BlockDAG Dashboard v3




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Dev Release 22

Greetings BlockDAG community!

In today's technical post, we'll explore the implementation of Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) within a BlockDAG project. Integrating RPCs into a BlockDAG system is crucial for enabling external interactions and providing a seamless user experience.

Let's understand why do we want to implement RPC in BlockDAG project

Integrating RPCs into a BlockDAG project facilitates external communication with the node or network, enabling functionalities such as:

  1. Querying node status
  2. Submitting transactions
  3. Retrieving block and transaction data
  4. Managing network connections
  5. Monitoring system health

RPCs abstract the complexities of direct network communication, providing a convenient interface for developers and external applications to interact with the BlockDAG network.

Let's understand an example implementation of Remote procedure calls:
// Client-side RPC invocation

function rpc_call(server_address, procedure_name, args):    
data = serialize(args)  // Serialize arguments    
send_data_to_server(server_address, procedure_name, data)  // Transmit data to server    
response = receive_data_from_server(server_address)  // Receive response from server    
result = deserialize(response)  // Deserialize response    
return result

// Server-side RPC handling

function rpc_handle(procedure_name, handler_function):    
register_procedure(procedure_name, handler_function)  // Register procedure with handler    
while true:        
           request = wait_for_incoming_request()  // Wait for incoming request        
           args = deserialize(  // Deserialize request arguments        
           result = handler_function(args)  // Execute handler function with arguments        
           response = serialize(result)  // Serialize result        
           send_response_to_client(request.client_address, response)  // Send response back to client

In this continuation of our exploration into Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) within a BlockDAG project, let's delve into how RPCs facilitates modules of blockchain

Generic RPC methods

Now let's understand few generic RPC methods that will help us in implementing this functionality into blockchain:
1. getBalance(address)
Retrieves the balance associated with a given account or address on the blockchain.

FUNCTION getBalance(address)    
           balance = QUERY_BALANCE(address)    
           RETURN balance

2. sendTransaction(sender, recipient, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice)
Used to initiate and broadcast a transaction from one account to another, transferring digital assets.

FUNCTION sendTransaction(sender, recipient, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice)   
         transaction = CREATE_TRANSACTION(sender, recipient, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice)    
         transactionHash = BROADCAST_TRANSACTION(transaction)    
         RETURN transactionHash

3. getBlock(blockNumber)
Retrieves details about a specific block on the blockchain.

FUNCTION getBlock(blockNumber)   
       blockData = QUERY_BLOCK(blockNumber)  
       RETURN blockData


4. getTransaction(transactionHash)
Fetches detailed information about a specific transaction using its unique transaction hash.

FUNCTION getTransaction(transactionHash)  

      transactionDetails = QUERY_TRANSACTION(transactionHash)    

      RETURN transactionDetails


5. callSmartContractMethod(contractAddress, methodName, args)
Enables interaction with smart contracts deployed on the blockchain by executing specific functions within the contract.

FUNCTION callSmartContractMethod(contractAddress, methodName, args)    

        methodResult = INVOKE_SMART_CONTRACT_METHOD(contractAddress, methodName, args)   

        RETURN methodResult

Conclusion & stay tuned!

RPC methods are crucial for interacting with blockchain networks, offering functionalities like querying balances, sending transactions, fetching block and transaction details, and executing smart contract methods. Implementing these methods algorithmically facilitates seamless integration of blockchain technology into various applications and use cases.

Stay tuned for further insights and advanced techniques in BlockDAG development, smart contract integration, and decentralized application (dApp) deployment!

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