we faced and how we overcame them.
While we have made significant progress, we are continuously seeking ways to improve our data storage system. Future enhancements include:
Implementing a robust data storage solution for BlockDAG has been a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. By addressing these challenges with innovative solutions, we have significantly enhanced the performance, efficiency, and security of our platform. We remain committed to continuous improvement and look forward to sharing more updates with you.
"}],"title":"Dev Release 45","slug":"dev-release-45","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 45","metaDesc":"Today the team has focused on the resolution of the challenges faced during implementation of data storage part"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-06-04T13:46:10.835Z","updatedAt":"2024-06-04T13:48:59.279Z","__v":0},{"_id":"665de3b9cddff2a50a204405","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Advanced Features and Enhancements in BlockDAG Data Storage
We are thrilled to continue our journey of innovation and improvement with you. In our previous update, we introduced the advanced Data Storage module designed to enhance the scalability, efficiency, and security of our DAG-based blockchain platform. Today, we’re excited to delve deeper into the advanced features and enhancements we've implemented to ensure the seamless performance and robust security of BlockDAG.
Advanced Data Storage Features
Building on the foundation of our initial release, we’ve integrated several cutting-edge features to further optimize our data storage solution. These improvements are designed to ensure high performance, ease of use, and unparalleled security.
Adaptive Compression Algorithms:
Real-Time Compression:
Compression Algorithm:
Compressed Data=CompressionFunction(Original Data,Compression Level)
Ensuring the security of our data storage module remains a top priority. Here are the latest enhancements we've implemented:
Multi-Layer Encryption
Advanced Encryption Standards (AES):
Encryption Formula:
Encrypted Data=E(Data,Key)
Encryption Key Management:
Also, we're excited to announce that our BETA X1 Miner App is now published on both the Apple Store and Google Play stores
The latest advancements in our Data Storage module demonstrate our commitment to providing a scalable, efficient, and secure blockchain platform. By integrating these cutting-edge features, we ensure that BlockDAG not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our developers and users.
We are excited about the future and look forward to your continued support and feedback. Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to follow us on social media for the latest news and developments.
","title":"Conclusion"}],"title":"Dev Release 44","slug":"dev-release-44","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 44 ","metaDesc":"Continuing from the last week's implementation, today the faced issues and implementation was done to give the best experience to the end users"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-06-03T15:39:37.937Z","updatedAt":"2024-06-03T16:54:33.184Z","__v":0},{"_id":"665a3164cddff2a50a1e1787","user_id":"65a63af33a17c8568de75af0","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$145"},{"order":1,"title":"Data Storage Implementation in BlockDAG","content":"
We are excited to announce the latest update to BlockDAG, our cutting-edge DAG-based blockchain platform designed to deliver superior scalability, efficiency, and security. This release focuses on the robust and innovative Data Storage implementation, which is essential for maintaining the integrity and performance of the network. Alongside this, we have reinforced our security protocols to ensure the utmost protection of the stored data.
"},{"order":2,"title":"Data Storage Implementation","content":"$146"},{"order":3,"title":"Conclusion:","content":"The new Data Storage implementation in BlockDAG represents a significant leap forward in the performance, efficiency, and security of our platform.
We are committed to continuously enhancing the robustness of BlockDAG to meet the evolving needs of our developers and users.Follow us on social media and keep an eye on our updates to be the first to know when the X1 Miner App is live on the app stores!
"}],"title":"Dev Release 43","slug":"dev-release-43","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 43","metaDesc":"Today the target was to implement the best available data storages and security that will provide the users with utmost performance and security. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-31T20:21:57.000Z","updatedAt":"2024-06-03T15:34:33.417Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66589ccf0cee3c61901c3d68","user_id":"65a63af33a17c8568de75af0","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$147"},{"order":1,"title":"Addressing Synchronization Complexity:","content":"$148"},{"order":2,"title":"BlockDAGScan Development Progress","content":"$149"},{"order":3,"title":"X1 Miner App Updates","content":"Exciting News!
We are thrilled to announce that the X1 Miner App of BlockDAG is now in the final testing phase and the last build update!
The launch of the X1 Miner App is right on track! While the final approval process is finalising within 24-48 hours, we can confirm that everything is finalized and looking fantastic. We can't wait for you to enjoy it!
"},{"order":4,"title":"Conclusion","content":"We are thrilled with the progress we’ve made in overcoming key challenges and enhancing the BlockDAG system. Your continued support and feedback are vital to our success. Together, we are building a scalable, secure, and decentralized future.
Thank you for being an integral part of the BlockDAG community. Stay engaged, stay informed, and stay excited for what’s to come.
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
We're excited to unveil our journey in creating BlockDAGscan, a user-friendly, robust, and transparent blockchain explorer. Our story begins with understanding user needs, crafting a meticulous system architecture, and selecting a scalable, efficient, and secure technology stack. Join us as we delve into the detailed planning and documentation that forms the backbone of BlockDAGscan, and discover the path forward as we bring this innovative project to life.
"},{"order":1,"title":"BlockDAG: Advanced Address Formats and Offchain Implementation","content":"$14d"},{"order":2,"title":"Generating and Validating Addresses in BlockDAG: The process of address generation and validation in BlockDAG systems involves several cryptographic steps to ensure the addresses are secure and unique.","content":"$14e"},{"order":3,"title":"BlockDAG Scan: Planning the Technical Implementation","content":"$14f"}],"title":"Dev Release 40","slug":"dev-release-40","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 40","metaDesc":"Discover the development journey of BlockDAGscan, a user-friendly and robust blockchain explorer. Learn about our meticulous planning, technical documentation, and the innovative path forward as we bring BlockDAGscan to life, enhancing transparency and user experience in the BlockDAG network."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-28T17:47:57.716Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-28T17:49:06.494Z","__v":0},{"_id":"6654bd300cee3c619018c6e9","user_id":"660bd9cc5f355a57c5fcb216","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Understanding Address Formats in BlockDAG
In the dynamic world of blockchain, you will encounter various address formats, particularly when dealing with Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) and hierarchical deterministic wallets (BIP32). This post aims to demystify these address formats, elucidate their functionality within respective blockchain systems, and provide insights into the underlying algorithms and mathematical formulas.
