BlockDAG Dashboard v3




Connect Wallet

Dev Release 94

Greeting BlockDAG Community,

Today's Update on the BlockDAG X1 Mobile Application and Explorer
Sprint Planning and Review
Today was a very hectic day as we planned out the complete sprint and reviewed the previous one. With the next release of the mobile application scheduled in the coming two weeks, the team is fully engaged in ensuring a smooth rollout.
Password Functionality Implementation:
One of the key features we are currently working on is the new password functionality. This feature is critical for enhancing security and providing users with more control over their accounts. Implementing password functionality involves several considerations, especially for existing users who previously relied on OTP-based authentication.

  • Edge Cases: We are addressing scenarios such as forgotten passwords, password reset requests, and ensuring that the transition from OTP to password-based authentication is seamless for all users. This includes verifying identity through email or secondary contact methods and securely storing and encrypting passwords to prevent unauthorized access.
  • User Experience: We’ve also put in significant effort to improve the UI/UX for this functionality. The color scheme has been coordinated to make the options more intuitive, and critical actions like password reset and change have been highlighted for better visibility.

Deep Linking:
In parallel, another team member is working on deep linking, a feature that allows users to navigate directly to specific pages or sections within the app from external links. Deep linking enhances the user experience by providing a more seamless interaction with the app, especially when accessed from emails, social media, or other external sources. It helps in driving user engagement and can significantly improve the flow of app usage.

Reward Script Execution:
We also ran the reward script today to remove rewards from users who were using fake numbers or VoIP numbers. This step ensures that the reward system remains fair and that only genuine users benefit from the incentives.

Apple Submission Update:
Additionally, we resubmitted the application to Apple after addressing their query related to the privacy policy. We’re currently awaiting their feedback, as the application remains under review.

BlockDAG Explorer Update

The BlockDAG explorer team has made substantial progress on UTXO transactions. The dashboard for the UTXO explorer is almost complete and is currently undergoing testing with the QA team. Here's a sneak peek into the UTXO dashboard:

The data will be changed inside recent blocks and transactions. Similarly will be the case of blocks and transactions page. 

Next up, the team will begin working on the UTXO blocks page, which will be a crucial component of the explorer.

  • UTXO Blocks Page: This page will provide users with a comprehensive overview of all blocks within the UTXO system. Each block will display detailed information such as:
  • Block Height: The block’s position in the blockchain, providing users with an understanding of where the block fits within the overall chain.
  • Timestamp: When the block was mined or added to the chain, allowing users to track the chronology of transactions.
  • Transaction Count: The number of transactions contained within the block, giving users insight into the activity level at that point in time.
  • Hash: The unique identifier for the block, ensuring its authenticity and security within the blockchain.
  • Previous Block Hash: Linking each block to its predecessor, maintaining the integrity of the blockchain structure.

Users will be able to drill down into each block to view individual transactions, see the transfer of assets, and explore detailed transaction histories. This page will offer a user-friendly and detailed view of the blockchain's state, making it easier for users to navigate and understand the complexities of the UTXO system.
Stay tuned for more updates!

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