"},{"order":1,"title":"Address Formats in BlockDAG","content":"$150"}],"title":"Dev Release 39","slug":"dev-release-39","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 39","metaDesc":"Explore the different address formats in BlockDAG systems and BIP32 hierarchical deterministic wallets. Learn about Base58 encoding, checksum, prefixes, and the BIP32 address generation algorithm. Discover the underlying algorithms and mathematical formulas essential for effective blockchain technology utilization."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-27T17:04:48.806Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-27T18:06:01.496Z","__v":0},{"_id":"6650d9840cee3c619016fa49","user_id":"660bd9cc5f355a57c5fcb216","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Today, we are excited to share the progress we've made in the development and implementation of consensus mechanisms tailored specifically for our DAG-based blockchain system. Our focus was on refining the algorithms that ensure secure, efficient, and scalable transaction confirmation in the BlockDAG environment.
"},{"order":1,"title":"Development Progress on DAG-based Consensus","content":"$151"},{"order":2,"title":"X1 Miner Application: Phase 2 Commencement","content":"We are excited to announce the start of Phase 2, focusing on enhancing user experience with key updates.
Current Status:
Technical Enhancements:
Stay connected and engaged as we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of blockchain technology. Your feedback and support are invaluable.
"}],"title":"Dev Release 38","slug":"dev-release-38","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 38","metaDesc":"Following from the previous day, today a major challenge was to optimize the consensus mechanism that can handle our DAG implementation. It involved various mathematical calculations and ordering functionality. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-24T18:16:36.291Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-30T06:36:41.804Z","__v":0},{"_id":"664f9c660cee3c6190167b79","user_id":"660bd9cc5f355a57c5fcb216","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG Community,
We are thrilled to share some exciting updates about our X1 Miner Application. Today marks a significant milestone as we made remarkable progress in integrating the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure with Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanisms for our BlockDAG network. This hybrid approach enhances scalability and security while maintaining the integrity and immutability of transaction data.
"},{"order":1,"title":"Today's Focus: Integrating DAG with PoW","content":"$152"},{"order":2,"title":"X1 Miner Application: Phase 2 Commencement","content":"$153"}],"title":"Dev Release 37","slug":"dev-release-37","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 37","metaDesc":"The major focus of the day was to integrate the DAG implementation with the Proof of Work( PoW) along with the enhancements for the x1 Miner application. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-23T19:43:34.315Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-30T06:34:27.690Z","__v":0},{"_id":"664e4af60cee3c61901546ff","user_id":"660bd9cc5f355a57c5fcb216","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG community,
Today, we're diving into the groundbreaking offchain implementation of Proof of Work (PoW) using a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for our blockchain. This innovative approach promises to enhance scalability and performance like never before. But that's not all! We also have an exhilarating update on the X1 Miner application – we're kickstarting the development of new modules that will take user engagement to the next level. Stay tuned for all the thrilling details!
"},{"order":1,"title":"Key Features of BlockDAG","content":"$154"},{"order":2,"content":"We have resubmitted the new build for approval to both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. We eagerly await their final validation and approval to publish the app. Meanwhile, we have kickstarted the development of other modules to enhance user engagement in the X1 application. These include the leaderboard, community section, airdrops portal, and much more.
","title":"X1 Miner: App store approval and kickstarting other modules"}],"title":"Dev Release 36","slug":"dev-release-36","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 36","metaDesc":"Unveiling Offchain PoW with DAG for Blockchain and Launching New X1 Miner Modules!"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-22T19:43:50.338Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-22T19:47:55.388Z","__v":0},{"_id":"664ce0f7a13f0d9e301629fc","user_id":"660bd9cc5f355a57c5fcb216","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG Community,
In our ongoing pursuit of enhancing the efficiency and scalability of our BlockDAG network, today’s focus was on advancing offchain computation capabilities for miners, X1 miner application submission update and keeping track on the UX phase of our BlockDAG scan. By empowering miners with offchain processing tools, we continue to optimize resource allocation, reduce network congestion, and expedite transaction validation. Here’s a comprehensive overview of today’s progress, including key achievements, refined algorithms, and strategic steps taken to bolster our ecosystem.
We're thrilled to bring you the latest update on the X1 Miner mobile application! Recently, we received some valuable technical feedback from the Apple team and our development team quickly addressed the feedback, enhancing the app’s functionality and performance. We have already resubmitted the new build for approval to both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. We are now eagerly awaiting their final validation and approval to publish the app on the stores.
"},{"order":3,"title":"BlockDAGScan: Our Blockchain Explorer","content":"$156"}],"title":"Dev Release 35","slug":"dev-release-35","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 35","metaDesc":"Today we are providing an indepth update for blockchain development, X1 Miner Application and latest BlockDAG explorer inititation."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-21T17:59:19.103Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-21T18:45:07.135Z","__v":0},{"_id":"664bb24ca13f0d9e30159a30","user_id":"660bd9cc5f355a57c5fcb216","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Today, our development team focused on enhancing the offchain work for miners in our BlockDAG architecture. By leveraging offchain computation, miners can perform complex tasks more efficiently, reducing the load on the blockchain and speeding up the mining process. Here’s a detailed look at what we accomplished today, including key algorithms and mathematical formulas, and the immediate benefits this brings to our ecosystem.
"},{"order":1,"title":"Today's Focus: Offchain Computation for Miners","content":"$157"},{"order":2,"title":"X1 Miner Mobile Application: Enhancing for a Better User Experience","content":"We are excited to share an update on the X1 Miner mobile application. We received valuable technical feedback from the Apple team. This feedback provided us with an opportunity to refine the application further, ensuring it meets the highest standards and provides an exceptional user experience.
Our development team has promptly addressed the feedback, enhancing the app’s functionality and performance. We have implemented these improvements and are pleased to announce that we have resubmitted the new build for approval to both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
"},{"order":3,"title":"Introduction of BlockDAGScan: Our Blockchain Explorer","content":"In other exciting news, we are pleased to announce the commencement of development for BlockDAGscan, the official block explorer for the BlockDAG blockchain. BlockDAGscan will serve as a comprehensive search engine, allowing users to search for and explore any transaction or block within the BlockDAG network.
The development of BlockDAGscan has entered the User Experience (UX) phase, where we are meticulously designing the interface and functionality to ensure it includes all the critical modules needed by our users. This phase involves close collaboration with all stakeholders to gather insights and feedback, ensuring that BlockDAGscan meets the diverse needs of our community.
Stay tuned for further updates as we progress with the development of BlockDAGscan.
Thank you for your continued support and engagement. We look forward to sharing more updates with you soon
"}],"title":"Dev Release 34","slug":"dev-release-34","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 34","metaDesc":"Today we discuss about offchain computation for miners, updates regarding X1 miner and BlockDAG scan"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-20T20:27:56.006Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-20T20:33:31.053Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66477a87a13f0d9e30138e76","user_id":"660bd9cc5f355a57c5fcb216","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG Community,
This week, the development team made significant strides in refining our BlockDAG mining process. We focused on integrating SHA-3 hashing for enhanced security and efficiency, while also addressing debugging challenges to ensure a smooth implementation. In parallel, we explored various mining algorithms, including the RandomX protocol, to identify the optimal solution for our project. Additionally, we continued making progress on the X1 miner application, ensuring a robust and user-friendly experience for our community.
"},{"order":1,"title":"Leveraging Offchain Data in BlockDAG Blockchain Systems:","content":"In the realm of blockchain development, the integration of offchain data with BlockDAG (Block Directed Acyclic Graph) architecture introduces a new dimension of scalability, efficiency, and flexibility. This guide explores the technical intricacies of incorporating offchain data into BlockDAG blockchain systems and the opportunities it presents for developers.
"},{"order":2,"title":"Understanding BlockDAG Blockchain Systems","content":"$158"},{"order":3,"title":"Strategies for Technical Integration","content":"$159"},{"order":4,"title":"Applications and Use Cases","content":"The technical integration of offchain data with BlockDAG blockchain systems enables developers to build a wide range of innovative applications:
Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Developing SHA3, the cryptographic hash function, wasn't a straightforward task, especially when integrating it into a BlockDAG blockchain system. Here's a fictionalized story of the challenges we faced during the development process.
"},{"order":1,"title":"SHA-3 in BlockDAG:","content":"$15b"},{"order":2,"title":"X1 Miner application status:","content":"$15c"}],"title":"Dev Release 32","slug":"dev-release-32","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 32","metaDesc":"Hey BlockDAG community, today we share information regarding the SHA-3 in our blockchain and X1 miner application launch"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-16T16:40:26.211Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-16T16:51:03.918Z","__v":0},{"_id":"6644cd7fa13f0d9e301231f5","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Today was all about continuing our implementing process in blockDAG mining techniques. It was more about the debugging part in the mining implementation to resolve the existing error that we were facing in yesterday's implementation part and less of the coding part. Still there were few successful implementation that was done during the day. Let's delve deeper into the more advanced techniques and considerations for leveraging our BlockDAG algorithm.
As we advance our understanding of SHA-3 mining, let's explore additional topics:
Together, let's continue pushing the boundaries of BlockDAG mining with SHA-3, embracing innovation and collaboration to forge a more secure and resilient decentralized future.
"},{"order":4,"title":"x1 Miner application status","content":"Apart from the blockchain development, a parallel team is working on the x1 miner application, let's get into the current progress for that commitment:
As we're near to the delivery of the first phase of x1 Miner application, the user onboarding module is complete with the privilege of sign up through phone number and Google. Adding on, the platform has been added with the pre-sale functionality too along with the setting, notification and home functionality. Currently the phase 1 of the application is under testing and bug fixes phase. We'll be delivering the application on store shortly.
Stay tuned for further insights and developments as we navigate the dynamic landscape of blockchain technology and x1 Miner application.
"}],"title":"Dev Release 31","slug":"dev-release-31","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 31","metaDesc":"Today was all about continuing the implementation of SHA-3 and resolving our previous errors."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-15T14:58:07.547Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-15T17:40:00.074Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66439896a13f0d9e3011a22e","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Hey BlockDAG Community,
Today was all about exploring more mining algorithm techniques for BlockDAG. BlockDAG with their unique structures, require robust mechanisms to ensure data integrity and validate transactions. SHA-3 (Secure Hash Algorithm 3) emerges as a compelling contender for the hashing function within the BlockDAG mining process. Let's delve deeper into how SHA-3 integrates with BlockDAG's Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism.
SHA-3 stands out for its sponge function capability. In essence, it can act in two modes:
SHA-3 presents a promising avenue for BlockDAG security. However, ongoing research and development are crucial. Here's what to consider:
Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Hope you'll had a blasting weekend
Building on our BlockDAG Mining Discussion:
Following up on our conversation about mining algorithms last week, let's delve deeper into the RandomX protocol. It emerged as a promising candidate during our discussions, and we believe it warrants a closer technical examination to understand its suitability for our BlockDAG project.
Key Points:
As we move forward towards the core of the technical implementation these algorithms will become more and more meaningful. Stay tuned for further updates!
"}],"title":"Dev Release 29","slug":"dev-release-29","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 29","metaDesc":"Let's kick off our week with the implementation techniques for mining algorithm."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-13T16:57:44.942Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-13T17:27:36.987Z","__v":0},{"_id":"663e250ba13f0d9e300f46aa","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG Community,
Let's first go through a quick recap of this week!
To start our week, we began by implementing libP2P, where we discovered the processes for identifying nodes and addresses. There were three key discovery mechanisms introduced: bootstrap nodes, mDNS, and Kademlia. Following the identification phase, we moved on to construct connections between nodes. After a successful connection, a sub-stream is established. A few basic implementation algorithms were described in conjunction with libP2P. Additionally, the request-response protocol was investigated and implemented alongside the notification protocol. Finally, synchronizing is required, thus an implementation method and rapid algorithms were developed around this.
Today, we began exploring the mining process and the tactics that surround it. Let's dig into more information about today's research:
The above mentioned algorithm is just a conceptual explanation, the actually implementation of mining will begin from next week, stay tuned for more technical dive ins!
","title":"Next steps!"}],"title":"Dev Release 28","slug":"dev-release-28","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 28","metaDesc":"Let's end this week with a quick recap and update on today's exploration part. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-10T13:45:47.358Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-10T13:45:47.358Z","__v":0},{"_id":"663cdd00a13f0d9e300c338d","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$167"},{"order":1,"title":"Few types of syncing processes ","content":"$168"},{"order":2,"title":"Fast sync","content":"$169"},{"order":3,"title":"Warp sync","content":"$16a"},{"order":4,"title":"Next steps","content":"After the successful implementation of the syncing progress we will shift to the implementation of mining progress. By this once the block is generated it will be sent out to other fellow miners to validate the produced blocks.
"}],"title":"Dev Release 27","slug":"dev-release-27","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 27","metaDesc":"Today's all about implementing the syncing process in the journey of networking. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-09T14:26:08.207Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-09T14:31:37.118Z","__v":0},{"_id":"663ba090a13f0d9e3009ac18","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greeting BlockDAG Community,
As mentioned in previous update, as a part of substream implementation in blockDAG today we're implementating request-response protocol along with notification protocol. In this technical post, we'll delve into the details of how request-response protocols function within substreams and it's importance in BlockDAG project.
Substreams are the virtual connections or data transmission channels logically created between the network nodes in a BlockDAG layout. Consequently, the existence of these side-chains enables peers to trade data and store the blocks and transactions as they are relayed across the network. For more details refer to the previous post here .
Purpose: Substream request-response protocol is tailored to ensure the continuation of sophisticated information querying and retrieval from peers within a distributed network. This protocol is an indispensable part of the whole cycle in tasks like block validation, consensus making and data synchronization which can result in emergence of a BlockDAG.
Each request is performed in a new separate substream.
After the successful implementation of the communication protocols between the nodes and a notification service it's essential to sync all the nodes with the same information to maintain a consistency in the ledger. Therefore, the next step after this would be working on the syncing process and implementing the same.
"}],"title":"Dev Release 26","slug":"dev-release-26","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 26 ","metaDesc":"Continuing the previous implementation of sub-streams. Today we've implemented the concept of request-response protocol along with notification protocol. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-08T15:56:00.033Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-08T18:36:59.391Z","__v":0},{"_id":"663a349ba13f0d9e30094caa","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Hey BlockDAG community!
Hope you're having a great day
As a part of libP2P implementation process today is all about implementing the substreams request-response protocols in blockDAG.
Substreams refer to a concept related to transaction processing and parallelism. Having already formed a channel and used multiplexing, the substream can be opened now. If the substream is live, the multistream-select protocol is used for the sessions to negotiate the protocol that will be used on that particular substream.
A protocol that is customary/common to just one particular chain has a <protocol-id> at its mention. The \"protocol ID\" that is part of the chain specification is the identifier of the protocol being used. During the installation the protocol names below have to be changed with the assigned protocol ID instead of a <protocol-id> .
As the putting into practice of substreams will become successful, we will carry on our way to the realization of request-response protocol in addition to notification protocol
"}],"title":"Dev Release 25","slug":"dev-release-25","seo":{"metaTitle":"BlockDAG Dev Release-25: Substreams Protocols Implementation","metaDesc":"BlockDAG Dev Release-25 focuses on libP2P implementation, specifically the integration of substreams request-response protocols. Explore the latest developments!"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-07T14:03:07.199Z","updatedAt":"2024-10-30T10:26:36.856Z","__v":0},{"_id":"6638f296a13f0d9e30084883","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG Community!
Surely you had the weekend of your life and I hope you had a lot of fun.
In consideration to our roadmap in May, we integrate the LibP2P engine in blockDAG . The libp2p framework is highly flexible, users to expand this library to support other protocols.
In a network without a center, every node takes a network private key and a network public key.
Starting with the node's public key, the process of identifying the node is begun. Libp2p, the communication method employed by Sia, relies on the [PeerId] struct to identify each node. These make it impossible for both ends in the communication of networks to create a fake identity, as their keys are the keys to encryption that are used by all nodes.
A node’s identity always sets off as a unique identifier on the network and it is merely to distinguish different machine. If we simultaneously diversify network key data, there is a higher chance to encounter large interferences
We are going to integrate Substreams request-response protocols with core bank-wallet communications. Such technical frameworks give the adopted \"LibP2P engine\" a foundational structure for working with blockDAG securely transmitting information amongst the network peers.
"}],"title":"Dev Release 24","slug":"dev-release-24","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 24","metaDesc":"Let's kick start our week with the implementation of libP2P engine. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-05-06T15:09:10.331Z","updatedAt":"2024-05-06T15:29:18.536Z","__v":0},{"_id":"6634de96a13f0d9e30077be0","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$172"},{"order":1,"title":"What is libP2P?","content":"$173"},{"order":2,"title":"Algorithm ","content":"$174"},{"order":3,"content":"In conclusion, the introduction of libP2P represents a significant milestone in advancing the peer-to-peer networking capabilities of the blockDAG ecosystem. By seamlessly integrating libP2P into the blockDAG architecture, developers gain access to a powerful toolkit for building robust, scalable, and secure P2P networks.
Moving forward, continued collaboration, innovation, and refinement will be essential to realizing the full potential of libP2P within the blockDAG ecosystem. By addressing scalability challenges, enhancing security measures, and fostering community engagement, we can build a vibrant and resilient network that enables the seamless exchange of data and transactions, paving the way for the future of decentralized applications and blockchain technology.
Greetings BlockDAG community!
In today's technical post, we'll explore the implementation of Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) within a BlockDAG project. Integrating RPCs into a BlockDAG system is crucial for enabling external interactions and providing a seamless user experience.
RPC methods are crucial for interacting with blockchain networks, offering functionalities like querying balances, sending transactions, fetching block and transaction details, and executing smart contract methods. Implementing these methods algorithmically facilitates seamless integration of blockchain technology into various applications and use cases.
Stay tuned for further insights and advanced techniques in BlockDAG development, smart contract integration, and decentralized application (dApp) deployment!
Greeting BlockDAG community,
We're currently advancing along our development roadmap, focused on integrating peer-to-peer (P2P) networks into blockDAG. An essential part of this integration is establishing effective communication channels between nodes, which requires selecting a robust algorithm for successful implementation.
In today's post, we explore protocols to identify the ideal fit for BlockDAG. We've investigated two prominent techniques: stream-based communication and Multi-Producer Single-Consumer (MPSC) architectures. Let's delve into the technical specifics.
Within the context of blockDAG networking, stream channels represent logical pathways established between nodes to facilitate the transmission of critical data, such as transactions or blocks. These channels enable direct and efficient communication between nodes within a decentralized blockDAG network.
Key Concepts:
Stream channels can be implemented using various networking protocols tailored to blockDAG environments, including:
Benefits of Stream Channels in BlockDAG:
In the context of blockDAG, MPSC involves multiple nodes (producers) concurrently generating data or messages intended for consumption by a single node (consumer). This architecture necessitates synchronization and coordination to ensure efficient data delivery.
"},{"order":4,"title":"Algorithm & Pseudocode Outline for MPSC in BlockDAG","content":"$177"},{"order":5,"title":"Conclusions & Next steps!","content":"So far we have explored these two protocols and algorithms along with its technical implementation. As the week ends we'll have more concrete decisions around the protocols and algorithms that can be implemented in BlockDAG for best results.
Along with this we are also working on remote procedure calls(RPC) which refer to a mechanism that allows nodes to invoke procedures or functions on a remote blockchain node. RPC enables interactions with a blockchain network through a simple and standardized interface, abstracting away the complexities of network communication and node management
Today was a long hectic day that included various internal meetings and discussions around gossip protocol which would help us in implementation of P2P networks in blockDAG. One of the available option is the gossip protocol. Now, let's understand why this protocol came into picture.
"},{"order":1,"title":"Gossip Protocols: Rumor Mongering with a Purpose (and Anti-Entropy as the Bartender)","content":"Gossip protocols, often likened to rumor spreading in a social network, are powerful tools for distributed systems. They enable peer-to-peer communication and state management, fostering scalability and resilience. This post dives into the world of gossip protocols, exploring rumor mongering (information dissemination) and anti-entropy (data consistency) mechanisms, along with some technical algorithms to bring it all to life.
"},{"order":2,"title":"Rumor Mongering: Spreading the Word (or the Data)","content":"$178"},{"order":3,"content":"$179","title":"Now comes a very important decision of choosing the correct algorithm for blockDAG project."},{"order":4,"title":"Matching Gossip Protocols to BlockDAG Needs","content":"$17a"},{"order":5,"content":"By tomorrow we'll be able to finalize the gossip protocol that we'll be using and also soon after that we'll delve into the networking between nodes which includes the following concepts; streams , MPSC(multi producer single consumer ) channels, yamux : multiplexing.
So, stay tuned for more conclusions around the same.
","title":"Next steps"}],"title":"Dev Release 20","slug":"dev-release-20","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 20","metaDesc":"Today we have dig more deep into the protocol that would help to implement P2P network in blockDAG."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-30T16:16:37.229Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-30T16:22:09.517Z","__v":0},{"_id":"662fdf5daf3d45fc5971dbd9","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings community!
Hope you all had a great weekend
This week at BlockDAG project, we're obsessed with pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology. One key area of focus is the power of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks to unlock true scalability and usher in a new era of decentralized applications. By the end of day we came up with an example implementation that we're excited to share with community through today's dev release. Let's jump in!
Traditional blockchains often rely on centralized servers or complex mining mechanisms, creating bottlenecks that hinder transaction speed and network efficiency. P2P networks offer a revolutionary alternative. In a P2P blockchain like blockDAG, each node acts as both a client and a server.
"},{"order":2,"title":"Technical Underpinnings","content":"$17b"},{"order":3,"title":"Building on blockDAG's P2P Network","content":"$17c"},{"order":4,"title":"Conclusion & next steps!","content":"These will be the rough implementation of P2P networks in BlockDAG project, as the week pass by we'll come up with more technical algorithms and pseudo codes around this implementation. P2P networks represent the cornerstone of a future-proof blockchain ecosystem. By leveraging this powerful technology and the technical algorithms that underpin it, blockDAG empowers developers to create a new generation of scalable, secure, and efficient dApps. Stay tuned for more concrete implementation in BlockDAG
We're also thrilled to announce a game-changer for mobile mining: The X1 Miner application is blasting off on the Play Store on June 1st.
Hey BlockDAG community, blockchain enthusiasts, and everyone in between!
This week, the BlockDAG team continued its in-depth exploration of the technologies that will form the backbone of our network. Our analysis of DAG BFT demonstrated its power to streamline transaction ordering and enable truly independent consensus, paving the way for enhanced scalability. Additionally, we've assessed the value of multi-signature transactions as a critical security mechanism and a tool to empower collaborative governance within the BlockDAG ecosystem.
"},{"order":1,"title":"Proof of Work (PoW) in BlockDAG's DAG-Based Blockchain:","content":"The cornerstone of secure and reliable decentralized networks in blockchain technology is the consensus mechanism. Among these mechanisms, Proof of Work (PoW) has earned its reputation for robustness and resilience. This article delves into the intricate workings of PoW, its consensus logic, and its unique implementation within BlockDAG's innovative Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) architecture.
PoW: The Algorithmic Underpinnings for BlockDAG
At its core, PoW serves as a cryptographic validation mechanism for transactions on a blockchain. It necessitates miners to solve computationally intensive puzzles – cryptographic hash functions – before appending new transaction blocks to the chain. These puzzles demand significant processing power to crack.
Proof of Work (PoW) remains a cornerstone in blockchain technology, offering robustness and resilience to decentralized networks. Within BlockDAG's innovative Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) architecture, PoW serves as a critical component, ensuring the security and decentralization of the network while capitalizing on the efficiency and scalability inherent in DAG structures.
BlockDAG's implementation of PoW involves core algorithms such as SHA-256 for hashing and Merkle tree for transaction verification. The Merkle root calculation in BlockDAG differs slightly from traditional blockchains due to the non-linear structure of the DAG. However, it retains the essential properties of ensuring data integrity and efficient verification.
Hey BlockDAG community, blockchain enthusiasts, and everyone in between!As we forge ahead with BlockDAG's smart contract development, let's dive deeper into the intricate details of our evolving platform. This post is a developer's delight, exploring technical considerations and the potential standards BlockDAG will leverage for its smart contract ecosystem.
"},{"order":1,"content":"Smart contracts, those self-executing pieces of code residing on the blockchain, are the driving force behind decentralized applications (dApps) on BlockDAG. They enable the automation of agreements, their rules etched immutably into the distributed ledger.
BlockDAG's Approach to Standardization
To streamline developer experience and foster a thriving smart contract ecosystem, BlockDAG is actively considering the adoption of widely recognized standards.
As blockDAG technology matures, smart contracts are expected to play an increasingly significant role in reshaping various industries. Continuous standardization efforts, the development of more secure and efficient virtual machines like WASM & EVM, and the integration of advanced algorithms will further empower developers to build innovative decentralized applications
Greetings BlockDAG community!
As we continue fortifying BlockDAG's security, let's delve into the realm of consensus mechanisms. These protocols are the lifeblood of our trustless environment, ensuring nodes adhere to the rules and preventing collusion. Our objective: identify the ideal consensus mechanism for BlockDAG.
We've meticulously examined various consensus mechanisms, keeping BlockDAG's unique requirements in mind. While a definitive decision is yet to be made, this analysis equips us with valuable insights to guide our selection process. We'll continue to evaluate these mechanisms, potentially conduct simulations and testbeds, and actively solicit developer community . We'll keep you updated on our progress and the final consensus mechanism chosen for BlockDAG
","title":"Next steps & conclusion"}],"title":"Dev Release 16","slug":"dev-release-16","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 16","metaDesc":"Today's we have explored all the possible consensus mechanisms, welcome onboard on our journey towards finalizing the consensus for BlockDAG!"}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-24T13:14:49.022Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-24T13:18:24.504Z","__v":0},{"_id":"6627d74daf3d45fc59658712","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Hey BlockDAG Community,
As we are moving forward with our implementations in our BlockDAG project, we are also looking into the security for our end user. So our developers are also working on MultiSig Module implementation.
"},{"order":1,"title":"Multisignature (Multisig) in BlockDAG","content":"$185"},{"order":2,"title":"Algorithmic Approach:","content":"$186"},{"order":3,"content":"$187","title":"pseudo-code"},{"order":4,"title":"Conclusion and next step","content":"The current multisig implementation provides a secure foundation for multi-party transactions in blockDAGs. Future development will focus on integrating smart contracts to enable more sophisticated spending logic and unlock the full potential of decentralized applications on the blockDAG platform
"}],"title":"Dev Release 15","slug":"dev-release-15","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 15","metaDesc":"Let's explore Multi signature in BlockDAGs. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-23T15:44:13.493Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-23T16:13:52.638Z","__v":0},{"_id":"662695c0af3d45fc59645d61","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Greetings BlockDAG community!
Diving Deeper into DAG BFT: A Technical Exploration
Continuing our implementation of blockchain consensus mechanisms, we delve into Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT). This innovative approach departs from traditional linear chains (like Proof of Work or Proof of Stake) by leveraging DAGs to represent transaction history. This post unpacks the core principles of DAG BFT, delves into practical implementation techniques, and lays the groundwork for future discussions about linear ordering within BlockDAG.
Dear BlockDAG community,
This week our engineers took a deep dive into the technical trenches of BlockDAG! Buckle up, because we've been busy bees solidifying the foundation for a blazing-fast and secure system. As promised, security was our top priority. We explored potential vulnerabilities and implemented robust safeguards to ensure BlockDAG's integrity. We understand your need for lightning-fast transactions. This week, we researched concurrency, performance optimization techniques, and how to empower developers with the tools they need to build speedy applications on BlockDAG. We've begun exploring the integration of UTXO and account-based models. We've been digging deep into the data structures, internal workings, and code behind these models to ensure a seamless integration.
"},{"order":1,"content":"$18a","title":"Account based model: Data structures "},{"order":2,"title":"Core Algorithm: Transaction Processing & Advantages","content":"$18b"},{"order":3,"content":"$18c","title":"Conclusion:"}],"title":"Dev Release 13","slug":"dev-release-13","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 13","metaDesc":"A quick recap of the week with more technical updates of today's work. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-19T15:30:44.022Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-19T16:46:32.705Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66213baeaf3d45fc595dc982","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Dear BlockDAG community,
This week, we've been intensely scrutinizing the intricacies of UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) implementation for our BlockDAG project. As seasoned developers, we understand the criticality of selecting the optimal data management approach for building a secure and efficient application on a DAG-based blockchain.
Please note this is our first ever dev releases being released, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
"},{"order":1,"title":"UTXO Data Structures","content":"$18d"},{"order":2,"content":"$18e","title":"UTXO Balance Calculation: Exploring Optimization Strategies"},{"order":3,"title":"Next Steps: Informed Decision for BlockDAG","content":"The choice between UTXO and account-based models hinges on our project's specific requirements. Scalability, transaction throughput, and desired privacy features will all play a role in our final decision. Stay tuned for the next update, where we'll delve into account-based models and the factors influencing our ultimate choice.
"}],"title":"Dev Release 12","slug":"dev-release-12","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 12","metaDesc":"After a hectic day here we are sharing the technical knowledge on UTXO model. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-18T15:26:38.631Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-19T15:53:02.958Z","__v":0},{"_id":"661fd719af3d45fc5956ada5","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"Dear BlockDAG community,
Following up on the previous update, we are pleased to report that we're on a right trajectory making significant progress on implementing a data management cluster to significantly improve data calculation speeds for the BlockDAG project.
Today, we had multiple in-depth discussions about the next steps involved in integrating the K-means clustering algorithm within the BlockDAG architecture. To provide a deeper understanding of the implementation choices - let's explore the technical aspects of UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) and Account-based models along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Please note this is our first ever dev releases being released, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
"},{"order":1,"title":"UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output):","content":"$18f"},{"order":2,"content":"$190","title":"Account-Based Model:"},{"order":3,"content":"The choice between UTXO and account-based models for the K-means implementation in GhostDAG depends on several factors, including:
Privacy requirements: If user privacy is a top priority, UTXO's strong privacy guarantees may be preferable.
Scalability considerations: For large-scale deployments, UTXO's simpler data structure might offer better scaling potential.
Transaction throughput needs: If high transaction throughput is crucial, an account-based model could be more efficient.
We'll delve deeper into how these models can be adapted for the K-means algorithm within the BlockDAG architecture in the next update. Stay tuned for further insights!
","title":"Stay tuned!"}],"title":"Dev Release 11 ","slug":"dev-release-11","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 11","metaDesc":"The next step defines the what is UTXO and account based modules along with the advantages and disadvantages associated. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-17T14:05:13.207Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-19T15:53:12.657Z","__v":0},{"_id":"661e84b75f355a57c50277ea","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"BlockDAG Developer Update: K-means Clustering for Efficient Data Handling
Hey BlockDAG community!
Following up on our previous announcements, we're excited to delve into the integration of K-means clustering within the BlockDAG project. K-means is a powerful unsupervised learning algorithm that excels at grouping similar data points together. This capability holds immense potential for optimizing various aspects of BlockDAG's functionality.
Please note this is our first ever dev releases being released, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
"},{"order":1,"title":"K-means in Action","content":"$191"},{"order":2,"title":"Next Steps: UTXO Account Model Integration","content":"$192"}],"title":"Dev Release 10","slug":"dev-release-10","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 10","metaDesc":"Today was a day of implementation, so here comes the post explaining today's development and next steps."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-16T14:01:27.543Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-16T14:34:20.040Z","__v":0},{"_id":"661d8c5d5f355a57c501db7e","user_id":"65a63af33a17c8568de75af0","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"BlockDAG Developer Update: GHOSTdag's Security Implications and Golang Implementation
Hey BlockDAG community,
Following up on our introduction to GHOSTdag, let's delve deeper into its security implications for our BlockDAG blockchain. While GHOSTdag offers exciting scalability benefits, security remains paramount.
Please note this is our first ever dev releases being released, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
"},{"order":1,"title":"Security Considerations:","content":"In addition to implementing GHOSTdag in Golang, we'll conduct thorough security testing to identify and address any potential weaknesses. We'll also be looking into advanced techniques like Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) to further enhance the security of our BlockDAG implementation.
Stay tuned for more updates as we prioritize the security of our blockchain while harnessing the power of GHOSTdag!
Happy coding starts!
"}],"title":"Dev Release 9","slug":"dev-release-9","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 9","metaDesc":"Following up on our introduction to GHOSTdag, let's delve deeper into its security implications for our BlockDAG blockchain."},"content":""},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-15T20:21:49.305Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-15T20:29:08.707Z","__v":0},{"_id":"661940835f355a57c50127d8","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"$194"},{"order":1,"title":"Roadmap Recap: A Technical Tour de Force","content":"We've thoroughly dissected the technical specifications of the GhostDAG algorithm. Now, the plot thickens! Our tech team has brainstormed various implementation possibilities, and next week, the real magic begins: on-chain implementation of GhostDAG.
This is a pivotal moment, folks! As we translate theory into code, get ready for updates.
"}],"title":"Dev Release 8","slug":"dev-release-8","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 8","metaDesc":"Jumping into the more technical terms today. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-12T14:09:07.503Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-12T16:03:13.566Z","__v":0},{"_id":"6618117f5f355a57c500d751","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"GhostDAG Internals: A Deep Dive from the Developers shoe!
We will soon be delving into code and deeper dev releases explaining our coding journey and
our latest dev release is a technical understanding of where we we currently stand for our community, which dives deep into the our system's inner workings and the algorithms that make will make it tick, enjoy!
Please note this is our first ever dev releases being released, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
Sharded Data Storage: We leverage data sharding to distribute information across multiple nodes. This parallelization allows for blazing-fast data access and retrieval.
Cryptographic Hashing: Every data piece gets a unique hash, guaranteeing data integrity and immutability. Any attempt to tamper results in a different hash, making it easy to detect.
BFT Consensus Mechanism: ghostDAG employs a Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism to ensure all nodes agree on transaction validity. This robust mechanism safeguards against fraud and upholds network integrity.
Weighted Directed Acyclic Graph (WDAG) Structure: Transactions are meticulously organized in a WDAG structure. Each transaction references previous ones, forming a tamper-proof chain of events.
The core algorithm revolves around a WDAG. Each node represents a data piece, and edges depict relationships between data points. The weight assigned to an edge signifies the confidence level in the validity of that connection.
When a new transaction arrives, the algorithm meticulously considers the following:
Validity Check: The transaction is rigorously checked against network rules to ensure it adheres to the protocol.
Conflict Detection: The algorithm meticulously examines the DAG for any potential conflicts with existing transactions.
Weighting: The weight of the new transaction is meticulously determined based on factors such as the reputation of the source node and the validity of its references.
Once these checks are complete, the new transaction is added to the DAG, with appropriate weights assigned to its edges. This ensures that the most reliable and trustworthy data receives the highest weightage within the network.
The ghostDAG team is actively innovating. We're exploring novel consensus mechanisms, advanced sharding techniques, and seamless integration with other blockchain ecosystems. We'll keep you in the loop on our progress. Stay tuned for more updates!
The BlockDAG Team
Today, after hours of continuous meetings and considering the core purpose of BlockDAG which is to provide users with maximum security and speed, developers have come to a conclusion that GhostDAG protocol is better in various factor. GhostDAG emerged as an efficient and secure alternative, offering substantial benefits.
Please note this is our first ever dev releases being released, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
"},{"order":1,"title":"What is GhostDAG?","content":"GhostDAG is a lightweight and efficient greedy algorithm that captures the core principles of PHANTOM. It avoids the computationally expensive aspects of the original protocol, making it much faster to implement.
"},{"order":2,"title":"Key Benefits of GhostDAG","content":"In essence, GhostDAG builds upon the PHANTOM consensus method by introducing a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure. This structure enables concurrent block confirmation, leading to significant improvements in transaction finality, scalability, and throughput – all while upholding security and stability.
"},{"order":3,"title":"Conclusion","content":"We are confident that GhostDAG represents a major step forward from the PHANTOM protocol. Stay tuned for further updates as we integrate GhostDAG and progress towards a more secure and efficient blockchain network.
"}],"title":"Dev Release 6","slug":"dev-release-6","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 6 ","metaDesc":" New learning brings new enhancements, so does this day. The end of this day brought closure to protocol conclusions. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-10T12:52:35.033Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-10T17:50:08.335Z","__v":0},{"_id":"6615622a5f355a57c5003af6","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"PHANTOM Protocol Integration – Here's Why We're Excited
Intro: Buckle in, everyone! Today's been a whirlwind of progress as we locked in a major decision: we're adopting the PHANTOM protocol. Get ready to discover the powerful advantages this shift unlocks for our project.
Please note this is our first ever dev releases being released, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
"},{"order":1,"title":"PHANTOM Power-Ups","content":"PHANTOM isn't just another protocol. It's a game-changer, and here's why:
It's not just about the protocol! Our team crafted a meticulous data flow diagram that puts user security and lightning-fast transactions at the core.
Get ready to see concepts turn into code as we integrate PHANTOM. Stay tuned for updates, demos, and maybe even a few surprises along the way.
"}],"slug":"dev-release-5","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 5","metaDesc":"Another exciting day passed with flying colors, team has achieved their PHANTOM R&D goals! "},"title":"Dev Release 5"},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-09T15:43:38.345Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-10T17:50:13.787Z","__v":0},{"_id":"66142d075f355a57c5ff72ce","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"As another productive week starts, we're excited to share the latest developments from our dynamic development team. This week has been a whirlwind of exploration and technical deep dives as we continue our journey towards building a robust and innovative platform.
Please note this is our first ever dev releases being released, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
","title":""},{"order":1,"content":"Following thorough evaluation, we're pleased to announce that our initial focus for BlockDAG's consensus mechanism will be on the PHANTOM protocol. This decision stems from a meticulous analysis considering factors such as scalability, security, and transaction finality guarantees.
","title":"Updates on consensus mechanism "},{"order":2,"title":"Network & Security","content":"Optimal network security demands a deep understanding of the underlying architecture. Thus, our development team immersed themselves in the intricacies of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks, Content-Addressable Networks (CANs), and Bitcoin's P2P implementation. This exploration equips us with crucial insights to design a secure and efficient communication infrastructure for BlockDAG.
Creation of Network:
In tandem with protocol selection, we've made significant strides in creating a robust network for BlockDAG. Leveraging our expertise, we've established a resilient network architecture that fosters seamless communication and enhances overall reliability.
Moreover, interoperability lies at the core of our vision. We're proud to announce that BlockDAG will feature advanced interoperability capabilities, enabling seamless interaction with other blockchain networks and traditional systems. This feature ensures that BlockDAG remains versatile and adaptable to the evolving landscape of decentralized technologies.
"},{"order":4,"content":"As we progress, we're committed to sharing further insights into our exploration of the PHANTOM protocol, network creation, and interoperability features. Our meticulous approach ensures the development of a groundbreaking consensus mechanism that will elevate the BlockDAG ecosystem to new heights.
Stay tuned for upcoming updates, and as always, we welcome any questions or feedback you may have.
Thank you for your unwavering support!
The BlockDAG Development Team
The week comes to an end and has been a whirlwind of exploration and technical deep dives for our development team. We're committed to building a robust and innovative platform, and this week was dedicated to thoroughly evaluating potential consensus mechanisms for BlockDAG.
Please note this is our first ever dev releases being released, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
","title":""},{"order":1,"content":"After careful consideration of various protocols, the team has chosen to focus its initial efforts on the PHANTOM protocol. This selection was based on a comprehensive analysis of factors such as scalability, security, and transaction finality guarantees.
","title":"Consensus Mechanism Selection:"},{"order":2,"content":"To ensure we're making the most informed decision, the team conducted a rigorous comparative analysis between PHANTOM, GhostDAG, and DAG Night. This analysis involved a detailed evaluation of each protocol's strengths and weaknesses in the context of BlockDAG's specific goals.
","title":"Comparative Analysis:"},{"order":3,"content":"Understanding the intricacies of the network layer is paramount to achieving optimal network security. In this vein, the development team delved into the inner workings of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks, Content-Addressable Networks (CANs), and specifically, Bitcoin's P2P implementation. This in-depth exploration equips us with the knowledge necessary to design a secure and efficient communication infrastructure for BlockDAG.
Going forward, we will be sharing further details about our exploration of the PHANTOM protocol and its potential integration into BlockDAG. We are confident that this meticulous approach will lead to the development of a groundbreaking consensus mechanism that empowers the BlockDAG ecosystem.
","title":"Network Security Enhancement:"},{"order":4,"content":"Stay tuned for further updates, and as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback you may have.
Thank you for your continued support!
The BlockDAG Development Team
","title":"Stay tuned team!"}],"title":"Dev Release 3","slug":"dev-release-3","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 3","metaDesc":"To the end of this week, let's dig into the achievements so far. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-05T14:02:23.087Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-10T17:50:23.844Z","__v":0},{"_id":"660ea6fd5f355a57c5fe3672","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"
Greetings everyone, and welcome to Dev Release #2! Our development team is working tirelessly to bring you the best possible blockDAG architecture.
Please note this is our first ever dev releases being released, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
","title":""},{"order":1,"content":"This update highlights their ongoing research into blockDAG protocols. The team is committed to finding the perfect balance between speed and security, ensuring a robust and efficient foundation for our project.
Their investigation has delved into various options, including:
Bitcoin protocol: The foundational protocol for many cryptocurrencies, offering a secure but potentially slower approach.
Phantom protocol: A promising alternative focused on speed and scalability.
Formal modal and statement logic: Exploring the use of formal logic for enhanced security and validation.
DAG client protocol: A protocol specifically designed for Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) systems, potentially offering a well-suited fit.
These are just a few of the options being considered. The development team is continuously evaluating new possibilities to ensure the best possible outcome.
We'll keep you updated on further progress as we solidify the blockDAG architecture. Stay tuned for the next Dev Release!
","title":"Stay tuned!"}],"slug":"dev-release-2","title":"Dev Release 2","seo":{"metaTitle":"Dev Release 2","metaDesc":"This update contains the technical background where the developers are deviling into. "}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-04T13:11:25.554Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-10T17:50:29.756Z","__v":0},{"_id":"660d64ab5f355a57c5fd8fe0","user_id":"660bdff75f355a57c5fcc26e","type":"dev-releases","attributes":{"boxContent":[{"order":0,"content":"We're thrilled to announce the first developer release for BlockDAG! This marks a significant milestone in our journey to revolutionize blockchain technology with the world's first DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) chain, poised to offer unparalleled security and transaction processing speed.
Please note this is our first ever dev release, they will become more comprehensive and in detail over the coming days and weeks! Bear with us!
"},{"order":1,"title":"Aligning Brilliant Minds for Groundbreaking Innovation","content":"A team of highly skilled developers has been assembled and is now delving deep into the intricacies of DAG technology. Their focus lies on thoroughly understanding core concepts like anticones, clusters and the internal workings of DAGs. This in-depth exploration forms the foundation for building a robust and secure blockchain infrastructure.
"},{"order":2,"title":"Demystifying the Architecture: Transparency for Our Community","content":"This week, the development team will be implementing the review comments given by the solution architecture to launch an optimised infra which in return will provide great speed to users. The architecture aims to provide clear insights into the internal data flow within the platform, fostering a deeper understanding for our developer community. User-friendliness will remain a core tenet throughout the development process.
"},{"order":3,"title":"Stay Tuned for More Updates","content":"This is just the beginning of an exciting journey. We'll be releasing regular updates to keep you informed of our progress. We encourage developers to actively participate in our community forums and provide valuable feedback. Together, we can shape the future of blockchain technology!
Regular updates daily!
We look forward to your continued support!
"}],"title":"Dev Release 1 ","slug":"dev-release-1","seo":{"metaTitle":"BlockDAG Developer Release: Pioneering Speed and Security in Blockchain Technology","metaDesc":"We're thrilled to announce the first developer release for BlockDAG! This marks a significant milestone in our journey to revolutionize blockchain technology with the world's first DAG chain."}},"lang":"en","createdAt":"2024-04-03T14:16:11.720Z","updatedAt":"2024-04-10T17:50:51.905Z","__v":0}]}]]